List Elements

Need to loop through a comma delimited list and out put
groups of 5 elements(records from the list) untill the end of the
list which ever is greater.
Really not working for me

<cfloop list=""...> to loop over the list.
A counter to count each iteration.
An if statement that uses counter MOD 5 to determine when to
break the
the output.
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(list))#" index="listItem"
Output the five list elements starting with the listItem
index using
listGetAt() functionality.
I'm sure there are other ways if one where to conjure on the
topic for a

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    Unable to perform the action due to the following reasons:
    [+] Unable to retrieve search results. Unable to retrieve search results. Unable to create result set for query 'SELECT IdcColl2.dID, dDocName, dDocTitle, dDocType, dRevisionID, dSecurityGroup, dDocAuthor, dDocAccount, dRevLabel, dFormat, dOriginalName, dExtension, dWebExtension, dInDate, dOutDate, dCreateDate, dPublishType, dRendition1, dRendition2, VaultFileSize, WebFileSize, URL, dFullTextFormat, dFullTextCharset, DocMeta.* FROM IdcColl2, DocMeta WHERE IdcColl2.dID=DocMeta.dID AND (((((( xCollectionID >= 14 AND xCollectionID <= 14 ) AND NOT ( (CONTAINS(xDontShowInListsForWebsites, '{DIPP_Sample}') > 0) )))))) ORDER BY dDocTitle desc'. ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-10599: column is not indexed
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    Include the xDontShowInListsForWebsites also from the zone filed and then update it.Then test it out.
    Hope it helps

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    I have a problem.
    I need to get the current list element lable
    for example
    the emp_list displays the employee_name and return the employee_id
    I need the following:
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    Try out the get_list_element_label built-in function.....
    Find info in the on-line help.....

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    The issue is however, that in some cases every column in the
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    As ColdFusion ignores empty list elements I cannot accurately
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    I'm curious how others get around this issue.

    ckbentdesigns wrote:
    > As ColdFusion ignores empty list elements
    Yes, most list functions ignore empty elements. If you are
    using CF8, try the listToArray function. It has a new attribute
    Otherwise, there are several solutions. I listed a few of
    them in this thread. Though there are others. You should google
    something like:
    ColdFusion csv Files Empty List Elements to see other
    options and the +/- of each.

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    You are not making a remote call. Take a look at java RMI for more  info:
    You can do it using a change listener.
    Take a look at this thread:
    Change your class name (Menu ).  There is already  a menu control:  

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    Hi Madhvika,
    If the text is a static test, you can change it without any code.
    If the text of the label/button is bound to a context attribute (dynamically set)- then you will need write some code in pre, post or overwrite methods based on your requirement.
    Check the below links:

  • Element ISA12 is a coded list element. Code '00502' is not allowed.

    Hi B2B gurus,
    While our trading partner is sending 810 and 856, we are getting the below error
    Machine Info: (
    Element ISA12 is a coded list element. Code '00502' is not allowed. Segment ISA is defined in the guideline at position 010.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: 1{br}{tab}Element Position: 12{br}{tab}Characters: 84 through 89
    Please help me in resolving this.

    Hi Anuj,
    Sorry to send you the complete error. Please find below...
    Machine Info: (
    Element ISA12 is a coded list element. Code '00502' is not allowed. Segment ISA is defined in the guideline at position 010.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: 1{br}{tab}Element Position: 12{br}{tab}Characters: 712 through 717
    Error Brief :
    5019: An invalid code value was encountered.
    5019: An invalid code value was encountered.
    iAudit Report :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><AnalyzerResults Guid="{44E84E06-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" InterchangeReceived="2" InterchangeProcessed="2" InterchangeAccepted="0"> <ExecutionDate>Thursday, August 13, 2009</ExecutionDate> <ExecutionTime>01:53:51 PM (GMT+6)</ExecutionTime> <AnalyzerReturn>Failed</AnalyzerReturn> <NumberOfErrors>2</NumberOfErrors> <ErrorByCategory> <Category Name="Rejecting"> <Severity Name="Normal">2</Severity> </Category> </ErrorByCategory> <Status>Finished</Status> <DataFile> <FilePath/> <FileName/> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <DataURL>file://</DataURL> </DataFile> <Interchange Guid="{5EE55006-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" InterchangeAckCode="R" FunctionalGroupReceived="1" FunctionalGroupProcessed="1" FunctionalGroupAccepted="0" RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>0</StartPos> <Size>628</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="InterchangeSenderQual">01</Link> <Link Name="InterchangeSenderID">042653634 </Link> <Link Name="InterchangeReceiverQual">ZZ</Link> <Link Name="InterchangeReceiverID">EMR </Link> <Link Name="InterchangeControlVersion">00502</Link> <Link Name="Standard">X12</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="InterchangeAuthorizationInfoQual">00</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeAuthorizationInfo"> </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSecurityInfoQual">00</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSecurityInfo"> </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSenderQual">01</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSenderID">042653634 </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeReceiverQual">ZZ</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeReceiverID">EMR </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeDate">090813</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeTime">1456</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlStandard_RepeatingSeparator">&lt;</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlVersion">00502</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlNumber">000000127</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeAckRequested">0</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeUsageIndicator">T</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeComponentElementSep">0x3e</Property> <Property Name="DecimalSeparator"/> <Property Name="ElementDelimiter">0x2a</Property> <Property Name="ReleaseCharacter"/> <Property Name="RepeatingSeparator">0x3c</Property> <Property Name="SegmentDelimiter">0x7e</Property> <Property Name="SubelementDelimiter">0x3e</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeChildCount">1</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeTrailerControlNumber">000000127</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> <FunctionalGroup Guid="{9A175106-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" FunctionalGroupAckCode="R" TransactionSetsIncluded="1" TransactionSetsReceived="1" TransactionSetsProcessed="1" TransactionSetsAccepted="0" RError="0" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>106</StartPos> <Size>506</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="GroupSenderID">EMR</Link> <Link Name="GroupReceiverID">042653634</Link> <Link Name="GroupVersionNumber">005020</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="GroupID">IN</Property> <Property Name="GroupSenderID">EMR</Property> <Property Name="GroupReceiverID">042653634</Property> <Property Name="GroupDate">20090813</Property> <Property Name="GroupTime">1456</Property> <Property Name="GroupControlNumber">3</Property> <Property Name="GroupAgencyCode">X</Property> <Property Name="GroupVersionNumber">005020</Property> <Property Name="GroupChildCount">1</Property> <Property Name="GroupTrailerControlNumber">3</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> <Transaction Guid="{302C5106-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" TransactionAckCode="R" RError="0" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>151</StartPos> <Size>454</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="TransactionID">810</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="TransactionID">810</Property> <Property Name="TransactionControlNumber">0003</Property> <Property Name="TransactionImplementationReference"/> <Property Name="TransactionChildCount">20</Property> <Property Name="TransactionTrailerControlNumber">0003</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> </Transaction> </FunctionalGroup> <InterchangeErrors> <Segment RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <SummaryGuidelineInfo> <IID>6</IID> <ID>ISA</ID> <Sequence>010</Sequence> </SummaryGuidelineInfo> <DataInfo> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>0</StartPos> <Size>105</Size> </DataXPointer> <DataPosition>1</DataPosition> </DataInfo> <SegmentErrors> <Element RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <SummaryGuidelineInfo> <IID>57</IID> <ID>I11</ID> <Sequence>12</Sequence> </SummaryGuidelineInfo> <DataInfo> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>84</StartPos> <Size>5</Size> </DataXPointer> <DataPosition>12</DataPosition> </DataInfo> <ElementErrors> <Error ErrorCode="{2EC924B8-E4FD-4BB7-9CC0-DF752DAED95F}" Severity="Normal" Category="Rejecting" Index="1" ID="50191000"> <ErrorBrief>5019: An invalid code value was encountered.</ErrorBrief> <ErrorMsg>Element ISA12 is a coded list element. Code &apos;00502&apos; is not allowed. Segment ISA is defined in the guideline at position 010.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: 1{br}{tab}Element Position: 12{br}{tab}Characters: 84 through 89</ErrorMsg> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>57</IID> <ID>I11</ID> <Name>INTERCHANGE CONTROL VERSION NUMBER</Name> <Sequence>12</Sequence> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <UsrRequirement>Must Use</UsrRequirement> <Excluded>0</Excluded> <MaxUse>1</MaxUse> <DataType>ID</DataType> <MinSize>5</MinSize> <MaxSize>5</MaxSize> </DetailGuidelineInfo> <ErrorObjectInfo> <Parameter Name="CodeList">
    </Parameter> <Parameter Name="DataType">ID</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ErrorLevel">2</Parameter> <Parameter Name="Name">EDIDataTypeX12</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_CaseID">10</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_dn_guid_">{5EE55006-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_index">0</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_last_known_data_offset">89</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_node_id_">14</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_size_">5</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_start_pos_">84</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_DataPath">ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*00502*000000127*0*T*&gt;00502</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_ElementCount">12</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_PrevDataPath">ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*00502*000000127*0*T*&gt;&lt;</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_SegmentCount">1</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_SubElementCount">0</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_error_scope">Interchange</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_group_code">1</Parameter> </ErrorObjectInfo> <ErrorDataInfo> <Part1>ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*</Part1> <ErrData>00502</ErrData> <Part3>*000000127*0*T*&gt;</Part3> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>84</StartPos> <Size>5</Size> </DataXPointer> </ErrorDataInfo> </Error> </ElementErrors> </Element> </SegmentErrors> </Segment> </InterchangeErrors> </Interchange> <Interchange Guid="{9A7F5206-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" InterchangeAckCode="R" FunctionalGroupReceived="1" FunctionalGroupProcessed="1" FunctionalGroupAccepted="0" RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>628</StartPos> <Size>633</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="InterchangeSenderQual">01</Link> <Link Name="InterchangeSenderID">042653634 </Link> <Link Name="InterchangeReceiverQual">ZZ</Link> <Link Name="InterchangeReceiverID">EMR </Link> <Link Name="InterchangeControlVersion">00502</Link> <Link Name="Standard">X12</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="InterchangeAuthorizationInfoQual">00</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeAuthorizationInfo"> </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSecurityInfoQual">00</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSecurityInfo"> </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSenderQual">01</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeSenderID">042653634 </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeReceiverQual">ZZ</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeReceiverID">EMR </Property> <Property Name="InterchangeDate">090813</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeTime">1456</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlStandard_RepeatingSeparator">&lt;</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlVersion">00502</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeControlNumber">000000128</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeAckRequested">0</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeUsageIndicator">T</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeComponentElementSep">0x3e</Property> <Property Name="DecimalSeparator"/> <Property Name="ElementDelimiter">0x2a</Property> <Property Name="ReleaseCharacter"/> <Property Name="RepeatingSeparator">0x3c</Property> <Property Name="SegmentDelimiter">0x7e</Property> <Property Name="SubelementDelimiter">0x3e</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeChildCount">1</Property> <Property Name="InterchangeTrailerControlNumber">000000128</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> <FunctionalGroup Guid="{E2AF5206-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" FunctionalGroupAckCode="R" TransactionSetsIncluded="1" TransactionSetsReceived="1" TransactionSetsProcessed="1" TransactionSetsAccepted="0" RError="0" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>734</StartPos> <Size>511</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="GroupSenderID">EMR</Link> <Link Name="GroupReceiverID">042653634</Link> <Link Name="GroupVersionNumber">005020</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="GroupID">SH</Property> <Property Name="GroupSenderID">EMR</Property> <Property Name="GroupReceiverID">042653634</Property> <Property Name="GroupDate">20090813</Property> <Property Name="GroupTime">1456</Property> <Property Name="GroupControlNumber">2</Property> <Property Name="GroupAgencyCode">X</Property> <Property Name="GroupVersionNumber">005020</Property> <Property Name="GroupChildCount">1</Property> <Property Name="GroupTrailerControlNumber">2</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> <Transaction Guid="{14C45206-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}" TransactionAckCode="R" RError="0" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>779</StartPos> <Size>459</Size> </DataXPointer> <GuidelineInfo> <GuidelineFile> <FilePath>ByteStream</FilePath> <FileName>ByteStream</FileName> <LastModified/> <FileSize/> <GuidelineURL>file://ByteStream</GuidelineURL> </GuidelineFile> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>4</IID> <ID>ES</ID> <Name>ENVELOPE SEGMENTS</Name> <Standard>X12</Standard> <StdVersion>SERVICE SEGMENTS</StdVersion> </DetailGuidelineInfo> </GuidelineInfo> <NodeInfo> <Links> <Link Name="TransactionID">856</Link> </Links> <Properties> <Property Name="TransactionID">856</Property> <Property Name="TransactionControlNumber">0002</Property> <Property Name="TransactionImplementationReference"/> <Property Name="TransactionChildCount">21</Property> <Property Name="TransactionTrailerControlNumber">0002</Property> </Properties> </NodeInfo> </Transaction> </FunctionalGroup> <InterchangeErrors> <Segment RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <SummaryGuidelineInfo> <IID>6</IID> <ID>ISA</ID> <Sequence>010</Sequence> </SummaryGuidelineInfo> <DataInfo> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>628</StartPos> <Size>105</Size> </DataXPointer> <DataPosition>1</DataPosition> </DataInfo> <SegmentErrors> <Element RError="1" NError="0" OtherWI="0"> <SummaryGuidelineInfo> <IID>57</IID> <ID>I11</ID> <Sequence>12</Sequence> </SummaryGuidelineInfo> <DataInfo> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>712</StartPos> <Size>5</Size> </DataXPointer> <DataPosition>12</DataPosition> </DataInfo> <ElementErrors> <Error ErrorCode="{2EC924B8-E4FD-4BB7-9CC0-DF752DAED95F}" Severity="Normal" Category="Rejecting" Index="2" ID="50191000"> <ErrorBrief>5019: An invalid code value was encountered.</ErrorBrief> <ErrorMsg>Element ISA12 is a coded list element. Code &apos;00502&apos; is not allowed. Segment ISA is defined in the guideline at position 010.{br}{br}This error was detected at:{br}{tab}Segment Count: 1{br}{tab}Element Position: 12{br}{tab}Characters: 712 through 717</ErrorMsg> <DetailGuidelineInfo> <IID>57</IID> <ID>I11</ID> <Name>INTERCHANGE CONTROL VERSION NUMBER</Name> <Sequence>12</Sequence> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <UsrRequirement>Must Use</UsrRequirement> <Excluded>0</Excluded> <MaxUse>1</MaxUse> <DataType>ID</DataType> <MinSize>5</MinSize> <MaxSize>5</MaxSize> </DetailGuidelineInfo> <ErrorObjectInfo> <Parameter Name="CodeList">
    </Parameter> <Parameter Name="DataType">ID</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ErrorLevel">2</Parameter> <Parameter Name="Name">EDIDataTypeX12</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_CaseID">10</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_dn_guid_">{9A7F5206-4388-DE11-9B99-00144F6F2EA2}</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_index">1</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_last_known_data_offset">717</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_node_id_">14</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_size_">5</Parameter> <Parameter Name="_ec_start_pos_">712</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_DataPath">ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*00502*000000128*0*T*&gt;00502</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_ElementCount">12</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_PrevDataPath">ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*00502*000000128*0*T*&gt;&lt;</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_SegmentCount">1</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_SubElementCount">0</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_error_scope">Interchange</Parameter> <Parameter Name="ec_group_code">1</Parameter> </ErrorObjectInfo> <ErrorDataInfo> <Part1>ISA*00* *00* *01*042653634 ZZEMR *090813*1456*&lt;*</Part1> <ErrData>00502</ErrData> <Part3>*000000128*0*T*&gt;</Part3> <DataXPointer> <StartPos>712</StartPos> <Size>5</Size> </DataXPointer> </ErrorDataInfo> </Error> </ElementErrors> </Element> </SegmentErrors> </Segment> </InterchangeErrors> </Interchange></AnalyzerResults>

  • Using a Site Studio 10R4 Dynamic List Element Definition

    Hi All,
    I've created and can use a Static List Element Definition > Region Definition > Region Template with no problems based off of the 10gR4 samples.
    However, there is no example that I've found to utilise the Element Definition of a Dynamic List. I'm attempting to use the same sample code as provided for a Static List but having no luck displaying the results of the query...
    Does anyone have some sample code used in a Region Template or Sub Template to show how we use a Dynamic List Element Definition please?
    I noted from another thread in this forum that there are some iDoc calls to make which load the query defined in the Element Definition... I can't find any documentation regarding this either.
    Edited by: user615721 on May 4, 2009 10:08 AM
    Edited by: user615721 on May 4, 2009 10:09 AM

    Found my answer in another thread, here... Re: Using a Site Studio 10R4 Dynamic List Element Definition
    'For 10gR4 Site Studio you can get examples and even a video talking about making dyanmic lists from here:'
    Edited by: user615721 on May 4, 2009 10:25 AM
    Edited by: user615721 on May 4, 2009 10:25 AM

  • How to add list-elements for DropDownListBox

    It would be of great help if anybody suggests any proper reference material to go through the method of Adding list-elements for DropDownBoxList.
    I tried searching in BusinessCenter but in vain.

    The easiest way to achieve this is to use standard GDT code lists that include values already.
    As the GDT catalog includes about 15000 pages, you most probably will find a fitting data type there.
    If not, then you can define your own code lists by adding content to your business configuration.
    This is part of the Bonus Mgmt tutorial.
    Best regards

  • FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.

    i have a list_item with name NOMBRE and in a NEW_FORM_INSTANCE trigger i have the following pl/sql block to populate it:
         grp_producto recordgroup := find_group('RECORD_PRODUCTO');
         lst_item item := find_item('PRODUCTO.NOMBRE');
         status number;
         status := populate_group(grp_producto);
    when i run the form, this message appear
    FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
    List NOMBRE
    and the list appear without elements
    ...can somebody explain me the solution or if i have to do another thing to populate the list?

    Hi Duncan!
    i rewrote the manually code and agregate the clear_list function that i think you refer with "Make sure that the block is empty before you do this". This work the first time but in the next time a change that i do in the database isn't reflected in the list, i think that my cursor mantain the old information, well, can you indicate me some way to clear the cursor or something similar? or explain me another solution?
    thanks so much!
    nombre_producto soportebwv2.producto.nombre%type;
    lst_item item;
    i number:=1;
    CURSOR cur IS
    select nombre
    from soportebwv2.producto;
    lst_item:= find_item('PRODUCTO.NOMBRE');
    open cur;
    fetch cur into nombre_producto;
    exit when cur%NOTFOUND;
    add_list_element(lst_item, i, nombre_producto, nombre_producto);
    end loop;
    close cur;

  • No list elements defined for list item.

    hi master
    when i use list item and run then give this error
    FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
    Created form file MODULE1.fmx

    Try posting your question to Forms

  • Javascript error after last sharepoint 2013 update : unable share single list element

    After yesterday update of SharePoint 2013 using Windows update we receive a JavaScript error when we try to share a single list element. Our IE is Italian the error is "Properties or field not inizialized"
    This is the user interface "hanged" and wait ....
    The problem not exist if we share an entire list or website.
    LSo Lorenzo Soncini Trento TN - Italy

    Hi Lorenzo,
    Glad that you solved the issue and thanks for sharing, this will benefit others who have similar issue.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • List : Element Height , Textfield : Set Focus

    I am develping an application using Http connection. Where i use a List item to display options to be selected.
    My problem is the elements displayed in List are very close to each other and i would like to give space between them. Perhaps a line to seperate the list elements ( I tried \n)
    And another problem i face that, I like to set Keypad focus to a particular textfield in the form of 3 text fields
    Can any one help to achive these?

    Thanks. The DataGrid looks very nice compared to the standard List item comes in MIDP. I plan to use this :)
    I dont find setCurrentItem(Item) ; could you explain ?
    My objective is to create a mobile version of a web application.
    Sort of Meeting organizer. where I need to select a meeting from a list and update few fields of the meeting
    Database : SQL Server
    WebServer : Tomcat where i run servlets to communicate with the database
    The Servlet sends a delimited (:) text as output. Then the phone displays them as a list or in text boxes.
    Have any idea about doing this better? and easy? perhaps xml , web services i find complex to maintain and install

  • Can i add list element at runtime by cursor.

    Dear all.
    I' ve 1 text item. and 1 list element. when user insert "user id", element is vary by "user id".
    user id / work center A01 / 11 , 12
    user id / work center A02 / 11 , 12 , 13
    user id / work center B01 / 11 , 13 , 21, 22
    cursor lst_wc_cur is
    select Work_Center WC
    from user_work_center
    where Work_Center = user_id;
    wc_cur lst_wc_cur%ROWTYPE;
    open lst_wc_cur
    fetch lst_wc_cur into wc_cur;
    exit when lst_wc_cur%NOTFOUND;
    add_list_element ('BLK_USR.LST_WC',1,wc_cur.WC,wc_cur.WC);
    end loop;
    close lst_wc_cur;
    Thank you very much.
    Message was edited by:

    Dear all pls. help me
    rg_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'WC_Range';
    rg_id RecordGroup;
    v_recsql VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_status NUMBER;
    v_user_id VARCHAR2(10) := v_user_id;
    v_recsql := 'select Work_Center WC '
    ||'from user_work_center '
    ||' where Work_Center = '||v_user_id;
    rg_id := Find_Group( rg_name );
    IF Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
    rg_id := Create_Group_From_Query( rg_name, v_recsql);
    END IF;
    I'm cannot populate list from my program. what i'm wrong .. ??? Pls
    < And I've 'WC_Range' at "Record Groups" >

  • Capslock-Delete on list element

    When I have the Caps Lock key on, Delete key (of the
    keyboard) doesn't work (FRM-41000) on list element,
    only if the Caps Lock's off I can use the Del key.
    Backspace key works in both cases. Settings problem or
    Forms' problem? Any solution? Thanks in advance.

    Please any ideas?

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