List of PURCHASE Requisitions..?

Hi guru's
Can anybody explain me , how to get
1.List of pending PR for release (Only pending list).
2.List of pending for create PO (Released , pending for Create PO).

In the Dynamic selection you can select fields like
Release indicator,
Release status
Release Strategy
Overall req. rel.
Incomplete etc...
and you will get report accordingly.

Similar Messages

  • Report on list of purchase requisitions and related POs..

    I have a requirement to generate a simple abap report to display a list of purchase requisitions and its related POs. If my understanding is correct, for a single purchase requisition, multiple POs can exist, right ? Can someone help me with the select query for this ? also can you let me know typically what can be the basic fields displayd in such a report ?
    I need to understand the relationship between the tables involved for pur req and Pur orders.

    Hi check this code... to get PO and PR related to SO..
    REPORT z_so_info.
    TABLES: vbak, vbap, afko, afpo.
    *Field catalog
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    DATA: lv_repid TYPE sy-repid VALUE sy-repid,
    xfield TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    afield TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(25) text-002.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_so FOR vbak-vbeln OBLIGATORY.
    p_kunnr LIKE vbak-kunnr, " sold-to
    p_kunwe LIKE vbak-kunnr. " ship-to
    CONSTANTS: c_zor TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZOR',
    c_we TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'WE',
    c_ag TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'AG'.
    c_space TYPE space.
    RANGES: ra_parvw FOR vbpa-parvw,
    ra_kunnr FOR vbpa-kunnr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_output OCCURS 0,
    vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln, " sales order number
    posnr LIKE vbap-posnr, " SO item number
    matnr LIKE vbap-matnr, " material number
    sh LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Ship-to
    sp LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Sold-to
    lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr, " Vendor
    bstnk LIKE vbak-bstnk, " PO number
    banfn LIKE vbep-banfn, " Purchase requi
    po_st TYPE char30, " PO status text
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv, " Item catagory
    aufnr LIKE afpo-aufnr, " Production Order
    prd_stat TYPE string, " Prd order status
    END OF gt_output.
    DATA: wa_output LIKE gt_output.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_output> LIKE gt_output.
    *Table for sales order and PO
    TYPES : BEGIN OF gs_data,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv,
    matnr TYPE vbap-matnr,
    END OF gs_data.
    DATA: gt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_data,
    wa_data TYPE gs_data.
    *Table for Production Orders
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_prd,
    aufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
    posnr TYPE afpo-posnr,
    kdauf TYPE afpo-kdauf,
    kdpos TYPE afpo-kdpos,
    wepos TYPE afpo-wepos, "Goods Receipt Indicator
    elikz TYPE afpo-elikz, "Delivery Completed Indicator
    objnr TYPE aufk-objnr, "Object number
    getri TYPE afko-getri, "Confirmed Order Finish Date
    gltri TYPE afko-gltri, "Actual finish date
    END OF gs_prd.
    DATA: gt_prd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_prd,
    wa_prd TYPE gs_prd.
    *Table for partner data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_partner,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    parvw TYPE vbpa-parvw,
    kunnr TYPE vbpa-kunnr,
    END OF gs_partner.
    DATA: gt_partner TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_partner,
    wa_partner TYPE gs_partner.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po,
    ebeln TYPE ekkn-ebeln,
    ebelp TYPE ekkn-ebelp,
    vbeln TYPE ekkn-vbeln,
    vbelp TYPE ekkn-vbelp,
    END OF gs_po.
    wa_po TYPE gs_po.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_preq,
    vbeln TYPE vbep-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbep-posnr,
    banfn TYPE vbep-banfn,
    END OF gs_preq.
    DATA: gt_preq TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_preq,
    wa_preq TYPE gs_preq.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po_stat,
    ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
    procstat TYPE ekko-procstat,
    lifnr TYPE ekko-lifnr,
    END OF gs_po_stat.
    DATA: gt_po_stat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_po_stat,
    wa_po_stat TYPE gs_po_stat.
    *Field symbols
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_temp> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_stat> TYPE char30.
    PERFORM fr_build_range.
    PERFORM fr_get_data.
    PERFORM fr_build_fc.
    PERFORM fr_output.
    *& Form fr_get_data
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_get_data.
    *Get SO
    SELECT avbeln aposnr apstyv amatnr
    FROM vbap AS a
    JOIN vbak AS b
    ON avbeln = bvbeln
    JOIN vbpa AS c
    ON bvbeln = cvbeln
    INTO TABLE gt_data
    WHERE b~vbeln IN so_so
    AND b~auart EQ c_zor "Only Sales Orders
    AND c~kunnr IN ra_kunnr. "from selection screen
    *get data of the production order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aaufnr aposnr akdauf akdpos awepos aelikz
    FROM afpo AS a
    JOIN aufk AS b
    ON aaufnr = baufnr
    INTO TABLE gt_prd
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE a~kdauf EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND a~kdpos EQ gt_data-posnr.
    *Get partner data
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT vbeln posnr parvw kunnr
    FROM vbpa
    INTO TABLE gt_partner
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln.
    *Get Purchase Order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln ebelp vbeln vbelp
    FROM ekkn
    INTO TABLE gt_po
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND vbelp EQ gt_data-posnr.
    SELECT vbeln posnr banfn
    FROM vbep
    INTO TABLE gt_preq
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND posnr EQ gt_data-posnr.
    IF NOT gt_po[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aebeln aprocstat a~lifnr
    FROM ekko AS a
    JOIN ekpo AS b
    ON aebeln = bebeln
    INTO TABLE gt_po_stat
    WHERE b~ebeln EQ gt_po-ebeln
    AND b~ebelp EQ gt_po-ebelp.
    *Move data to output table
    LOOP AT gt_data INTO wa_data.
    wa_output-vbeln = wa_data-vbeln.
    wa_output-posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    wa_output-pstyv = wa_data-pstyv.
    wa_output-matnr = wa_data-matnr.
    READ TABLE gt_po INTO wa_po WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    vbelp = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-bstnk = wa_po-ebeln.
    READ TABLE gt_po_stat INTO wa_po_stat WITH KEY ebeln = wa_po-ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-lifnr = wa_po_stat-lifnr.
    CASE wa_po_stat-procstat.
    WHEN '01'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Version in process'.
    WHEN '02'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Active'.
    WHEN '03'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'In release'.
    WHEN '04'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Partially released'.
    WHEN '05'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Released Completely'.
    WHEN '08'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Rejected'.
    ENDIF. "inner read subrc
    ENDIF. "outer read subrc
    READ TABLE gt_preq INTO wa_preq WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-banfn = wa_preq-banfn.
    READ TABLE gt_prd INTO wa_prd WITH KEY kdauf = wa_data-vbeln
    kdpos = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-aufnr = wa_prd-aufnr.
    *get the purchase requisition for production order as well
    FROM ebkn
    INTO wa_output-banfn
    WHERE aufnr EQ wa_prd-aufnr.
    *Get the status of the production order
    PERFORM fr_get_prd_stat USING wa_prd-objnr
    CHANGING wa_output-prd_stat.
    ENDIF. " sy-subrc
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_we.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sh = wa_partner-kunnr.
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_ag.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sp = wa_partner-kunnr.
    APPEND wa_output TO gt_output.
    CLEAR: wa_data, wa_prd,wa_partner,wa_output.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_data
    *& Form fr_build_range
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_range .
    *Range for partner function
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SH' TO ra_parvw-low. " we
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SP' TO ra_parvw-low. " ag
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    *Range for ship-to and sold-to
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunnr TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunwe TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_range
    *& Form fr_build_fc
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_fc .
    sales order number
    afield-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sales #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAK'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    sales ITEM number
    afield-fieldname = 'POSNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Item #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    Material Number
    afield-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Material #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    afield-outputlen = 10.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Vendor Number
    afield-fieldname = 'LIFNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Vendor Num.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SH'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Ship-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SP'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sold-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO number
    afield-fieldname = 'BSTNK'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO NUM'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO.Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Purchase requisition
    afield-fieldname = 'BANFN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Pur. Req.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBEP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Item catagory
    afield-fieldname = 'PSTYV'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Itm. Catg'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Prodcution Order number
    afield-fieldname = 'AUFNR'.
    afield-seltext_m = 'Prod.Order'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'AFKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODCUTION status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    afield-outputlen = 20.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODUCTION step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_fc
    *& Form fr_output
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_output .
    i_callback_program = sy-repid
    it_fieldcat = xfield[]
    i_default = 'X'
    i_save = 'A'
    t_outtab = gt_output
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    ENDFORM. " fr_output
    *& Form fr_get_prd_stat
    -->P_WA_PRD_OBJNR text
    FORM fr_get_prd_stat USING p_objnr CHANGING p_prd_stat.
    DATA: lt_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF jstat,
    wa_status TYPE jstat,
    lv_status TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    lv_temp2 TYPE char5,
    lv_buff TYPE string.
    client = sy-mandt
    objnr = p_objnr
    only_active = 'X'
    status = lt_status
    object_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    LOOP AT lt_status INTO wa_status.
    IF wa_status-stat(1) EQ 'I'.
    SELECT txt04 FROM tj02t
    INTO lv_status
    WHERE istat EQ wa_status-stat
    AND spras EQ 'E'.
    lv_temp2 = lv_status.
    CONCATENATE lv_temp2 p_prd_stat INTO p_prd_stat
    CLEAR: wa_status, lv_status, lv_temp2.
    lv_buff = p_prd_stat.
    *Status of Production Order
    IF lv_buff CS 'CRTD'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Not Active'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'REL'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'GMPS'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed In Prod'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'TECO'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Technically Compt.'.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_prd_stat

  • List of Purchase Requisition

    Dear SAP Gurus,
    Can anyone help me with the transaction Code to use in order to get a list of Purchase requisition that were raised by a particular user during a specified period.

    Try ME5A - In this under 'Dynamic selections' 3rd button on top, select 'Created by' and give the userid and execute
    Thank You,

  • A list of Purchase Requisition whith Account assignment category = A

    Hi All,
    could anyone tell me a report which shows a list of Purchase Requisition created since 2010.10.10 whith Account assignment category = A
    Thanks a lot

    Use the report ME5A, mainatin account assignment category 'A' , go to header, select Dynamic selections (SHift F4), enter date range in requisition date.

  • Purchase Requisition Power List

    Good day Gurus.
    Please what's the easiest way to create a POWER LIST for PURCHASE REQUISITION awaiting approval?

    Check t.code ME5A.
    Also check the link purchase req. release - who is authorized

  • ME57 - Convert Purchase Requisitions - New fields to Tree ALV in Overview?

    From ME57, one can get a list of purchase requisitions, click "Assignments," and then "Process Assignment."
    What next appears is a list of requisitions in a Tree ALV grid.  The title of the grid is:  "Convert Purchase Requisitions."
    I would like to add a new field from EBAN to this ALV grid.  The field is not currently available in change layout.  The structure that I think is displayed is MMPUR_S_DBL_ASSIGNEDREQS.
    Is there a BADI or some other way to get additional fields on this Tree report (which, of course, is used to drag requisitions to the right side of the screen in ME21N)????????
    Thank you,

    From ME57, one can get a list of purchase requisitions, click "Assignments," and then "Process Assignment."
    What next appears is a list of requisitions in a Tree ALV grid.  The title of the grid is:  "Convert Purchase Requisitions."
    I would like to add a new field from EBAN to this ALV grid.  The field is not currently available in change layout.  The structure that I think is displayed is MMPUR_S_DBL_ASSIGNEDREQS.
    Is there a BADI or some other way to get additional fields on this Tree report (which, of course, is used to drag requisitions to the right side of the screen in ME21N)????????
    Thank you,

  • Batch job not creating purchase requisitions

    I have a batch job that runs every day at 5 pm.  The point of this job is to run the MRP and create purchase requisitions for materials that have more demand than current supply.
    Programs ran within the jobu2026
    My problem...
    Purchase Requisitions are not being created for random materials after the batch job has been ran.  When the MRP is run by itself (MD01), ALL materials will have purchase requisitions created for them without fail.  There is no order to it, and no one has kept track of any material numbers that have not had purchase requisitions created, so I cannot check the configuration.
    How I would like to investigateu2026
    1 u2013 Obtain a list of ALL purchase requisitions created in the timeframe AFTER the batch job has been ran
    2 u2013 Export this list into Excel
    3 u2013 Run the MRP manually to create purchase requisitions for ALL materials
    4 u2013 Obtain new list of ALL purchase requisitions created in the timeframe AFTER the MRP was manually ran
    5 u2013 Export this list into Excel
    6 u2013 Compare both lists; remove duplicates, display materials and requisitions that were created AFTER the batch job missed them.
    How would I go about getting a full list of purchase requisitions that have been created within the time frame the batch job has been ran, then export them into excel?  I understand that ME5A is the standard transaction for displaying lists of purchase requisitions, but how would I go about pulling all purchase reqs CREATED within a certain time period?
    Please, include specific SAP transactions and details in your answers.
    Also, if anyone has any good advice regarding how to get to the bottom of this specific issue, Iu2019m open to suggestions.  All good suggestions will be rewarded promptly.

    Cameron Lawrence Dunbar wrote:
    > You mention that RMMRP000 should be ran before requirements planning.  Is it possible that our positioning of the program at the end of the job is causing these issues?  Or is it most likely the varient/parameters of one of these programs?
    > Also, how can I display a list of purchase requisitions CREATED over a certain period of time?
    No, I did not say that RMMRP000 should be ran before requirements planning. I said it is the requirments planning. So you just run it twice if you execute it with MD01 again after this job.
    Running it twice should not end in different results if it is run with the same paramters (selection variants)
    As you are saying you get different results, I think you are running it actually with different entries in the selection screen.
    So you need to compare both selection screens. MD01 is obvious as you see it directly.
    Compare it with the selection variant of the batch job, that you can display  via the menu after you displayed the job in SM35
    ME5A transaction can give you a list of requisitions. alternative you can just use SE16 at table EBAN.
    Edited by: Jürgen L. on Apr 25, 2011 9:08 PM

  • Standard Purchase Price List @ Purchase Requisitions

    Hi everyone
    I am trying to find a way to maintain a standard purchase price list that is used at the Purchase Requisition creation.
    Our sourcing managers will negotiate prices with vendors. Once these prices are set, any purchase requisition created should default to this purchase price.
    Using PIR did not work - maybe some configuration is required.
    I do not want to define contracts - because in essence there is no contract.
    Can someone help..

    No, nothing else than standard or moving average price field from material master (depends on price control).
    if you want any other price in the PR then you may need to develope an individual solution

  • Purchase requisition approvers list

    Hi Gurus,
    Can you please suggest how to take the report for purchase requisition approver list for particular company code reference.
    Best regards
    Rajesh Kumar

    In your requirement using T-code ME5A - List Display of Purchase Requisitions for the particular plant only and not company code wise and  the following input data to be given & execute the report
    Type - ME5A
    Plant                                        :  ___________ to ___________
    Release Date                          :   ___________ to ____________  (if required)
    - Assigned Purchase Requisitions option to be Ticked
    - "Partially Ordered"  Requisitions option to be Ticked  means if PR qty 10 Nos and already ordered 5 Nos, balance PR qty 5 Nos.
    - Released Requisitions Only option to be Ticked  means Only PR released display
    - Requisitions for Overall Release option to be Ticked means if your PR release strategy assigned overall release in PR - Header menu.
    - Requisitions for Item-wise Release option to be Ticked menas if your PR release strategy line item-wise release.
    The above options are ticked and then execute the report shown only released PR displayed.
    Hope, it is useful for you,

  • ECC report that display PO and Purchase requisitions as list

    Hi there,
    for one of my BI report reconciliation with ECC requirement, I would like to know how many POs are there without Purchase requisitions, same way want to know how many POs are there with Purchase requisition.
    I know some tables where we can find this info, unfortunately I cannot ask my user to go and check in Tables for Acceptance testing. So I am looking for any standard ECC report with POs and PRs as Columns
    Due to time constraints, I cannot go build any ABAP queries in ECC at the moment,
    Any insights are greatly appreciated.

    Based on experience, there is no 1 standard report which shows the document trail/correspondence between PRs and PO.
    What we normally do is create a custom report (via ABAP query or programming) to address this need.
    Kind regards,

  • Show discontuation / Follow-up materials in Purchase Requisition.

    Dear Experts,
            How can we show discontinuation & Follow-up materials in Purchase Requisition, just like Planned Order.
            Purchaser would like to know what portion of purchase is atributed to follow-up materials.
           Anyone good enought to know the answer ?

    Dear Pradeep,
                PR for C is triggered due to follow-up from B.
               In PR for C with 2 qty, how to show that it is triggered from discontinued material B ?
               Because I may have another demand for C from another regular BOM
    (not as discontinued/follow-up scenario).
               At the "Item" ---> "Material Data" tab -
    > "Component" icon -
    > I see list of materials (coming from BOM of C). I cannot find B.
              Thus is there a way to display B in PR of C (with no qty) and discontinuation indicator "1", effect-out date, and discontinuation/follow-up group ?
    <b>         Thank you for your guidance !</b>

  • Report with purchase requisitions and purchase orders: how?

    I need to get a list of items bought with their purchase requisitions and purchase orders (when they exist). This can be done looking at each purchase order (ME23N), ou purchase requisition (ME53N), and writing it down. But in some cases, I have to do it on about 450 operations. I'd like to get this list without having to search for each requisition ou order. I can get a complete list of orders and requisitions, but without any relationship between them (they are mixed as if they were the same thing, but there´s a field telling it that row is an order or a requisition). Using some macros in excel, I can find this relationship in 40% of the cases (for example, if item 421351 was purchased only once, an order for item 421351 is related to a requisition for item 421351). Is there any way to get this list automatically? Or is there any field that tell me this relationship?
    Francisco Morbiolo
    Votorantim Cimentos
    Votorantim, SP - Brazil

    Sorry, I forgot to tell this: I don´t have access to SQ01/SQ02/SQ03.
    I get the orders and requisition reports using ZGLPS020.
    Francisco Morbiolo
    Votorantim Cimentos
    Votorantim, SP - Brazil

  • Using MD42 purchase requisitions creating instead of schedule lines

    Hi PP Guru's
    Can any one help while using MD42/MD43 purchase requisitions generating instead of schedule lines.
    MRP Type :M0
    what are the required settings for this..?
    please help me to solve this issue.

    This is a link to a note and you need to have access to SAP service marketplace.
    Please ask your system admin/basis and he will be able to provide you an user.
    The following information from the note should be relevant for you:
    If the flag "SC Vendor" is checked on the scheduling agreement, this source list entry will only be considered on a third-party order processing scenario with MRP areas.
    If you are not using MRP areas, this source list entry will not be considered and the vendor/schedule agreement will not be selected. This setting can be found on transaction ME32, on the menu path "ITEM" - "MORE FUNCTIONS" - "DELIVERY ADDRESS". See note 214298 for more details.

  • Purchase Requisition for Third party direct

    Hi Experts,
                     When I am creating a third party direct sales order, a purchase requisition will be automatically triggered from it.
    I can see the purchase requisition number in the item details (schedule lines) of sales order.
    Please tell me how can I change the source of supply. For me it is defualt as purchase info record but I want to use Contracts instaed of infor records.
    Can anybody tell Is there any customizing settings for it ?

    You shouldn't have to do any config settings.  This is standard.  So create your contract and release it.  In the source list add the vendor and enter the contract number in the agreement field and subject it to MRP as well as fixing the vendor and blocking the other vendor in the source list.  Re run MRP and the purchase reqs will reference the contracts.  Make sure the validity date of both the contract the the line item in the source list are long enough to capture all reqs.

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         if i have my material with MRP type VB & my ROL is 10. Now if my stock at present is 0.74KG & if i do the MRP run with MD02 then my purchase requisition is getting i delete the purchase req & try it with MD01 for the whole plant but the same does not happen when i do the MRP run with MD01. my purshase requistion for the same material never gets generated. can anyone tell me what m i missing. following parameters are maintained by me in MD01 & MD02
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    Check below threads,
    [MDAB - Planning file entries   |MDAB - Planning file entries;
    [How to use T-code: MDAB and MDRE|How to use T-code: MDAB and MDRE;

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