Listener port application server

i changed the listener port in oracle.
where can i change the port in application 10.1.2?

If you are trying to edit the http server port, you need to edit OH/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf configuration file and change the 'Listen' directive to a desired port value. Restart http server for the change to take effect

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    TNS Ping Utility for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 09-FEB-2007 06:18:05
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
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    Enter password:
    Enter user-name: xmluser
    Enter password:
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    As a method, to install an OAS on a custom port,
    1) make a file called staticports.ini and define your components/ports there.
    2) on the Specify Port Configuration Options screen, select Manual and specify this file.
    Follow this link for details for 10g.
    However, there are ways to use the same port for OAS and DB depending upon the version of your listener. Check the version of your DB Listener, and if it is or higher then you are just good to go with automatic port assignments.

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    Yes you can change both your OC4J and OHS ports. Refer following for details:

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    Thanks for reply.
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    Hello "Portal Dude",
    Are there advantages to installing Apex Listener over using an existing Oracle Application Server instance to serve Apex applications?APEX Listener introduces some additional features, such as Resource Templates, but lacks some others. Some people might want to migrate from OAS to another JEE Container that doesn't come along with a OHS/mod_plsql. Depending on the JEE Container, you could use AJP for load balancing, avoiding plain HTTP through a firewall, etc.
    Would introducing Apex Listener and the extra overhead be of any advantage?The "extra overhead" may be smaller than you think. If you don't need the HTTP_Server component any longer, but can just deploy APEX Listener on the OC4J of your OAS, you might even save some bytes.
    For several other aspects, there have been a few posts on that topic in the past:
    If there's anything you don't find in either the posts or the documentation, don't hesitate to ask.

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    Kind Regards.

    user8058501 wrote:
    Currently we use the APEX Listener with the stand-alone configuration to access the URL af an APEX application.
    This might not be a suitable situation for a production environment.
    Standalone mode is not supported for production environments, see here for why:
    In a short, here are the (possible) requirements:
    - Sessions must be able to access at the same time the same APEX application and page.
    Let's say 500 users should be able to access it with no trouble.
    - If there are some pages accessed very frequently, they should be cached (how?) without having to request them all the time from the database.
    - If more than 500 users are accessing the application, to avoid latency, there should be a "mechanism" to make them "waiting" until the allowed amount of concurrent sessions is below 500, and without impacting (or with low impact) of other working sessions.
    I have little knowledge of middle ware environment, but this seems to me specifications for an application server and or a web server.
    Hera are my questions:
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    2) If not possible, what should I consider?
    Essentially you are asking how do I tune the number of database connections and also how do I tune the number of HTTP request handling threads.
    The former is controlled via the Listener configuration files, specifying the size of the connection pool etc, if you look at the configuration file or use the SQL Developer Listener admin tool the settings are pretty self explanatory, the latter is controlled by the application server, see below for WebLogic documentation on this:
    Thanks by advance for sharing your experience.
    Kind Regards.

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    application server name and port number

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    1, If you want a opportunity run your code at server instance started or restarted, please see:
    2, or you can package your code in a standard web application, deploy into the server instance.
    a servlet required to start you service.

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    You can find out what ports are used in Admin Console:
    For example for Sun Java Studio Creator 2 Update 1:
    Click in left pane on "Application Server" node and find http-listeners.

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    Did you get an answer to this question?
    I'm looking for the same information thanks to a rougue piece of software that removed my entry in /etc/services for port 1810 during it's install. I don't know what the service name should be. Of course - there was no backup copy of this file made prior to the install. It's a development box, so it doesn't get backed up often.
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    I'm curious to know if you ever found anything on this.

  • JAX-WS generated WSDL on Sun Application Server 9: strange port address

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    I get WSDL with such line:
    <soap:address location="http://ubuntu:8090/X/XService"/>
    (instead of expected there is host name "ubuntu")
    And then calling Web Service throws UnknownHostException: ubuntu.
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    How to solve this problem, so that returned port address were ""?

    I'm 100% not sure on this, but from what I can tell, SJSAS processes the WSDL file on the fly before serving it to the browser/client. It appears to modify the soap:addess location with a seemingly random domain name.
    This domain name appears to be the result of a reverse lookup on the machine's own ip address. If you have access to your dns server, you can manipulate the value that way. Or just modify the HOSTS file on that machine.
    I don't know any way to configure the WSDL emitter directly to use specific domain names.

  • Extracting Service Ports (ITS) and Application Server (SAP)

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    I want to extract these information from SAP system only using some T-code.
    how can i do that??  and if i know the name of the application server of system running on remote host, how can i get its IP address?? say for example name is "I90external"

    pl be aware of the fact that SAP system is running on the Remote Machine. I have ITS Installes with a Instance name I62 on my mchine. i installed the Wgate part on my machine (i.e. dual host) not the Agate as SAP system is running on the remote host.
    Now I want to use IACOR Admin Tool. the service is already running and there are no entry in the connection of the IACOR Admin, so i want to create a new one.
    on pressing new button. i entered the ITS instance name I62 (which i prepared as Wgate part) and the Web server (hosting Wgate).
    my confusion is that what should i fill up in these values.................
    ITS (AGate)=
    R/3 Name=
    Message Server=
    I know the Name of Application server i.e. I62production, System ID i.e. I62, System Number i.e. 09
    the question is from where i should extract the value of  R/3 Name??? and Message Server of the SAP system running on the Remote Host.

  • WLST - Changing server's listen port

    i'm trying to change the listen port of a managed server using WLST with the following code :
    Everything is ok so far.
    Now, if i try to deploy an ear onto this server i get the folowing exception :
    *<20 juil. 2010 10 h 18 CEST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener weblogic.wsee.deploy.ServletDeployListener failed: weblogic*
    *.wsee.deploy.WSEEServletEndpointException: Failed to prepare wsse module: admin-tools.war.*
    weblogic.wsee.deploy.WSEEServletEndpointException: Failed to prepare wsse module: admin-tools.war
    at weblogic.wsee.deploy.ServletDeployListener.contextPrepared(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager.notifyContextPreparedEvent(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace Certificate Alias not supplied
    at weblogic.wsee.deploy.WSEEModule.prepare(
    at weblogic.wsee.deploy.ServletDeployListener.contextPrepared(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager$
    at Source)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace Certificate Alias not supplied
    at weblogic.wsee.policy.runtime.PolicyServer.processAssertions(
    at weblogic.wsee.policy.runtime.PolicyFinder.readPolicyFromStream(
    at weblogic.wsee.policy.runtime.PolicyFinder.loadPolicies(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace Certificate Alias not supplied
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Weblogic Portal 10.2
    Thx a lot

    <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener weblogic.wsee.deploy.ServletDeployListener failed: weblogicAbove BEA-101162 is thrown while deploying a WSDL that references a schema from a URI that is not accessible, the WebService fails to be deployed and the WebService is not available to service requests.
    I am not sure if this is applicable to you but you can refer to metalink document Description of All Signature Patterns in the Current Signature Patterns Release [ID 749964.1] --> refer "Signature ID: 003132"
    Hope this helps.

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