Little crack on antena of celluar data cover

I am apologizing for my english.
I have problem with my 2 months old iPad with celluar data (3rd generation). I have little crack down in the middle on antena cover of celluar data.
I bought this iPad by Apple Premium Reseller. Can I claim this problem there sucessfully?
Thanks for your view.

The warranty excludes:
(b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic on ports;
Is it causing problems or is it cosmetic?
You can try to claim it. What do you have to lose

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    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
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    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Some Wi-Fi losses may stem from a problematic interaction between Wi-Fi and cellular data connections. Numerous users have found that turning off Cellular Data in Settings gets their Wi-Fi working again.
    You may have many apps open which can possibly cause the slowdown and possibly the loss of wifi. In iOS 4-6 double tap your Home button & at the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of all open apps. Close those you are not using by pressing on an icon until all icons wiggle - then tap the minus sign. For iOS 7 users, there’s an easy way to see which apps are open in order to close them. By double-tapping the home button on your iPhone or iPad, the new multitasking feature in iOS 7 shows full page previews of all your open apps. Simply scroll horizontally to see all your apps, and close the apps with a simple flick towards the top of the screen.
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    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
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    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    if you're not connected to wifi
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    You only need a cellular plan on the wifi + cellular model, and then only if you want to use 3G on the iPad.  You don't need a plan for the wifi only iPad (wifi-only iPads don't have cellular capability), and if you get the 3G version then you only need to sign up and activate a cellular plan when you need it - some people get the 3G version as it has a built-in GPS chip (which the wifi-only model doesn't have it), and they never activate a 3G service on it.
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    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

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    Many Thanks.

    Hi there Amos21,
    Wihile it sounds like you have done some troubleshooting steps already, I would still recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Battery life seems short
    Click ( for tips on how to prolong iPhone's battery life.
    Try turning iPhone off and then on again.
    Connect iPhone to iTunes and restore iPhone.
    If the screen shows a low-battery image, the battery is low on power and needs to charge for up to ten minutes before you can use it.
    When charging iPhone, make sure to leave it charging until it is fully charged. You'll know the battery is fully charged when the battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen looks like this .
    Note: When charging using a computer, don't connect iPhone to a keyboard. Also, the computer must be turned on and not in sleep or standby mode. If iPhone is connected to a computer that's not turned on or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPhone battery may drain.
    Note: Charging with a FireWire-based power source is not supported, except on original iPhone.
    Issue not resolved
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    -Griff W.

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    Thank you in advance for your help because I don't want to take this back but if I can't figure out how to use it, I will have to.

    Henry ~ Welcome to the Support Communities.
    Henrypublisher wrote:
    I am connected to a very strong Wifi network but I still can't access anything online like my gmail account, Netflix, Safari or anything else.
    Go HERE and see the section: "If you are unable to access the Internet while connected to a Wi-Fi network".

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    I am getting a mac book pro on apples website I don't see an option to add celluar data is that possible to do with the mac book pro thanks

    No. If you have a smartphone, you can add a tethering plan.

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    Csound1, free speech should have a place in this forum. Bless, you have 13,000+ points one day they might make you a moderator and give you a little badge. Isn't it ironic that Apple and their fanboys have became "Big Brother"?
    As the old cliche goes ,"There's no harm in trying". If you can't afford a bill for several hundred bucks, then I would welcome all honest feedback and evaluate my options before paying a large repair bill.
    If you don't agree with it don't use it.
    There have been many stories of people getting free replacements, a close friend has received four replacement iPhones after the screen cracked from dropping it.
    Screens crack due to a variant of reasons, humidity/climate change. If someone punched it and broke it deliberately then of course it shouldn't be replaced but it should be able to withstand some drops/pressure on top.
    It may not be under warranty but you will find people who got a nice genius to replace it anyway.

  • Outdoor High-Density/Mixed Environment Cisco AP/Antenna Choices for Data Coverage

    We are looking to upgrade our non production use wireless network, which is for providing users typical internet data services. We don't have any wireless engineers on our team, we are primary wired networking guys. We are upgrading our wireless network, because we have a lot more user joining and our AP's in place have too high a client count which has diminsed throughput speeds for our customers. We have two seperate areas that provide this coverage, and both of them are under 1sq mile in size (one is 417,000 sq ft in size/280 estimate users and the other is 590,000 sq ft in size/700-800 users estimate). The environment is rugged (hot/humid/sandy), but flat. The users occupy pods/trailers/tents, so no structure is higher than 15ft.
    Within the last year, more users are bringing in smart devices for data services, so our our network is a hybrid network now with a higher-density of users, and 802.11n AP's appear better equipped to handle this kind of load. We currently have a mixture of 1142AP's in side and 1252/1262 AP's outside place in NEMA enclosures, which are tied to two 3560/3750 PoE switches at each location. We don't have enough AP's in place to handle the additional client load to provide suitable data throughput speeds for typical internet data services, and are looking at possibly revamping the whole wireless network with different gear.
    We are looking at possibly removing all previous AP's, and putting in place Cisco 1552e AP's (AIR-CAP1552E-A-K9) in both areas, using 3 Cisco dual antennas (AIR-ANT2547V-N) per AP's. We've seen an excel doc floating around on the web to help plan for how many AP's we might need, but the minimum area size for the excel spreasheet calculator is 1sq mile, which is a lot more than what we are looking at for each area. We've attempted to use the WCS in planning mode to map out how many 1552e AP's we need for each area (with our maps we created using Google Maps, and fairly accurate), and reviewed the heat signatures created and it appears the AP count is too high. We got around 20 AP's for one area and 33-35 AP's in the other area, which seems very high. We are looking at mounting the 1552e AP's to poles in each area at a height of around 12-15ft.
    We don't know what the client load a 1552e AP can handle, for providing throughput speeds of 1.5Mbps to 5Mbps, to gauge how many AP's we really need, and whether going for using strictly 1552e AP's is the way too go. The 1552e AP's are geared for MESH networks, which is very different from what we have now. Can we set-up the 1552e AP's as stand alones? Do we have to use a different antenna for whatever AP is going to be the RAP? We are looking at using Power Injectors to provide power to the AP's.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    That setup is your best bet. What you have to look at is the number of hops. I would typically don't have more than two hops. That is map to map to rap. Remember that the 5ghz is your backhaul and you are basically daisy chaining your mesh. What you need is to make sure your 5ghz can link IP with a good backhaul speed. The 2.4ghz will of course cover more area so when you place these mesh AP's, make sure your backhaul has coverage to meet your backhaul requirements. Antennas will be the same for a map or rap. You will need a WLC to actually do mesh and it would be better that way. Even though you can get an autonomous version, it would be a dumb ap per say. Stick with mesh and a WLC and you should be fine.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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