Little design issue

Im not very used to draw stuff with java but i will try to explain myself the better i can
Im using netbeans to develop this project and im using threads... i have a class named Main which is a JForm and one named Panel (which is a JPanel).
I use the panel to draw some stuff in the Jform.
Main handles another class which is threaded, and this class handles other classes that make very heavy calculations... and on one of this classes (its a static one) i have a method which i want to use to draw some stuff in the panel i mentioned earlier.
So, because its a static class, i tried to pass the Graphics object from the panel directly to this class, but anyway i wouldn't be able to call repaint() so the panel wouldnt update itself.
Panel -> Main(Jform) <- threadedclass <- static class
Im sure its an easy one, but im kind of stuck here.. so any help would be appreciated.

I finally got it... but i dont think its a clean solution :P
My static class its like:
public class CalculosMapa {
    public static BufferedImage buffer;
    public static InterfazGrafica.Panel panel;
    public static void Renderea(Genoma mejorGenoma){
           Graphics2D g = buffer.createGraphics();
           panel.buffer = buffer;
    }And my panel its like:
public class Panel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
           public java.awt.image.BufferedImage buffer;
           protected void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g){
                      if(this.buffer == null){
                                 int w = this.getWidth();
                                 int h = this.getHeight();
                                 CalculosMapa.buffer = (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)(this.createImage(w,h));
                                 CalculosMapa.panel = this;
                      } else {
                                 Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
                                 g2.drawImage(this.buffer, null, 0, 0);
           }Any help to simplify it would be appreciated :P thank you very much anyway!

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    The temporary link for the site is: CCTV Dorset, CCTV Somerset, CCTV Systems Hampshire, CCTV Security Wiltshire - RS1
    As said it is working in IE and Firefox FINE but will not load correctly in chrome.
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    Is your text inside the blue boxes?   Might be how chrome makes the text flow if you just placed a formatted them behind...   I would format the text box with color, border and padding to get the same effect and make it flow properly...
    Do you have a separate text box for each text area? 
    I am guessing your issue is might be from how it was put together...
    I have fixed sites that were doing this in mobile chrome with this css change ... but I am guessing you are using the desktop version..
    I know this fixes similar issues in chrome for mobile
    Try adding this to your site global css...
    html * {max-height:1000000px;}
    I know it fixes issues with the mobile version of chrome
    css - how to override font boosting in mobile chrome - Stack Overflow

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    1AAA         : #             :#
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    May be I was not clear enough in my first explanation, Let me try again to explain my scenario:
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    (From InfoObject)
    IObjectA     IObjectB     IObjectC
    1AAA     2BBB     3CCC
    (From Cube)
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    IObjectA     IObjectB     IObjectC
    1AAA     2BBB     3CCC
    Because, this is what the Union says .. and the Definition of the multiprovider also says the same thing :
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    Thank you very much in advance for your responses.
    Best Regards.,

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    I´m dealing with a design issue for which I would really appreciate any help and suggestions.
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    ´d really appreciatted your feedback.

    Hi Gustavo
    Two things I need to know.
    1. Do you have any End Routine in your DSO? If yes, what is the setting under "Update behavior of End Routine Display"....Option available right side of Delete Button ater End Rouine.
    2. Did you try with Full Load from DSO1 and DSO2 to DSO3? Do you face the same problem?

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    > 1)   How would I create a wrap-around for the which is
    > initialized in my and then how would I use vi server in
    > my sub-vi to refer to that
    > You mentioned that each sub-vi when opened will first connect to the
    > via via-server and will keep the connection in the shift
    > register of that sub-vi. Does this mean that the sub-vi is accessing
    > (pass-by-reference) the shared memory of the If this
    > is what you meant I think that this might work for my application.
    If the LV2 global is loaded statically into your, then any
    other application can connect to the exe and get a reference to the VI
    using the VI name. This gives you a VI reference you can use to call
    the VI. Ye
    s, the values will be copied between applications. That is
    why you need to add access operations to the global that returns just
    the info needed. If you need the average, do that in the global. If
    you need the array size, do that in the global. Returning the entire
    array shouldn't be a common operation on the LV2 style global anyway.
    > 2) Just to elaborate on my application, the data is
    > transferred via DataSockets from the on another PC to
    > the client’s PC where the program subscribes the
    > data (i.e. 5 arrays of double type and each arrays has about 50,000
    > elements). The sub-vi’s will have to access these arrays
    > located on the every scan. Is there any limitation on
    > referencing the data via vi-server from each sub-vi?
    Your app does need to watch both the amount of data being passed across
    the network, and the amount being shared between the apps. You might
    want to consider puttin
    g the VIs back into the main app. What is the
    reason you are breaking them apart for?
    Greg McKaskle

  • A web service design issue with patterns

    I�d like to ask for your help in the following design issue:
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    refreshed) (don�t know what tool to use for this)
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    -     sends emails with the appropriate templates (with Velocity)
    -     the whole process is logged (with log4j)
    I have to write the code as generic as possible. I know that some design pattern should be used for this. (some from GoF , and I know there exists design patterns specially created for web services as well).
    Could you enumerate me which patterns (and for what part of the program) would be the best choice to solve this problem? I have read through some books about patterns, but don�t have the knowledge to pick up the right one for a concrete problem like this..
    Thank you in advance,

    I�d like to ask for your help in the following design
    I need to create an email sending web service (with
    Axis). Only just one method which returns with an
    integer return code. This handles the following:Lots of responsibilities here. You would do well to break this up into several classes that you can test separately.
    I would also advise that you not embed all this in a servlet. Make a service that collaborates with several objects to accomplish the task and let the serlvet just call it.
    .> - based on the given parameters gets the email
    addresses from an
    LDAP server (with netscape ldap for java)I'd recommend Spring's LDAP module. Pretty terrific stuff.
    cache from them (only after a timeout period will be
    the cache
    refreshed) (don�t know what tool to use for
    this)Maybe EhCache or OsCache or something like that.
    -     selects html templates which to be sent based on
    the given parametersWhere does this come from? Certainly not the LDAP. A relational database? Write a DAO for the document template.
    -     sends emails with the appropriate templates (with
    Velocity)Have an e-mail sender service using Java Mail.
    -     the whole process is logged (with log4j)Easily done.
    I have to write the code as generic as possible. I
    know that some design pattern should be used for
    this. No pattern. There might be patterns, if you say that the DAOs to access the LDAP and RDB are patterns.
    Stop thinking patterns and start thinking objects.
    (some from GoF , and I know there exists design
    patterns specially created for web services as
    Could you enumerate me which patterns (and for what
    part of the program) would be the best choice to
    solve this problem? I have read through some books
    about patterns, but don�t have the knowledge to pick
    up the right one for a concrete problem like this..
    Thank you in advance,
    nagybalyYou haven't read them because they aren't there. Your problem is pretty specific, even if it's common.

  • SOA Design issues and other politics

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement for live data feed from external system. I am using SOA11g and JDeveloper 11g. There are two designs, one proposed and other I have in mind to achieve this.
    1) The external system sends XML data in a push model to the exposed SOA Web Service (uses one-way messaging mode) at my end. I then store the message in the database
    a) In this design how do we keep track of all messages that are sent are received. Is there a better solution.
    2) The third party is proposing a Web Service at their end. The application being real-time (i.e any changes at their DB end i.e some DB tables, should be propogated across to our web services using XML messages). I will have to keep sending XML requests on a regular basis (say every 5 seconds). Can I achieve such type of Web Service client using SOA 11g?
    a) Here I have a design issue, that the data feed is live, why do the WS client have to keep sending requests at regular intervals. Why can't the third party send data whenever there is an update/insert at their database end. Third party is coming up with advantages like loose coupling and making the Web Service more generic. I doubt all the claims give that the applications are B2B and we are the other ones who will be using their web services for the time being. Their may be other two organizations later on.
    b) If the first request is not yet returned, will the second request after 5 seconds be blocked.
    This designs and solutions are becoming quite political across organizations, and got to do with who will take the blame for data issues. I just want a proper SOA design for live data feed. Please suggest the advantages and disadvantages of both if anybody has been through this path.
    Edited by: user5108636 on 1/09/2010 18:19

    See if wireless isolation is enabled.
    When logged into your WRT1900AC using local access replace the end of the browser URL with:
    Please remember to Kudo those that help you.
    Communities Technical Support

  • Design Issue: Localization using Lookup OR Dependency Injection

    Hello Forums!
    I'm having a design issue regarding localization in my application. I'm using Spring Framework ( as an
    application container, which provides DI (dependency injection) - but the issue is not Spring- but rather design related. All localization
    logic is encapsulated in a separate class ("I18nManager"), which basically is just a wrapper around multiple Java ResourceBundles.
    Right now localization is performed in the "traditional" look-up style, e.g.
    where ApplicationContext is a wrapper around the Spring application context and getMessage(...) is a static method on that
    context. The advantage of that solution is a clean & simple interface design, localization merely becomes a feature of classes, but
    is not part of their public API. The only problem with that approach is the very tight coupling of Classes to the ApplicationContext, which
    really is a problem when you want to use code outside of an application context. The importance of this problem increases if one considers
    that I18N is a concern that can be found in every application layer, from GUI to business to data tier, all those components suddenly depdend
    on an application context being present.
    My proposed solution to this problem is a "Localizable" interface, which may provide mutators for an "I18NManager" instance that can be
    passed in. But is this really a well-designed solution, as almost any object in an application may be required to implement this interface?
    I'm too concerned about performance: the look-up solution does not need to pass references to localizable objects, whereas my proposed solution
    will require 1 I18NManager reference per localizable object, which might cause troubles if you let's say load 10.000 POJOs from some database that
    are all localizable.
    So (finally) my question: how do you handle such design issues? Are there any other solutions out there that I'm not aware of yet? Comments/Help welcome!

    michael_schmid wrote:
    Hello Forums!
    I'm having a design issue regarding localization in my application. I'm using Spring Framework ( as an
    application container, which provides DI (dependency injection) - but the issue is not Spring- but rather design related. All localization
    logic is encapsulated in a separate class ("I18nManager"), which basically is just a wrapper around multiple Java ResourceBundles.Why do you think you need a wrapper around resource bundles? Spring does very well with I18N, as well as Java does. What improvement do you think you bring?
    Right now localization is performed in the "traditional" look-up style, e.g.
    where ApplicationContext is a wrapper around the Spring application context and getMessage(...) is a static method on that
    context. Now you're wrapping the Spring app context? Oh, brother. Sounds mad to me.
    The advantage of that solution is a clean & simple interface design, localization merely becomes a feature of classes, but
    is not part of their public API. The only problem with that approach is the very tight coupling of Classes to the ApplicationContext, which
    really is a problem when you want to use code outside of an application context. The importance of this problem increases if one considers
    that I18N is a concern that can be found in every application layer, from GUI to business to data tier, all those components suddenly depdend
    on an application context being present.One man's "tight coupling" is another person's dependency.
    I agree that overly tight coupling can be a problem, but sometimes a dependency just can't be helped. They aren't all bad. The only class with no dependencies calls no one and is called by no one. We'd call that a big, fat main class. What good is that?
    Personally, I would discourage you from wrapping Spring too much. I doubt that you're improving your life. Better to use Spring straight, the way it was intended. I find that they're much better designers than I am.
    My proposed solution to this problem is a "Localizable" interface, which may provide mutators for an "I18NManager" instance that can be
    passed in. But is this really a well-designed solution, as almost any object in an application may be required to implement this interface?I would say no.
    I'm too concerned about performance: the look-up solution does not need to pass references to localizable objects, whereas my proposed solution
    will require 1 I18NManager reference per localizable object, which might cause troubles if you let's say load 10.000 POJOs from some database that
    are all localizable.
    So (finally) my question: how do you handle such design issues? Are there any other solutions out there that I'm not aware of yet? Comments/Help welcome!I would use the features that are built into Spring and Java until I ran into a problem. It seems to me that you're wrapping your way into a problem and making things more complex than they need to be.

  • Design Issues, suggestions welcome

    I have stumbled across some design issues, with a carhire system i am making.
              kept in
                        | Retives car from garage
    As it stands the GARAGE class automatically has CAR objects added as attributes.     
    import java.util.*;
    public class Garage {
         //class attributes     
              private LinkedList carhold;
              Car ford_ka = new Car("A",135);
              Car ford_focus = new Car("B",149);
              Car ford_Mondeo = new Car("C",179);
               Car Vauxhall_Vectra = new Car("D",239);
              Car Mercedes_E240 = new Car("H",290);
              Car Renault_Espace = new Car("V",399);
         public Garage() {
              carhold = new LinkedList();
              carhold.add(Renault_Espace);          The TIMESLOT class has an GARAGE object as an attribute, thus enabling it access mehtods.
    import java.util.*;
    public class TimeSlot {
           Garage g = new Garage();
    public void getCarCost(String input) {
               Car theCar =;problem is each time a new TIMESLOT is create so too is a
    new garage created with all the cars.
    I really need the garage to be a seperate entity, but still allowing
    the TIMESLOT class to use its methods.
    would in heritence be the appropriate solution, or maybe something else.
    I would like to hear other suggestions.

    I believe a Singleton pattern works perfectly here. A singleton ensures that only one instance of an object is created. You would use it as follows:
    public class Garage {
        private LinkedList carhold;
        // Car declarations here
        private Garage() {
            carhold = new LinkedList();
            // add cars here  
        public static Garage getInstance() {
            static Garage instance = null;
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new Garage();
            return instance;
    public class TimeSlot {
        public void getCarCost(String input) {
            Garage g = Garage.getInstance();
            // do some other stuff
    }Notice the PRIVATE constructor on the Garage class. This keeps classes other than Garage from instantiating it. In fact, the only way to get an instance of Garage is to call Garage.getInstance(), which will always return the same instance.
    You might also consider the Builder pattern, which will keep you from having to instantiate all those Car objects inside of your Garage. You would do something like this:
    public class Garage {
        LinkedList carhold;
        public Garage() {
            carhold = new LinkedList();
        public void addCar(Car c) {
    public class GarageBuilder {
        public static final int BOBS_GARAGE = 0;
        public static final int BILLS_GARAGE = 1;
        public static Garage buildGarage(int garage) {
            Garage g = new Garage();
            switch (garage) {
                case BOBS_GARAGE:
                    Car c = new Car("bobsCar", 200);
                case BILLS_GARAGE:
                    Car c = new Car("billsCar", 400);
            return g;

  • Security design issue

    Hi Folks,
    I've a security design issue using J2EE architecture framework in my
    Proj Requirement:
    i) User Logs-into a health b2b/b2c portal website...
    ii) Check the user exist in the database or LDAP directory service.
    iii) If exist user then check the role Patient/Insurance Provider/Physician?
    iv)If Patient then display his personal health record history.
    else Insurance Provider then display about Insurance Policy information,
    which he can update/create insurance for entered patient id. If patient has
    granted access to Insurance Provider
    and if Physician then display about hospital information like
    waiting patients,sending appointments,etc..
    The above security access control role & policy has to be implemented
    very strong. so that other user cannot view/update someone health records..
    Development tool:WebLogic Server/Oracle/LDAP.. on Linux
    Security Problem:
    i)What is the best security solution for the above requirement?
    ii)How do I authenticate/validate user using J2EE security framework?
    Can anyone explain in details or steps to implement?

    I'm assuming that your using WLS 6, if so check out (I know we cover this in
    the documentation but I'm guessing at the title) the "securing your site"
    guide. Some of what you're planning the WLS server can protect through good
    ACL usage. I'd recommend creating at least three groups (patient, provider,
    physician), clearly the danger lies in having a user who is a member of more
    than one group. I'd recommend implementing your own role checking at both
    the servlet and EJB levels to fully enforce information access, using
    servlet state and stateful session beans should help.
    Raj <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Hi Folks,
    I've a security design issue using J2EE architecture framework in my
    Proj Requirement:
    i) User Logs-into a health b2b/b2c portal website...
    ii) Check the user exist in the database or LDAP directory service.
    iii) If exist user then check the role Patient/InsuranceProvider/Physician?
    iv)If Patient then display his personal health record history.
    else Insurance Provider then display about Insurance Policy information,
    which he can update/create insurance for entered patient id. If patienthas
    granted access to Insurance Provider
    and if Physician then display about hospital information like
    waiting patients,sending appointments,etc..
    The above security access control role & policy has to be implemented
    very strong. so that other user cannot view/update someone healthrecords..
    Development tool:WebLogic Server/Oracle/LDAP.. on Linux
    Security Problem:
    i)What is the best security solution for the above requirement?
    ii)How do I authenticate/validate user using J2EE security framework?
    Can anyone explain in details or steps to implement?

  • Design issue  - Historical data - referencial integrity

    I dont know if this is the right place to post this question, but
    I would to like know about the design issues in storing historical data .
    I have a historical table about events ( notifications, alarms, etc ).
    In historical table would I store fields with foreign key to the master table ( device table ) ?
    In this design , how handle then updates ( remove record ) to the master table ?
    would I have a trigger to update the historical table too ? Or I mustn' t permit
    updates in master table primary Keys ?
    And about no store The foreign keys in the historical data ?
    What are the disvantages of this model ?
    Thank you,

    The answer depends on why you want historical data.
    Is the historical data to be used for auditing or legal purposes?
    Are you trying to move historical data for performance reasons?
    Is there some other purpose?
    If you're doing this for auditing purposes, I don't recommend using foreign keys since you won't easily be able to capture delete activity.
    I mostly use Designer for all of our designs and typically will turn on server side journaling for this purpose. Designer will then generate the journaling tables and write the triggers to manage the whole process. You don't even need to be a programmer to figure it out.
    Let me know back if this isn't your purpose or you need clarification.
    Thanks, George

  • Design issue using JFrame, JPanel, JLabel

    I have been working on this problems for several months now and I and nearly finished.
    I have a design question I hope others from this forum can provide some incite to the best approach.
    The problem space is a 8 X 8 Chessboard. I have designed a board using JPanels and JLables sitting inside a JFrame. In each square on the chessboard is a JLabel with an image. The "board" sits in the DEFAULT LAYER of a JLayeredPane. As the user clicks a specific square, a queen is placed in the square (8-queens problem). The only thing I do is swap out the image. All this works well--thanks to several of you from this forum. :-)
    When I add a new queen to the board, the application goes through the evaluation of attack positions. Next, the application should display the new chessboard with only the queens not threaten by other queens. I keep up with the chessboard using an boolean array internally. I build a second boolean array for the new or refreshed chessboard.
    What I want to do is build a second chessboard and "swap" it out with the one in the default layered pane. Can someone be so kind and shine some light on this design issue for me?
    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    I don't understand this approach. Swing is by default 'double buffered' and will not flicker. You will get this be default since this is one of the things the Swing painting model gives over AWT.
    You should look at just using JComponent and the paintComponent() method for drawing what you need.
    What I've done in the past is have a simple XML JDoM model. Have components that render themselves based on this model.
    Changing the model then I just issues a call to repaint() at the top level container.
    You can also add and remove items from the parent container. Then issue validate() or repaint(). Can't remember now but I think validate() hits the layout manager logic and then repaints.
    I'm pretty sure the Romain guy posted an example of how to easily draw a background chess board in a panel. ;-)
    The tree concept might really prove useful for a 'gaming tree' approach at the AI also.
    If you look at the Java3D API you will see they use a tree to represent what is rendered and the details about it. Really nice until you change something in the tree that cause the renderer to blow up. ;-)
    I guess the moral is always make small simple changes and test.
    Hope this is helpful.

  • Design issue?- T530 Lid Flex

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    but i have realised a possible design issue with the lid
    if i applied strength on the middle of the lid, the latches closes well on both left and right of the lid
    however,if i just applied strength on either left or right side of the lid,
    the latch locks for the corresponding side when i applied pressure on, but not for the other side and vice versa
    this creates slight flex on the lid whereby one side is latched onto the laptop body and the other side doesnt.
    i believe the lid is not as rigid or strong enough such that both sides of the latch can lock on regardless where i apply pressure on when closing
    has anybody tried or seen such scenarios?
    now i am pretty worried if this flex has created stresses on my lcd screen and unnecessary damage

    anybody encountered the same scenario?need some advise.thanks

  • Design Issue- Experts Help

    I need some ideas from experts in this design issue.
    I am in just the beginning of my data flow design.
    I have 10 fields to be displayed on my report.
    All these fields come from 4 different datasources.
    What would be the ideal way to proceed.

       First analyse the data which comes from 4 ODS's. Check what are the common fields in four. Based upon that you can go for various options. More analysis will lead you choose a proper and consistent design.
    If possible give the fields of four data sources.

  • Route Reflectors Design issue

    I am having this design issue with route reflectors and could use some help.
    I have 18 routers fully meshed in an MP-iBGP session and i am going to introduce route reflectors into the network to minimize the total number of TCP sessions
    My problem is that some of these routers have outboud policies with one another. for example i have a route map on router 1 affecting only router 2 and would like to keep it this way
    is there any way to do that through route reflectors ?
    Thank you

    Hi Riccardo,
    I have 18 routers in a full MP-iBGP mesh topology. Some pairs of these routers have the following policy :
    I have a route-map matching on Route Targets and i am setting the next hop to be different from the rest of the RT for that site.
    This way, the prefixes originating from site A for example will reach site B with different next hops depending on how i set it in my route-map.
    These policies are only between pairs of routers i.e. router#1 needs only to affect router#2
    How can i achieve this using RRs
    Thank you

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