Live Broadcast Video Stream

How do I stream content directly off a web page?
Do you really need streaming? 99% of all Web based content "downloads".

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  • Why is live and video streaming so slow on my MacBook Pro?

    why is live and video streaming so slow on my MacBook Pro?

    Hi redngreen,
    Does this happen with Wi-Fi and ethernet?
    Is your network slow with other activities?
    There's a section in this article for Wi-Fi network seems slow.  Some of it applies to Ethernet as well.
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity - Apple Support
    Best regards,

  • IIS7 configuration, blocked broadcast video stream from third party host

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    <asx version = "3.0">
      <Title>Unit2 Bdct</Title>
        <ref href = ""/>
    Playstream is a video stream hosting company.  When someone links to them, it pulls the video stream from my clients media server broadcast point. 
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    This was entered in the forum as suggested.  The problem has been resolved.  The hosting service determined they had an edge server that was faulting.  Their edge servers were automatically assigned by geography which meant
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  • Needed. Android Air app to watch live FMS video stream.

    Does anyone have an Android Air app that can be used to watch a live video stream from Flash Media Server?
    I've been trying to get our live stream viewable on Android devices and can't find any solutions.

    Hey, I am having the same issue.  Did you find a solution?

  • Streaming Live Broadcast Video, help!

    I was going to use Media Encoder to generate FLV files, and hoping to build an AIR app in Flash.
    The end result is a very simple and basic app where you select between 4 or 5 streams of live video.
    I'm talking basic beyond basic for the user. I've got a flash server and tons of bandwidth, and hoping
    to do this in a 720x486 frame size. I'm down with the basics of Flash, but no experience in doing Air Apps.
    Thoughts on the plan of attack?

    i would suggest in buying/trying Flex Builder 3
    Air has never been simpler, once you master the GUI of flex, you can create your applications in air/web alike with ease.
    I myself use flex builder daily for my needs, it takes some getting used to, but basically what you get with flex (unless youre already familiar) is a developer-friendly interface with a wysiwyg GUI editor, along with AS3 scripting functionality.
    Thats the best bet, also, a book about Flex couldnt hurt, but there are tons of online resources available for this.
    (as an example, i ported a quite complex people and content application i made for the web, into air, in about 2 minutes).

  • Play only audio from RTMP Live audio/video stream

    I am working on Flex FMS video conference app, Is there any possibility to stop video and listen only audio of a broadcaster with RTMP Live without broadcaster detaching camera to Stream and should not affect other viewers video feed.
    Thanx & Regards

    Actually, iTunes does this automatically. If you go to music>songs>and scroll down you should see everything in your library including music videos and podcasts. When you select the music video or podcast of your choice in the music menu it will play it as an audio file and not video.

  • Live Audio / Video Streaming Very Basic

    I need to Stream Live Audio and Video, i went through a web site, and it gives a code,
    in this, i dont no how to run the application, because we should have 2 port addresses each for Audio and Video.
    how do u compile this and capture the file from else where using JMStudio.
    Please help me, i am an absolute beginner to JMF.

    Please don't take this to be offensive, but if you're not able to figure this out on your own, you have absolutely no business playing around with something as advanced as JMF. It's not a question of intelligence or insult, but simply stated, if you don't understand the concept of a URL, and you don't have the ability to extrapolate beyond the exact command-line input you've been given... you need to go and learn the basics, because you lack the grasp of the fundamentals required for advanced programming.
    With that in mind, the following is the answer to your question. If you can't understand it, it means that you lack the fundamentals necessary for JMF programmming, and you need to invest a significant amont of time aquiring those. My explanation should be quite clear to anyone with the proper Java programming fundamentals.
    AVTransmit2 is sample code that can broadcast a single media source (live audio or live video or audio file or video file or video/audio file). It does not have the capability to broadcast more than once source, which is required for live audio and video support. It is designed to take in a single media locator, and broastcast it.
    To meet your specifications, you will need to modify the main method so it is capable of passing in multiple media locators, and thus creating multiple instances of the AVTransmit2 class. To do this, you will either need to modify the command-line argument logic so it supports parsing multiple source arguments simultaniously.
    Or, you could just rip out the command-line stuff and hard-code it for live audio and video. That's the "easy" way.
    The default media locator for audio capture is javasound://0 and the default media locator for video capture (under Windows) is vfw://0

  • Visualization of Audio from live RTMP video stream.

    I have a need to do basic remote monitor video is presant and levels of audio.
    I had hoped to used
    but it seems to be incompatable with live streams.
    the VU level requirement is basic of that there is an live audio feed and does not need to be fancy at all.
    We currently use JWPlayer but am not tied to it for this project.
    Cheers for the help

    Would you mind reposting this question over on the Flash Professional forums?  This forum is primarily for end users, the Pro forums will get you in touch with a wider developer audience.

  • One way live audio-video streaming

    First of all I want to be honest that I am a beginner with
    FMS2, actually I must have missed much not using it so far. So,
    excuse me, I am sure you will find my problem very easy to solve.
    Having a little experience with Flash I tried to do the
    following: I have 2 PC's in LAN. One of them has camera and
    microphone. I want to stream audio and video to the other computer
    - I only need 1-way live streaming audio-video connection.
    I have read some docs about streaming with FMS2 but I
    couldn't find out which of the PC's should have FMS2 (and Web
    server) - the one with camera and microphone or the other. And if
    the camera and microphone are on the server how audio and viveo
    should be captured and streamed to the client?
    I really need your help. Any idea would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thank you friends!
    Actually I managed to sort out the problem. And the problem
    was that I had not used before FMS at all. After I have read more
    documentation I established the connection using 2 PC-s (one to
    publish and one to plaY) and the 3-rd for FMServer and Web Server.
    By the way there was a little confusion about local and
    network access of .swf files, but now it is okay.
    Now I have a new challenge - to record published stream to
    files, for example about 30 minutes long. I want to record and
    store all them continuously - having all the records for 3 days for
    example. I am not sure now how to do that but I am working on it.
    Anyway, thank you for your assistance!

  • Video streaming on the Internet

    I want to do a live broadcast video to Internet using Flash
    Media Encoder and Flash Media Server 2, but I have a few knowledge
    about Flash technology (I can do it very quickly with Windows Media
    I use the encoder to pass the video to the server, but I have
    many doubts about how to create an application in FMS. What I only
    do is just to create a subdirectory in the applications directory,
    with no content, no files. That was enough to get the encoder to
    work with no errors. In the FMS management console I see a client
    connected (the encoder). But I have no idea about how any client
    can connect to the FMS to see the live streaming.
    Do I have to build a swf file using Flash Pro 8 (for example)
    to capture de real time streaming so the client connect to that swf
    Any idea?

    Java and flash are not supported, and probably never will be ( Some browser apps such as Skyfire, iSwifter and Puffin 'support' flash, but they don't work on all sites judging by their reviews. You could check to see if the sites that you are interested in have their own apps in the iTunes App Store.

  • How do you auto reconnect a live video stream broadcast in flash action script 3?

    how do you auto reconnect a live video stream broadcast in flash action script 3?
    so i don't have to ask people to refresh the page if the connection drops
    i copy pasted the live video stream broadcast files and script from here;
    i don't know what i'm doing

    Why don't you use several layers with appropriate alpha properties, and move these layers according to the mouse events?

  • Does anyone know a work around to broadcast live (in real time) via video stream through a BC website?

    Does anyone know a work around to broadcast live (in real time) via video stream through a BC website?

    There is no work around. You would look to use a service, like Twitch, you get a embed code for the live stream, you put that on a page and away you go. All depends on the service your using.

  • Live broadcast feed on does not work--I signed in, but there is no video nor audio feed.

    During all five Sundays during last month, January of 2011, the live broadcast feed, during the live broadcast of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's weekly program of "Music and the Spoken Word" from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time--both streaming video and audio--after my signing in to's live broadcast site, worked. Starting the first Sunday of February, 2011, which was February 7th, however, and SINCE then, I have not been able to get their live broadcast feed to work, nor at the time of the Tabernacle Choir's live weekly broadcast, nor at any other time.

    Try to clear the Flash cookies and settings.
    Flash Website Storage Settings panel:
    See also Flash Local storage settings:
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • Best upgrade for mini to improve live broadcast streaming?

    I am using a Mac Mini for live broadcast streaming. I am using Wirecast for the encoding. I am encoding the stream in Flash format and I'm simultaneously recording to hard drive in QT h.264 format. This maxes out my 2 GHz Core 2 Duo mini with 4GB RAM. I am trying to decide how I might improve my setup for optimal performance. For example:
    1) Should I replace the 5400 RPM internal hard drive in the Mini with a 7200 RPM drive and continue to run the broadcasting and recording as before but now with the faster drive? In other words, would I expect meaningful gain by simply upgrading to a faster internal drive?
    2) Should I add an external 7200 RPM 800 Firewire HD to the Mini? If I do this what would be the best way to utilize the faster drive--
    a) Booting the mini from the faster external drive and recording to the external drive and essentially "ignore" the internal drive?
    b) Boot from the internal drive and use the external drive for recording the movies?
    And would utilizing the single FW 800 port for the HD interfere with capturing video from my FW camcorder? (I'd need to add a FW hub or daisy chain the two devices).
    I guess what I am really asking is this-- Will I have better efficiency in performing simultaneous encoding and recording by off-loading part of the work to a second hard drive?
    I assume that the encoding of the broadcast stream is determined by the CPU and is independent of the hard drive configuration.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    I admit that I'm not familiar with your particular application and setup, but I will say that the fastest connection to the hard drive in the Mini is via the internal SATA. A 7200 RPM 2.5" drive should be faster than a firewire external.
    Keep in mind that drives slow down as they get closer to full .. so for best performance try to keep as much free space as possible. A drive that is 50% full will be a lot faster than one that is 80-90% full.
    It might be useful to look at Utilities > Activity Monitor and see whether you are having a high pageout-to-pagein ratio, or whether you are strictly CPU or I/O bound.
    BTW to take advantage of the fast SATA connection, some folks have run eSata from inside their Minis to allow connection of 3.5" eSata drives, which would be the fastest conventional drive for a Mini.
    Others have replaced the DVD drive with a Solid-State Disk Drive, for the absolute fastest (though size limited) setup.

  • Do not created live video stream on RTMP

    Hello, all.
    Whats wrong in this code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                           xmlns:mx="library://" applicationComplete="windowedapplication1_applicationCompleteHandler(event)" width="644" height="666">
                import spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource;
                private var nc:NetConnection;
                private var ns:NetStream;
                var camera:Camera;
                protected function windowedapplication1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                private function videoDisplay_creationComplete():void {
                    camera = Camera.getCamera();
                    if (camera) {
                    else {
                        ErrorMessage.text += "You dont have a camera.\n";
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                [Bindable]private var microphoneList:ArrayCollection;
                protected var microphone:Microphone;
                protected function cbMicChoices_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    microphoneList = new ArrayCollection(Microphone.names);
                private var nsClient:Object;
                private var video:Video;
                private var meta:Object;
                protected function SetNetworkStream():void{
                    nsClient = {};
                    nsClient.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;
                    nsClient.onCuePoint = ns_onCuePoint;
                    nsClient.onBWDone = ns_onBWDone;
                    nc = new NetConnection();
                    nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,checkConnect);
                private function checkConnect (event:NetStatusEvent):void
                    if ("NetConnection.Connect.Success"){
                        ns = new NetStream(nc);
                protected function vpCompleteHandler(event:TimeEvent):void {
                    TextArea1.text = "Video complete - restarting."
                protected function vpMediaPlayerStateChangeHandler(event:MediaPlayerStateChangeEvent):void {
                    if (event.state == "loading")
                        TextArea1.text = "loading ...";
                    if (event.state == "playing")
                        TextArea1.text = "playing ...";
                private function ns_onMetaData(item:Object):void {
                private function ns_onCuePoint(item:Object):void {
                private function ns_onBWDone():void {
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TileGroup horizontalGap="12" verticalGap="12" left="10" right="10" top="10" bottom="10">
            <mx:Form dropShadowVisible="true" borderAlpha="1.0" borderVisible="true" borderStyle="solid" width="300">
                <mx:FormItem >
                    <mx:VideoDisplay id="videoDisplay1"
                                     height="200"  horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" dropShadowVisible="false"/>
                <mx:FormItem >
                    <mx:Button id="RefreshLocalCamera"
                               label="Refresh local Camera"
                               click="videoDisplay_creationComplete();" />
                    <s:HSlider id="VideoQuality" width="143" stepSize="1" minimum="0" maximum="100" value="50" />
                    <s:Label text="Quality"/>
            <mx:Form dropShadowVisible="true" borderAlpha="1.0" borderVisible="true" borderStyle="solid" width="300" height="132">
                <mx:FormHeading label="Remote camera:"/>
                <mx:FormItem >
                    <s:VideoPlayer id="VideoPlayer1" width="200"  height="200" autoPlay="true"
                                     mediaPlayerStateChange="vpMediaPlayerStateChangeHandler(event); ">
                            <s:DynamicStreamingVideoSource id="Live1"
                                <s:DynamicStreamingVideoItem id="livestream1"
                                                             bitrate="150" />
                    <s:TextArea id="TextArea1" width="200" height="25"/>
            <mx:Form dropShadowVisible="true" borderAlpha="1.0" borderVisible="true" borderStyle="solid" width="300" height="132">
                <mx:FormHeading label="Local microphone:"/>
                <mx:FormItem label="Volume">
                    <s:HSlider width="143"/>
                <mx:FormItem >
                    <s:ComboBox id="cbMicChoices" dataProvider="{microphoneList}" selectedIndex="0" dropShadowVisible="true" creationComplete="cbMicChoices_creationCompleteHandler(event)"/>
            <mx:Form dropShadowVisible="true" borderAlpha="1.0" borderVisible="true" borderStyle="solid" width="300" height="132">
                <mx:FormHeading label="System message:"/>
                <mx:FormItem >
                    <s:RichText id="ErrorMessage" text="" />
    Video in VideoPlayer1 does not play. But play if live video created by Flash Media Live Encoder.
    All my developer environment is described in this page -
    please, help

    I'm a little confused here... do you want to upload a
    pre-recorded video file, or have a live broadcast (like from a
    If it's live broadcast, you'll want to use FMS.
    If it's a prerecroded video, FMS might be a bit of expensive
    overkill. You could just as easily use PHP to begin playing the
    video from a given byte (see

Maybe you are looking for

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