Livecache Performance Monitoring

Could you please provide the parameters which requires for Livecache performance  monitoring.
Gopi L

Hello Gopi L,
1. I agreed with the Markus question :
u201CWhat "parameters" are you talking about?u201D
Please let us know the answer on this question first.
2. What is the version of your system?
What is the liveCache version on your system?
What is the SAP Basis SP on your system.
3. Please review the SAP notes:
990602     FAQ: CCMS for MaxDB/SAP liveCache technology
820824     FAQ: SAP MaxDB/liveCache technology
530394     Using the Database Analyzer for bottleneck analysis
Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

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    I have a requirement where I need to automatically generate a report of monthly data of Performance monitoring in SAP PI  and send it to business users.
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    Refer below links .. You can write abap report to make it happen
    Re: Get count of the messages to particular Interface in a day and send email

  • HELP: failed to deploy and run WL performance monitor, console extension

    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension package
    As i tried to deploy "performance monitor" web app to the WL server at "Performance
    Monitor > Installation Instructions " screen. I just saw the error msg
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         at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo(
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    In order to find the PerformanceMonitor web app, the ConsoleExt needs to
    examine your classpath to get the appropriate WLHOME. It does this by
    searching for .../server/lib/weblogic.jar. Please make sure your CLASSPATH
    is correct and matches where PerformanceMonitor is installed. For example,
    the path to .../server/lib/weblogic.jar is the same as to ../common/perf. In
    my world, they both happen to be d:\bea\weblogic81.
    "dso" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension
    As i tried to deploy "performance monitor" web app to the WL server at
    Monitor > Installation Instructions " screen. I just saw the error msg
    [J2EE:160029]I/O error while reading deployment -
    No such path: null\java\FenwayWL.war.
    No such path:
    null\java\FenwayWL.war at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo( at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.initializeDeployment(
    Therefore, i used workaround to manually copy "PerformanceMonitor.war"
    and "FenwayWL.war"
    to <Domain Home>/applications directory for manual deployment. However,
    it seems
    of no use. I still failed to carry out any operations through "performance
    node at left panel of admin console. For e.g, i failed to enable "resources"
    "statistics" monitoring option at "Performance Monitor > Agent Configuration
    screen. Very thankful somebody can help me to sort out my problem. My
    is win2000 + WL 8.1 sp1
    thanks u very much in advance.

  • HELP: failed to setup and run WL performance monitor, console extension on WL 8.1

    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension package
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    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo( at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.initializeDeployment(
    Therefore, i used workaround to manually copy "PerformanceMonitor.war" and "FenwayWL.war"
    to <Domain Home>/applications directory for manual deployment. However, it seems
    of no use. I still failed to carry out any operations through "performance monitor"
    node at left panel of admin console. For e.g, i failed to enable "resources" and
    "statistics" monitoring option at "Performance Monitor > Agent Configuration "
    screen. Very thankful somebody can help me to sort out my problem. My platform
    is win2000 + WL 8.1 sp1
    thanks u very much in advance.

    In order to find the PerformanceMonitor web app, the ConsoleExt needs to
    examine your classpath to get the appropriate WLHOME. It does this by
    searching for .../server/lib/weblogic.jar. Please make sure your CLASSPATH
    is correct and matches where PerformanceMonitor is installed. For example,
    the path to .../server/lib/weblogic.jar is the same as to ../common/perf. In
    my world, they both happen to be d:\bea\weblogic81.
    "dso" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension
    As i tried to deploy "performance monitor" web app to the WL server at
    Monitor > Installation Instructions " screen. I just saw the error msg
    [J2EE:160029]I/O error while reading deployment -
    No such path: null\java\FenwayWL.war.
    No such path:
    null\java\FenwayWL.war at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo( at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.initializeDeployment(
    Therefore, i used workaround to manually copy "PerformanceMonitor.war"
    and "FenwayWL.war"
    to <Domain Home>/applications directory for manual deployment. However,
    it seems
    of no use. I still failed to carry out any operations through "performance
    node at left panel of admin console. For e.g, i failed to enable "resources"
    "statistics" monitoring option at "Performance Monitor > Agent Configuration
    screen. Very thankful somebody can help me to sort out my problem. My
    is win2000 + WL 8.1 sp1
    thanks u very much in advance.

  • How do I write/use performance monitor to run an action when something happens?

    I notice that I get a popup if desktop resources are over-used asking me if I want to turn off the glass desktop.
    That's fine.
    I've been looking in Performance Monitor for how this is done, as I have a program that periodically runs amok and starts indexing my Documents directory.  I usually start to notice my machine getting sluggish when the process gets to about 1.5-2+GB
    in Virtual and working memory.  At that point it seems to be increasing it's network usage rate geometically, and interrups will start getting delayed or lost -- keyboard will lock up for periods, lots of things freezing temporarily (music will get 10-20
    second dropouts)  It can even cause a complete system lockup
    So what I would like to do is monitor any instance of this process by name ('explorer'), and restart it when it gets to over 1.5GB of usage.
    I setup a monitor of virtual size and working memory in the performance monitor, but I don't see how to set up an alarm that starts an action to restart it.  (restarting it will cause the problem to go away for anywhere from a few hours to several days).
    I've no clue as to what triggers it.
    I found a bunch of XML scripts in
    Windows/pla/Rules with names like:
    These have some XML language in them that looks like it woud be for monitorying and doing actions:
      <Rule name="$(RuleDiskSummary)" enabled="true">
       <Step select="/Report/Section/Table[@name='hotFile']">
          <Delete select="Summary"/>
       <Step select="/Report/Section/Table[@name='physicalDiskCounters']" fatal="true">
            <Summary key="100" find="field" field="counter" value="Avg. Disk Queue Length" topic="diskInfo">
             <Data name="max" label="diskQueue"/>
      <String ID="GroupSummary">Add Summary Blocks</String>
      <String ID="RuleMemorySummary">Memory Summary</String>
      <String ID="RuleDiskSummary">Disk Summary</String>
      <String ID="RuleNetworkSummary">Network Summary</String>
      <Rule name="$(RuleDiskSummary)" enabled="true">
       <Step select="/Report/Section/Table[@name='hotFile']">
          <Delete select="Summary"/>
       <Step select="/Report/Section/Table[@name='physicalDiskCounters']" fatal="true">
            <Summary key="100" find="field" field="counter" value="Avg. Disk Queue Length" topic="diskInfo">
             <Data name="max" label="diskQueue"/>
      <String ID="GroupSummary">Add Summary Blocks</String>
      <String ID="RuleMemorySummary">Memory Summary</String>
      <String ID="RuleDiskSummary">Disk Summary</String>
      <String ID="RuleNetworkSummary">Network Summary</String>
    Question is, how can I setup it for calling a trigger script when
    parameters for Explorer get out of spec.
    On confusing issue that stopped me from proceeding, was the time schedule to run the report:
    I only allows for once/day. 
    I need / want continuous monitorying -- say at 1 minute or 3 minute intervals (5 might work, not sure -- doesn't take long for Explorer to get to 1-2G with a network connection of 10Gb.
    So how can I monitor and control it?
    A side issue -- I notice a resource-control agent for Win 2008 -- but this was disabled for Win7.
    Anyone know why resource usage on Win7 was considered less important than on Win2k8 server?
    My version of Win7 is Win7-x64-sp1 "Ultimate" [sic] (it doesn't include professional features like resource control)...
    Thanks...This has bothered me for over a year and has persisted through new profiles and reinstalls of of the OS.
    I have a feeling it is related to MS disabling Network disks in their indexer, so Explorer ends up doing it as a surrogage for things like the search engine (with the results not stored, because they are not local -- the worst of both worlds?)... but that's
    just a feeling...

    You can create a Data Collector Set (create manually, not template), then choose performance counter Alert, configure alert actions, from the script, seems you want to monitor the “physicalDisk” performance, so you can set the “physicalDiskCounters”
    into alert action, please follow the instruction in the link below.
    Monitor disk space
    If you want to view the detailed process related about explorer when your machine getting sluggish, I'd like to introduce a tool named process explorer to you.
    It can clearly show you the processes running in your system, along with the hierarchical relationship and the cpu usage.
    response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    TechNet Community Support

  • Help needed in getting real time system performance monitor

    I need a real time system performance monitor for my solaris.
    i am able to graph system usage graph on a daily/weely basis using the ksar grapher.
    In the same way i need to capture the system utilisation real time to be viewed on a webpage. Please let me know if there are any free tool/scripts capable of doing it.

    Process Chain Errors
    Common Process chain errors
    For Data Load Errors check this blog:
    Implementation issues
    Lifecycle Implementation
    Hope this helps.

  • Performance monitor reports and graphs don't show all the counters that were captured

    I've run into an odd behavior of performance monitor that I haven't been able to clear up yet: after I run a data collector set, the resulting report only shows a partial list of the counters that I captured, and so does the graph of that report (but different
    For instance, I chose the following counters for the data collector set:
    \PhysicalDisk(*)\% Idle Time
    \PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length
    \PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read
    \PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write
    When the data collection ends, the report that gets displayed shows all those counters for _Total instance and C:, but then E: only shows % Idle Time and Avg. Disk Queue Length. That's it, the report ends there, even though I also have F: and V: drives on
    this server.
    If I choose to view the graph of this data collection, it only shows those four counters for the _Total instance.
    It took me a while to realize that all the data is being captured, but it's just the display that is truncated. If I view the folder then open the report.html, it actually shows all the data. Same with the graphs. If I select to add counters and add
    all the missing counters, they are displayed.
    I have searched high and low but haven't been able to find more than one post at ServerFault where someone had a similar issue, but no real solution or cause was provided, so I was hoping that someone here might have an idea.
    I also found a variety of articles about missing counters due to registry settings or because the counters needed to be reset, but that's a different issue that doesn't apply in my case. By the way, this is on a windows server 2012 R2 VM (file server).

    Hi SomeAdmin,
    The counter missing often caused by the related registry value is corrupted, please first refer the following related KB then perform a fix then monitor the issue again.
    Event ID 3012 — Performance Counter Loading
    More information:
    Overview of Performance Monitoring
    PerfGuide: Analyzing Poor Disk Response Times
    Analyzing Storage Performance using the Windows Performance Analysis ToolKit (WPT)
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Regarding performance monitoring of RWB

    As far as I know , there are two ways to show the data through performance monitoring.One is [overview data],the other is [detailed data].My question is,my [overview data] is displayed successfully,but [detailed data] doesn't display anything.Some parameter need to set for [detailed data]?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Brand,
                 If detailed data is missing i think some settings were missed & just go thru the links given below ur problem will be solved
    Can you check the following function modules. In SE37 look for FMs "SXIPERF*" . You will get
    SXIPERF_RUNTIME XI Performance: Runtime
    SXIPERF_RUNTIME_VERI XI Performance: Runtime
    SXIPERF_CONFIG XI Performance: Configuration
    SXIPERF_EVALUATE XI Performance: Evaluation
    SXIPERF_GET_TRANSID XI Performance: Transaction ID
    Refer this SAP Note-768456
    Message Montioring errors- SAP Note-928862
    Try to perform SLDCHECK First  If you face any problem means Use this Help file to solve the Issue

  • PI 7.1 Performance Monitoring - Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE)

    Hi Experts,
    how can i use the "Performance Monitoring" from the RWB, to see all the messages (including the messages from the AAE) for a specific timeperiod? For example, i want to know how many messages go through the PI (including AAE) on one day.
    Best regards,

    Hi Sven,
    Kindly find the below documents will helps you more
    Venkat Rao .G

  • PI 7.1, RWB Performance monitoring error

    Dear experts,
         We are using PI 7.1 version SP5, recently service pack updated to 12 by BASIS. Whenever I am trying to check the performance monitoring in RWB. getting an error saying below :
       " 3 Message(s) : Connection to Integration Server Lost - Error class Concurrent call in detected. Connection [31] currently used in another thread:HTTP Worker [@1221137961] [142] in execute since 490394 ms.Current thread:HTTP Worker [@2014230334] [143], action: execute., error key: JCO_ERROR_CONCURRENT_CALL - No component names available from Integration Server "
         The issue happening in PROD environment and bit urgent.
         Please suggest you valuable thoughts to resolve the above.

    Hi Ravi
    Check the following blog, might help you.
    JCO_ERROR_CONCURRENT_CALL: Concurrent call.
    No component names available from Integration Server

  • Error in Performance monitoring in RWB

    I'm getting error while opening Performance Monitoring in RWB.
    Error is " 2 Message(s) :  Connection to Integration Server lost - Error class Application exception raised in the R/3 system: GET_OWN_IS_NAME_FAILED . Could not create application fault message: null -  "
    I'm not able to get the source for it's check, can anyone please advice me wat is the problem and wat can be the solution for the same?
    Expecting on ASAP basis....plz.

    Is SLD connection working? You can check it with transaction SLDCHECK on the ABAP side.

  • Solution manager for performance monitoring

    We have implemented solution manager  in our project.Can anyone tell me how is this useful for performance monitoring and how can we check expensive sql statements using this.
    It would be helpful if anyone can provide me some documentation on this.

    refer above threads,

  • Adapter Engine: Performance Monitoring?

    Dear Experts
    I am assessing the PI 7.1 Advanced Adapter Engine and execute a Performance Test against a standard
    scenario using the Adapter Engine processing.
    I would like to understand and see the 'performance boost', mentioned by SAP, but I am not able to find
    a tool which gives me this view on performance (e.g. message processing time) in the Adapter Engine.
    The Runtime Workbench tab 'Performance Monitoring' seems to be limited to the ABAP Integration Server.
    Is there any settings I can use to get this view? Or is there any other metric which could be used to
    validate the actual performance improvement by the AAE?
    Thanks for you ideas.

    You use the Advanced Adapter Engine to connect the Integration Engine to SAP systems (RFC adapter) and non-SAP systems. You use the various adapters in the Adapter Engine to convert XML- and HTTP-based messages to the specific protocol and format required by these systems, and the other way around.
    Using Integrated Configuration you can define a local Message Processing on the Advanced Adapter Engine. The Advanced Adapter Engine provides mapping and routing for this locally. Message Processing is only executed on the Advanced Adapter Engine from one adapter to another without the involvement of the Integration Engine. You can gain a great improvement in performance.
    You can implement all adapters on the Adapter Engine for a local Message Processing on the Advanced Adapter Engine, apart from the RNIF adapters and the CIDX adapters.
    If you do not use Integrated Configuration, Message Processing will always be performed by the Integration Engine to execute the routing and mapping there.
    The Advanced Adapter Engine is a separate software component that is automatically installed on the Integration Server. In this case, it is the central Advanced Adapter Engine. However, you can also install the Advanced Adapter Engine separately on another host. This is then a non-central Advanced Adapter Engine.
    Please reward points if it helps

  • Use Windows Performance Monitor on WLS 6.1 SP4?

    I wonder whether it's possible to use the Windows Performance Monitor to monitor WLS 6.1 SP4 performance counters.
    I would like this obviously to be able to save counters from WLS and Windows in one file for later analysis.
    If it's possible. What do I have to do to make it work? I have just installed WLS 6.1 incl SP4.

    John <[email protected]> wrote:
    I wonder whether it's possible to use the Windows Performance Monitor
    to monitor WLS 6.1 SP4 performance counters.No, not as far as I know. WLS performance counters cannot "talk" with the Win32
    performance monitoring APIs or native WMI. It's a technically difficult challenge
    to link these two components together (requiring knowledge of NT internals and
    such) .
    You may wish to contact a third-party vendor that provides J2EE black-box monitoring
    and collection software. Most allow for "offline" analysis, too.
    Brian J. Mitchell
    Systems Administrator, TRX
    email: [email protected]
    office: +1 404 327 7238
    mobile: +1 678 283 6530

  • Alert Performance Monitor

    Hello to all,
    I am writing to ask for clarification on the Performance Monitor on Win7 .
    I would like to create a custom model that meets the following criteria:
    - Add only counters of my interest ;
    - Plan the times and days when you will control ;
    - Mark all of the user-defined reports ;
    - Start the alert on EventViewer \ Logs app and Services Logs \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DiagnosisPLA ID: 2031 Information and sending an email .
    I created a new template, select the Create Manually \ Notice Performance Counters \ solezionato and I only those of interest to me such as the CPU and Memory ( MB \ Available ) 
    I can clarify the exact value to be entered in the Limit field , Above and Below ?
    Taking the example of Memory ( MB \ Available ) , I wish it would create an Alert when the PC has less than 512 Mbytes free. In this case the limit field should include , 512Mb and selecting Under ?
    Setting the Alert performance counters , I will build the model in user-defined reports , but does not allow me to see anything unlike any other option that I put ... in the sense that I did not , however, a route log .
    While planning should go on the property.
    thanks for answer..

    Do you mean that you've already known about how to create an alert but not sure about the limit value and you're unable to see anything in the report?
    If so...
    For the value of the limit, it is a threshold value, choose whether to alert when the counter value is above or below the limit, if you want to start alert under 512 Mbytes, then I think value 512 is just fine.
    For the report issue,
    "Setting the Alert performance counters , I will build the model in user-defined reports , but does not allow me to see anything unlike any other option that I put ... in the sense that I did not , however, a route log ."
    what is the detailed symptom? see this link
    To view reports, Local Performance Log Users or Administrator group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure, and Performance Log Users group must be assigned the "Logon as a batch User" user right.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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