LiveType 1's Bundled Effects?

This is probably a no-brainer question, but for some reason I can't find any answers online. I have Final Cut Studio 1.5 installed and for hard drive clearance space, had to move all LiveType 1 media to an external hard drive about a year ago. Upon using LiveType this week for the first time since, I found that all LiveFonts, Objects, Textures and Effects were empty, so I deleted the media folder and reinstalled from the two media discs that were bundled with Final Cut Studio. Everything seems to be working fine now, but the Effects tab in the media browser is still empty and when I check the actual folder under Application Support, there is no Effects folder. Maybe my memory is shot, but I was almost certain LiveType 1 came bundled with different effects. Does LiveType 1 come with bundled effects?
PS, When I reinstalled the LiveType media, on the install screen, it mentioned nothing about effects. It seems unlikely that the program would come without effects, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

It was only yesterday I reinstalled Media Disc 1 & 2 the second disc takes less time than the first, (well it did in my experience). However, I have found that some of the templates dont load correctly, e.g some parts of the animations are missing. Upon loading a template, LiveType will ask if I want to search for the missing element from that template but the file just simply wont exist in the directories. Since you have having a similar problem my guess is that there is a problem with the LiveType media installer.
Im in the middle of a project right now and making do without it but if I were you I'd try renistalling the LT Media Discs (both of them) again.
Sorry I could be any more informative but perhaps someone else will add to this with some more positive info?
good luck.

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  • LiveType Crashes Previewing Certain Effect  - lib3ivxEnc.dylib

    I've used LiveType before (with FCE) and have now installed FCS2 (with FCP 6, LT 2.1.3 etc.). However, poking around the LiveType text effects - the application always crashes on me when previewing certain effects. For example if I launch the application, go immediately to the "Effects" tab of the Media Browser, then click on "Barrel Jump" the beach ball appears and I crash with an error saying the problem appears to be with the lib3ivxEnc.dylib plug in.
    I've updated the SW with all the updates - still crashes. I followed the FCEHD removal instructions (improvising on the way for other FCP pieces), reinstalled the suite again last night, left it unpatched and still no joy. Though I have noticed that without the patches applied the app will sometimes show me lines in the preview and remain up. I've even once used the effect in some sample text but then it crashed again later when I started to go through the Media Browser again a few minutes later.
    I've tried different accounts on my machine - but LiveType still crashes, so it's not a user setting/config thing (or doesn't seem like it).
    I've done a number of searches in this forum and Google in general and have not seen this reported before - so I'm assuming something in my setup is messed up and causing this.
    I'd love to know if:
    a) anyone has an idea of what might be wrong or what I can do to correct
    b) has full FCP removal instructions in case there is some piece still hanging around that I haven't found and is not being overwritten during the install
    c) has advice to reinstall just LiveType and it's components instead of the entire suite
    The only thing exciting in my setup is that the LiveType support files are all on an external FW800 drive since my startup drive is around 30GB and won't hold it all without busting open.
    I've considered a fresh install of Leopard and then FCP to see if that works - but I'd love a less timely solution if possible.
    I've not installed this on my Laptop (not sure it meets the specs) to see if it's reproducible there but might to see. Right now this is all happening on my PowerMac G5 (Leopard 10.5.1).
    Let me know if I've left out any details to help you understand the issue better and if you have any suggestions.

    I think I'm making progress.
    I again tolled the system for FCP components using the FCEHD article. I think I ended up removing a bit more than last time. I also tried the 3ivx uninataller and it failed So I simply trashed the 3ivx folder in apps and again the 3ivx software in the folders referenced by the Apple article.
    This time when I started the FCPS2 install, all components listed themselves as "Install" instead of a few showing "Upgrade" before. I installed only LT this time and after the installation I ran LT and the effects worked fine! Whew!
    I've now restarted the install for the rest of the FCPS2 apps and we'll see if everything works OK afterwards. If not - then other part of the suite is causing the issues.
    Good point about permissions - I've not done that in a while since I've been deleting and installing so I'll be sure to do that after the install completes.
    I'll post again once the install works (or doesn't).


    This is basically, pretty stupid from what I can tell? SoundTrack lets you change and re-import/re-locate all of your related "loops" with a very similar window to LiveType. But, apparently, LiveType won't let you move your "LiveType Data" (.afd) files?????
    Or, is what I have read incorrect? Can you re-link to the "LiveType Data" after the LiveType initial install?
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    Do I have to fully re-install LiveType?????

    Flash is not Illustrator-with-added-animation. It is a
    different program entirely, with some - but not full - ability to
    import Illustrator objects.
    Workaround: Import your Illustrator object without effects
    and then apply the Inner Glow in Flash, using the built-in filters
    (check Flash Help for how to do it).
    If you're learning Flash CS3 in college, I suggest you try to
    learn Flash, not just import things from elsewhere. Flash Help
    files are extremely useful, and well presented, for

  • FCP doesn't render Livetype glow effect.

    I've created a neon-like glow effect on a title in Livetype. I've imported the project and a .mov into FCP. When I open the file in the browser, I can still see the effect. But as soon as FCP renders it, the glow effect disappears! I've tried changing the render settings to RGB and high precision YUV and it still doen't work. I've also tried exporting this tilte with different settings from Livetype. But the effect is always visible in the viewer and not in the sequence.
    Does anyone know what's going on?
    Thanks in advance.

    As a footnote, I'll add that once I applied some of the titles I created with no background to the image backgrounds on my timeline, the glow effect didn't look right either. So I went back to Livetype and imported the "background movies" I exported from FCP and placed them under the titles in Livetype. This way the glow effect looked just right once I saved it in Livetype and rendered it inside FCP!
    So, I guess the workflow was my major mistake...

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         "import 2 swc folders (Under Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path):
         /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/libs
         /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/loca le"
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    My build.xml file looks as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <project name="appName" basedir="." default="main">
              <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${basedir}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
              <!-- CHANGE TO YOUR FLEX DIRECTORY //-->
              <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/Users/abc/Documents/flex_sdk_4.5.1.21328_AIR3.0"/>
              <property name="APP_ROOT" value="appName"/>
              <target name="main">
                        <antcall target="en_US"></antcall>
    <!--                    <antcall target="de_DE"></antcall>-->
              <target name="en_US">
    Thanks & Regards,

    I did import the swcs first as a referenced library, by
    Project-> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> add swc folder.
    Secondly, I manually copied the swcs from the folders at
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416\dcradSwcs\4.0\libs
    files present: fds.swc, fiber.swc and serializers.swc
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416\dcradSwcs\4.0\locale
    files present: fds_rb.swc, fiber_rb.swc and serializers_rb.swc
    into the libs folder of my project .

  • Adding More Effects

    Hi Everyone,
    Under the Effects tab in LiveType, there are some effects that one may play in the background of a title. (such as Urban, Earth, TimeWarp, etc...) Is there a place where I can download more? Or just create the title with no background and add a movie (that is a nice steady pattern) as a background? As for the version of LiveType, I am not quite sure. It came with Final Cut Express 4, if that helps.
    C h r i s t o p h

    Just Google the word Livetype and you should see what's available as far as other LiveType content.
    You can export just your text with a transparent background ( so you could put a video under it in FCP ) by un-checking "Render Background" in the file requester when you export your LiveType movie.

  • Final Cut Express 3.5 vs 4.0

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    I new to both FCE 3.5 and 4.0. I'm intending to upgrade from iMovie. My intention is to upgrade my video editing techniques from current iMovie. At the same time, I desire to have those nice title effects and animation that FCE offers (it is important to me). I understand that FCE4 seems to be lacking in these effects and has lesser options than 3.5.
    Is this so ? I really need to hear this from users in this forum who has that experience.
    Where can I go read/ visit to have a comparison on the effects in FEC 4.0 and 3.5 ?
    Appreciate your reply.

    There is very little difference between FCE 3.5 and FCE 4.
    If you are shooting AVCHD you must use FCE 4.
    FCE 4 also has around 50 new FxPlug effects which may or may not be any use to you.
    Regarding titles, I believe you are referring to LiveType that comes bundled with FCE.
    FCE 4 only has about 90% as much LT media as FCE 3.5.
    However, a lot of FCE 3.5's is repetitive so the situation is not quite as bad as it may sound.
    FCE 4 should have plenty to keep you happy.
    You can only get used versions of 3.5.

  • Where Can I Compare iMovie, FCE, FCP?

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    I've tried the later versions of iMovie, and quickly got rid of them, going back to HD.
    I think I'd like to move up, and FCE looks right. FCP looks too expensive and way more than I need.
    I searched a little here and on this forum but didn't see any side-by-sides. Any help out there?

    being the iMovie-guy here at the boards (have a look there...), I'm switching to FCE for quite a while, because it IS the next step in movie making.
    the learning curve IS steem, totally diff. concept, in user interface, in handling, in workflows. no '1-click-done'-app, you have to understand a few rules & concepts of movie-making and -techniqué.
    I'm very much recommending any book from FC-mastermind *Tom Wolsky*, who's participating here. as a non-english-speaker, I really like his laidback tone, easy to understand, allways hands-on, no tech-blabla, ... a teacher, in best means.
    I'm used to use Soundtrack.. for sure, you can accomplish similar tasks in Garageband, which is basicly the same.
    LiveType offers some marvelous effects, I can use in my son's action-movies.. like this (the explosion is a LT effect!)
    for easy integration into iLife/mobileme, simply use the new features of QT_X player.. in FCE, Export Movie (which is a small/fast, open that with QTX, upload to your mm-gallery or YT or.. no stress with settings and codecs and.. simple&convenient.
    FCE4 offers - aside support for modern camcorders - integration of plug-ins.. so, if you don't want to build your own effects, or got used to iMovies instant-themes.. there's a wide range of (many free!) plugins, which teach FCE new wonders..
    FCE - my best investement into software ever..

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    I try to create a simple MXML component. If it's based on anything visual (e.g., panel) or if I start with a group and then drag in a panel, I just get the little computer icon with red x on it in design mode with the following errors in the Design Mode Problem panel. I mean, this is just a new, empty component.
    Assets failed to compile. 
    Design Mode is unable to display the document styles, skins, and images because the following assets have failed to compile:Details
    :Unable to resolve resource bundle "components".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "skins".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "core".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "core".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "effects".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "layout".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "styles".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "components".( - Line:-1)
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "core".( - Line:-1)
    Any ideas?

    I thought I had it by deleting a namespace reference; things started to render and all was good for a couple minutes. Then it reverted to the same problem so I'm open to other suggestions.

  • Final cut express 3 vs. final cut express 4??

    I have an old ibook G4 with a 1.07 Ghz processor. I am currently updating my operating system from panther to tiger and installing about 512MB ram so that I can get final cut express. I am a student who is used to using final cut pro in class... but in order to get it on my (old and slow) personal computer, I will have to get FCE 3 since 4 requires 1.25 Ghz processor and the CPU in my G4 cannot be upgraded (so I've read)... Is FCE 3 a big step backwards? Should I save my money until I can afford a new computer and then go with FCE 4 or even FCP? Any helpful tips will be appreciated!

    For your iBook with Tiger, FCE 3 would be a good way to go. If you can, put in 1GB RAM (it wasn't clear if you were increasing RAM to 512MB or adding 512MB to what it already has). All the basic editing capabilities of FCE 3 are identical with FCE 4.
    FCEHD 3.5 added native support for Intel processors, keyframing for filters & effects, support for HDV video.
    FCEHD 4 added support for AVCHD video, the open format timeline, importing from iMovie 08, some new FxPlug effects, new soft normalize & gain audio controls. HOWEVER, some things were removed - including Soundtrack (completely removed), various Livetype assets, some filters & effects. There are a lot of people who think FCE4 is actually a step backwards from 3.5 because of what was removed !!
    You will find lots of users still making productive use out of ALL versions of FCE including version 1. The basic capturing / editing / exporting features are the same in all versions.

  • AE and what it all entails.

    Greetings Adobe community,
    I am a Graphic Designer for a growing movie rental company. Recently I was asked to tackle an a.v. project for one of our promotions. Having background in Flash, Modo, and some Final Cut proved to be invaluable, seeing as I had never used AE before. Luckily enough having that experience paired with tutorials from the AE community made my solution a success. Without either of those I would have failed miserably, so much thanks to all of you out there.
    I reach out today with a question regarding AE and a purchase of the software. My company's marketing director has given the ok for me to start doing some heavy investigating regarding a single purchase of the program or a new purchase of the suite. I was wondering from the community itself if there was any recommendations. Currently I am running the CS4 design suite, so I don’t believe that I can "upgrade" to a suite that contains AE, I believe I have to do standalone or new suite package, but I thought I would check.
    Also, once purchasing AE is there anything that I need to get with it from adobe or from a third party? When I was following the tutorial that saved my butt, it suggested downloading some plug-ins, which I did of course. Some of those plug-ins, however, were trials. In that tutorial I believe the instructor mentioned that AE comes with extra third party plug-ins. Is this true? If not, is there a way to purchase the plug-ins through adobe with the software. Or, is there a bundle out there somewhere on the web I can purchase that would contain primarily everything I need. Obviously a matter of opinion/taste will dictate some of these answers, but that is ok, I need as much input as I can.
    In short, I want to be able to purchase AE and get the most bang for my buck. If that includes getting the suite for the additional programs (and now CS5, which is obviously a reason itself to upgrade), purchasing a plug-in packet from adobe or a third party, etc. Just looking for some guidance.

    I still am wondering if AE will be coming with all the extra bells and whistles, plug-ins, before we purchase.
    If by "plug-ins" you mean, "all those plugins we bought for AE 9," you should know that ANY third-party plugin will have to be 64-bit, and you have to check with the plugins' vendors.  Otherwise, all bundled effects will be there: Keylight, Color Finesse, the Cycore Effects... PLUS Forge Freeform, which lets you bend 3D layers.
    You'll also want to check this out:

  • Maximize Use of External Storage

    I've got a MacBook Pro which only has 100GB of hard drive space. However, I want the following:
    * Video editing with iMovie HD, Final Cut Express & Livetype (with lots of effects and media stored on my hard drive)
    * Many other applications installed including a version of Windows (for a single landscaping & home design app I'd like to run)
    * 60+ GB iTunes library
    * iPhoto Library
    * Lots of mail storage
    Now, I'd really like to get the iTunes & iPhoto Libraries onto my internal hard drive. I'd also need my mail, Safari, DVD Player, Quicken, MS Word & Excel on my internal hard drive because I don't travel with an external drive. I do have an external SATA drive & express34 adapter ordered and I'd like everything else on that.
    My questions are--
    1. Can install applications directly to my eSATA drive?
    2. Can I install Windows on the eSATA?
    3. Can I move my "Movies" folder of my MBP to the eSATA and still have it display correctly in the finder window (left-hand pane), and will it still be optimized for storing movies?
    4. Can I make a partition of my external hard drive for installation of a bootable version of Windows as well?
    If anyone can answer any one of these questions, I'd be very grateful!

    I'm getting a bit lost!
    Installing applications on another drive may or may not be possible depending on the application, I suspect. However, in general, I would install the OS and applications on the internal drive or the default drive. Updates and such frequently look for items in default locations. Moving all media to the external drive is a good idea and I don't know why anything would display incorrectly. I have all our media spread across several drives and connect via a wireless network and I have no issues... other than limited wireless bandwidth.
    I rather doubt you can install windows on the eSata. I know it can't be installed on an external drive per say and while the eSata uses the Sata protocols, it is still via the express adapter.
    You can easily create a bootable external Firewire drive for OSX and applications. I personally would still install OS X on the internal and boot Windows via BootCamp or within Parallels (rahter than hacking Windows onto the MBP by itself). Just do a custom install of OSX and skip all the drives and languages! I really wouldn't partition an external (or internal) drive. It is still only one set of read write heads so there won't be any performance gain.
    Hope that helps,

  • Media Pulldown in FCS 2?

    I exported a Final Cut Project file and burned off a DVD in DVD Studio Pro, upon playback on a computer there was a thin shaky line at the top of the screen.
    On an SD television played on a DVD player, some of the texts (simple templates that I had used from LiveType) had a flickering effect on them.
    I couldn't understand what went wrong because upon playback on my Canvas, everything looked fine.
    I was recommended to do a Media Pulldown on the project prior to exporting it.
    I can't seem to find where in FCP to do that though? Seems a common place procedure in Avid and/or Adobe, so I am wondering if it simply goes under another name.
    Thanks for all help

    a thin shaky line at the top of the screen.
    Did you slow the video down on this project by any chance? If so, you are likely seeing the first scan line flickering because it is now stretching across two or more fields and is there for longer than it would normally be.
    Even my million dollar Quantel Henry could not get around that problem, back in it's day. Just the limitations of the medium. You might try cropping the top of the video to remove it.
    What typefaces did you use? Sans Serifs do not translate well to television.

  • Trouble making the text in scrolling credits (made on Final Cut Express) export clear and not fuzzy

         I am having difficulty making the text in the scrolling credits in Final Cut Express clear and not fuzzy. I went under effects, then clicked video generators, then text, then scrolling text to get the scrolling credits working. I tried using the Chroma Keyer effect and the Color Key Effect. These work on captions on video and beginning titles but not the scrolling text. All of those were made on livetype so maybe that is why. I would really appreciate some help. I've been working on this all day. I was on the technical support line for about 40 minutes and they told me there is no more help given over the phone for Final Cut Express and that I should go on here and see if anyone can answer my question. I looked on all the forums and there was nothing on this subject. Thanks.

    The software is not doing what it should be doing.  We have all had this type of problem.  It is nearly always somehow in the way the software is being used.  Look at your added Chromakey and color key.  You must be doing something that the FCE does not like.  Open a new project and new sequence and try the exact same thing.  (I use titles from LiveType and from the effects tab and have no problems)

  • How can I create Airport Departures Board using Motion 5 ?

    I'd like to create an Airport Departures Board using Motion 5. Can anybody give any advice please ?

    mmm.... yeah....
    Got Motion 4? A couple of the LiveFonts in M4 or LiveType can create that effect easily, but all that is gone in Motion 5.
    In Motion 5, you have to basically fake it.
    I'd like to offer this approach as the easiest to implement.
    Add a Camera (switch project to 3D).
    Create a line of text. (In the inspector, Text > Format > Advanced Formatting, check All Caps and set All Caps size to 100%)
    Pick a Monospace font (Monaco, Courier, Andale, Menlo - or find and install one that looks more like you want.)
    To the line of text, add Behaviors > Text Energetic > Flip In (you can work on Flip out afterwards - same basic steps)
    To the Behavior, use the Parameter > Remove button to remove Face > Blur and Outline > Blur (or just set both to 0%)
    Twirl down the Rotation and set the X Rotation to -360 (instead of the default 360 - it's flipping the wrong direction for what you want)
    [Optional: Parameter > Add  >  Format > Character Offset -- set it to about 6 -- this will "randomize" the characters as they animate "in"]
    Set the playhead to about half way through the animation so you can see some flipping characters
    Go to the Text > Layout pane in the inspector
    Under Behavior Controls, Anchor Point - click on the Position disclosure triangle and adjust the Y value up until the flipping characters line up to the midpoint of the character.
    With the Flip In behavior selected in the Layers list, adjust the end point to adjust the speed (optional).
    You can combine this with Flip Out and timing other text overlaid at the same location to create in/out transitions between texts (old text Flips Out while new text Flips In...).
    Build a background to create the "board" with outlines and shading. Line up the texts in space so that they just overlay the background graphic (use Position > Z parameter or set up the graphics to be just below the text in the layer list. In a 3D project, the letters will rotate "through" the solid background.)
    At this point, I'll have to leave the rest up to you.  You'll be going for an optical illusion basically. If it animates quickly enough, I doubt most people would notice the difference.

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