LMS3.2.1-ciscoview: Can't see WS-x4612-SFP-E card

I would like to know if WS-x4612-SFP-E card is support in ciscoview ?
If not, when it will be support ?
Many thanks, Elisabeth

Hi Elisabeth,
All the modules and cards supported by LMS 3.2 are listed below, kindly check if its listed on the list. I didnt find it anywhere :-
Many Thanks,
Gaganjeet Singh

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    Hi masong517
    What a treasure trove of hints and solutions.
    I didn't know this page.
    But  you are right with "E2".
    This solved my problem.
    Thank you very much.

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    Hi annerose,
    This problem has appeared in a few other threads. It's caused by installing Release 2 Raptor over Release 1 Raptor without first deinstalling Release 1 Raptor . So what you need to do is:
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    Welcome to the world of digital media. Your can't really transfer it. I don't know what the rules are about transferring to your spouse but I do know that in some cases when you die, your heirs cannot inherit your digital media. This is why there is still an advantage to buying the CD since the usage rights belong to whomever holds the physical media.
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    Also, I'm not a lawyer so don't take this as legal advice.

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    Allan Sicks wrote:
    Thanks for your input.  Problem might be with the EASTER BUNNY..... have to have someone to blame.
    I can't blame you for saying that.
    Adobe is the clear owner of the responsibility to make functional their product that they claim is compatible with your operating system.  Adobe is the one who sold you the product.
    I just went looking for what Adobe has said about Mountain Lion compatibility, and they both list Mountain Lion as compatible and include such language as that on this page (emphasis mine):
    Adobe and Apple have worked closely together to test Adobe® Creative Suite® 5, 5.5 and CS6 editions and individual products for reliability, performance and user experience when installed on Intel® based systems running Mac OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8). Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop® (CS3 and CS4) software were also tested with Mountain Lion and there are currently no known issues.
    I suggest that Adobe needs to get on the ball and get this fixed.  The time for user patience is over.
    If someone from Adobe is saying "Adobe can't fix it" then that someone is at the wrong authority level and/or is thinking on the wrong level.
    This is business and the business is making products that have value and are sold to people who perceive that value.  Adobe doesn't get to keep selling products that don't work while standing on principles that "it's someone else's problem".   Customers don't care why it doesn't work. 
    It's obvious to a child that if Photoshop CS5 can write the proper things to the Apple OS so that the thumbnails are visible, that there's something Adobe could do to fix it.
    But EVEN IF this were something only Apple could fix, that Apple hasn't fixed it yet says pretty loudly that Adobe isn't making the right overtures to Apple for their mutual benefit.  Adobe, are your executives so greedy that they can't grease a few palms of their friends over at Apple to put some priority on this?  What's the problem here?  Has Adobe actually forgotten how to do business?
    P.S., You should know that I don't use a Mac and am personally having no issues with seeing proper thumbnails and previews on my Windows 7 and 8 systems, since the software that does that isn't from Adobe.

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    I am having the same problem. It started when the month view was not available. It took me a long time to figure out that when I minimize the month view, it shows up on the dock as a teeny tiny icon. When I click it, nothing happens. When I go to Week View then my calendar shows up. NOW though, my week view has disappeared and now I'm only left with DAY view. The same exact thing happens in Week view. I have no window, nothing to "grab" that I can possibly see to get it back on my screen. BUT it will be a teeny tiny icon when it's minimized.
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  • Can't see who has replied to the thread in the forum, its pointess?

    What's the point in creating a system where you can't see who has replied to the thread? Its absolutely F**CKING pointless? Does anyone at Adobe have any brains or are they all sitting with their heads up their backsides?
    Surely before you release such garbage you test for these very simple issues, right?
    osgood_(NOT M Golding) If anyone at Adobe is monitoring this please get my screen named changed to what it was previously as well.

    It needs a 'latest reply' on the posted list page like the old version otherwise you have no idea if anyone has replied to the post or not without opening it.
    Latest reply: May 3, 2014 2:17 AM by . osgood_
    The line below is not that necessary in the order of priority, which for all intense and purposes is quite useless. I don't really care about how long ago something was posted or where it was posted but an indication to show 'updated' posts and by who is vital.
    9 minutes ago in Dreamweaver support forum
    Why do we even need 'Dreamweaver support forum'. We already know that's where we are! I guess a selection of posts from other forums may appear in a 'general' postings list somewhere, but who really cares - if I'm asking a question related to DW that's the forum I'm going to, not a general list as I don't care a monkey knackers what's been posted in Fireworks or InDesign or Illustrator. If I did I'd go to those forums.
    If you are tracking several postings it is going to become hugely annoying for both the person who has asked the question and the people helping the original poster as many replies will potentially go unnoticed and not resolved.
    And what's with the silly horizontal scroll bar being created for long lines of text? That's annoying too.
    Plenty of teething issue you need to get your head around over the next few weeks.

  • I set an alarm with Siri. Can she only set one at a time, and how can I see/cancel it?

    Title. I set an alarm, then shortly after asked her to set another alarm.
    1) are both alarms in effect?
    2) where can I see/cancel them? It says it can't modify or delete them.

    Go to the Clock app and see if they are listed.  I just set two via Siri on my iPad and both are listed. I can turn them off or deleted (via edit button) the alarms.

Maybe you are looking for