Loading external assets

I have a movieclip clip that plays when the movie starts, the movieclip is a visual assets that show's that the application is loading
some information but it's not showing any loading progress, just playing while the assets are loaded.
I created a for loop that will load the assets using a simple loader, and then when the object is loaded the application push the object to an array.
Problem is that when the loading starts all the animation that i have on screen stops until the loading is finished.
The whole point is that the animation will play while it's loading. any one know if there's a way to solve this problem ?

Well as i said it's not really a preloader.
Just a movieclip that plays when the loading starts.
below is the code:
var visualLoader:mcLoader = new mcLoader();
visualLoader.alpha = 0;
visualLoader.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - visualLoader.width / 2;
visualLoader.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - visualLoader.height / 2;
visualLoader.scaleX = .6;
visualLoader.scaleY = .6;
TweenLite.to(visualLoader, 2, {alpha:1, onComplete: loadThumbs});
function loadThumbs(){
    for(var i=0;i<totalImages; i++){ // START LOADING BITMAPS

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    Hello all,
    This forum has been such a help with my website, i've found the answers to hundereds of questions but I've hit a bit of a brick wall and I wonder if anyone can help me.
    I have recently built a website http://www.intivision.co.uk/ using illustrator/flash/flash catalyst. It's still a work in progress and I'm happy with the gallery pages and general functionality but I'm having major issues with my splash/load screen and a few other niggles.
    The animation on the front page is a looping photo gallery i created in flash (as a .SWF) and imported into Catalyst. It is designed to play (and loop) indefinately after 2seconds of loading the title page. Half the time I access the site the animation does not load at all and just shows a blank screen and my logo. It will appear once the page is refreshed. A very bad first impression.
    I have a feeling this is because the SWF is externally loading the asset (which is only 350kb). Is there a solution or a way to imbed this animation so the entire project won't 'play' until this intro is loaded?
    Thanks - Tom
    ps Any other comments would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks for taking your time! Much appreciated.
    I like not complicated :-)  So it is now loading from the start - stretching over the whole timeline. How do I controll the visibility during the "HOME" = that is invisible?
    This is the code I use to load the external swf:
    var Xpos:Number=0;
    var Ypos:Number=0;
    var swf:MovieClip;
    var loader:Loader=new Loader();
    var defaultSWF:URLRequest=new URLRequest("main_movie_241x700.swf");

  • Loading library assets from external .swf

    Ok, so here's what I want to do. I'm creating an application
    that has optional classes that it can instantiate based on what the
    needs are. These classes operate things like Session Logging
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    Logger has a sessionLog_mc clip that has a log window with buttons
    and the log display. I want to be able to have my class load the
    external .swf that contains the assets for the Session Logger and
    then use attachMovie(), once the .swf is loaded, to attach the
    sessionLog_mc from the library of the loaded external .swf file.
    This does NOT seem to work at all. This seems like it has to be
    possible. I don't want to be forced to put all my code into
    external .swf's too. I just want some external asset .swf's (or
    maybe just one large one) that I can load. Is this possible? I am
    wanting to have the ability to show the progress of loading each of
    these components while the application is starting up and loading
    the asset files. Thanks so much!
    Here is an example of what I'm trying: (the attachMovie does
    NOT work at all)

    I see now how to import and display a library class object
    var MovieClipClass:Class =
    var movieClip:Sprite = new MovieClipClass();
    But this seems to only work for SWF's published for AS3 Flash
    Player 9.
    I need to do the same for SWF's published with AS2 Flash
    Player 7.
    Any ideas?

  • FAQ: SWF's and loading external files in Flash Catalyst

    How do I make the images in my Flash Catalyst project external to the published SWF?
    You can choose whether images are embedded in your Flash Catalyst SWF, or loaded dynamically; this can help to keep your SWF's small. Simply right-click an image and chose "Externalize Image".
    Answered by: Adam Cath.
    See entire discussion.
    How do I make the SWF I imported to Flash Catalyst load external files?
    When importing a SWF, Flash Catalyst only pulls the SWF asset into your project. Many SWF's, such as slideshows and media players, rely on external data files, such as configuration files or media assets. If you would like to use such a SWF in Catalyst, then you will have to place these external resources into your Catalyst project as well as importing the SWF.
    Let's assume you have a SWF source folder that contains your SWF file and all of the external files it needs. You can open the SWF file from this folder and it works fine. But, if you import the SWF into Catalyst, the Catalyst project doesn't display it correctly because it can't load the external files. Here's what you do:
    1. Open your swf source folder, and copy all of the files/folders there except the SWF you imported.
    2. In Catalyst, Run/Preview your project (Ctl/Cmd-Enter)
    2. Note the file path to Main.html in your browser
    3. In your OS, open the folder that contains /bin-debug/Main.html from above
    4. Open the "src" folder
    5. Paste all of the files from step 1 into the src folder.
    6. Catalyst won't pick up that your project changed, so tweak it a bit (add a Rectangle), and save it.
    7. Run your project. If it doesn't work, try closing and reopening your project and running again.
    For an example, check out: Using an XML-driven SWF in Catalyst to create a slideshow.
    See entire discussion.
    Answered by: Bear Travis

    You can make you swf a custom component with 2 states.
    The first state will be empty and rename it "OFF" the second state will have your swf file and name it ON.
    Then go back to your artboard/project, add your 2 buttons ON & OFF.
    For the ON button add interaction "play transition to custom component ON"
    For the OFF button add interaction "play transition to custom component OFF"
    Here is an example swf_control

  • Is it possible to Load External SWF files into Flex Mobile projects?

    Hi Guys,
    I'm trying to load an external asset in this cse (a SWF file) into my flex project (Apple IOS IPAD), don't get any luck. Can any one suggest a solution ?

    In Apple's words, "No interpreted code may be downloaded or used in an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple's Documented APIs and built-in interpreter(s)".
    Hence external swfs cannot be loaded in iOS.

  • Variable scope with loaded external SWF's?

    I’ve got an SWF, call it calcLite, that will be deployed both independently (ie: attached to an HTML doc) and also imported at run time (linked as an external asset via the loader class) to another SWF, let’s call it calcPro. That part is working fine.
    I’ve got a global variable, gRunMode:String that calcLite must declare and set when it’s running independently, but must inherit when attached to calcPro (which will declare and set gRunMode before attaching calcLite).
    Here’s where I am:
    At the root of calcPro:
    var gRunMode:String = “touchScreen”;
    At the root of calcLite:
    var gRunMode:String = “web”
    if (this.parent == this.stage) {
         gRunMode = MovieClip(this.parent.parent.parent).gRunMode;
    I’ve also tried creating function in the parent to return gRunMode:
    At the root of calcPro:
    var gRunMode:String = “touchScreen”;
    function getRunMode():String {
         return gRunMode;
    At the root of calcLite:
    var gRunMode:String = “web”
    if (this.parent == this.stage) {
         gRunMode = MovieClip(this.parent.parent.parent). getRunMode();
    I’ve also tried the second technique, renaming the global in calcPro to gRunModeExe incase there was a naming violation. In all cases I get “attempt to access prop of a null” error. The construct MovieClip(this.parent.parent.parent).function() works, I use it later in the program for a different function and it’s fine, just doesn’t work here.

    My bad, I wrote the post from memory at home. My actual code properly tested the stage (!=) and would have worked EXCEPT under the following condition:
    This is my second project in a row that involved an SWF that must operate independently and also function as a loaded child to a bigger project. What I keep forgetting is that loaded content begins to execute IMMEDIATELY!!!, it does not wait to be attached to the stage. Further, loaded content does not have access to stage assets until it’s been attached, so any premature attempts to access global variables and functions from loaded clip to stage fail. A good explanation of these issues can be found here (scroll to middle of page, post by senocular titled Access to stage and root): http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1955201
    The solution was simple enough. If calcLite is running as a child, stop in frame 1 (before any other processing) and wait for calcPro to push us to the next frame (which happens after attachment to the stage). If calcLite is running independently skip the stop and proceed as normal.
    As for this.parent.parent.parent vs. this.parent.parent vs this.parent, since gRunMode is global within the calcPro scope any of these would probably work (although I’ve only tested the first option). The first parent references the loader object, the second parent references the movie clip to which the loader object is attached, and the third parent finally references root.

  • How to load external XML into DataGrid ??

    Hello ,everybody , I can't load external Xml like this format
    <month name="Jan-04" revenue="400263" average="80052">
    <region name="APAC" revenue="46130"/>
    <region name="Europe" revenue="106976"/>
    <region name="Japan" revenue="79554"/>
    <region name="Latin America" revenue="39252"/>
    <region name="North America" revenue="128351"/>
    <month name="Feb-04" revenue="379145" average="75829">
    <region name="APAC" revenue="70324"/>
    <region name="Europe" revenue="88912"/>
    <region name="Japan" revenue="69677"/>
    <region name="Latin America" revenue="59428"/>
    <region name="North America" revenue="90804"/>
    I only can load with node format like this :
    Please tell me what am I going to do?

    I'm stuck on this as well. I've read through the above
    samples and postings and am now feeling really retarded. I thought
    throwing the contents of a simple XML doc into a DataGrid would be
    easy, but I've been trying all morning and no love. Any help is
    Here the XML --> guides.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
    <GuideList title="Current Guides">
    <DisplayName>Supercharged Branding
    <LinkText>View Downloadable Guide</LinkText>
    <DisplayName> Packaging & Retail
    <LinkText>View Downloadable Guide</LinkText>
    Here's the flex --> GuideListDisplay.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    layout="absolute" initialize="guidelist.send()">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    [Bindable] private var myData:ArrayCollection;
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
    myData = event.result.GuideList.GuideItem;
    <mx:HTTPService id="guidelist" url="assets/guides.xml"
    <mx:Panel title="{myData.GuideList.title}"> // 1119
    <mx:DataGrid x="29" y="36" id="Guides"
    dataProvider="{myData.lastresult.GuideList.GuideItem}"> // 1119
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Guide Number"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Guide Name"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="DisplayText"
    The lines throw with // 1119 throw a problem notice - 1119:
    Access of possibly undefined property GuideList through a reference
    with static type mx.collections:ArrayCollection.
    GuideListDisplay.mxml Lessons line 17 March 21, 2007 12:53:45 PM
    Please help before hari kari looks like a good option.

  • Flash doens't load external resources after refresh in Windows Firefox

    Hi guys,
    We're encountering a weird problem here. Implementing a Flash header that fades in&out through some external assets via XML... Works fine in all browsers on Windows & Mac, except, after refreshing the page in Firefox for Windows (XP, 7,...) it doesn't load the external resources anymore and we get a blank SWF. Monitored this in Firebug.
    Flash Player has the latest version. We also have this problem on a local host.
    It probably has something to do with caching, but the strange thing is that it only goes wrong in FF on a Windows machine. Also works fine again after a hard refresh.

    UPDATE: Removing wmode: transparent from the Flash attributes seems to fix it.. Weird. Unfortunately this attribute is really necessary for the lay-out..

  • Swf and external assets: I am lost

    Hello all,
    I am a total newbie and I do not use Flash on any regular
    basis. However, I do have a specific query. I have a number of SWFs
    that were produced, somehow, with all assets held externally in a
    folder (pictures, sound). I want to include some of those files
    into powerpoint and adobe acrobat but the problem is of course the
    fact that resources are held externally. I want to have those
    assets embedded into the ppt or pdf so that the whole swf can be
    played, standalone, within the document (for distribution). I don;t
    think I can do this is Acrobat directly. So my question really is:
    when an swf is produced with external assets, what is the
    quickest/easiest/surest way of embedding those assets back into the
    I hope this question is not entirely naive. I am used to swf
    playing standalone so the above must be possible. I have no idea
    how though and would really appreciate your guidance.
    Thanks a lot.

    > I have a number of SWFs that were produced, somehow,
    > with all assets held externally in a folder (pictures,
    > I want to include some of those files into powerpoint
    > adobe acrobat but the problem is of course the fact that
    > resources are held externally.
    I haven't yet tried embedding a SWF into an Acrobat file,
    but I have
    embedded SWFs in PowerPoint. In theory, those external assets
    should still
    load just fine, as long as the paths to those assets are the
    same, relative
    to the PPT, as they are relative to the SWF. This means you'd
    have to
    distribute all the external files along with the PPT file,
    and I realize
    that may or may not be feasible.
    > I want to have those assets embedded into the ppt or pdf
    > so that the whole swf can be played, standalone, within
    > document (for distribution).
    The issue that that sort of scenario (I've done this with
    enhanced Flash
    Projectors) is that the paths to the external files have to
    be handled as a
    special case: they're no longer in folders, so the host file
    (here, a PPT
    or PDF) has to provide a way to present the incorporated
    "external files"
    *as if* they existed in folders. I don't know if that's
    possible with
    PowerPoint or Acrobat. I don't *think* so, but it might be.
    Even if it is,
    though, you might find that the SWF itself would have to be
    reprogrammed a
    bit to "understand" how to access the virtual paths to these
    > So my question really is: when an swf is produced with
    > assets, what is the quickest/easiest/surest way of
    embedding those
    > assets back into the swf.
    There really isn't a quick/easy way. You'd have to get ahold
    of the
    original FLA source file(s), import the assets, then locate
    all the
    ActionScript that does the loading. You'd have to change that
    to attach the assets from the Library instead of loading
    them. This
    mechanism is syntactically different from the various
    approaches used for
    loading. In other words, it would take reprogramming the FLA.
    > I hope this question is not entirely naive. I am used to
    swf playing
    > standalone so the above must be possible.
    I agree, it's relatively easy to get a stand-alond SWF to
    load external
    files, but just because that's possible doesn't mean it
    should work when the
    SWF is embedded in non-traditional host containers. ;)
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Loading external swf (no code)

    i have a strange issue since update of my app for ios 8: my app is loading external swf (doesnt containing code, its just pdf converted to swf using swftools)
    while its working ok when debugging on device, these external swf don't show up since the app have been accepted on itunes. And i dont have any error message
    what i don't understand is why it's working good with the debug version and not the production version. they are supposed to be exactly the same, and i don't see why it would be a crossdomain or applicationdomain issue. Did somebody experienced the same problem ?
    the thing is its a bit hard to debug, as the prod version isnt firing any message, and the debug version is just fine...:/
    thanks !

    here is the command generated by flash builder 4.7 (flex 4.13, air
    java.exe -jar D:\SDK\Flex4.13_air15beta\lib\adt.jar -package -target ipa-app-store -provisioning-profile C:\Users\Gabriel\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\WeesooMobile\libs\certificates\IOS\09102014\iConfDistri_09102014.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore C:\Users\Gabriel\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\WeesooMobile\libs\certificates\IOS\09102014\CertificatsProd_0910214.p12 -storepass <Value cannot be displayed> WeesooMobile3.ipa WeesooMobile3-app.xml assets [email protected] [email protected] Default-Landscape.png [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Default-Portrait.png [email protected] Default.png [email protected] WeesooMobile3.swf
    i missed the "proloader" part...is it now mandatory to user proloader if loading external swf assets ? is it a normal behavior that the swf can be loaded with the debug version, and not the shop version ?
    thanks for your help. by the way, i'm making a small video to show you the problem,as i'm not 100% sure you understand it in my case

  • Loading external themes for my flex 4 application.

    I created a flex application and i created some themes using adobe flash.
    when the flex application is running i want it to load a default theme and allow the user to switch themes
    while running the application. each time is in a seperate swf file.
    what is the recommended method to create the themes?
    the method that i know of is to convert the symbols to flex components and publish the flash file and swc,
    loading it into my application and then i can use it's components.
    when i merge the swc file into the code (Link Type: merge into code) i can use the flex component i created and everything works fine.
    the problem is that i want the swc to be loaded on runtime and to be able to load/unload.
    Link Type: External - wasn't very useful. when i use any component i just get a blank screen with no errors.
                                    maybe it means that the definition is there so i just need to load the module, so i tried to unzip the swc file,
                                    place the swf file on the web and loading it with the Loader(). i still see a blank screen.
    Link Type: Runtime Shared Library (RSL) - is not an option, because i want to be able to load and unload the modules on-the-fly.
    Flex module:
    Another option was a creating a flex module that loads the assets of the swc file and then to use this module,
    the problem is that i found examples on how to load a module if it's a container of some sort and to display it on the screen,
    i did not find a mothod to actually load different assets from that module and use them.
    so as you can see i'm pretty lost here.
    i would guess that using 'Link Type:External' is what i need i just don't know how to load the swc file properly afterwards, but who knows!
    thanks for your assistance!

    Thanks for the reply.  I'll try to edit the html page and let you know how it goes.

  • Solution for load external FONT sf file to iOS application

    i follow this instruction to load externalHosted sf files to iOS application.
    http://blogs.adobe.com/airodynamics/2013/03/08/external-hosting-of-secondary-swfs-for-air- apps-on-ios/#comments
    I need to load external swf files (Font only) on runtime and embed it runtime.
    But I always got the uncompilled action script error on adhoc or release build.
    how can I solve this problem? The Font is not an asset, and I can't load it on runtime on iOS?

    Did you try this doc? Packaging and loading multiple SWFs in AIR apps on iOS

  • Unable to load external swf which has runtime sharing with another swf.

    I am getting issues on loading external swf say "importer.swf" file into another swf file say "loader.swf" for second time like
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable testSymbol is not defined. VerifyError: Error #1014: Class testClass could not be found.
    at global$init()
    In the external swf "importer.swf", i am trying to import the symbol "testSymbol" from another swf file say "exporter.swf", which exports through runtime sharing option for the symbols.
    I am having some buttons in loader.swf file and on each button click i am loading different swf files into the loader.swf after unloading the previous one.
    I am able to load and unload different swf files but unable to load the importer.swf file which is sharing symbols from external swf and that too for the second time i.e., when i click the button twice.
    When trying to debug with flash debugger, all the other swf files are being unloaded before loading of another swf but the swf which is sharing symbols/classes with another swf is not getting unloaded.
    Output when i am trying to load two files example and importer files into loader.swf file on two different button clicks. On first button click example.swf is loaded. On second button click , example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded which is successful. On first button click again importer.swf is unloaded and example.swf is loaded. On second button click again, example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded, here i am getting issues shown above.
    Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL D:\runtime issue\loader.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ loader.swf - 8181 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable xxxxxx is not defined.
    Debug session terminated.
    Code i am using
    b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b1Clicked);
    b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b2Clicked);
    var ldr:Loader;
    function b2Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("importer.swf"));
    function b1Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("example.swf"));
    If i try to open the swf using IE, i am not getting any issues at all. But i need to open this loader.swf in a air application. Also when i use loaderContext for the loader instance i am able to get rid of this issue but i cant use it in my application.
    So, please help me in resolving this issue.

    I got my answer. I had to append the photo url to the 'movie' value of the javascript embed method. Like this:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
          'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0',
          'width', '550',
          'height', '400',
          'src', 'lesson2',
          'quality', 'high',
          'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
          'align', 'middle',
          'play', 'true',
          'loop', 'true',
          'scale', 'showall',
          'wmode', 'window',
          'devicefont', 'false',
          'id', 'lesson2',
          'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
          'name', 'lesson2',
          'menu', 'true',
          'allowFullScreen', 'false',
          'movie', 'lesson2?photo=http://www.flash-mx.com/images/image1.jpg',
          'salign', ''
          ); //end AC code

  • How to load external subtitles in mov files (in QT)?

    Hi everybody,
    When I play an avi file, QT is able to load external subtitles (I've Perian installed). However, this week, I downloaded a file from apple, saved it as a mov file and created a subtitle file for it. Then, I put both files in the same directory and used the same name for them (one .mov and the other .srt). When I play it (with QT), the subtitle file doesn't load. Does anybody know what is happening? Is is a problem with mov files? Or is it a problem with files downloaded from apple (some kind of lock?!)?

    cowpox wrote:
    Hi everybody,
    When I play an avi file, QT is able to load external subtitles (I've Perian installed). However, this week, I downloaded a file from apple, saved it as a mov file and created a subtitle file for it. Then, I put both files in the same directory and used the same name for them (one .mov and the other .srt). When I play it (with QT), the subtitle file doesn't load. Does anybody know what is happening? Is is a problem with mov files? Or is it a problem with files downloaded from apple (some kind of lock?!)?
    You might do better reposting this in the QuickTime forum here:

  • External Asset Acquisitions

    In External Asset Acquisitions,  we  have Different methods to post purchase order  like  with  FI-AP/FI-MM  ,with integration ,with non intigraton 
    KINDLY EXPLAIN ME  whats these methods really? what is integration/non integration in this  scenario ,  in which criteria  we use these methods ?
    We use  Fi with vendor directly to save time  but iam confusing with other methods  plz
    explain me ...
    thanks regards

    Hi NagaRaju,
    An external asset acquisition is a business transaction resulting from the acquisition of an asset from a business partner (in contrast to an acquisition from in-house production). You can post the acquisition of a purchased asset in several different ways, using different components of the R/3 System:
    In Asset Accounting (FI-AA) in integration with Accounts Payable (FI-AP), but without reference to a purchase order:
    (ii)In Asset Accounting, without reference to a purchase order, without integration with Accounts Payable (posting to a clearing account - with or without clearing).
    (iii) In Materials Management (MM) at goods receipt or invoice receipt (refer to Processing Asset Acquisitions in Purchasing (FI-AA/MM) and Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt with Reference to Asset).
    Process Flow:Integrated Asset Acquisition Posting
    If you are also using SAP R/3 Accounts Payable (FI-AP), it is recommended that you take advantage of this integration and post the asset acquisition (without reference to a purchase order) With vendor. This means that you can post the asset acquisition and the corresponding vendor payable in one transaction. Using this transaction reduces the time and energy required for data entry and the possibility of discrepancies.
    Non-Integrated Asset Acquisition Posting:You can post the acquisition of a purchased asset to a clearing account rather than using integrated posting to Accounts Payable. There are two scenarios:
    The asset acquisition comes before the receipt of the invoice. The offsetting entry is posted automatically. As the acquisition amount, specify the actual net amount to be capitalized. Regardless of the document type (gross/net) which you use, the system does not deduct a discount here.
    The asset acquisition is posted after the receipt of the invoice. You posted the invoice as an open item to a clearing account, and now you need to clear this entry. If the clearing account used is an open item account, when you post the acquisition, you can manually clear the posting to the clearing account (vendor invoice) at the same time (transfer with clearing). The corresponding transaction allows you to select all open items, per clearing account (account type S for General Ledger account) according to varying criteria.
    Cash Discount:When posting an asset acquisition integrated with Accounts Payable, your choice of document type determines whether you post gross (without cash discount deducted) or net (with cash discount deducted).
    When you use a document type for net posting, the system determines the cash discount deduction automatically by means of the specified terms of payment, and capitalizes the invoice amount on the fixed asset, minus sales tax and cash discount.
    During the payment run, differences may arise between the amount paid and the capitalization amount, because too little or too much cash discount was deducted. In this case, make adjustments to the APC using collective processing in the General Ledger (General Ledger->Periodic processing->Closing->Regroup-> Prof.segment adjstmt).
    When you post an asset acquisition without integration with Accounts Payable, you have to capitalize the actual APC amount (without cash discount being deducted) to the asset. In this case, the cash discount is treated only on the vendor side.
    Acquisition with Value Adjustments:You can post gross acquisitions, if you want to post assets that not only have APC, but also have value adjustments already. In order to use this option, set the gross acquisition indicator in the transaction type you use. The system then permits you to enter APC and accompanying value adjustments when you post the acquisition using the transaction under Postings ->Miscellaneous.
    Hope I had been able to help you. Pleaae assign points.

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