Loading google multiple times on startup???

with firefox startup google is loaded Multiple times- 20 or more tabs on the tab bar

* [[How to set the home page]] - Firefox supports multiple home pages separated by '|' symbols

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    Hi Anil,
    Thanks for replying. But are you sure that missing delta's too would have come? Becasue my understanding was that until we don't set the request to 'red' manually (even if its in red status), missing delta's wont come.
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    Try doing an erase and install. Instructions can be found on the support site, www.apple.com/support. The name of the article u want is "About the Archive and Install Feature"
    In there, follow those directions, but when you click options, select erase instead of archive. If after it is finished, and you still have the same problem, contact applecare to setup a repair.

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    Launch the Console utility and look for messages around the time of the problem that might explain the cause.  If you don't understand what you find, copy a range of messages and paste them into a reply here.

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    I am assuming the phone was working prior to you installing IOS 6? Did you use itunes to install IOS 6 or just run from the phone?
    When I tried to do the Over The Air update to IOS6 on my iPhone 4, it errored out and I had to connect it to iTunes and select "Restore" from the summary screen after iTunes finds the phone is connected. If this works for you, it will go through a couple of reboots that take a few minutes to complete. It should then give you the option to start with a fresh new phone or to use one of your previous backups to load your contacts and other information, provided you have backed up the phone previously.
    I hope this helps you my friend!

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    Why do you want multiple copies of your CAP file? You can instantiate an applet multiple times from the one CAP file. Also remember that there is only one JVM on the card as well and the classloader is not like a standard JVM. A CAP file represents a package so you are trying to load the same package into a JVM multiple times in the same classloader. This would also cause issues in Java (not just Java Card).

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    This link should help - https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Firefox+keeps+opening+many+tabs+or+windows

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    var listener:Object = new Object();
    listener.complete = function(eventObj:Object){
    imageLoader.addEventListener("complete", listener);
    mc1 = imageLoader.content;
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    shows up on the stage but in the AS mc2 is always undefined.
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    multiple copies of the same image? It really shouldn't be that
    hard, should it?

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    you to duplicate dynamically loaded content like an image in a
    movieclip. But there is a little class called BitmapData that will
    do precisely what I was looking for. Here's the link I got this
    info from:

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    Please check if this happens in [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe%20Mode Safe Mode].
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions Problematic Extensions]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20extensions%20and%20themes Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]
    [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Uninstalling+add-ons Uninstalling Add-ons]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Uninstalling_toolbars Uninstalling Toolbars]
    Safe mode disables the installed '''Extensions''', and themes ('''Appearance''') in '''Tools''' ('''Alt''' + '''T''') > '''Add-ons'''. Hardware acceleration is also temporarily disabled - the manual setting is '''Tools''' > '''Options''' > '''Advanced''' > '''General''' > '''Use hardware acceleration when available'''. [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Options%20window%20-%20Advanced%20panel?as=u Options > Advanced]. All these settings/add-ons can also be individually or collectively disabled/enabled/changed in Firefox normal mode to check if an extension, theme or hardware acceleration is causing issues.
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Options%20window Options]

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    You should check out the add-on "StartupMaster" to see if this addresses your use case.
    Hope it helps,

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        roadpup27, having multiple replacement devices is no fun! I'm sorry you have to endure this experience with your phone. I would like to help with your issue and ensure you that we do not anticipate our certified like new phones having issues. They go through a 100-point check and in most cases work just as well or better than a new phone because they have updated software. I hope your replacement phone works for you so that you do not miss any events or be delayed. Although we can not compensate you for your phone issues, we will continue to replace your phone until you have a working device if the phone is under warranty. Please keep us posted.

  • Firefox crashes multiple times per day

    Hello all!
    As of the last month or two, Firefox now crashes multiple times per day (even in Safe Mode). Firefox is fully updated, as are my Add-ons and Extensions.
    Yesterday alone, it crashed 14 times (which is about average).
    System Info:
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Intel Core i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30 GHz
    8.00 GB RAM
    64-bit OS
    Troubleshooting details:
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    "supportURL": "https://support.mozilla.org/1/firefox/30.0/WINNT/en-US/"
    "crashes": {
    "submitted": [
    "id": "bp-56f4b9d3-7646-4804-b1f0-6b86a2140712",
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    Was discussed here - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/forums/contributors/709022 - in Feb 2013. And Bug #738661 was filed in March of 2012, with the consensus being.
    '''"In that case this is more likely a bug in Covenant Eyes than it is a bug in Firefox. If we have no hope of success through engaging with Covenant Eyes and can't blocklist the offending DLL from loading, can we at least get a support article posted instructing users how to work around this issue (ie. removing Covenant Eyes or switching to a different browser)?'''
    '''Additionally, I don't see much point in keeping this bug in the NEW state if it's unreasonable to expect that we'll ever fix this."'''

  • P35 Platinum: I have to press the power button multiple times to start

    Hello fellow MSI customers,
     as written in the subject, I have a problem with starting my PC. When I press the power button, the computer powers on, but there is no output to the screen. In fact, my LCD stays in standby mode. I can hear the fans running, so something is going on. According to the LEDs on the mainboard, it is a memory problem.
     Now I turn the computer off, using the power button (have to hold it for a few seconds). When off, I start again and everything runs as it should.
     After starting, I ran memtest86 multiple times without any errors. I ran a few games, compiled some programs, installed Vista 64bit, Linux, all without any crashes or hangups. It is just the starting that makes problems. After booting it is very stable.
     Seeing that it could be a memory problem, I brought another pair of memory, just to be sure. I couldn't reproduce the problem on that day! Any type of memory I put in (the one before, or the newly brought home) the computer always started on the press of the button. So I thought, OK, maybe they were not seated correctly. But, alas, two days later it is again only starting by pressing the power button three times.
     What I tried:
     1. Boot using only 1 piece of memory stick
     2. Boot using only 1 piece of memory, but different one
     3. Use another pair of memory   <-  worked, but on that day it also worked using my original memory
     4. Disconnected everything except graphics card, to make sure it is not a power supply issue (minimized power usage)
     5. Tried all of the above with a different processor
     6. Used another power supply
    Any other ideas?
    Here are my specs:
    MSI P35 platinum
    Core2 Q6600
    Nvidia 7900GT
    4GB V-Data DDR2 800MHz      <--- I think this is the problem, any experiences?
    Enermax Liberty 400W
    a few other things (HDDs, XFi, DVD-RW)
    By the way, how can I boot from an external DVD-RW? It doesn't show in the menu when I press F11 (boot menu).
     Thank you for any help, muro
    And just to let a bit of steam off:
    1. I had major problems with the RAID controller (not MSI fault, rather intel) - I put two disks into a RAID 0, then RAID 1 and they always failed after a few boots - member missing on both disks. I was getting angry, so I put them as normal (non RAID) disks and everything is fine since, although no RAID.
    2. Installing anything except windows with an IDE DVD-RW is very hard. It took me ages until I got Ubuntu booting (there are guides on the net, google is your friend), and much longer to get grub (boot loader) working. Long story short - if you have multiple disks, use the Linux disk as the bootable, do NOT put grub on the disk where Vista is installed.
    3. I have no idea, how to update the BIOS, if I had to. I'm using 1.1 that came on the board. I use 64bit Vista and Linux, none of which is supported to upgrade the BIOS. Any hints how to do it (if I needed to)?

     now today is the day I've finally received my replacement board. The good news first - it DOES work! Yepeeee!
     Now some more information:
       The jmicron controller seems to be missing - a screen with something about "Marvel" is shown before the intel raid screen. However, it is only visible for a fraction of second, so I cannot read it. I think it detects my IDE DVD-RW so I'm quite certain it's the replacement for jmicron. I won't miss it - it took me ages to install Linux with the jmicron controller.
       The problem where I had to restart the computer sometimes because it didn't even post (RAM error) is gone. It boots just fine now.
     I had an extremely long first post - about a minute, but after that it boots very fast now.
     anyway, regarding some questions around here - the manual states MSI recommends using an 350W power supply. My 400W is more than enough. Please note - it is an Enermax, not one bundled with a cheap case. My cheap RAM sticks also work very well now. I did try them on different boards before, so now I know I just had a faulty board.
     In the end, I can only say this: This is my 3rd board already and it's the first one that works well. As the hardware changed, I presume there were major issues with this board that lead them to make a new revision. What is strange, though, is that the revision is still 1.1, as were my previous two. I pity everybody who had the same problems as I did, but I can now say that I'm very happy about the board now.
     Cheers, muro

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