Loading Textual Data from HttpService Would Not Show Up on TextArea

  I have something fairly strange here that I have a little problem getting it to work. I am loading some data from XML and attempt to format it a little more on Actiosncript and print it out on the TextArea. For some reason, it would not show up, even though when I used Alert.show it does spit out the entire xml data set. Based on this, I know my data has been loaded correctly, but I am not sure why it is not showing up on my page.
Here is the code,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
        <mx:State name="view">
          <mx:RemoveChild target="{intro}"/>
            <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{applicationcontrolbar1}" position="before">
                <mx:TextArea editable="false" id="viewText" width="450" height="279" text="{messageInfo}"/>
            import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
            import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
            [Bindable]private var message:XMLList;
            [Bindable]private var messageInfo:XMLList;
            private var savedIndex:int = 99999;
   private function clickHandler(event:ItemClickEvent):void {
                if (event.index == savedIndex) {
                    //don't do a thing
                else {
                    savedIndex = event.index;
                      navigateToURL(new URLRequest("../"+ event.item.data));
            private function toggleButtonBar_itemClick(evt:ItemClickEvent):void {
                currentState = evt.item.data;
                if(evt.item.data == "view") view();
           private function view():void{
           private function httpService_fault(evt:FaultEvent):void {
                var title:String = evt.type + " (" + evt.fault.faultCode + ")";
                var text:String = evt.fault.faultString;
                Alert.show("There is an error! Type " + title + " " + text);
           private function httpService_result(evt:ResultEvent):void {
                messageInfo = XML(evt.result).messages.message;
                message = XML(evt.result);
                var message_name:String = "";
                var message_phone:String = "";
    for each (var message:XML in messageInfo.messages.message) { 
          viewText.text += "Name " + messageInfo.name + "\n";
          viewText.text += "Phone " + messageInfo.phone + "\n";               
<mx:HTTPService id="userView" url="messages.xml" resultFormat="e4x"
  fault="httpService_fault(event);" result="httpService_result(event)" />
<mx:PhoneNumberValidator id="pnVal" source="{your_phone}" property="text"/>
<mx:EmailValidator id="emailVal" source="{your_email}" property="text"/>
    <mx:Array id="dp">
        <mx:Object data="view" label="View"/>
    <mx:Panel id="panel" title="My Home" height="70%">            
    <mx:TextArea id="intro" width="77%" height="100" borderStyle="none" paddingLeft="10" color="black">
            <mx:htmlText><![CDATA[Welcome to my page.]]></mx:htmlText>
         <mx:ApplicationControlBar id="applicationcontrolbar1">
        <mx:ToggleButtonBar id="toggleButtonBar" color="#FFFFCC"
                itemClick="toggleButtonBar_itemClick(event);" />
Note, there are other items in the array, but those are not relevant to the question of the topic here, and therefore I am not posting the code for those sections.
When I click on the View button, it does give me the correct state, but I get a blank box of textArea with no data when I know there is output from Alert.show in the view(). What have I missed?
Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the pointer. As a matter of fact, I found out that it is because of my xml nodes messing up, and that the text was displayed as white for someb reason. With a white background, of course I would not see a thing.
Thanks again.

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    Hi sam thanks...I can see that data in extractor but not in PSA , that means it should not be in tra str /update rules/. the problem must be in extractor ...please help how to get this date in PSA as is...
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    Timestamp Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET:https://my.hungernet.org:443/Person.aspx?accountname=FA%255Ccbuchholz) be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Files aiv4w Medium Spent 0 ms to bind 4224 byte file stream be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (PostResolveRequestCacheHandler). Execution Time=11.7341 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2az Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Getting Cached object be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ay Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Found existing cache in httpcontext be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0583 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri http://www.hungernet.org/. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri http://www.hungernet.org/. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri http://lnkd.in/bb6rsHj. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0456 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High Exception in LoadRequestedUserProfile: (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database. at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.Load(SqlDataReader myReader, Boolean bFirstRead, Boolean firstReaderIsViewerRights, Boolean includeColleagueRecords, Boolean includeLanguageAndRegionalSettings, Boolean shouldCloseReader) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.RetrieveUser(String strAcct, Guid gAcct, Byte[] bSid, Nullable`1 recordId, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile..ctor(UserProfileManager objManager, String strAcct, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boole... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55* SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High ...an forceUserIsSelf, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager.GetUserProfile(String strAccountName, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.LoadRequestedUserProfile(String& redirectionUrl)) be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General aat87 Monitorable be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 nasq,20 ajji6,3 agb9s,10 ak8dj,1 b4ly,25 adyrv,1 adyrv,4 adyrv,3 ajw8l,1 aat87,3 ajji6 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:https://my.hungernet.org:443/Person.aspx?accountname=FA%255Ccbuchholz)). Execution Time=78.9958 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184

    Have Windows Updates been applied? See my note about this
    Look at the URL in the search results. It may have invalid character in which case you can use this fix
    Regards, Ian Internet Sites running on SharePoint 2013 http://j.mp/sp2013sites

  • Safari cannot open RSS feeds - "could not load any data from this location"

    I can't seem to open any RSS feeds inside of Safari. I get this error message:
    Safari can’t open the page “feed://feeds.macworld.com/macworld/all” because it could not load any data from this location.
    This has happened on every single feed. I just installed Leopard. Anybody have any hints for me?

    First try Safari from another User Account. When you open Safari, make sure RSS is enabled in the Safari Preferences>RSS. If you can access the feeds there then there may be corruption in either the database or RSS preference files in your Regular User Account. If no go here, then I suggest you reinstall Safari. See this thread for directions.
    If the feeds work in the other user account, go back to your regular User Account: Open the Finder: Your User Account>Library>Syndication folder. Move the database3 file to the desktop, then restart Safari. Try an RSS feed. If no change, move the database file back to its original location.
    Then move these two preference files in your User Library>Preferences to the desktop:
    com.apple.SyndicationAgent.plist and
    Restart Safari. Again, try a feed.
    Post back

  • ITunes 10.5.3, Unable to Load Class Data from Sync Services, Crashes Repeatedly

    Ever since iTunes 10.5.3 on my Windows 7 x64 box, I've been having serious problems keeping iTunes running:
    1)  Any time I connect my iPhone or iPad, or any time they attempt to sync over WiFi, I get the 'Unable to load class data from sync services' error.  It's worth mention that the iPhone or iPad do actually then proceed to sync correctly, and all media / data is synchronized successfully, as far as I've been able to tell.  I've reset sync history, restored the iPhone and iPad, manually moved the SyncServices directory, set both the iPhone and iPad up as new, completely uninstalled iTunes and the mobile device software, re-installed, and *nothing* I do fixes this issue or even seems to impact it.  Uninstalling iTunes 10.5.3 and reinstalling iTunes 10.5.2 resolves this error.
    2)  iTunes 10.5.3 has serious crashing problems on my machine, though I've searched through forums and found a lot of other people with the problem.  In my case, sporadically as iTunes access the iTunes store (for example, I can always make it happen by subscribing to the Diggnation podcast and telling it to refresh the podcast), I get a full application crash which generates the following event in the event log:
    Faulting application name: iTunes.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4f14cc3d
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17651, time stamp: 0x4e211319
    Exception code: 0x80000003
    Fault offset: 0x0001280c
    Faulting process id: 0x564
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cce78789dc009a
    Faulting application path: D:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: ecc77400-537a-11e1-b809-00248c196007
    Again, uninstalling iTunes 10.5.3 and re-installing iTunes 10.5.2 fixes this issue as well, but I really shouldn't have to do that.  Is there any actual solution to these problems other than dowgrading to an older version?
    Yes, I'm running current malware protection (and my system is clean) and yes, I've already checked any other obvious culprits to make sure I don't just have a corrupt library or file somewhere that's causing it.  My Windows 7 install is completely up to date from a Windows Update perspective and also from a driver perspective (even including the motherboard and chipset drivers).  I made sure to do a system file integrity check (sfc /scannow) and it confirmed my install of Windows isn't suspect, but beyond all that I was able to reproduce these failures on a completely separate machine running Windows 7 x64, without any of my media library or data on it -- iTunes 10.5.3 just seems to be bad news on Windows 7 x64 for me, even though I know there are definitely people are using it successfully.  I don't get any other application crashes for any other applications, and I've never had an issue like this with any previous version of iTunes...
    Last but not least, in case it matters, I'm running iOS 5.0.1 on both the iPhone4 and the iPad2.  The iPhone4 is the GSM AT&T model and the iPad2 is the CDMA Verizon model.

    OK, I've given up.  Uninstalled iTunes 10.5.3 permanently.  It's a shame, 10.5.2 works perfectly but 10.5.3 is a complete and total cluster for me.
    Anyone with the same problems who hasn't done this already, just uninstall iTunes and the Apple Mobile Device Service in your Add/Remove Programs, then re-install iTunes 10.5.2.  You won't lose your library or any settings or apps, it will just go back to working again.
    I wish Apple would acknowledge this so that I'd at least know it would be fixed in the future.

  • Itunes was unable to load provider data from sync services. Reconnect or try later

    Hi everyone
    This issue has got me stumped.
    I have a Dell Vostro desktop computer with Windows 7 SP1 64 bit edition.
    I used to be able to sync now I cannot bakup or sync.
    The device is an iphone 4s with the latest software IOS 5.1.
    Itunes is version, the latest.
    To try to fix this problem I removed itunes/quick time completely. Removed Bonjour, Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple Software Update,
    Deleted the itunes and quick time folders, the common file folders and files, deleted anything related to able under appdata local and roaming, removed apple folder under program data, scanned through registry and removed all apple entries.
    Then I rebooted the computer, re-installed itunes/quicktime and have the same error appear again.
    I have gone through this process at least 5 times , but still keep getting the same error, cannot go past it.
    I found a solution on this forum but it only applies to MACOS, could not find anything suitable for windows 7 environment.
    Also searche the web high and low and tried several different advice from people.
    This has to be a bug with Itunes! I would like to hear from Apple developers and programmers why I have to suffer so much to sync my device.
    As a last resort I am planning to rebuild windows 7 from scratch but is is a big job.
    Tried also to disable firewall, antivirus, check the apple windows services are running, nothing works to get me past this error.
    Please help someone!
    Thanks and regards

    Did you have a look ath this (rather) long thread about it?
    https://discussions.apple.com/message/17214161#17214161 , for example:
    Re: Unable to load provider data from Sync Services 
    16.12.2011 20:21 (in response to wisniak)
    "I then followed a tip found in PCWorld  and performed the following:
    1. Make sure iTunes isn't running.
    2. Click Start, type regedit, then press Enter.
    3. Navigate to this Registry location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
    4. Look in the main pane for a key that refers to iTunes. If you find one, delete it, then exit the Registry.
    5. Start iTunes. The offending message should be gone!"
    This actually worked for me! I have struggeled with this error for years, and now it's gone. Thanks!

  • Error while loading the data from excel to database.

    I am using PL/SQL developer to load the data from excel to database. I will set the data source in the control panel and will proceed through ODBC importer in pl/sql developer to import the data.
    What exactly the error is when i click the filename to view the result preview it shows an error as:
    The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
    Kindly help with solution.
    Sakthivarman J.

    That error message comes from Microsoft, so something in you Excel sheet is the cause.
    Its a pain but I would check properties of each column in case Excel decided to add something, a comma for example.
    Do you have a column over 255 characters? Look there first. If any length is greater than 255 it will crash and burn.
    Or convert it to a CSV and create an external table.
    Best Regards
    Might also throw an 3163 as an error where you cannot see it.
    Edited by: mseberg on Sep 9, 2011 7:34 AM

  • BPC:NW - Best practices to load Transaction data from ECC to BW

    I have a very basic question for loading GL transaction data into BPC for variety of purposes, would be great if you can point me towards best practices/standard ways of making such interfaces.
    1. For Planning
    When we are doing the planning for cost center expenses and need to make variance reports against the budgets, what would be the source Infocube/DSO for loading the data from ECC via BW, if the application is -
    YTD entry mode:
    Periodic entry mode:
    What difference it makes to use 0FI_GL_12 data source or using 0FIGL_C10 cube or 0FLGL_O14 or 0FIGL_D40 DSOs.
    Based on the data entry mode of planning application, what is the best way to make use of 0balance or debit_credit key figures on the BI side.
    2. For consolidation:
    Since we need to have trading partner, what are the best practices for loading the actual data from ECC.
    What are the typical mappings to be maintained for movement type with flow dimensions.
    I have seen multiple threads with different responses but I am looking for the best practices and what scenarios you are using to load such transactions from OLTP system. I will really appreciate if you can provide some functional insight in such scenarios.
    Thanks in advance.

    For - planning , please take a look at SAP Extended Financial Planning rapid-deployment solution:  G/L Financial Planning module.   This RDS captures best practice integration from BPC 10 NW to SAP G/L.  This RDS (including content and documentation) is free to licensed customers of SAP BPC.   This RDS leverages the 0FIGL_C10 cube mentioned above.
    For consolidation, please take a look at SAP Financial Close & Disclosure Management rapid-deployment solution.   This RDS captures best practice integration from BPC 10 NW to SAP G/L.  This RDS (including content and documentation) is also free to licensed customers of SAP BPC.
    Note:  You will require an SAP ServiceMarketplace ID (S-ID) to download the underlying SAP RDS content and documentation.
    The documentation of RDS will discuss the how/why of best practice integration.  You can also contact me direct at [email protected] for consultation.
    We are also in the process of rolling out the updated 2015 free training on these two RDS.  Please register at this link and you will be sent an invite.
    If the link is inactive at some point after this post, please contact [email protected]

  • Problem in loading transactional data from to 0MKT_DSO1(ods) to 0MKTG_C01

    I am trying to load lead transaction data to the standard Crm lead management cube from ODS.There is a problem while loading transaction data from 0MKT_DSO1(ods) to the infocube 0MKTG_C01 as the field 0STATECSYS2(CRM STATUS)  is set to 10 in ods -meaning incorrect transaction. This feild is not there in the infocube.
    There is a routine in the cube that deletes data records with (0statecsys2) set to 10.
    THIS field is not coming in the transaction.
    so, where can i see the master data in crm source system? and why is that feild getting set to 10 ?
    thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the reply..
    I have checked the Fact table which shows
    1. packet Dimension
    2. Time dimension
    3. Unit dimension.
    I have kept the 0CALDAY as the time characteristics.
    Sample data i have loaded from ODS to Cube.
    Sample data in ODS.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    I have loaded this data in Cube with Full Upload.
    Data in Cube.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    Again i am loading the same data to cube
    Data in cube after loading.
    Sales order No_____0CALDAY_____AMOUNT
    The data is duplicated and it is not cumulating.
    Am i missing anything on this.
    Pls help..

  • Can i load transactional Data from ge DS without having load M Data before

    I want to load transactional data from a generic data source.
    I just want to know whether it would be successful, after the master data of 0material i load in the PSA couldn't be loaded in the infoObject (000000XXXXXXX -> material number error) by the DTP (see Thread BI - BI general - User arnaud).
    If i can load the transactional data without having loaded the master data in the info Object, is it possible that it loads also the master data simultaneous.
    Thank you very much for helping

    Loading transactions before master data can result in data elements not being populated in the InfoProvider in some cases, hence the "Best Practice" recommendation to load master data first.
    For example, if you have update/transformation rules that go read master data to get additional data to enhance the transactional data, or you map master data attributes  during the transaction load, the master data attributes could be missing values if you don't load master data first.

  • Just had to replace iPad so I need to restore from other backup. iTunes has sync error that others say require uninstall and reinstall. "iTunes was unable to load prover data from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later." If I uninstall, will I lose

    Just had to replace iPad and itunes has following error. "iTunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Servies. Reconnect or try again later." I read that others suggest uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. If I do this, will I lose my old iPad's backup that I need to restore to this new one?

    I've resolved the issue with iTunes constantly not responding. It's a bit embarrassing. I had a DVD in the drive that was corrupt, and once I was able to remove it - BAM - iTunes ran perfectly.
    I'm still getting the Sync Services message, and my backups are still not showing in iTunes.
    Getting there.... I hope!

  • Lookout 6.2 loading buffered data from PLC into Citadel database?

    We are testing a Lookout small process application <200 I/O that is designed for continuous application. This is not a critical process, therefore we don't want to commit to duplicate Lookout Systems. However, we would like to buffer 24 words(16bit) in the PLC for 5-10 minutes so we would not loose that data when the computer running Lookout does a restart for example.
    Our problem is how do we get this data into LookOut Citadel database in the proper time frame.
    If loading this data into Citadel is not possible with the original trace, can we load into another database file and view this data separately?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!
    Go to Solution.

    First, you need to be able to get the data as well as the timestamp from the PLC.
    With all the data and timestamp, you can use the Logger object to log data to Citadel. Take a look at this example. The Logger_discrete object.
    But the problem is that the data is not logged to the original trace. It is logged to the logger object trace.
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

  • Unable to load the data from PSA to INFOCUBE

    Hi BI Experts, good afternoon.
        I am loading 3 years data( Full load ) from R/3 to Infocube.
       So loaded the data by monthwise. So i created 36 info packages.
      Everything is fine. But i got a error in Jan 2005 and Mar 2005. It is the same error in both months. That is Caller 01and caller 02 errors( Means invalid characteristics are there PSA data )
    So i deleted both PSA and Data target Requests and again i loaded the data only to PSA.
      Here i got data in PSA without fail.
      Then i tried to load the data from PSA to Infocube MANUALLY.
    But its not happening.
      One message came this
           SID 60,758 is smaller than the compress SID of cube ZIC_C03; no        request booking.
       Please give me the solution how to solve this problem.
      Thanks & Regards

    Hi Teja,
       Thanks for the good response.
      How can i check whether it is already compressed or not?
      Pls give me the reply.

  • ITunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Services

    My itunes says : "iTunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Services", when i connect my iphones.
    My iphones sync fine on my other computer.
    This problem occurred when formatting my pc from work.
    And this problem prevents me only sync tab "info" (contacts, calendar and Outlook). This does not prevent me to synchronize other tabs.
    I already tried to reinstall itunes, and the diagnostic option.
    Thanks in advance.

    This problem has been ongoing since 9.2 came out ... i.e. quite some time.
    I uninstalled and then removed all traces off Apple applications, then reinstalled back to the prior version and ran with no problems.
    When I upgraded to V4 iPhone software I had to upgrade again and ran into the same problem.
    Upgrading from Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2003 was of no benefit.
    I have purchased Sync2, set up a gmail account and sync over wireless from Outlook to gamil, then from gamil to iPhone.
    This only does calendar and contacts (haven't found a solution for notes) but waiting for Apple to sort this will probably see you old and gray.
    Good luck.

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