Locating Aperture Library Folders

I recently imported images that were in regular mac folders to the Aperture library.
Most of the images that were connected to the folder (which I deleted after importing) appear OFFLINE. When I try to reconnect using the tool, the Aperture Library (where these photos are now) does not appear in the reconnect box as an option.
How can I connect these images when the Aperture Library doesn't show up as an option to find images within?
Thank you!

Just to be sure, which of the above badges do you see on the problematic image versions, the "offline" badge or the "not found" badge?
Last year we had several reports on managed master image files, that Aperture could not find; but since Aperture knew these images to be managed, it refused to open the "locate referenced files" dialogue.   
First convince yourself that the missing master image files really are inside your Aperture Library Package: Ctrl-click the Aperture Library, select "Show Package Contents" and inspect the "Masters"-folder, if your missing images really are there. if they are not there, then you probably imported the images as referenced and deleted the original masters - you will have to find a backup of the images.
If they are there, I would try to repair your Aperture Library. Have you done any trouble shooting on your Aperture Library? If not, try the   "Aperture Library First Aid Tools", as described in the Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3805
Start with repairing Permissions and repairing your Library. Post back, if repair does not help.

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  • Export Aperture library objects to Finder folders

    Inspired by the posted message by user http://discussions.apple.com/profile.jspa?userID=616539 I wrote a script that will do the following:
    1. Sync Folders/SubFolders/Albums/Projects..etc hierarchy tree from Aperture to a Finder folders tree
    2. At run-time the script will creates/append to a log file under (home directory)\Library\Logs\AppleScriptExportApertureLibrary.log
    3. Exports all projects images versions with embedded metadata
    4. Create a file system "hard links" for each photo in the respective Albums pointing to the project folder location in order to preserve space.
    5. Compare modification date on the image files and modification date within Aperture and export only modified images in order to save time for a full sync/export.
    6. In interactive mode you can select Export Folder location, Aperture Library location and Projects List (project list will contain project name and internal aperture project id).
    7. In non-interactive (from command line) mode there are two arguments:
    7a. "quiet" - exports all projects
    7b. "quiet" "Project Information" - export only certain projects. the project information can be found in the log file.
    8. Remove any images or folders from Finder export directory that do not exist in Aperture database any more.
    Hopefully this would help anyone who is looking to export from Aperture on a regular basis. I am not sure how it will handle large amount of photos. I tested it with 3k+ photos.
    Please note that you use this script at your own risk.
    Here is the script code:
    global theFoldersTree_G
    global theLibraryPath_G
    global theProcessedProjects_G
    global theSelectedProjects_G
    global theAllAlbums_G
    global theScriptName_G
    global Sqlite_G
    global ApertureLibrary_G
    global numExports_G
    on run argv
    set Sqlite_G to "/usr/bin/sqlite3"
    set ApertureLibraryPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/"
    set ApertureLibrary_G to ApertureLibraryPath & "Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/Aperture Exports/"
    set theScriptName_G to "ExportApertureLibrary"
    set theSelectedProjects_G to "ALL PROJECTS"
    set theFoldersTree_G to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    set numExports_G to 0
    set theArgv1 to {}
    set theArgv2 to {}
    if (count of argv) ≥ 1 then
    set theArgv1 to item 1 of argv
    end if
    if (count of argv) = 2 then
    set theArgv2 to item 2 of argv
    end if
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 1: " & theArgv1)
    logEvent("Passed ARGV 2: " & theArgv2)
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Aperture Library file" default location POSIX file ApertureLibraryPath) as string
    set ApertureLibrary_G to POSIX path of theFile & "Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
    set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder" default location POSIX file exportFolder) as string
    end if
    logEvent("ApertureLibrary_G path is set to: " & ApertureLibrary_G)
    logEvent("exportFolder path is set to: " & exportFolder)
    tell application "Aperture"
    logEvent("Getting list of project path information...") of me
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),A.ZUUID
    set SQLProjectUUIDPath to DB_execute(SqlStatement) of me
    set theProjectsOptions to SQLProjectUUIDPath as list
    set end of theProjectsOptions to "ALL PROJECTS"
    logEvent("Projects list: " & theProjectsOptions as string) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to choose from list SQLProjectUUIDPath with prompt "Please choose a project(s):"
    end if
    if theArgv2 is not equal to {} then
    set theSelectedProjects_G to theArgv2
    end if
    logEvent("The selected projects : " & theSelectedProjects_G as string) of me
    logEvent("Getting list of libraries...") of me
    set theLibraryList to every library
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theLibraryList) & " libraries") of me
    repeat with theLibrary in theLibraryList
    set theLibraryName to name of theLibrary
    logEvent("Processing library: " & theLibraryName) of me
    set LibraryFolders to {}
    set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (exportFolder & theLibraryName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theLibraryName & " at " & exportFolder) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file exportFolder of me) with properties {name:theLibraryName}
    end if
    end tell
    set theLibraryPath_G to exportFolder & theLibraryName & "/"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    set theRootFolderList to {}
    if theFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree(0, theFolderList) of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    if (id of theFolder) is not in theFoldersTree_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root folder : " & (name of theFolder) as string) of me
    set end of theRootFolderList to theFolder
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theFolder)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootFolderList is not equal to {} then
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    set end of LibraryFolders to processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me as list
    processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of projects...") of me
    set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectList) & " projects") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of albums...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of library id (id of theLibrary)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    set theRootProjectList to {}
    if theProjectList is not equal to {} then
    repeat with theProject in theProjectList
    if (id of theProject) is not in theProcessedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root project : " & (name of theProject) as string) of me
    set end of theRootProjectList to theProject
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theProject)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbumsTree(theProjectList, theFolderList) of me
    set theRootAlbumList to {}
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumList
    if (id of theAlbum) is not in theAllAlbums_G as string then
    logEvent("Found root album : " & (name of theAlbum) as string) of me
    set end of theRootAlbumList to theAlbum
    set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theAlbum)
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    if theRootProjectList is equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
    processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    if theRootAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
    end if
    end if
    cleanup(LibraryFolders, theLibraryPath_G, "all") of me
    end repeat
    logEvent("total exports : " & numExports_G) of me
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "Total image exports : " & numExports_G buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end tell
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s))
    if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
    display dialog "ERROR : " & s buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
    end if
    end try
    end run
    on cleanup(theObjects, thePath, theSelection)
    logEvent("Cleaning export folders...") of me
    logEvent("# Objects: " & (count of theObjects)) of me
    logEvent("Export Folder: " & (thePath as string))
    tell application "Finder"
    logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
    set theFolderList to every folder in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of files...") of me
    set theFileList to every file in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFileList) & " files") of me
    repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    if theFolderName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving folder " & theFolder & " to trash...") of me
    move theFolder to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    if theSelection is not equal to "folder" then
    repeat with theFile in theFileList
    set theFileName to name of theFile
    if theFileName is not in theObjects as string then
    logEvent("Moving file " & theFile & " to trash...") of me
    move theFile to trash
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Cleaning completed...") of me
    end cleanup
    on logEvent(logMessage)
    set theLine to quoted form of (((current date) as string) ¬
    & " : " & logMessage)
    do shell script "echo " & theLine & ¬
    " >> ~/Library/Logs/AppleScript" & theScriptName_G & ".log"
    end logEvent
    on DB_lookupProjectPath(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    select replace(rtrim(ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject'),'/',':' )
    from ZRKFOLDER
    ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1)
    end DB_lookupProjectPath
    on processFolders(theFoldersList, theFolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processFolders... : " & theFolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfFolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theFoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    set foldersOfFolder to {}
    set theFolderName to name of theFolder
    logEvent("Processing folder : " & theFolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfFolders to theFolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theFolderPath & theFolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theFolderName & " at " & theFolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theFolderPath of me) with properties {name:theFolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfFolder to every album of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfFolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of folder...") of me
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderListOfFolder) & " folders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of project...") of me
    set theProjectsListOfFolder to every project of folder id (id of theFolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectsListOfFolder) & " projects") of me
    if theProjectsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processProjects(theProjectsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if theFolderListOfFolder is equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of foldersOfFolder to processFolders(theFolderListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & ":"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(foldersOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfFolders
    end processFolders
    on processFoldersTree(theParent, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processFoldersTree...") of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    if theParent is not 0 then
    set end of theFoldersTree_G to (id of theFolder)
    end if
    set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
    if theFolderListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
    processFoldersTree((id of theFolder), theFolderListOfFolder) of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processFoldersTree completed...") of me
    end processFoldersTree
    on processAlbumsTree(theProjectsList, theFoldersList)
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree...") of me
    set theAllAlbums_G to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of every subfolder of project id (id of theProject))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
    repeat with theAlbum in (every album of folder id (id of theFolder))
    set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbumsTree completed...") of me
    end processAlbumsTree
    on DB_lookupImageInfo(puuid)
    set SqlStatement to "
    SELECT replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',datetime(B.ZDATELASTSAVEDINDATABASE, 'unixepoch', '+31 years','localtime'))
    B.ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
    set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    return {theImagePath:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1), theImageDate:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 2)}
    end DB_lookupImageInfo
    on processProjects(theProjectsList, theProjectPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processProjects... : " & theProjectPath) of me
    logEvent("processOrder: " & processOrder) of me
    set arrayOfProjects to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theProjectsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
    set ProjectFolders to {}
    set theProjectName to name of theProject
    set end of arrayOfProjects to theProjectName
    set theContinue to 0
    if "ALL PROJECTS" is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    if (id of theProject) is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
    logEvent("Skipping project: " & theProjectName) of me
    set theContinue to 1
    end if
    end if
    if theContinue = 0 then
    -- set theProjectPath to theProjectPath & DB_lookupProjectPath(id of theProject) of me
    logEvent("Processing project : " & theProjectName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theProjectPath & theProjectName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theProjectName & " at " & theProjectPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theProjectPath of me) with properties {name:theProjectName}
    end if
    end tell
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    set end of theProcessedProjects_G to (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImageList to every image version of project id (id of theProject) as list
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImageList) & " images") of me
    set end of ProjectFolders to processImages(theImageList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "project", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    end if
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfolderList to every subfolder of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfolderList) & " subfolders") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
    set theAlbumList to every album of project id (id of theProject)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
    if theSubfolderList is equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
    set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of ProjectFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfolderList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "all") of me
    cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "folder") of me
    end if
    end if
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processProjects completed...") of me
    return arrayOfProjects
    end processProjects
    on exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, imageType, isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt)
    set imageInfo to DB_lookupImageInfo(imageUUID) of me
    set imageTime to theImageDate of imageInfo as Unicode text
    set imageDate to date imageTime
    set isExported to 0
    set imageName to imageName & imageExt
    set theFile to POSIX file (exportFolder & imageName)
    tell application "Finder"
    set isUpdate to 0
    if not (exists theFile) then
    logEvent("Image does not exist in folder : " & exportFolder) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    logEvent("Get image modification date") of me
    do shell script "ls -l " & quoted form of (exportFolder & imageName)
    set imageFileDate to modification date of (info for theFile)
    if imageDate ≥ imageFileDate then
    logEvent("Image file date: " & imageFileDate as string) of me
    set isUpdate to 1
    end if
    end if
    if isUpdate = 1 then
    if exists theFile then
    move theFile to the trash
    end if
    if isAlbum is equal to "album" then
    logEvent("Creating a link for image: " & imageName) of me
    set theProjectFolder to theImagePath of imageInfo
    do shell script "ln " & quoted form of (theLibraryPath_G & theProjectFolder & "/" & imageName) & " " & quoted form of exportFolder
    set isExported to 1
    logEvent("Exporting image: " & imageName) of me
    tell application "Aperture"
    if imageType is "master" then
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    set settings to exportSettings
    export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
    end if
    end tell
    end if
    end if
    end tell
    return isExported
    end exportImage
    on DB_execute(SqlStatement)
    set SqlScript to Sqlite_G & space & "-separator '|'" & space & (quoted form of ApertureLibrary_G) & space & (quoted form of SqlStatement) & " 2>&1"
    set SqlResult to do shell script SqlScript
    set theARray to {}
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
    set SqlRecords to text items of SqlResult
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return SqlRecords
    on error s number i partial result p from f to t
    set s to "SQL Error: " & s
    logEvent(quoted form of (s)) of me
    end try
    end DB_execute
    on DB_record(SqlRecords, row, col)
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set SqlCols to text items of (item row of SqlRecords)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    return item col of SqlCols
    on error
    return {}
    end try
    end DB_record
    on DB_lookupRecord(SqlRecords, theReturnCol, theText, theCol)
    set theResult to ""
    repeat with theRow in items of SqlRecords
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
    set theFields to text items of theRow
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    if item theCol of theFields is equal to theText then
    set theResult to item theReturnCol of theFields
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    return theResult
    end DB_lookupRecord
    on processImages(theImageList, exportFolder, isAlbum, exportSettings)
    logEvent("processImages... : " & exportFolder) of me
    if exportSettings contains "JPEG" then
    set imageExt to ".jpg"
    set imageExt to ".ANY"
    end if
    set arrayOfImages to {}
    with timeout of 6000 seconds
    set theCount to count of theImageList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theImage in theImageList
    set imageUUID to id of theImage
    set imageName to name of theImage
    set end of arrayOfImages to imageName & imageExt
    logEvent("Processing image : " & imageName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set numExports_G to numExports_G + (exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, "version", isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt) of me)
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    end repeat
    end timeout
    return arrayOfImages
    end processImages
    on processAlbums(theAlbumsList, theAlbumPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processAlbums... : " & theAlbumPath) of me
    set arrayOfAlbums to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theAlbumsList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumsList
    set theAlbumName to name of theAlbum
    logEvent("Processing album : " & theAlbumName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set AlbumObjects to {}
    set end of arrayOfAlbums to theAlbumName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theAlbumName & " at " & theAlbumPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theAlbumPath of me) with properties {name:theAlbumName}
    end if
    end tell
    logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
    set theImagesList to every image version of album id (id of theAlbum)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theImagesList) & " images") of me
    if processOrder is equal to "albums" then
    set end of AlbumObjects to processImages(theImagesList, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "album", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
    cleanup(AlbumObjects, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "all") of me
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processAlbums completed...") of me
    return arrayOfAlbums
    end processAlbums
    on processSubfolders(theSubfoldersList, theSubfolderPath, processOrder)
    logEvent("processSubfolders... : " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    set arrayOfSubfolders to {}
    tell application "Aperture"
    set theCount to count of theSubfoldersList
    set theCounter to 1
    repeat with theSubfolder in theSubfoldersList
    set theSubfolderName to name of theSubfolder
    logEvent("Processing subfolder : " & theSubfolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
    set theCounter to theCounter + 1
    set end of arrayOfSubfolders to theSubfolderName
    tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists (POSIX file (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName) of me)) then
    logEvent("creating new folder " & theSubfolderName & " at " & theSubfolderPath) of me
    make new folder at (POSIX file theSubfolderPath of me) with properties {name:theSubfolderName}
    end if
    end tell
    set SubfoldersFolders to {}
    logEvent("Getting list of albums ...") of me
    set theAlbumsListOfSubfolder to every album of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfSubfolder) & " albums") of me
    logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
    set theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder to every subfolder of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
    logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder) & " subfolders") of me
    if theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder is equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    if theAlbumsListOfSubfolder is not equal to {} then
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    set end of SubfoldersFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
    end if
    cleanup(SubfoldersFolders, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), "all") of me
    end repeat
    end tell
    logEvent("processSubfolders completed...") of me
    return arrayOfSubfolders
    end processSubfolders

    If you do externalize your Masters to folders anywhere (same drive, internal/external drive, multiple drives, whatever), never be tempted to use Finder to mess with them.
    As Frank said, use Relocate Masters.  Otherwise you'll confuse Aperture when it wakes up expecting Masters to be in certain places when they have moved elsewhere.
    It's possible to fix up the mess, but it's no fun!

  • File Location in Aperture Library

    So, I'm new to aperture having transitioned from Lightroom.
    When I set up my aperture ilbrary I oould have sworn I maked keep images in current location (where I had them stored in LR). Those files show in finder to be 681GB. When I look at my new aperture libray, it's 745GB. So I presume that I've inadvertanly set up an aperture library with the images stored within. Is this a correct assumption?
    If I leave it this way, what do I lose? Can these enormous files become corrupt? I only do a backup offsite once a month or so.
    Should I delete this new aperture library and re-import w/o moving the files?

    Stevej2001 wrote:
    So, I'm new to aperture having transitioned from Lightroom.
    When I set up my aperture ilbrary I oould have sworn I maked keep images in current location (where I had them stored in LR). Those files show in finder to be 681GB. When I look at my new aperture libray, it's 745GB. So I presume that I've inadvertanly set up an aperture library with the images stored within. Is this a correct assumption?
    Based on the size, I would say that it is indeed a 'Managed Library' where all your images are being stored inside the 'Aperture Library' package.
    If I leave it this way, what do I lose? Can these enormous files become corrupt? I only do a backup offsite once a month or so.
    Other than an OS corruption or Disk corruption, it is the database inside the Aperture Library that can become corrupt, which does not compose a huge issue as you can always manually remove the Master images in the worst case scenario.
    Should I delete this new aperture library and re-import w/o moving the files?
    Many people choose a 'Referenced Library' (which is what Lightroom uses) for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are; 1 - long term storage needs for Masters may exceed internal drive space; 2 - using manually created 'Finder' folders is preferable to using the Library Inspector view; 3 - Master files will be stored in an easily accessible form if the Aperture database gets corrupted beyond fixing and you at least have the Masters already filed logically and easily managed for a new system or library.
    In the end, it is up to you; but deleting the new library and re-importing while leaving the Masters in their current location should be in line with what you have been doing with Lightroom. This would mean doing backups of the Masters and Aperture Library as separate operations (not a big deal if you have the external resources for copying).

  • I'm organising my Aperture library today and I'm going to go through my photos folder, import the images to Aperture and then delete the original folders. Just curious if deleting the source folders is a big no-no or not.

    Topic title basically sums it up.

    Alright. For my case was, my source files are inside the Document folders. Since importing the pictures into Aperture, deleting the source files/folders did not cause any problems with Aperture.
    Whether it is a good idea or would depend on how comforatble you are with the idea in the first place. On one hand you can save up precious hard disk space, while on the other if the Aperture library gets corrupted, you might lose everything. Of course, having a backup of the Aperture library helps, as well as a time machine backup of it. On top of that you can also have an Aperture Vault to backup the library to a external drive.
    In summary i think a reasonlable backup plan is just as important regardless of whether or not the source file is in which location. For my case, i only have the Aperture library as all of my source. A time machine backs up everything including my library, in addition to that, i also use Aperture Vault to back up to another external drive just in case.

  • My aperture library lives on an external hard drive that is corrupt and I can not locate the library. I do have it backed up with TM. How do I safely restore the library from TM to my laptop? I am using the newest version of aperture on my macbook pr

    My aperture library lives on an external hard drive that is corrupt and I can not locate the library. I do have it backed up with TM. How do I safely restore the library from TM to my laptop? I am using the newest version of aperture on my macbook pro.

    Hello Sandra,
    The article linked below details how to go about restoring items from Time Machine in Snow Leopard.
    Mac OS X 10.6: Recovering items using Time Machine and Spotlight

  • I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.

    I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.
    I can't access these images except to go into the applications. 
    Also, I'd like to import my iphoto library into aperture, and move aperture library to an external drive.  I tried the import first, but there wasn't enough space.  Then I tried copying over the aperture library onto the external drive but it failed bc it said file was in use. 
    As it is, I only have 50gb left on my imac, and the aperture library is 150gb.  Also, I have over 10k images in both libraries combined and there are tons of duplicates that need to be sorted, and hopefully not messed up because I've organized most of them.
    So in short, I need to know how to do the following:
    -select photos in finder in aperture/iphoto libraries
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    -eliminate dups but maintain organization
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    -live happily ever after
    Thanks in advance for any support you can offer!!

    If you're using apps like iPhoto or Aperture then they replace the Finder for managing your photos. The point is that you use the (many) options available via these apps for the things you want and need to do with the Photos.
    So, simply, you don't select the photos in the Finder. I'll append the supported ways to do this - which are faster and will yield the current version of your Photos - to the end of this post.
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    Managed or Referenced Library? Managed -
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    Referenced -  relocate your Masters first.
    These issues are covered in the Manual and on this forum hundreds of times.
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    FIle -> Import -> iPhoto Library? Have you done this already? If so are you trying to move the Masters to Aperture from an  iPhoto Library? Or Consolidate them?
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    You can't. Every photo is in a Project.  They’re the basic building blocks of the Library.
    You might want to spend a little time with the manual or the video tutorials. I'm not sure you've grasped the app  you've purchased.
    The following is written for iPhoto, but about 97% works for Aperture too.
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto/ APerture:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics. This is what you use to attach your shot to your GMail
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto/ Aperture.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto/ Aperture not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser

  • How do I view folders in the aperture library through finder?

    How do I view folders in the aperture library. If I look in my pictures I have the applibrary there but can't access it. If I click on it it opens Aperture and I can't find a way to find the info throught aperture either.

    You can browse the contents of your Aperture Library from the Finder, but better do not change anything inside.
    To look inside the Aperture Library package
    Reveal the package in the Finder,
    right-click or ctrl-click it and select "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu.
    You will see a folder with subfolders containing the masters, previews, and thumbnails.
    The iLife Applications will let you browse the Aperture Library through the MediaBrowser, that is much safer.
    P.S. If your Aperture Library is referenced, not managed, you can view the master image files by selecting the image in Aperture in the Browser or film strip, ctrl-clicking it and selecting "Show in Finder".

  • Aperture Library photo folders are not updated in iTunes view

    The list of photo folders in Aperture doesn't update which doesn't allow me to select them and sync with my iPad. Selecting ALL would be too many for the iPad (60,000 plus).
    I put new photos into Aperture 3.0 and can't get them onto my iPad.

    I can't really help, but I have the same problem. I really need to convert one of the RAW images in Aperture to a DNG using the Adobe DNG converter, but the converter can't find the image because the folders haven't updated.
    I have restarted Aperture, the computer, all of the programs. Nothing seems to work. I don't know why the folders in the Pictures folder wouldn't match the folders in the Aperture Library. Most of them are the same, why not all?

  • Aperture Library location...

    Help needed, please - I have Aperture and library running on my hard drive and a lot of images are now in place. I have also bought a 500gb external drive.
    What I want to ask is:
    Is it possible to move Aperture to my 500gb?
    Is it advisable to do that, will it free up a lot of space on the Mac HD?
    If it will free up a lot of space how do I move it, step-by-step?
    All help & advice appreciated.

    Is it possible to move Aperture to my 500gb?
    Is it advisable to do that, will it free up a lot of space on the Mac HD?
    Advisable? It's certainly not a problem. It will free up as much space as the Library takes up.
    If it will free up a lot of space how do I move it, step-by-step?
    Are you using Managed or Referenced Masters? Assuming you are using Managed:
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Aperture Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

  • Aperture Library Default Location?

    What is the default location of the Aperture Library? I changed it to an external drive but now want set it back to default.

    Aperture puts its first library in the Pictures folder of your user directory.

  • Correct permanent location for java library folders currently on desktop?

    I've got two "Library" folders which contain Java Apps which include: wotaskd.woa and JavaMonitor.woa. When I attempt to launch either, the "A" icon flashes briefly in the dock, then dissapears.
    I don't know if the current desktop location of these folders has anything to do with the problem or not. I know that there is a more proper permanent location for these library folders but I don't know where to put them.

    Place those items in the folder /System/Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications/ if it exists on your hard disk.

  • Change Imported Files from Store in Current Location to Aperture Library

    Aperture Newbie
    I have chosen to import my files by using the Store Files: drop down selection "In the Aperture Library". That is what I prefer.
    However, I accidentally imported a large selection fo files and chose the Pictures folder instead of the In the Aperture Library selection. Is there a way to change it without removing the pictures and re-importing. I've done a lot of edits on the pictures in this project and would rather not start over.

    He's the Lion's meow (or is that roar?). 

  • How do I switch from Aperture Library to Regular Files in Folders?

    I want to get out of the Aperture Library thing so I have better options of backup and usability.
    How do I switch? Using 1.5.2

    You are looking at relocating your masters:
    More flexibility, but also more responsibility as well.

  • ITunes doesn't see Aperture Library - iMovie doesn't see Aperture Library

    Nearly all of my videos in the Aperture/iPhoto library do not show up when I select iPhoto library option in iMovie and iMovie is unable to locate them in any other way.  Sometimes the option to select the iPhoto library is completely missing.
    iTunes does not recognize my Aperture library, and I get the following message:
    "Your Aperture Library could not be found. Open the preferences window in Aperture and enable the preference to share previews with other applications." After reading through forums and multiple Genius Bar appointments here is most of what I have done:
    Created multiple new Aperture libraries, selected them in Aperture, rebooted, switched back and forth - Note:  iTunes DID recognize the new blank libraries
    Booted Aperture with the Command + Option keys and run all three options to repair permssions and even rebuilt the database
    Booted Aperture with the Option key and selected the library I was using all along (this worked for someone in a forum)
    Opened iPhoto (not Aperture) and selected an option to share photos
    Run "Verify Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Run "Repair Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Reinstalled OSX
    Reinstalled Aperture
    Reinstalled iTunes
    Reinstalled iMovie
    Run a virus and malware scan (no issues)
    Verified that Aperture was set to share previews and had a Genius go through all of my options to ensure they were correct in iTunes, Aperture, and iPhoto
    Have ran "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Command + Option + R recovery partition multiple times.  Each time it just hangs for hours, the latest attempt ran for over 24 hours before I finally stopped it.
    Oh yes, and I found and deleted the file com.apple.iApps.plist
    None of these things fixed either of my issues.  According the the Genius at my last appointment, now I have to call Apple Care and pay to get support.  I must have misunderstood what the Genius Bar was about when I bought my Mac and why I purchased the One to One training.  Before I call Apple Care, I was hoping someone might have run across this and can help me.
    I asked the Genius if I now need to just create a new Aperture Library and move all of my content to it (that was the last resort for someone in a forum); however, he was concerned that even if this might work that I probably have deeper permission and/or other issues that need to be addressed and that doing so would not fix the root cause.
    Thanks for taking the time to read through this issue.

    Understood.  I thought perhaps the period meant that I was finished and just needed to call Apple Care and fork out the fee. 
    The formats are primarily .MOV straight from the iPhone.  Since going to a Mac, I have pretty much given up on using my Sony Handycam for family videos due to the pains of having to locate, identify, convert, and export AVCHD video to watch on Apple TV.  It is just too easy to take video with my iPhone and import it and immediately watch it, although the quality is nothing close to a dedicated video camera, especially indoors and in lower light.  All of the video formats in Aperture are supported and most all of my older home videos and Sony Handycam videos are sitting on an external drive (hoping that one day I will have the time to figure out a decent workflow to access them after I work all of the bugs out of iMovie).  Great thought though.
    All my content is managed.  After a handful of One-to-One sessions at the Apple Store, I finally learned that you could not reference videos in iMovie and had to either have them in the iMovie Events directory or in iPhoto (at least that was what she said).  Their solution was to import the videos into iPhoto so they could be easily accessed in iMovie.  After I had issues mentioned in this post their solution was for me to purchase Aperture that could handle larger libraries.  This was supposed to fix the issue and allow iMovie to see my videos.  When that didn't work they said that I needed to purchase Final Cut Pro.  I'm just a Dad who wants to make a few memorable home movies for his family and I don't think that I should have to purchase a $300 application, especially after paying a premium for my Mac and the iLife software, which I am deeply regretting.  But I digress.
    I have repaired permissions again and am in the process of repairing the library and will rebuild it again if that doesn't work.  It is taking longer so I won't be able to post the results until a later time.  Definitely worth a shot to try this again.
    If this doesn't work I will take the time to create a new Aperture library.  Like I previously mentioned, this was the last resort for another gentlemen who had a similar issue.  After doing this it might explain why the "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Command + Option + R recovery partition is getting hung up and not working.  I'll post the results at a later date.  If I could save just one person the time, gas, and stress I've experienced it would be worth it.
    One additional question?  I read a gentlemen's post that passionately argued against ever using iPhoto, Aperture, or iMovie to ever manage video files.  He suggested using folders and a file naming system similar to what I used when I was on a PC using Adobe Elements.  Do you have any thoughts on that? 
    For my situation, I have two concerns:
    I'm afraid this would not allow me to watch the videos on Apple TV as simply as I can now (although I don't know this to be the case for certain).  If the videos aren't in my photo library, I'm not sure how I would be able to access them through Apple TV.
    Since I'm a proud Dad I have hundreds of video files spanning many years, so I also don't want to lose the ability to quickly peruse my event library and find content that I want to import into a project in iMovie.  At one point I imported some video files to edit that weren't stored in iMovie, and I could only see the file name and date and had to guess if there was content on it that I wanted.  When you have hundreds of clips like I do that isn't practical.
    He argued that these programs were never meant to manage content and worked much more efficiently using this method.  I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts.
    Thanks again.

  • Aperture Library/Database hacks

    After one week playing around with aperture, i want to share my current insights with 'customizing' (my) aperture's way of dealing with my picture files.
    The following thoughts and arrangements are working for me, they're
    undoubtly NOT supported by apple and the programmers of the aperture
    Reading a lot of articles in the forum when aperture hit the masses, i've been disappointed about how aperture will fit with me.
    Over the years my growing picture collection moved over from one computer to the other, deploying more storage, and will continue to do so in the future. So the technical equipment has to be independent from the treasure's of my data, to follow state of the art hard- and software development.
    For me, aperture approved to be of such a kind.
    Despite aperture stores away all my digital masters into it's own Library, thus duplicating data during imports, it just brings in some kind of more detailed
    directory hierarchies to my way of organizing my picture library. How does it do?
    How do i store my Library?
    Sorry to be that longish, but to explain my concepts i have to.
    Modern operating systems distinguish private/personal and public/common data for their file storage locations. Hopefully they follow the 'FHS' (Filesystem-Hierarchical-Standard) brought up by linux, to name the diverse locations for classified data.
    I do run mixed os'es within my networks, as no computer should be isolated from a networked environment anymore. But to be honest it's more a single-user situation in reality, then the multi-user aspects i always keep in mind when designing my infrastructure environment for a network.
    My picture library/online-archive is classified 'common' data, so it stores outside my home-directory, and every user allowed to, has access to it. I do not support locales within my filenaming-conventions, users and me are german-spoken, so the 'common' data for my systems is always called
    Furthermore we're dealing with pictures (Bild), movies (Film), music (Musik) and documents (Dokumente) in all common used operting systems (os x, windows), storing private data to the home-directory within appropiate directories and public/common data to the equivalent directories at a common storage.
    BTW, i customized windows to reflect this filetree within explorer windows, so users click to 'Eigene Bilder' (my pictures) and 'Bildarchiv' (common pictures) there, to change between directories, making it very convenient to work with.
    Especially the 'common' picture files are strongly organized by date, which is reflected at the directory-structure, for example:
    '/Bibliothek/Bildarchiv/2004/2004-04-17, make a good description/'
    '/Bibliothek/Bildarchiv/2005/2005-12-00, a bunch for the whole period/'
    A descriptive directory name is highly portable between operating systems, applications and last but not least, users!
    For now, aperture seems to be pretty much a single-user solution.
    But it's library can be 'distributed' to accomodate my needs.
    I started to import my data by drag'n'drop, which works best for me. I didn't like the import assistent, which seemed to result in a different structure of my data in aperture's 'all projects' list. By creating a folder in aperture for the year, then drag'n'drop the multi-selected directories from the finder, i got within aperture:
    All Projects + * (<-Aperture)
    <div class="jive-quote">Library (smart-albums, collapsed)
    2005 (folder)
    2005-11-00 (folder, nested)
    2005-11-17, sample bla (project, from directory)
    Images from 2005-11-17, sample bla (album, inherited)
    2005-12-08, take a better name (project)
    Images from 2005-12-08, take a better name
    Using aperture's preferences to switch between libraries i did import to different aperture libraries for the years, resulting in a bunch of directories, each holding an 'Aperture Library.aplibrary' paket there.
    Yes, the pakets can be renamed, to better reflect whats in there. Aperture has to be restarted to change from one library to another!
    The total amount of imported data, yet: 130 GB, ~33164 pics.
    I am working with a 15" powerbook, 1,5gb ram, 80 gb hdd on the road and a 200gb external drive at home/office.
    to make me feel comfortable with aperture, i switched to (terminal hacking!):
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/2004/ ->
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/2005/ ->
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/Texturen/ ->
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/...
    /Bibliothek/Bildarchiv/Texturen/Texturen.aplibrary ->
    /Volumes/HD39.1/Bibliothek/Bildarchiv/Texturen/Texturen Library.aplibrary
    Linking folders to where i believe they are right placed in my systems.
    Now aperture's settings don't have to be changed each time to switch between libraries. Not connecting the external hdd gives me grayedout
    folders within aperture, for data stored on the external drive. Having a folder located on my inetrnal hdd and 'linked' to aperture:
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/local ->
    i can work with aperture normally, even if the external drive is not available.
    the grayedout folders/subfolders/projects are browsable, but all thumbnails are just gray rectangles with its 'version name' underneath. same with smart-albums. available pics have colored thumbnails, unavailable pics are gray, naturally.
    And aperture's database? well, i am very happy with it, really. Compared to my pre-aperture structure all the above mentioned tweaking gave me:
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb
    This file is actually the sqlite3 database file. it's size is 111 MB now.
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/Local ->
    I can store pictures there into folders and projects when i am on the road, filling up my local harddisk. Inspecting the paket shows up how aperture differenciated my pre-aperture filestructure:
    /Bibliothek/Bildarchiv/Working.local.aplibrary/2005-12-08, take a better name.approject/2005-12-08 @ 01/49/06 PM - 1.apimportgroup/DSC0168/dsc0168.nef
    All nicely packed into a single unit from the finder, easily browsable from aperture, and searchable by sql queries. Every Master enclosed in its own folder box, hm. Every import of files seperated to one folder, which makes clearly apparent that we will import redundant(duplicate) files for ever.
    Adding two/three levels to my previous filestructure, strange namings all inclusive. As i sort my files with aperture into projects, the files accordingly move around at the filesystem-level. I'll let them go. They are there if i need access to them in case of failure.
    T H E G L I T C H E S
    within my setup the most current sql database is stored at:
    ~me/Pictures/Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb
    importing the way i did results in a sqlite3-database file for each library i switched to before linking them together. Right after linking one of those aplibrary pakets as a new folder, aperture will rebuild the current database at startup, which can indepently be invoked with 'option command aperture' anytime the program is started.
    Changes to the metadata of a picture are written to the current database aperture is running on, but can be transfered to any other database file
    when rebuilding the library at startup (which can be a time-consuming thing!)
    Even if the external hd is reconnected before startup, some thumbnails are not properly generated all the time. At the current state i don't have any glue what's the cause for this. All Versions are properly accessable anyway.
    Once again,
    if you try some of the suggestions i've made. Better you know how to handle a terminal before you even think about what i told here. Don't bother me, if something does not work for you - it works for me.
    I can do this because it's my data, i am the only one affected by failure and i still do have my data on my windows system as a backup, for now.
    Do the same before you trash your treasures.
    Why i did made this post? Aperture really lacks support for team-working now. I cannot see how aperture can be really employed to its potential for an environment with more than a single user?. The sqlite3 database is said to handle concurrent users, i read on its homepage. So i still hope, there will be a group-worked aperture someday.

    my reports, just for the logs.
    drwxr-xr-x 2 fo03c fo03c 68 Dec 19 20:15 ArchiveInfo
    -rw-r--r-- 1 fo03c fo03c 362 Dec 19 20:17 DataModelVersion.plist
    -rw-r--r-- 1 fo03c fo03c 173107200 Dec 20 00:26 Library.apdb
    comparing the timestamps, the time needed to recreate 'my' library, is:
    4h 11 min.
    The sql database contains 972 projects with 57952 picture items, as the startup overlay tells me. not that bad, i think. depends on the situation, and how much zen you learned, if you can wait for the 'recreate'.
    but i didn't stop to mature aperture!
    i switched to one of my 'old' libraries (choosing from preferences panel) and set some new
    a) ratings
    b) keywords
    c) deleted a master from that 'old' library.
    after changing back to the 'linked' aperture database file (within my home-directory, as described previously), and restart aperture -
    yes, it crashed! oops.
    yet another try - crash. i realized, i deleted the first pic from the 'current view' aperture tries to load after relaunch. ?! =:-(
    if the database is corrupted again, i would have to reinvest ~4 hours to recreate the database? but how about the preferences?
    apple this is a bug! when i made the preferences file
    UNAVAILABLE (delete or rename as you like), aperture starts with the import assistent, as at its first time.
    Since then i can start aperture and navigate to the project i deleted the file from (very unpolitly). The corresponding thumbnail shows up with a new 'icon' to lower right corner of the thumbnail. It clearly means: this file is UNAVAILABLE.
    YES =:-) i deleted it!
    the rating and keywording on the 'old' database is gone -
    thus making the precedence of the database against the sidecars obvious, doensn't it?
    selecting the 'orphaned' thumbnail, now leaves aperture with the message 'loading', but it does not crash. Changes in ratings or keywording to the current library (the 'recreated' new one) on different files are persitent across restarts of aperture. btw, aperture restarts with the focus on the orphaned first thumbnail, now marked with the icon 'i am NOT available', but it does not crash anymore, when starting.
    my conclusion:
    someone in the forums pointed towards the difficulties maintaining a database of pictures and the separation of their storage, as users will delete or move files seperated from that database, breaking everything.
    NO, aperture does widely tolerate such doing.
    But why should we do so? =:-)f
    For me: its fun, i will not complain about failure, when i do mature an application like this.

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    On IPhone 5 my Starbucks app starts and then shuts down immediately.  I have deleted and reinstalled.  Turned phone on and off and rebooted phone.  Any help would be appreciated

  • Error when trying to upload latest upgrade for iPod Touch

    *when i try to upgrade to 4.0.2 it say error (-5000) and says if i continue i will lose all my data. what do i do?*

  • User Task -- isGroup and taskGroupID

    Hello. What are the isGroup and taskGroupID properties of User Task used for. I might be missing it, but I cannot find them in the documentation. I am asking because we are building functionality in which we are wanting to group tasks together. Thank