Lock Box - Cleared items (Urgent please)

Hi all
Can anyone please help me getting a report, to get the below information.
1.How many customer invoices have been cleared through Lock Box Clearing program -- I wanted to findout how many customers have been cleared automatically (How can I findout this information - Tables/Field)
2. How many customer invoices were not able to be cleared due to tolerance error through Lock Box clearing program
Please help me in getting these detials

1.How many customer invoices have been cleared through Lock Box Clearing program -- I wanted to findout how many customers have been cleared automatically (How can I findout this information - Tables/Field)
You can sort this in table BSAD based on Doc type...Idenity whether your document posted via Lockbox program has unique ID...else you can identify from the table BKPF header records <fields TCODE & BLART>.
Hope this helps

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  • Row is not deleted when check box is selected urgent please

    my problem is, i am creating number of rows dynamicaly and storing the values in the database. I do have one delete check box. if the user checked that box that row should be deleted. I am using array to return the check box values. It is working fine when there is multiple rows.. suppose if i do have only one row and trying to delete that row i am getting an exception. Please help me to solve this issue, here ismy jsp
    <%@page language="java" import="java.lang.*, java.sql.*, java.io.*,
    <%@ page import="DatabaseConnection"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentsBean"%>
    <%@ page import="AdjustmentTransactionInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="CustomerLocationInfo"%>
    <%@ page import="EmersonGlobalConstants"%>
    <%@ page import="CallPLSQLFunc"%>
    <%@include file="Security.jsp" %>
    AdjustmentsBean adjustments = new AdjustmentsBean();
    String userName=(String)session.getAttribute("user_name");
    String divisionCode=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code");
    String divisionName=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code_name");
    GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar)Calendar.getInstance();
    CallPLSQLFunc callPLSQLFunc = new CallPLSQLFunc();
    Vector months = callPLSQLFunc.getMonths(divisionCode);
    String cMonth = callPLSQLFunc.getCurrentMonth(divisionCode);
    System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%" +months);
    //int mm = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    //int yyyy = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    if(months ==null){
    months=new Vector();
    int mmst=0;
    int yyst=0;
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(0)).charAt(0)));
    StringTokenizer token1 = new StringTokenizer(cMonth,"-");
    int ddst = Integer.parseInt(token1.nextToken());
    String currentDate= (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst;
    System.out.println("The current date is" + currentDate);
    String slectedMonth = request.getParameter("selectedMonth");
    String selectedDate=currentDate;
    if(slectedMonth != null && slectedMonth.trim().length()>0){
    boolean modifyAllowed=false;
    String admin=(String)session.getAttribute("admin");
    if(admin.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ){
    Vector transactions = adjustments.getTransactionsOfMonth(selectedDate,divisionCode);
    Vector customers = adjustments.getAllCustomers();
    System.out.println("customers : "+customers.size());
    var modifyAllowed;
    if(<%=modifyAllowed%> == true){
    modifyAllowed = '';
    modifyAllowed = 'disabled';
    var EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Num = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var EAS_Cust_Name = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationNumKey = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    var customerWiseLocationName = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num_Key()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Num[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num()%>";
    EAS_Cust_Name[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Name()%>";
    var locationNumKey = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    var locationName = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
    int j=0;
    Enumeration enum = cl.getLocations().keys();
    String s = (String)enum.nextElement();
    String name = (String)cl.getLocations().get(s);
    customerWiseLocationNumKey[<%=i%>] = locationNumKey;
    customerWiseLocationName[<%=i%>] = locationName;
    function changeMonth(){
    function populateLocation(id){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["location"];
    var wCustRow = theForm["customer"];
    var len;
    var locobj ;
    var custobj ;
    if(rows ==1){
    locobj =wRow;
    locobj =wRow[id];
    if(rows ==1){
    custobj =wCustRow;
    custobj =wCustRow[id];
    len = locobj.options.length;
    locobj.options[z] = null;
    locobj.options[0] = new Option("Select Any Location");
    var cIndex = custobj.selectedIndex;
    if(cIndex !=0){
    locobj.options = new Option(customerWiseLocationName[cIndex-1][i-1],customerWiseLocationNumKey[cIndex-1][i-1]);
    function addRow(id){
    var table = document.getElementById(id);
    var sHTML = new Array() ;
    var cus = "<select name=customer onChange='javascript:populateLocation("+(table.rows.length-2)+")'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Customer</OPTION>";
    var options;
    options = options+"<OPTION VALUE='" + EAS_Cust_Num +"'>" + EAS_Cust_Name + "</OPTION>";
    sHTML[0] = "<input type=checkbox name=chk "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changedisable("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=adid value='' ><input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'>";
    sHTML[1] = cus;
    sHTML[2] = "<select name='location'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Location</OPTION>";
    sHTML[3] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku"+modifyAllowed+"> <input type=button value=Search onClick=window.open('SearchSKU.jsp?cnt="+(table.rows.length-2)+"','SearchSKU','width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes')>";
    sHTML[6] = "<input type=hidden name=shipnotbilled "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changeisshipnotbilled("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='false'>";
    sHTML[4] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=units "+modifyAllowed+">";
    sHTML[5] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=amount "+modifyAllowed+">";
    var newRow = table.insertRow(-1);
    var sHTMLIndex = sHTML.length ;
    for(i=0;i<sHTMLIndex;i++) {
    var newCellSelect = newRow.insertCell(-1);
    newCellSelect.innerHTML = sHTML;
    function validate(){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var theForm = document.forms[0];
    var wRow = theForm["amount"];
    var custRow = theForm["customer"];
    var locRow = theForm["location"];
    var quantityRow = theForm["units"];
    var count = table.rows.length;
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    var obj;
    if(rows==1){ //only one row..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount");
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer");
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location");
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount");
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity");
    return false;
    }else{ //this means more than one rows..
    alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(wRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Amount "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location for transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
    alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity of transaction no "+(i+1));
    return false;
    if(quantityRow.value== 0){
    alert("Please fill non zero value for Units "+(i+1));
    return false;
    return true;
    function isQuantity(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function isAmount(value){
    for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
    if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
    if((!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)) ){
    if(value.charAt(k) !='.'){
    if(k == value.length){
    return true;
    return false;
    function changedisable(index){
    function changeisshipnotbilled(index){
    function backtoHome(){
    function setData(cnt,num){
    var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
    var rows = table.rows.length-2;
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
    <%= EmersonGlobalConstants.TITLE %>
    <body class="trAppId1" alink="blue" vlink="blue" link="blue">
    <form name="adjustmentForm" method="get" action="AdjustmentServlet"
    Manual Sales Application
    <br>User Name: <%=userName%>, Division Code: <%=divisionCode%>,
    Division Name: <%=divisionName%>
    <b>Date: </b>
    <Select name="selectedMonth" onChange="javascript:return changeMonth();">
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    //mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(i)).charAt(0)));
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
    String mon = (String)months.get(i);
    StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(mon,"/");
    String mmm= token.nextToken();
    String yyy= token.nextToken();
    System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
    System.out.println("selectedDate**** "+selectedDate);
    out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
    <table id="myTable" class="tableForm" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" align="center">
    <tr class="trFormHead"><td colspan="7"> Adjustment Transactions</td></tr>
    <td width = 2%><b>Delete</b></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Customer<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 25% align=center><b>Location<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 20% align=center><b>SKU<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <!-- <td width = 5% align=center><b>SNB</td> -->
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Units<font color=red> *</font></td>
    <td width = 9% align=center><b>Amount<font color=red> *</font></td>
    int index=0;
    AdjustmentTransactionInfo transacrionInfo;
    transacrionInfo = (AdjustmentTransactionInfo)transactions.get(index);
    <input type=hidden name=adid value='<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentId()%>' >
    <td><input type=checkbox name=chk <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changedisable(<%=index%>) >
    <input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'></td>
    <td >
    <select name=customer <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onChange='javascript:populateLocation(<%=index%>)' >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Customer</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl =(CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    //this is done considering that EASCustLocNum of transaction is same as EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key of customer table.
    String selected = cl.getLocations().containsKey(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"";
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Num() + "'"+selected+">" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Name() + "</OPTION>");
    <select name="location" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Location</OPTION>
    for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
    CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
    Hashtable locations = cl.getLocations();
    Enumeration enum = locations.keys();
    String key =(String)enum.nextElement();
    out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + key +"'"+(key.equalsIgnoreCase(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"")+">"+ locations.get(key) + "</OPTION>");
    function openURL(URL,windowName){
    <input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku value="<%=transacrionInfo.getProductionSKUNum()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type=button value="Search"onclick="javascript:window.open('SearchSKU.jsp?cnt=<%=index%>', 'SearchSKU', 'width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes');">
    <input type="checkbox" name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%><%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>)><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type=hidden name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%> <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>) ><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
    <input type="text" size="10" name="units" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentQty()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    <input type="text" size="10" name="amount" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentAmt()%>" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
    /*if(transactions== null || transactions.size()==0){
    out.println ("<tr><td></td><td colspan=6 align =
    center><b> Transactions not available</b></td></tr>");
    <br><b>Transactions marked will be deleted on submit</b>
    <b>Fields marked with <font color=red>*</font> are mandatory.</b>
    <input type=submit value="Submit Form!" onClick='javascript:return validate()'>
    <input type=button value="Back to Home Page" onClick='javascript:backtoHome()'>
    String getMonth(int month){
    case 1:
    return "JAN";
    case 2:
    return "FEB";
    case 3:
    return "MAR";
    case 4:
    return "APR";
    case 5:
    return "MAY";
    case 6:
    return "JUN";
    case 7:
    return "JUL";
    case 8:
    return "AUG";
    case 9:
    return "SEP";
    case 10:
    return "OCT";
    case 11:
    return "NOV";
    case 12:
    return "DEC";
    return "JAN";

    I haven't read your code, but can make a guess at what's going wrong. Checkboxes do behave in a weird manner depending upon whether you have selected one or many.
    Assuming this is the statement where you are generating the checkbox :
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkBoxName" value="<%= someValue %>">
    What you could do is read the checked checkBoxes in an array :
    String[] values = request.getParameterValues("checkBoxName");
    int sizeOfValues = values.length;
    Then use the sizeOfValues to perform your delete action :
    if (sizeOfValues==1)
         for (int i=0; i<sizeOfValues(); i++)
    Hope this technique works.

  • Mac OS X 10.4.x Locking up desktop items - HELP Please

    After I bought and installed Mac OS X 10.4.3, I found that files and folders on my desktop could no longer be deleted or edited. I upgraded to 10.4.6, but that did not fix the problem. I can't rename the files or folders either, though I can copy them to another folder where I can then edit them, but the originals on the desktop are still there in their original form. Can anybody help solve this problem please?

    It's possible to run Disk Utility> Repair Permissions from the Installer menu while booted from the Install disc. That, on further thought, is a non-issue with Tiger 10.4; in earlier versions of OS X, running Repair Permissions while booted from a different drive would read the package receipts from the boot drive, not the target drive, potentially messing up permissions.That was I think fixed somewhere late in 10.2.x / early 10.3.x, but it's hard to kill the old habit of checking if Repair Permissions was run while booted from the hard drive or not.
    Does Get Info on Desktop Items show your user account as owner with Read/Write permissions?

  • Hide Page Items - urgent please

    I am using 3 page items to display in the header of my report, but I don't actually want Page Items in my workbook...
    I've tried making the font/background white and the font size 1, but I still get 3 rectangular boxes where those page items would be. It looks rather strange... how can I hide the page items when the report is printed?
    I'm trying to get this ready for Monday (it is Saturday), so if anyone could offer help quickly I'd appreciate it!

    Thanks for responding so quickly! Let me further explain the situation to see if you have any ideas...
    I don't actually need page items... I have 1 parameter that the user is required to enter which will actually return the other 3 items uniquely for this workbook. The user enters the AP Batch Name and that returns the Batch Date, Invoice Count and Total (there is only 1 record that will be returned). So, the user won't actually choose any of the 3 items to filter the data because they would be given a list of 1 thing. I don't mind making parameters, but only if I can just assign the appropriate values to them and the user doesn't have to enter/see them on the parameters dialog.
    Could you explain further what the following means?
    [email protected] wrote:
    The best you can do is have a second sheet for printing with the page items pushed down into the body of the report. Now you can sort on them and then hide them.

  • Lock box clearing

    Hi All
    Can any body explain me how the clearing will happen in lockbox processing.
    How searching criteria happens in algorithms for invoices?
    Thank you

    Hi Deepa,
    Customer payments are posted into the system to represent the collection of money and the application of this money against Customer liabilities to the company. This can be performed two ways within the system, either on an individual payment-by-payment basis, or collectively, in what is commonly called lockbox processing.
    Individual payment-by-payment processing will have the User entering one transaction per payment. Lockbox processing is a two step process: step one has User using one transaction to post multiple payments based on data file from the bank, and step two is a transaction to correct any un-applied payment data from step one. 
    Lockbox is a function, performed by a bank, which allows the Customer to send payments directly to a bank via ‘lockbox’ (a specific mail address set-up for the company at the bank). These payments are collected by the bank and applied to the company’s bank account, with data from the payments (like check routing number, Customer bank account number, check number, payment amount and invoices being paid) being made available to the company in a file format to allow for collective processing. The lockbox data is either sent daily to the company, or located at the bank, and retrieved by the company daily.
    The lockbox process uses a 'lockbox clearing' account to post all payments directly to bank G/L account. This allows the bank account to have a correct balance while the clearing account has non-zero balance until all payments are applied to Customers or written off. The lockbox posting log should be printed for future reference (especially in resolving issues for post-processing). The lockbox posting log should be printed for future reference (especially in resolving issues for post-processing). The lockbox process will provide Customer updates to bank details, if the data does not already exist, and the program find payments that can identified to a specific Customer based on invoices paid.

  • Lock Box Line item table FEBEP

    Hi guys: Is there way to see the status of who (which user) set the status from part. applied to Applied in this table FEBEP?
    Which table has the status's and as to who changed it?
    thanks so much

    When the lockbox amount was applied a dosument number would ahve got generated. Go to the document & check the user details.

  • Few customer invoices are appearing in open as well as cleared items.

    when I am running FBL5N for a particular customer, few line items are coming  as open as well as cleared items.
    Please suggest how to overcome from this.

    Once it cleared, then it will not appear in open item. This will happen only for partial payment even though we cleared. For that particular invoice, we done partially 2,3 times and cleared, in that payment doc any one doc containing future date. So that you should give the date which having future date in fbl5n.
    For example: Invoice date 10.12.2011, payment done(posting date) 11.12.2011,12.12.2011,.....20.12.2011
    But whenever checking in fbl5n, we always check with current date. Invoice is cleared. so that it will show cleared item, but according the current date its open only. So that it will show open item also. If you are changing into final date with reference of payment doc, then it will not appear in open item

  • Lock Box - item not getting cleared

    I m testing the lockbox process with the lock box file available online.
    I could be able to import the file and document got created. But i have some doubts, please try to reply for the same.
    1) payment advice got generated but the customer open item is still not cleared? do we need to process that further? the check status is applied and G/L document got posted.
    2) I think we can also process lock box posting through Idoc, what is the process flow? would you pease eloberate on this IDOC  process for lockbox.
    3) I am not able to understand the posting done (without clearing the customer open item). Both debit and credit posted to a bank account. would you please eloberate the posting done while lockbox processing?
    Please let me know if more information required.

    If you are able to load the lockbox file then customer items shall be cleared. Please check the posting rule config and clearing accounts maintained for lockbox.

  • Lock Box not clearing

    Hello all,
    my lock box status is not being processed in FBLB1, its showing the status as not processed even and the document number is not being populated in FLb1. The customer open item is being cleared and i am getting a clearing document but for some reason its not clearing in FLB1.
    Please help

    problem with the user exit

  • Alert box:No more free items available, please create new one

    We are running a SAP ERP Ecommerce, we get a strange alert box message "no more free items available, please create a new one". This alert window pops up only when you have created one order in a session and you are trying to create another order. Has anyone come across this issue?
    Steps to recreated this issue
    1. Create an order with any product - quantity is rounded to next possible value.
    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

    We are running a SAP ERP Ecommerce, we get a strange alert box message "no more free items available, please create a new one". This alert window pops up only when you have created one order in a session and you are trying to create another order. Has anyone come across this issue?
    Steps to recreated this issue
    1. Create an order with any product - quantity is rounded to next possible value.
    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

  • Invoice clearing in Lock Box - FIFO basis

    hi experts,
    My client wants that for specific customer, all those outstanding invoices  be cleared with one payments received via check, that were received first, automatically. In other words, the stream of incoming payments will keep  clearing a sequence of all previous (date-wise)  outstanding invoices automatically.
      It seems we need to do some configuration changes in lock box process. Can any one give some insight in this regard as  how to make it possible?

    No, standard lockbox cofiguration doesn't provide this facility.
    There are 5 standard Lockbox program that do clearing based on either Reference (XBLNR) or Document number (BELNR) or both.
    You may have to customization.
    1. Use some custom re-processing program before Lockbox or
    2. See if you can change clearing rulses in one of the 2 available Lockbox user exits or



    If you turned on Settings > iCloud > Find My iPad before it was stolen you can use the steps under "If Find My iPhone is enabled on your missing device" in the following link: If your iPhone, iPad, user iPod touch is lost or stolen - Apple Support
    If you had not turned on Find My iPad before it was lost, there isn't a way to locate it. There are some suggestions in the "If Find My iPhone isn't enabled" section near the bottom regarding changing passwords and other steps.

  • URGENT...reversal of documents, that are shown as cleared items in the syst

    Hi Friends,
    Our client has issued about 3 cheques about 6-7 months back as settlement to an employee. (So in which case as per the system, it is showing as a cleared item).
    He has not presented the cheque or for some reason, the amount is not withdrawn from the bank. As the cheque is more than 6 months old, they want to reverse the posting made.
    I tried reversing the document using, FB08 and FBRA, however, system pops up an error message saying, cleared items cannot be reversed, the items need to be in red, as open items for reversing,
    Is there any way that I could deal with this.

    Thnx for the reply. I had posted a wrong issue. the cheque issed was more than 6 months old. But the actual check issue date is 02.02.2007 i.e., of the financial year 2006 and as the books of accounts are closed, that is where I'm facing a problem.
    Now how to go about resetting that cheque from the previous financial year, coz FB08 and FBRA are not working.
    Any solution in such a situation

  • HT5312 I forgot my username and password of the dark and I did restore the device is locked The device I have receipts and everything I built a mobile network and said turn to Apple New device boxes should help urgently have no representation in Israel

    New device boxes should help urgently have no representation in Israel

    Click here, or contact Apple’s Account Security team, or if you're the device’s original owner, take it and its purchase receipt to a physical Apple Store.

  • Resetting a cleared item

    Hi all
    I am trying to reset a cleared item through FBRA and am being encountered by two pop up boxes. The first one is askin me as SHOULD OPEN CORRESPONDENCE BE DEACTIVATED?? AND IF I PRESS YES OR NO itz giving me another pop up box as SYSTEM LOCK ERROR: INFORM SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR!!. can someone pls help me through this am stuck at this. This is an urgent to be addressed >>
    Thank you in advance

    Yes - thank you. 
    However, once FF_5 has loaded the BAI - the postings become a 2 step process.  Step 1 below is the part that reprocessing in FEBAN does.  This is the part that I can't get to re-process - even after editing table FEBEP.  I must be missing a field - though I compared it against one that wasn't cleared and they matched.  I can do step 1 manually via FB05 - but we're going to be doing a lot of these - and I would really like to make that work.
    1 - the payment clearing from the checks out to the bank cash account
    2 - the encashment (which has to be manually set)

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