Lock icons on music stored on  external HD. Why?

Please read entire problem: I have downloaded music to an authorized iMac...i then back up the music to an external HD. Then i try to move the music to an another authorized laptop (same house/workshop).... i notice that some of the music has a lock icon. Some of the music i have downloaded back to back... and only some of the music has the lock icons and i can't bring it into my laptop....at present the workaround is turning on filesharing.....but what's the point of "backing up" if the music is locked? I have been doing this for about a year....never had a problem before.... is it an update problem? am running iTunes 7.5

Well.... I decided to redo what i had done. Before i moved the music from the first machine, i made sure it was "authorized"....then dragged copies of the bought music onto the external hard drive. Then before i moved the music from the external HD, i made sure i authorized the machine i was moving them onto. Not sure if this did it or not. There are still "lock" icons on the music, i've moved onto that machine, but they DO play. I have NO IDEA what happened..... but it is working again. ????....

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    Hi Hugo. If the content was stored on the external drive but the library files were stored on the internal then you have lost all your original library information such as date added, ratings and play counts. Having pointed iTunes to the external drive already you still need to import the content into your new empty library. If, on the other hand, you had successfully put your library files on the external then you need to hold down shift when starting iTunes and browse to the library on the external drive.
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    When you say "when i double click on my itunes files it just opens up this list of music." it doesn't mean anything to me. You need to explain clearly, remember I only know what you tell me.
    I need to understand how you have things set up and if you had you iTunes library database on the external drive or the c: drive. That is the iTunes folder containing iTunes library.itl.
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    Hello Stained Glass,
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Head to the Edit drop down menu and choose "Preferences." Then head over to the Advanced tab. You will an option that says *iTunes Media folder Location*. Go ahead and click the change button. From there, navigate to your folder on your F drive and make the appropriate selection.

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