Lock screen pausing

I just got my Galaxy S5 and I noticed that when I'm playing music on Spotify and I lock my phone, I can't pause or skip from the lock screen. Is there a setting that I can change to fix it or is the feature not availble on this phone?

I have a similar behaviour.
I play a podcast in the Podcasts.app, and a few hours later, when I hit 'Play' on the lockscreen, the music player 'forgets' this fact and just grabs a title from the music library instead of continuing with the podcast.
This started happening in IOS6, so I think this is a new 'feature'....

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    Try Virtual Lock Button. Settings App > General > Accessibility > Assistive Touch > ON > tap new small white screen button > Device > Lock Screen. This can even be used to turn iPhone OFF. To turn iPhone ON, connect to power, charger or USB port of computer.

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    No.  But tell apple about your concern http://www.apple.com/feedback/

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    Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!  Thanks so much Steve A.  Double tapping the Home button does toggle the player controls on and off from the lock screen.
    I was hoping it would be something simple like that.
    Just wondering, is that functionality explained somewhere?  As I wrote in my first post I did several searches to come up with a fix or explanation for this issue.

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    it works fine  on my  phone. try to check access Settings- Control center - make sure Access on Lock Screen and Access within Apps are On. while on lockscreen mode, try swiping up from the bottom of the screen to view control center. try to play a song, then swipe it down to hide the control center. u will see there music playing while on the lockscreen and can pause it from there.. hope this will help.

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    I have the same problem. I guess these are bugs on Control Center app, and hope Apple sees to this and release updates to fix them soon.

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    Try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone: Press the Menu button and the power button until you see the Apple sign. See what happens then

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    I have the same problem!
    I came on here to see if anyone has a solution, but it seems there might not be one just. Keeping my fingers crossed. Quickly adjusting music selections from the lock screen was one of my favorite and most used features (not to mention this bug renders control center pretty much useless to me if I have not access to my music from it).

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    hi there
    i had a problem with my wifes iphone 4s, today morning while travelling to work i changed a setting on repeat option and changed it to repeat artist, it was fine until when i finish my work and on my way back i found songs are not playing anymore, lots of stop signs next to my song list, play/pause button not working, album arkwork keep moving from one to another on its own, so after i reach home i try to do some research on Apple support communities, try to soft reset my phone closing all the apps on background didnt work, also note that control centre music player was not working as well. none of the solutions worked. after trying for two hours i found out that the trouble is in repeat options , so i changed it from repeat artist to repeat off. and the music start playing as usual, but i still have those stop buttons next to the songs i tried to play earlier. At least it fixed temporarily. please also note that in the meantime i tried to sync my phone with the pc and suddenly its start syncing all the songs again assuming there were no songs on my iphone.  so guys i think soft reset might not help all the time but try to remember what settings you changed recently and change it back to the original option, not sure ,but it might help.

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    Apple clearly desinged the lockscreen to blur, whenever anything other than the TIME has to display there.
    Took me a long time to realize that, for me, the problem was audio playback. For others, it is notifications, texts, etc.
    Whenever you use AUDIO, the iOS displays the "playback control buttons" on the lockscreen, which causes the blurred background [presumably in order to better see the displayed info]. But, as soon as I PAUSE, the screen clears right up.
    If your issue is notifications, this should be fixable; because you should be able to NOT DISPLAY notifications on the lockscreen.
    I will be checking to see if there is an option to NOT display the "playback control buttons" on the lockscreen - given new control center, those buttons are no longer even necessary, especially when I can access the control center from the lockscreen.
    We need to request that apple add option to STOP blur effect on the lockscreen.
    You will NOT see this effect on the home screen; because, in theory, the iOS does not "display info" there - only icons.
    Hope this helps! Been very annoying for me, as well!

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    Last edited by Und (2013-12-24 04:23:11)

    Hurricane wrote:
    It seems as though that bug was reported a while back. Here's the link.
    Unfortunately the suggestion on that page simply returns:
    ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/bin/gdmflexiserver’: File exists
    However, I have replaced GDM with LightDM and that is working perfectly. Thanks for telling me where to look!

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    sometimes seems like the effect may not auto-disappear, as it should. hopefully the "blur with no notifications" is NOT normal.
    rebooting the iphone always works to remove the burred effect; and may fix this "glitch", if it IS a "glitch".
    but, if your issue is only with notifications blurring the lockscreen, this seems fairly easy to fix, since you can set ALL of your apps to NOT display notifications on the lockscreen. If the iOS doesn't have to display info there, there is no need to blur the background.
    you should note that there are things other than notifications that WILL blur the lockscreen; so when you say you're getting "blurring but no notifications"; then this could mean that the iOS is displaying some other info on the lockscreen.
    Example: for me the blurred screen has to do with AUDIO PLAYBACK, which causes the iOS to display the "playback control buttons" on the lockscreen. When I PAUSE AUDIO, the blur clears up instantly. So, clearly, Apple designed the screen to work this way.
    I will be checking to see if a way to remove the "audio controls" from the lockscreen. given new contol center (which I can access from the lockscreen), there is no longer any need for these controls to display on the lockscreen.
    I will be trying to remove everything possible from displaying on the lockscreen, to at least minimize this effect. But think we all need to request that apple add an option to STOP the blur effect on the lockscreen.

  • When playing YouTube in background the phone stays on and does not auto lock and if it is auto locked and you receive a text it will stay on / lit even in the lock screen

    Mine and my wifes iphon 5s is having way too many problems for today's technology, when using iTunes music app from the lock screen if you press pause from the lock screen it stays the same not like before when you paused the music the play buttons would disappear but now they just stay there, and when playing YouTube videos in the background from safari and the phone is in lock screen and you receive a text the screen will stay lit until you turn it off yourself and also the same thing happens in the home screen if your playing YouTube from safari in the background the phone won't auto dim of auto lock after any amount of time it will stay on forever these problems need to be fixed, also the wifi is not working like it used to and the LTE and 3G data are slow, slower then the 3GS when ios 6 came out. Please fix thank you, loyal customers for 8 years and own almost every product you sell, thanks again

    Any number of things could have caused the phone to do this. If after the reset you are experiencing additional problems, the next step in the troubleshooting process is a restore from a backup. Make sure you have one before you start the restore process. If that does not improve things, then you may have to restore as a new device. Remember, restoring as a new device will delete all data off the phone. Make sure all of your pictures are imported to the computer and all other data is synced to supported applications on the computer before restoring as new. See this support document about backups http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4946, and this about restoring the phone. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414

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    Try A and B
    (A) Restart iPad
    1. Hold down the Sleep/Wake button until the red slider appears.
    2. Drag the slider to turn off iPad.
    3. Turn iPad back on, hold down the Sleep/Wake until the Apple logo appears
    (B) Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

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    sometimes seems like the effect may not auto-disappear, as it should. hopefully the "blur with no notifications" is NOT normal.
    rebooting the iphone always works to remove the burred effect; and may fix this "glitch", if it IS a "glitch".
    but, if your issue is only with notifications blurring the lockscreen, this seems fairly easy to fix, since you can set ALL of your apps to NOT display notifications on the lockscreen. If the iOS doesn't have to display info there, there is no need to blur the background.
    you should note that there are things other than notifications that WILL blur the lockscreen; so when you say you're getting "blurring but no notifications"; then this could mean that the iOS is displaying some other info on the lockscreen.
    Example: for me the blurred screen has to do with AUDIO PLAYBACK, which causes the iOS to display the "playback control buttons" on the lockscreen. When I PAUSE AUDIO, the blur clears up instantly. So, clearly, Apple designed the screen to work this way.
    I will be checking to see if a way to remove the "audio controls" from the lockscreen. given new contol center (which I can access from the lockscreen), there is no longer any need for these controls to display on the lockscreen.
    I will be trying to remove everything possible from displaying on the lockscreen, to at least minimize this effect. But think we all need to request that apple add an option to STOP the blur effect on the lockscreen.

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