Log and Transfer:  Dark circles rather that light ones?

Using Final Cut 6, in my "log and transfer" mode, the dots next to the footage were bright green after a transfer.
Recently, I downloaded the software upgrades and, since installing the upgrades, the circles next to the transferred footage are dark green.
Is this a change in the software? Or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help.

OH, yeah...that was VERY early v6. Been dark grey for a while.

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    Hi there,
    I'm trying to log and capture clips in FCP7 from and HVX200.
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    Has anyone ever had this problem?

    Go into the Log and Transfer prefs...that little sprocket looking drop down menu.  Choose PREFERENCES.  Uncheck "REMOVE PULLDOWN."
    Try again.

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    Hey there camera400,
    were there any solutions you found? I'm having exactly the same issue at the moment....
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    Oy,  If it's the second or first half of a spanned clip that's missing, FCP will not import, and the camera cannot repair.  There is nothing to repair, according to the camera. Files are just missing.
    There are third party MXF software options that allow FCP to import the P2 files natively, without converting to QT.  I wonder if they will see the MXF files, or if they too need the complete file to do so.  I think most have demos. 
    Calibrated Softare has MXF import:
    Then there's MXF4Mac:
    And Raylight.

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    Use Disk Utility (in your Applications>Utilities folder) to erase the drive and reformat as Mac OS Extended. There are differing opinions regarding whether or not you should select journaling. With media drives, I tend not to. (This process will, of course, erase what's on the drive presently.)

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    Please give us more specific information -
    What make/model camcorder are you using?
    Are you absolutely certain this is AVCHD video?  Tell us more about the video settings you used in the camcorder (eg, frame size, frame rate, quality level)
    Why are you attempting Log & Transfer from a card reader instead of from your camcorder?  Have you tried doing Log & Transfer from your camcorder?
    Are the SD cards straight from the camcorder, unaltered, or are you just using the cards as storage?
    Are you using FCE 4.0 or FCE 4.0.1?

  • I need to know best way to edit MXF files, with least rendering, is that converting the MXF or Log and Transfer? the end product is dvd, but I have lots and lots of these projects to do.

    I am about to comence my Edit, and was told of Mpeg Streamclip, however this doesn't seem to work with my Canon XF305 Clips, the reason I was told to use it was so I wouldn't have to Render in Final Cut Pro all the time.. I do have the Canon Disc with the Plug in Utility and the update from their site.
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    I know Streamclip is an Mepeg 2 app but I thought the Canon XF305 Shot as mpeg2....
    Is Log and Transfer my only Option?
    Basically I need to know the quickest for Render purposes, and of course, the best way so the files aren't so huge etc etc.
    Please, any suggestions would be greatly received....

    We only work with PR422 files in FC7.  We use Shane's workflow with all 5D & MXF footage.
    Make your life easier and stick to the ProRes family for your footage and edit sequences. Avoid H264 & convert any you have to ProRes.
    Unless you are considering Blu-Ray the only way to deliver video on a DVD is to convert it to SD.
    Depending on the length of your show you can make a Blu-Ray in Compressor but you have very limited authoring options when compared to DVD Studio Pro.
    Compressor can also convert your HD to SD mpg-2 & Ac3 files. The best results usually come from setting the frame controls in the mpg-2 setting of Compressor to best. Depending on the the length of the show and your Qmaster settings this can take quite a while.
    I personally find Compressor's HD to SD DVD conversion varies. Sometimes it is wonderful and sometimes not so much. I prefer the following as it is usually is faster and very consistent.
    Export a quicktime movie (not QT conversion) of your final sequence
    Import the exported HD file back into FC.
    Create a SD 16x9 sequence and then drop in the recently exported HD seq and render. Rendering the sequence basically has FC doing the HD to SD conversion. Export the SD sequence and then convert to mpg-2 & ac3 in Compressor. While this does take time I still find it faster than Compressor with Qmaster utilizing all cores.
    Another option is using jobs in Compressor
    In this workflow you would have Compressor convert the HD file to SD and then through jobs convert the SD file to mpg2 & Ac3. 
    In theory the jobs version could be faster (based on a number of variables- length, Qmaster, etc) but I haven't had time to compare the two. 

  • FCE log and transfer goes from avchd to prores which then requires rendering down to AIC -- what's with that??

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    How can I get Log and Tranfer to go straight to AIC??

    Do you have FCS or FCP-X installed on the same computer? Also, the HDR-CX160 is capable of shooting 60p which is not Log and Tansfer, or FCE compatible. You need to make sure the camera is recording 1080i60.
    Anyway, try this:
    Open Log and Transfer, and click on the gear in the upper/center portion of the pane to select preferences:
    When the preference open, navigate to AVCHD Plugin and choose Apple Intermediate Codec.
    Then try importing your files.

  • Problem with Log and transfer using AVCHD

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    I have produced projects on my MacBook Pro 2.33 Ghz Intel Core 2 using this process before with no problems in the past. This problem just started and I dont know what has changed. When I open the Log and Transfer (LT) window I can see and hear all my video from the AVCHD folder in my harddrive just fine, I can scrub with no prob.... But when I add clip to Queue I get an red circle with exclamation on my status.
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    I have made sure that the toggle Queue state was the little arrow instead of the paused icon...no luck there either... i got a message that says clip queued transferring but nothing is happening.
    I will appreciate your help!
    Also I didn't mean to tread jack earlier, please accept my apologies, if anybody saw that...

    OK!!!!! This seriously cost me 1 day of my life that I'll never get back!!! lol
    So I was able to bring the footage in on to Imovie...Yes, I was that desperate...deadlines do that!
    Edited the entire project there...kinda sucked...
    Then I had the bright idea that if I was able to bring the videos in to Imovie, on my local HD...than something may be wrong with my scratch disk that I use on FC...its a USB disk, specs =slow.
    So I changed the scratch disk and yes "Davi S" for good measure I also deleted the Pref files.
    So it working again...here I go editing on FC after I edited the entire project on Imovie...
    Thanks for all your help!

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    I used to be able to download files from the Harddrive of my Sony Handycam, but now it won't let me import them while going through "log and transfer."  I have tried to update my settings, but this doesn't seem to work.  Any help would be much appreciated

    Hard Drive:  The Hard Drive is on my camera (Sony Handycam)
    Just needed some info on what is going on with your particular system.
    Knowing the exact camera model will also assist us.
    If this camera is standard AVCHD you should be able to connect with USB to Mac with FCE open and use Log and Transfer without all the fiddling around converting etc.
    What FCE does during ingest is convert files to AIC. (Apple Intermediate Codec)
    FCE cannot read the individual files in the BDMV folder, that's why all the converting is required when you use that method.
    BTW: regards formatting drives/cards/memory on cameras; it is wise to use the actual device to format rather than a computer. This is a prime cause of read/write goof ups with solid state media. This applies to still or video cameras.
    Keeping the COMPLETE card/memory structure in tact is vital for successful transfers.
    Try here for some trouble shooting tips:

  • Trouble with FCP7, .mts, and Log and Transfer

    I'm trying to upload footage from a Canon Vixia S200, and Log and Transfer won't work. For reference, the footage is stored on the SD cards in the camera rather than internal memory. When I tried Log and Transfer for an older Vixia that used internal memory, Log and Transfer worked. Is there some way around this?

    FCP 7 doesn't work with 1080p60. That format came out after it's last update.  You need to use ClipWrap2 to convert the footage to ProRes 422...or use another editing app that will work with this footage.

  • FCP7 Log and Transfer, Unsupported Media . . .

    Last night I used two different SDHC cards in my Canon Vixia HFS100.  FCP7 will import clips via Log and Transfer from one, but not the other.  It just ignores everything on it (but I have 1.4 GB of recordings on it). 
    When I copy the card to a hard drive and point Log and Transfer to that folder, I get the message "CANON contains  unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure"
    Before using this card, I did a full initization of the card.  I compared the directory structures of the two.  They appear identical.  I haven't messed with either in the Finder.
    How do I tell what is wrong?  How do I fix it?  Or should I just try converting with something like Voltaic?  I'm an FCP beginner.  So, I would rather not stray too far from its work flow.

    On the card that you are having trouble with:
    1) make sure there are no still images
    2) make sure there is no non-hd video (log and transfer works with AVCHD HD video clips, not MPEG SD clips)
    3) if possible, all the hd video clips should be of one quality/size/format setting
    4) in the log and transfer window, click on the gear shaped icon in the top center of the screen to set the Log and Transfer Preferences:
    Set the Import Preferences for AVCHD to Plain Stereo:
    Click OK, then restart FCP, reconnect the camera and try again.

  • Need help with our "log and transfer" workflow...

    Again, it's our first tapeless project so please keep having patience with us.
    What should the workflow be for our project?
    I bring in the Firestore and dump raw files to a hard drive. Should I then transfer all footage to QT files? OR should my editor start looking at footage and carving it up as he transfers those files to QT?
    Our issue is that we have a lot of footage coming in and the new tower is slow when transferring footage from raw files to QT. It's driving us crazy.
    Aside from buying a more powerful tower, is there a way for us to review and log the footage and transfer at a real time pace (for example, is there a way to log the footage and do a transfer to QT files at the end of session?).

    David, thanks for the questions.
    Yes, it's FS-100. And yes, we are shooting on a HVX200.
    The settings we were given by our editing guru create MXF files rather than QT. If so, we should dump onto a hard drive and then bring into FCP, correct?
    Is there a way to log a number of clips and then transfer them en masse? Or do I have log and transfer them one at a time?
    Our issue is that the computer grinds to a virtual halt while transferring.
    Thanks again. We look forward to your thoughts.

  • P2 log and transfer issues (6.0)

    In light of the recent 6.0.2 problems, I decided to use a friend's machine to import some P2 data. He has 6.0. I imported the cards a.o.k. except for one.
    Log and transfer attempts to read the data (after assigning the custom path) and after a couple seconds, final cut just quits and gives me the following error message:
    "The application Final Cut Pro quit unexpectedly. THe problem may have been caused by the libMXFSDKr. plug-in."
    Has anyone experienced this? What are my other options for P2 reading/transferring ?

    ho trovato quest...ooops! Sorry
    I found this in my favorite links!
    Hope one option or another will help you to transfer content from that P2 card.

  • Log and Transfer from network volume causes FCE to crash

    I have copied the contents of an SD taken from a Canon HF100 to a volume mounted on my network. Originally, this was only intended as a means of back-up but I found I needed to capture additional footage so I navigated to the volume in the Log and Transfer window and began ingesting clips. The first clip worked just fine but the Log and Transfer window hung about 1/3 of the way into the second. I can preview all the clips in the L&T window but the program crashes when I ingest. The clips vary in length but that does not seem to be a factor in the problem. I tried this on both a Tiger machine and a Snow Leopard machine with the same results. iMovie was able to ingest the footage over the network without the same problem. Ultimately I moved the footage back to a local drive and transferred from there without any issues at all. This issue involves a great many layers but if anyone has had a similar issue I would be interested to hear.

    We just had a longish discussion about networks and capture/editing.
    Bottom line:
    The slowest component in the network stream is the speed the network runs and not necessarily both ways. Check the specs of your specific gear.
    I suspect this to be your problem. Here's a short extract.
    Networking Limitations:
    * When accessing the WD My Book World hard drives remotely using MioNet/WD Anywhere Access, please be aware that the transfer rate will be limited by whatever the slowest connection is. For instance, upstream rates for home users is typically no more than 512Kbps, even if the downstream rate is 4Gbps.
    * If there is heavy I/O load put on the network and WD My Book World hard drive, it is recommended that a static IP address be used rather than DHCP.
    Another thing of note was to use CAT 6 cable.

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