Log from Digitizer

I need to log both channels of my digitizer for 8 seconds.
I need to see how 2 waveforms (both at 350kHz) are changing overtime so sampling rate needs to be as high as possible. 
Nothing fancy needs to be done. 
No triggering. No timing. No special file type. Files don't even need to be indexed. 
Just click. Log. Save the file manually. 
What is the most simplistic way to do this?
We have a bunch of NI software (Labview, Signal Express, ect..), but nobody on the team knows how to use them...
Thank you very much!
Go to Solution.

The amount of data the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel can save is limited by the amount of data your scope can take in a single acquisition.  This will depend upon how much memory your scope has and the native bit depth of the acquisition (e.g. a 5122 takes 16-bit data).  You can change the record length in the SFP by choosing Edit»Device Configuration and selecting the Horizontal tab.  You may get where you need to be by just doing this.
However, you can get far more data and higher data rates if you stream from the device directly to disk.  This operation will be limited by your bus and disk speeds.  Typical sustainable values are around 20MBytes/sec - 40MBytes/sec, although with RAID systems and PCIe busses, this can get into the hundreds of megabytes per second.  To do this, you need to set your scope up so you are fetching from it as you are taking data.  A simple example can be found in niScope EX Fetch Forever.vi, in the NI-SCOPE examples.  However, this does not save data, it just fetches it.  After you fetch the data, you need to save it, preferably in a different thread than the fetch code.  This is easy in LabVIEW - use another loop.  You can find an example of this in niScope EX Save to File - HWS Low Level - Single Channel Stream.vi.  It uses NI-HWS, but the calls to NI-HWS could easily be replaced with either the binary primitives or TDMS calls.  This example fetches like the first one, but uses a queue to send to data to another loop, where it is stored in a file in a parallel thread.  Note that displaying your data will slow down your maximum acquisition rate, so the example does not do this.
Good luck!  Let us know if you need more help.
This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

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    1.     Click Start, and then click Run.
    2.     In the Open text box, type regedit.
    3.     Locate the following registry subkey:
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    4.     Right-click the EventLog key, select Permissions.
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    6.     Click Advanced...
    7.     Click Locations... and select the current machine by name.
    8.     Click Find Now
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    10.     Change the Network user to have Full Control
    11.     Click Apply and OK
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    Edited by: Paul Fowler on Feb 21, 2013 9:45 AM

    Thanks for sharing this information Paul.

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    Adobe                                        Ubiquity
    DiskUtility.log                              appstore.log
    FlashPlayerInstallManager.log          fsck_hfs.log
    kumaresh:Logs kumareshd$

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    kumareshmba:Logs kumareshd$ ls -al
    total 32
    drwx------+ 12 kumareshd  staff   408  3 Aug 10:50 .
    drwx------@ 49 kumareshd  staff  1666 31 Jul 14:31 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 kumareshd  staff  1316 31 Jul 12:48 AMRestoreLog.txt
    drwx------   3 kumareshd  staff   102 25 Jul 21:44 Adobe
    -rw-r--r--   1 kumareshd  staff    61 26 Jul 23:25 DiskUtility.log
    -rw-rw-rw-   1 root       staff   308 25 Jul 19:53 FlashPlayerInstallManager.log
    drwxr-xr-x  11 kumareshd  staff   374 27 Jul 08:17 Spotify
    drwxr-xr-x   3 kumareshd  staff   102  3 Aug 10:45 Sync
    drwxr-xr-x   3 kumareshd  staff   102 25 Jul 18:23 Ubiquity
    -rw-r--r--   1 kumareshd  staff     0 25 Jul 18:23 appstore.log
    -rw-r--r--   1 kumareshd  staff  2501 27 Jul 12:47 fsck_hfs.log
    -rw-r--r--   1 kumareshd  staff     0  3 Aug 10:50 test.txt
    kumareshmba:Logs kumareshd$ pwd

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    There is a feature called "Proof Of Play" which was created exactly to track what the DMPs are playing, you can find the documentation at the following link:
    Is this what you are looking for?
    Best Regards,

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    You can restore redo logs from below command.
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    If you want to do a restore & recovey you can go for point intime recovery. Here You need to restore online backup & then additionally need to apply redologs which were generated after the online backup.
    Check below link for details.
    also check below SAP notes which will answers of your questions.
    602497 - BRRECOVER - New tool for Oracle Restore and Recovery
    Note 4161 - Complete Recovery
    Note 23070 - Backup and Recovery: Basic Concepts
    Note 4160 - Tape management for recovery
    Hope this helps

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    Regards Sushain KApoor

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    Regards Sushain KApoor

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    HI ,
    Identify your Audit Log table and create generic data source for the same using rso2. 

  • Generate logs from user report options

    Hi all !
    I would like to know if there is a possibility to generate logs from report user selection:
    E.g: users can fill execution options to delimit the scope of the report execution and the output, company code, date ranges, account numbers, cost.
    - Is there a way to generate logs containing these report options that  were typed / filled by the user for every transaction executed?
    - If Yes could you please assist?
    Thanks in advance for the cooperation!

    There is a way of doing this using the object history, but the user can control this themselves and turn it off if they want to.
    Read the SAP notes on term "RSSGOSHIRE".
    Another way is to use parameter transactions or variant transactions, which the user cannot change or only change selected parameters for which you don't care about.

Maybe you are looking for

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