Log4j properties configuration problem

Hi all,
I have problem to configure properties , below is sample configuration i used :
#configuration for trace
log4j.appender.R1.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} %m
#configuration for error
log4j.appender.R2.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} %m
How to disable error log in trace.out file , i want to error log only in error.out file, but acctualy error log still appears in trace.out.
thanks all

avoid setting Threshold. instead use a specific logger in your class for errors:
public final static Logger sysErrLog = Logger.getLogger("SystemError");
and configure this logger in the log4j.properties:
log4j.logger.SystemError=ERROR, SystemErrorLogFile
log4j.appender.SystemErrorLogFile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %c{2} - %m%n

Similar Messages

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    I use log4j for logging. It's configured in a log4j.properties file. I want to make a new logfile for each day, with the date appended to the filename. Is it possible to do this just with the log4j.properties configuration or I must configure the log in the program?
    Rui Gon?alves

    There is a DailyRollingFileAppender to use.

  • Configuring directory path for fileappender in log4j.properties

    I want to write log data to a file where the directory path of the file should be picked from a unix environmental variable. How can you configure this in log4j.properties?
    log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A
    # A is set to be a FileAppender.
    # A uses PatternLayout.
    log4j.appender.A.File=$UNIX_ENV_VARIABLE/A.log <= This is what I want. The dir path should be picked from some env path
    log4j.appender.A.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
    Or if this should be done in code, then please guide me on that.
    Thanks in advance

    i am facing one problem,
    where today's log and yesterday log has log statements for today with same date.. but different data. any one pls help.
    this is the properties i configured
    # Logger for A messages
    log4j.logger.A=debug, A_R1
    log4j.appender.A_R1.MaxFileSize = 5MB
    log4j.appender.A_R1.MaxBackupIndex = 3
    log4j.appender.A_R1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a}|%c-%X{host}|%m%n

  • Problem with log4j.properties and level DEBUG

    I need some log4j help.
    I create 2 different appenders in the log4j.properties file
    and it works.
    This is my complete log4j.properties:
    log4j.logger.log1=DEBUG, log1
    log4j.logger.log2=DEBUG, log2
    log4j.appender.log1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} [%-5p] %-25c{1} %m%n
    log4j.appender.log2.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} [%-5p] %-25c{1} %m%nAnd here's my logging code:
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("log1");
    Logger logQuery = Logger.getLogger("log2");
    logQuery.info("loggerInfo");The problem is that "loggerDebug" is not written to all appenders (only "loggerInfo").
    In fact if I print:
    System.out.println( log.getEffectiveLevel().toString() );result that the level is INFO and I known that if level is INFO then DEBUG is disable.
    But why the level is INFO????
    Someone can suggest me a solution?
    Thank you very much

    You're so over-sensitive you: when an OP doesn't respond anymore
    to your last reply it implies that you've solved the problem and
    (implicitly) that the OP is very grateful to you. Why do you always
    have to be so explicit about matters? ;-)
    Because I'm not one of those Dutch people ;-)Yes, that's us, the Dutch: mysteriously smiling and keeping silent all the
    time. That's why they call us the Asians of Western Europe ;-)
    ps. There are nice exception to the rule sometimes though.
    Yes, and unfortunately they do seem to be the exception rather than
    the rule. It would be nice to catch one a bit more often.True; that's the internet generation: grab all the information that you can
    and don't give a f*ck about the guy who supplied the information. It's sad
    Maybe we should start a support group where we could thank each
    other now and then 'on behalf' of those little spoiled brats and complain
    about all those bad manners nowadays ;-)
    kind regards,

  • File not found error with log4j.properties

    I'm writing a web service on weblogic 8.1 with weblogic workshop.I have to use log4j-1.2.7 supplied by client with my application.I cannot write ant script manually.Also I cannot change server start script or cannot put any command line argument when the server starts.
    Now I require this logger in my EJB.I have kept log4j.properties in the same path where my EJB's are.But the final ear produced does not contain this log4j.properties and subsequently I get the error "log4j:ERROR Could not read configuration file [log4j.properties]."
    Please help me to resolve this problem so that log4j.properties goes with the final .ear file and the ejb code finds the logger.

    I am having a similar problem. Did you find a solution?
    Thank you,
    "arunak" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Pratim,
    I am also facing the same problem. can u please let me know whenever
    u get the
    solution for this.
    Pratim <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm writing a web service on weblogic 8.1 with weblogic workshop.Ihave
    to use log4j-1.2.7 supplied by client with my application.I cannot write
    ant script manually.Also I cannot change server start script or cannot
    put any command line argument when the server starts.
    Now I require this logger in my EJB.I have kept log4j.properties inthe
    same path where my EJB's are.But the final ear produced does not contain
    this log4j.properties and subsequently I get the error "log4j:ERROR
    Could not read configuration file [log4j.properties]."
    Please help me to resolve this problem so that log4j.properties goes
    with the final .ear file and the ejb code finds the logger.

  • Logging configuration problem

    Hi all
    I am working with JRun4. My problem is logging.
    logging mechanism can send messages to these destinations:
    1) The console screen
    2) The Log file.
    In both cases , logging information is obtained. but The console screen shows information which i print by System.out.println() , and The log file shows information which is Event generated. I want to store information in a file , which is given by System.out.printlln().
    I have done entries in jrun.xml as
    <service class="jrunx.logger.LoggerService" name="LoggerService">
    <attribute name="format">{server.date} {log.level}{log.exception}</attribute>
    <attribute name="errorEnabled">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="warningEnabled">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="infoEnabled">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="debugEnabled">false</attribute>
    <attribute name="metricsEnabled">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="metricsLogFrequency">60</attribute>
    <attribute name="metricsFormat">Web threads(busy/total): {jrpp.busyTh}/{jrpp.totalTh} Sessions: {sessions} Total Memory={totalMemory} Free={freeMemory}</attribute>
    <service class="jrunx.logger.ThreadedLogEventHandler" name="ThreadedLogEventHandler" >
    <service class="jrunx.logger.ConsoleLogEventHandler" name=":service=ConsoleLogEventHandler"/>
    <service class="jrunx.logger.FileLogEventHandler" name="FileLogEventHandler">
    <attribute name="filename">{jrun.rootdir}/logs/{jrun.server.name}-event.log</attribute>
    <attribute name="rotationSize">200k</attribute>
    <attribute name="rotationFiles">3</attribute>
    <attribute name="closeDelay">5000</attribute>
    <attribute name="deleteOnExit">false</attribute>
    what should i do for this?
    Please guide me.

    You should put it in the root of your classes (Ex: with JBuilder is
    Alexp wrote:
    Hi !
    I have a problem with the logging configuration.
    What is the right place for the log4j.properties file?
    Thanks a lot for cooperation,

  • Log4j and Tomcat-problem

    Hi all,
    First I tried to add some logging to my simple Java code with a xml configuration file and it worked fine.
    Now I am trying to add logging to the whole java application in the same way which runs in tomcat and face with the foll problem.Tomcat is not able to find the configuration file.I tried to place the xml file in all feasible locations in tomcat and also tried to add in classpath but in vain.
    Java Code(Which gets called in startup by another code)
    Java Code
    public class PublisherPoll implements Runnable {
    public static Logger logger = Logger.getLoggerPublisherPoll.class);//***********log4j
    public static Logger getLoggerInstance(){   //***********log4j
         return logger;
    DOMConfigurator.configure("sudarson.xml");//**********its telling it cant find/open this xml file
    Error(during starting tomcat)
    log4j:ERROR Could not open [sudarson.xml].
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: sudarson.xml (The system cannot find the file sp
    at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:66)
    at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(DOMConfigurator.jav
    at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure(DOMConfigurator.java:
    at SerenaStartupServlet.init(SerenaStartupServlet.java:44)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(StandardWrapper
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:9

    DOMConfigurator.configure("sudarson.xml");//**********its telling it cant find/open this xml fileWhat does "sudarson.xml" mean to you? To me, it means a file name relative to the current directory. What do you think the current directory is when you're running this in Tomcat?
    You need to research the APIs more fully, to figure out how to give it a resource name relative to the application's classpath, and put that file in said classpath.
    If I were you, I would try to avoid explicitly calling DOMConfigurator.configure altogether, and just pass the appropriate Log4J system property to the commandline that starts up Tomcat. Let Log4J worry about loading the file, given the property. If I recall correctly, the system property name is "log4j.configuration", which defaults to "log4j.properties" if unspecified. Also, rather than have each application running in Tomcat have their own log4j configuration file name, I'd name them something more universal, like "log4j.xml" - then if you deploy multiple apps in Tomcat, they can all load their own log4j.xml file, as long as (again) you corrected the "log4j.configuration" system property.

  • Log4j.properties location

    I want my web application uses a log4j.properties file located in a directory outside Tomcat, in /var/app/conf/.
    I'm using the PropertyConfigurator to configure log4j. If I put log4j.properties in the WEB-INF/classes directory all works fine, but if I put it in the "external" directory works but I get these warnings:
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig).
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax).
    How could I avoid these warnings?

    I am putting log4j.properties file in same folder
    where the java class file is, it's working fine. If
    i'm puting it in some different folder (folder is on
    class path) it's giving the proper output as log file
    but throwing exception at console as:I don't think it's the location of the java class, but rather
    where you are when you run the program. I'm running
    junit tests from within eclipse, and need to put the file
    one directory above my "com" directory. From the
    command line, the properties file just needs to be in
    the current directory. Perhaps using a fully qualified
    path name will solve your problem; no matter where
    you run the program, the file will be found. This
    assumes you have access to a fully qualified location
    (probably bad). Best to determine from where the
    program will be run, and place the file in a relative
    directory off of that (perhaps at deploy time).

  • Very weird issue with server logging when using log4j.properties file

    I'm using log4j logging. In log4j.properties the root logger is set up to use the ServerLoggingAppender class so that all our application logs go to the main server logfile. In addition, there are several appenders defined for specific components, with output going to specific per-component log files. Everything is going fine until I launch the server console. At this point all of those per-component log files get wiped out (zero length) and some non-ASCII lines are written to at least one of these files, after which the logs appear to be fine. The main server log file does not appear to be affected (because the root logger is set to "warn" level, while component-specific loggers are set to trace, the contents in these files is different; however I tried disabling all the other appenders and turning the root logger up to trace, and that still did not re-create the problem in the main server log file.
    And here's the really weird part -- if I use the same configuration, but in a log4j.xml file, the problem does not happen.

    Figured it out.
    We were passing in the configuration for log4j as -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/<properties file> and this was added to the command line for both the managed and admin servers. Problem is that the console app starts its own instance of log4j, and when it reads the configuration for the appenders it initializes or rolls over the files. At some point we have two JVMs accessing the same files, so some corruption is bound to happen.
    I'm not clear why the .xml file made a difference, but earlier we had been passing the log4j configuration as a jar file placed in the domain/lib folder, so perhaps the designer reverted to that (placed the log4j.xml file in a jar in lib, and not simply changed the -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/ option.

  • Log4j.properties ???

    I'm currently working with applets and try to call a web service from my applet. I receive this error message :
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Does somebody know where I have to declare this log4j.properties file ? Do I have to configure something by the client ?
    Finally does somebody know if it is possible to call web services from an applet (I mean on the same host) without using signed applets ????

    I believe that the log4j.properties file has to be in
    your classpath.
    and in an applet, this means placing log4j.properties in the root of your applet's JAR file.
    The problem you are going to run into, though, is what you are going to do with the logging information. Unless you sign the applet, you won't be able to write the log to disk... I suppose there might be an appender that could write back to your server (or you could implement one), but I'm not sure that's going to do what you are trying for...
    - K

  • Cost involved in changing the code using log4j.properties to log4j.xml

    i have finished my application, and it was done in such a way that logging is done using log4j but it was using log4j.properties file.
    now i need to change it to log4j.xml. i need to do this at the earliest. so i need to know the cost involved in it?. do i need to change a lot on my app to read the log4j.xml?. In my app there is a function named getProperties, which actually reads the log4j.properties file.
    this is the code of that function
    public static Properties getProperties(String filename,String path) throws myException
    //InputStream is = null;
    FileInputStream is=null;
            Properties props = new Properties();       
            //ClassLoader classLoader = ResourceUtil.class.getClassLoader();
            //is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(filename);
            File catalinaHome = new  File(System.getProperty("catalina.home"));     
            try {       
    FileInputStream(catalinaHome.getCanonicalFile()+path + filename);
    } catch (IOException e) {
            if(is == null)
                String message = "Cannot locate property file " + filename + " in the classpath";
            throw new myException(message);
            catch (IOException e)
                String message = "Error reading property file " + filename;
            throw new myException(message, e);
                catch(Throwable t)
                String message = "No properties are defined in " + filename;
            throw new myException(message);
            return props;       
    }and my initialize function is
    public static void initialize()
    Properties properties=null;
    try {
    String path="/properties/";
    } catch (myException e2) {
    }Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    1. Restructure log4j.properties into log4j.xml.
    thats done
    2. Move log4j.xml into a directory that's in the
    actually i donot understand what does it mean to move in a directory thats in classpath means. i have to use logging in my webapplication running in tomcat. and my log4j.xml has to reside in catalina.home/properties/. My log4j.properties have been residing here and it had worked well woth the previous function. Now what i did is placed the log4j.xml under properties folder. Now tell me what modifications should i make in the above code.
    3. Remove any code that explicitly configures log4j
    (i.e. the initialize() method) because log4j will
    configure itself from any properties file it finds in
    the classpath, automatically, the first time it is
    called.I prefer not remvoing this function as this function is being called in many of my classes... and we don't have time to edit all...
    please help... and excuse me if i asked some blunders.!!!

  • Integration Directory(Configuration) Problem

    Hi All,
    I am facing one Probelm. I am working one the client through Citrix. I am not able to open Integration Directory(Configuration Problem) . In onsite it's working fine. Reming all other applications(Integartion Repository and SLD and Runtime work bench) are working fine.
    if I open Integration Directory i am getting this messge.
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com:50100/dir">
            <title>Integration Builder</title>
            <vendor>SAP AG</vendor>
            <homepage href="http://www.sap.com" />
            <description type="one-line">Directory</description>
            <description type="short">Directory</description>
            <description type="tooltip">Directory</description>
            <icon hight="64" href="start/graphics/sap6464.gif" type="splash" width="64" />
            <icon hight="32" href="start/graphics/SAP3232.gif" width="32" />
            <all-permissions />
            <j2se version="1.4+" initial-heap-size="32m" max-heap-size="1024m" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ibdir_client.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ibdir_core.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ibdir_sbeans.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ibdir_rb.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ib_client.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ib_core.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ib_sbeans.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_ib_rb.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_util_icons.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_util_swing.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_util_xml.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_util_xsd.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_utilxi_misc.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/aii_util_rb.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/clientaii_ib_sbeans.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/clientaii_ibdir_sbeans.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/frog.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/focus14.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/sapxmltoolkit.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/jta.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/ejb20.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/exception.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/logging.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/guidgenerator.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/jperflib.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/sapni.jar" />
            <jar href="directory/sapj2eeclient.jar" />
            <property name="sap.theme" value="Streamline" />
            <property name="jnlp.log.initialConfiguration" value="FILE, SIMPLE" />
        <property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.properties" value="com.sap.aii.ib.client., com.sap.aii.ib.core., com.sap.aii.util.xml., com.sap.aii.connect., com.sap.aii.repository.mapping.additionaltypes, com.sap.aii.docu., com.sap.aii.ibrep.core., com.sap.aii.ibdir.core.*" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.r3.sysnr" value="01" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.landscape.contextroot" value="sld" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.cr.name" value="filp40.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.content.languages" value="EN,DE" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.repository.contextroot" value="rep" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.login.languages" value="EN,DE" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.directory.rmiport" value="50104" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.cr.contextroot" value="sld" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.r3.client" value="790" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.directory.contextroot" value="dir" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.contextroot" value="rwb" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.landscape.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.server.httpsport.lcr@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.repository.rmiport" value="50104" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.repository.httpport" value="50100" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.directory.name" value="filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.cr.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.server.httpsport.cr@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.repository.name" value="filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.contextroot" value="run" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.name" value="filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.httpsport@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.landscape.httpport" value="50000" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.docu.languages" value="null" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.jnlp.j2se.initialheapsize" value="32m" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.util.xml.parserFactory" value="com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.directory.httpport" value="50100" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.directory.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.server.httpsport.directory@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.r3.httpport" value="8001" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.name" value="filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.r3.client" value="790" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.cr.httpport" value="50000" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.landscape.name" value="filp40.group.upm-kymmene.com" /><property name="jnlp.SAPMYNAME" value="filp55_GTX_01" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.httpport" value="50100" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.docu.url" value="null" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.applicationname.directory" value="sap.com/com.sap.xi.directory/" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.util.xml.transformerFactory" value="com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerFactoryImpl" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.applicationname.repository" value="sap.com/com.sap.xi.repository/" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.login.InitialContextFactory" value="com.sap.engine.services.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.httpport" value="50100" /><property name="jnlp.client" value="true" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.repository.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.server.httpsport.repository@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.ib.client.jnlp.j2se.maxheapsize" value="1024m" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.httpsport@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationbuilder.startpage.url" value="rep/start/index.jsp" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.r3.httpsport" value="@com.sap.aii.connect.integrationserver.r3.httpsport@" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.connect.rwb.r3.sysnr" value="01" /><property name="jnlp.com.sap.aii.util.xml.schemaValidator" value="com.sap.engine.lib.schema.validator.SchemaValidator" /><property name="jnlp.rc.release" value="7_00" /><property name="jnlp.rc.applname" value="DIRECTORY" /><property name="jnlp.rc.supportpackage" value="09" /><property name="jnlp.rc.synctime" value="${sync.time}" /></resources>
        <application-desc main-class="com.sap.aii.ibdir.gui.appl.ApplicationImpl">
    Please help me on this..........
    Thanks in Advacne.

    May be the problem is a network connectivity issue. Do one thing copy the "cahce" folder from some other client PC(which has successfully opened IR and ID) to your client PC. The folder resides in "C:Documents and Settings<yourUserProfile>Application DataSunJavaDeploymentjavaws".
    Copy "cache" folder to your client PC under the above path.
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/1688 [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    2) Go to http://filp55.group.upm-kymmene.com:50100/rep/
    Click on Administration -> Java™ Web Start -> Java™ Web Start Administration ->
    1. Re-initialization (then try logging)
    2. Re-initialization and force-signing (then try logging)
    3. Delete lock (then try logging)
    Do this for IR and ID tabs.
    3) Check can be a firewall issue.
    4) Check wether sufficient roles have been assigned -> Tcode -> SU01 -> roles tab. These roles need to be assigned to your username
    <b>*******************Reward,if found useful</b>
    Edited by: BVS on May 7, 2008 3:01 PM

  • A question about log4j.properties

    Normally I put the log4j.properties inside my web-application such as under WEB-INF. So it will be packaged into the WAR.
    But now I want to take it outside of the WAR and put it under a dir and furthermore I change its name to "myLog4j.log4j.properties". This has two advantages:
    One can change the contents without opent the WAR.
    Under this dir the other projects can put their xxx.log4j.properties so they can be managed easily.
    But I don't know where should I put this file and how to configure the server sothat the server can find this file and my program can write all the log infos into the log-file defined in the "myLog4j.log4j.properties".
    Can someone help?

    Actually file log4j.properties should be in the classpath, that classloader could see it. Add the path to file into CLASSPATH.

  • Log4j.properties with OAF R12

    I am writing OAF R12 components that integrate/extend existing R12 pages.
    I need to deploy a log4j.properties file for logging. I have a dependent jar file that uses log4j. This file is usually placed on the classpath in WEB-INF/classes for a servlet application.
    Where should I place this log4j.properties file so that the OAF R12 container (oc4j) reads this file when processing. I tried to add it to the CLASSPATH. I edited orion_application_xml_1013.tmp and placed the log4j.properties in $JAVA_TOP and added lines for the <library path> as
    <library path="$JAVA_TOP/log4j.properties" /> or
    <library path="%s_javatop%/log4j.properties" />
    and restarted the server.
    However, the log file defined in log4j.properties is not created when running the OAF framework and exercising the integrated code that includes log4j logging.
    What is the best way to integrate this properties file?

    gday Ken --
    If you are OAF R12 wouldn't there be an Oracle standard for logging you should be using? I'd be asking the OAF team for more details.
    Then I'd ask whether using log4j is worth the extra effort over using the Java standard logging API -- the container itself is using Java standard logging API, for which we have the ability to dynamically adjust log levels, view the logs, etc.
    Here are some links to some notes I wrote up recently on using log4j with OC4J (and also using Java standard logging API) :

  • LMS3.2.1 - should my custom log rotation settings override log4j properties?

    For LMS 3.2.1 on Windows, I have configured log rotation settings for dcmaservice.log but the settings are ineffective, even after stop/start CW daemon manager.  Other posts on this forum state that dcmaservice.log rotation is managed by log4j but can also be configured in logrot.  Is this incorrect or have I encountered a bug in logrot?

    I'd like definitive answers to the following questions before continuing down this path.
    1) does log4j subsystem manage dcmaservice.log?
    2) if so, is there a log4j properties file for dcmaservice which can be edited to change log file size and number of versions to keep (eg. see the forum entry https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/664225#664225 re license.log)?
    3) can Common Services user-configurable log rotation override the parameters for logs managed by log4j subsystem?

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