Logging into Skype connects me to someone else's a...

I have been using Skype for about two years now without having any issues. Las Friday though I got this email that my Skype password was changed. I couldn't do anything at the moment since I was away.
The next morning when I got back home and logged into my Skype account (I always log in with my Microsoft Account, never with my Skype ID), I noticed that all my account details were changed -- name, email, hometown, picture, birth date etc. Also, my hole contact list was completely changed. Figuring that I got hacked, I went back to the email I got, which adviced me to fill in the Account Verification Form in order to report security issues with my account -- I filled all the information in, and then I waited for a response.
But during the day, chat windows started to pop up -- 'I' was talking to my contacts from another device!! But judging from the conversation I figured: I didn't get hacked, I actually logged into somebody else's account!!! (Did my Microsoft account get somehow 're-linked' to someone else's account?)
Sunday morning I managed to contact Skype Support on their dedicated chat system and I described the hole thing. The consultat promised that they would look into it as it was a very strange issue, and told me to fill in the Account Verification Form once more, which I did.
Now, each day I have been getting emails from Skype support that they couldn't process the information they got for me and to fill in the Account Verification Form and re-submit it. I have already submited the form five times now.
Could I have some advice please?

Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
Your issue has been forwarded for review and we'll advise the outcome as soon as possible.
Thanks for raising it.
I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    Hi, Jbecker, and welcome to the Community,
    In your case, please see this FAQ article which explains how to remove the other person's Skype history from your computer:
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    You can share the purchasing Apple ID in Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Apple ID: (your dad's appleid here)
    With all other Apple services, iMessage, iCloud, Game Center, FaceTime etc. use your own Apple ID.

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    Okay, then what you will need to do is plug your ipad back into your friends computer; you may have to sync it with his computer, but thats okay.  When it is plugged in, click the update button.  This will take about an hour, maybe more if your friend has slow internet.  Once it is updated, reset your ipad.  When your ipad is reset, sign into your apple id.  You can now use a feature called icloud (brand new in ios 5) to download all of your apps and music you purchased back to your ipad.  You may lose some things if they were not purchased from apple, but is is better than not being able to use it at all (I think).
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    Understood. Here is how it works.
    When you log into Xbox One with a Microsoft account (= Xbox Live account), this is the one that Skype will use.
    If you want to log into different Microsoft account on Skype for Xbox One, you need to log into different Xbox One (= Microsoft account) account.
    So, you cannot be logged into Microsoft account A on Xbox and into Microsoft account B in Skype.
    Добавляйте баллы, если моё сообщение вам помогло. Спасибо!
    Возврат денег | Система обновления подписок | Заблокировали/взломали аккаунт? | Пропали контакты? | Не зайти в Skype/не добавляются контакты? | Не удалось загрузить базу данных?
    Подписки | Цены

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    Try to reset all Skype settings.
    Quit Skype or use Windows Task Manager to kill any Skype.exe process. Go to Windows Start and in the Search/Run box type %appdata% and then press Enter or click the OK button. The Windows File Explorer will pop up. There locate a folder named “Skype”. Rename this folder to something different, e.g. Skype_old.
    Restart Skype.
    N.B. If needed, you will still be able to re-establish your call and chat history. All data is still saved in the Skype_old folder.

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    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Hi, Hi, P_Everything, and welcome to the Community,
    You will need to contact Skype Customer Service to resolve this; you may need to have this subscription cancelled and refunded, and take out a new Skype Number subscription.  We here in the Community do not have the tools to do this.
    Here is a link to the instruction on how to contact Skype Customer Service via their secure portal: Contact Customer Service
    Skype is aware there can be problems reaching their customer support unit via the website.  If you experience difficulty reaching Skype Customer Service, try again using a different web browser and choosing a different path through the various drop-down menu options presented. Also, look to approve a pop-up dialogue box which would connect you to start an instant message chat with a customer service agent. If you have pop-ups blocked in your browser settings, this will also impede reaching an agent.
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    Each iPod and iOS device has its own sync preferences with iTunes - under the various tabs for the device sync preferences with iTunes. Nothing under the various tabs for sync preferences for a device can be selected by itself.
    Disable automatic syncing when your iPhone is connected and make your selections under the various tabs for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes followed by a sync.

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    Did you download a movie from iTunes while you were logged into your Apple ID or were you logged into the other person's Apple ID?
    By double-clicking the the movie file, it should prompt you to login with the ID that purchased the movie.

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    what do i do?
    Go to Solution.

    What you are seeing is due to non-standard settings for the .css class in your Windows Registry. You can resolve this issue with few simple steps:
    See also this:

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