Logic and Motif XS8

I would like to be able to use my Motif's sounds in my MIDI sequences in Logic. I have been able to set it up as a controller but I have been digging for hours and can't quite figure out how to get the MIDI data sent back to the Motif to play the sounds off of there. Can anyone give me some step-by-step help? Here is my signal chain:
MotifXS8 - MIDI In&Out through a MOTU MicroLite USB MIDI Interface
I am sure I am missing fundamental knowledge somewhere, so if someone could explain like I am 5 years old, that would really help.

I don't have the XS8, but have the Motif 7 (old school)... so I'll try to explain how I would do it on my keyboard.
If I want to use multiple sounds simultaneously, I switch to SONG mode, and then select the Mixing button to allow me to toggle windows to select a patch of my choice.
I took the time to tweak a Logic environment of my Motif, and manually edited all the patch names. TEDIOUS, but worthwhile in the end! Now, I can select the patch I want from within Logic.
Does that help?

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    How have you connected your Motif to your Mac?
    Midi both ways?  (What interface are you using?)
    Are you using an external Instrument track in Logic to record and send midi data to and from Logic?
    How are you recording the audio output of your Motif?
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    You do realize that Midi is not audio yes?
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    How have you connected your Motif to your Mac?
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    Ok, it's not hard, and the detail will vary depending on what you want to do exactly, but here goes:
    There are two basic things - communication between the keyboard and Logic, and communication from Logic to the keyboard.
    Connect up MIDI cables going both ways - keyboard MIDI OUT to computer MIDI IN, and computer MIDI OUT and keyboard MIDI IN.
    Run Logic, and play the keyboard - watch Logic's transport, and you should see MIDI activity as you play. Cool - that part's done!
    For the second part, I'm assuming you want to use the Motif multitimbrally, ie you want to be able to sequence multiple tracks of different sounds coming from the Motif with Logic.
    Open your autoload song, and open the environment. Select New -> MultiInstrument, name it "Motif". Click on all the little channel boxes in the multi to enable all 16 channels. Set the multi's port to the MIDI port that your Motif is connected on.
    Back on the Motif, make sure you turn MIDI Local mode OFF (this divorces the keyboard from the Motif's sound engine - because we will be playing it through Logic) and put it into multi mode if necessary.
    Now, back in the arrange, click hold on a track and select Motif -> Motif 01 to assign the Motif channel 1 sub-instrument to an arrange. As you play the keyboard, you should hear the Motif playing. You can now sequence away with Logic.
    If you regularly sequence like this, assign all the 16 Motif sub-instruments to tracks, and save this as your autoload, so it always comes up like this when you start a new song.
    Any queries or problems, post back and I'll try to help.
    Does that help clarify things for you?

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    You are making 2 kinds of errors:
    1. you are recording in MIDI tracks whose task is to transmit all the data to external synths (just the way it's happening to you).
    You have to use Intruments tracks and assign a Logic (or AU) instrument to each of them.
    In this case the MIDI data will be forwarded to those and not to your Motif.
    2. the Motif USB interface is a MIDI interface; if you want to record the XS audio into Logic you will have to link the Firewire interface (that should be installed by default into the XS8) and install the right drivers (if nedeed).
    Another way is to send the Motif audio into Mac using the audio outs via an audio interface.
    BTW refer to the Motif manual to know more.

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    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Department].[Department].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER
    [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS
    [Department].[Department].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS
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    [Measures].[ParameterLevel]} ON COLUMNS
    , [Department].[Department].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS
    FROM [MyCube]
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    SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[CompanyTbl Count] } ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY { ([Product Level No].[Product Level No].[Product Level No].ALLMEMBERS ) }
    ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@DepartmentDepartment, CONSTRAINED) )
    ( IIF( STRTOSET(@DepartmentDepartment, CONSTRAINED).Count = 1,
    STRTOSET(@DepartmentDepartment, CONSTRAINED), [Department].[Department].currentmember ) )

    I can see there just one parameter @Department@Department in your script. But if you had two parameters that should return resultset affected by two parameters. You can do it as either select from subselect from subselect.
    Example 1
    {x} ON COLUMNS,
    Or crossjoin between 2 parameters
    {x} ON COLUMNS,
    (SELECT StrToSet(@Param1)*StrToSet(@Param2) ON COLUMNS FROM
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    Physical file is what you see from the OS level.
    Logical file is what ABAP code can call certain functions to read/write.
    Transaction FILE would link them together. Typically the logical path ends with "<FILENAME>", and the logical file refers to the logical path.
    To extract the physical path from the logical path name
    DATA: lf_mandt TYPE sy-mandt,
            lf_opsys TYPE sy-opsys.
      lf_mandt = sy-mandt.
      lf_opsys = sy-opsys.
    To extract the physical path from the logical path name
          client           = lf_mandt
          logical_filename = p_unix
          operating_system = lf_opsys
          file_name        = gwa_input
          file_not_found   = 1
          OTHERS           = 2.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      Concatenating the physical path and the input unix file name
        CONCATENATE gwa_input p_file INTO gf_file .
    Reward if helpful.

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    ...Jim Black

    Cheers, you're welcome.
    There's a thread going in the Suggestions forum with plenty more requests for updates to the search tool. You may want to add your voice there too:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

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    Follow this link
    File format determination (Required / optional fields and field checks).
    Logical File Path configuration through transaction 'FILE'. A new physical file path should be created on operating system level or an existing one can be used if agreed. The Basis team member should create a new file path at operating system level, if required.
    Hope this helps, Do reward.

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    First off, looks like you're really talking about an "OR", not an "AND" - you want it to match abc.*def OR def.*abc right? If you tried to match abc.*def AND def.*abc nothing would ever match that, as no string can begin with both "abc" and "def", just like no numeric value can be both 2 and 5.
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    Having an odd time with what should be a simple formula to handle the display of gross margin (GM). The goal here is to display GM% properly and the requirement is as follows
    If GM <= 0 then 0.0
    If GM > 0 and Sell > 0 then ( ( sell - cost /sell ) * 100 )
    If GM >0 and Sell = 0 then 100
    I am familiar with bex formulas and have referenced the help docs on booleans here -
    Boolean Operators - SAP Business Explorer - SAP Library
    But what is odd is that if I use a calculation or a CFK in the IF, THEN with a LOGICAL AND, the formula does not report correctly
    If I put in a static value, like 77, the expected logic is followed.  I have tried making sure have extra parentheses and changing the order of the statement, to no avail!  I could use some extra brains on this puzzling matter, so you help is greatly appreciated and will award points!
    lee lewis
    Here are the formulas in text and below screen shots.  Wish could copy and past formulas to and from editor!
    ( ( ( 'Order GM' >0 ) AND ( Order Sell  >  0 ) ) == 1) * 77 + ( ( ( 'Order GM'> 0 ) AND ( Order Sell == 0 ) ) == 1) * 100 + ('Order GM' <= 0) *0.0
    ( ( ( 'Order GM' >0 ) AND ( Order Sell  >  0 ) ) == 1) * 'REF GM%' + ( ( ( 'Order GM' > 0 ) AND ( Order Sell == 0 ) ) == 1) * 100 + ('Order GM' <= 0) *0.0
    'REF GM%
    (order  sell - order cost /order sell ) * 100 )

    Shouldn't you change on of the brackets in your REF GM% ?
    'REF GM%
    (order  sell - order cost /order sell ) * 100 )
    I would put that as
    'REF GM%
    (order  sell - order cost) /order sell  * 100 )
    Not sure what you mean with those red arrows... but in both cases you would be dividing by 0 (order sell = 0).

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    Ivé just recived logic and I wonder: can I use the registration for logic on all my computers or is it limited to just one?

    You can install it on 2 Apple computers

  • Noob needs help with Logic and Motu live setup.

    Hello everyone,
    I'm a noob / semi noob who could use some help with a live setup using 2 MOTU 896HD's and Logic on a Mac.
    Here's the scenario:
    I teach an outdoor marching percussion section (a drumline and a front ensemble of marimbas and vibes). We have an amazing setup of live sound to amplify and enhance the mallet percussion. There is a yamaha PA system with 2 subs and 2 mains which are routed through a rack unit that processes the overall PA balance. I'm pretty sure that the unit is supposed to avoid feedback and do an overall cross-over EQ of the sound. Other then that unit, we have 2 motu896hd units which are routed via fire-wire. I also have a coax cable routing the output of the secondary box to the input of the primary box (digital i/o which converts to ADAT in (i think?)..?
    Here's the confusion:
    There are more then 8 inputs being used from the ensemble itself, so I need the 16 available inputs to be available in Logic. I was lead to believe that the 2nd motu unit would have to be sent digitally to the 1st motu unit via coax digital i/o. Once in Logic, however, I cannot find the signal or any input at all past the 8th input (of the 1st unit).
    Here's the goal:
    All of my performers and inputs routed via firewire into a Mac Mini running OSX and Logic pro.
    I want to be able to use MainStage and run different patches of effects / virt. instruments for a midi controller keyboard / etc.
    I want to be able to EQ and balance the ensemble via Logic.
    Here's another question:
    How much latency will I be dealing with? Would a mac mini with 4gb of ram be able to handle this load? With percussion, I obviously want the sound as latency free as possible. I also, however, want the flexibility of sound enhancement / modification that comes with Logic and the motu896hd units.
    Any help would be REALLY appreciated. I need the routing assistance along with some direction as to whether or not this will work for this type of application. I'm pretty certain it does, as I have spoken with some other teachers in similar venues and they have been doing similar things using mac mini's / logic / mainstage / etc.
    Thanks in advance,

    You'll definitely want to read the manual to make sure the 896HDs are connected together properly. ADAT is a little tricky, it's not just a matter of cabling them together. Go to motunation.com if you need more guidance on connecting multiple devices. Beyond that initial hookup, here are a couple of quick suggestions:
    1. Open CueMix and see if both devices are reported there. If not, your connections aren't correct. Be sure to select 44.1kHz as your sample rate, otherwise you are reducing the number of additional channels. For instance at 88.2kHz you would get half the additional channels via ADAT.
    2. You may need to create an aggregate device for the MacBook to recognize more than the first 896HD. Lots of help on this forum for how to do that. Again, first make sure you have the 896HDs connected together properly.
    3. As for latency with Mainstage on the Mini, no way to know until you try it. Generally MOTU is fantastic for low latency work but Mainstage is a question mark for a lot of users right now. If the Mini can't cut the mustard, you have a great excuse to upgrade to a MacBook Pro.

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