Logic Drum Machine?

I thought a read/heard somewhere that Logic Express had a pretty decent drum machine (or at least a drum software instrument). Yes? No? maybe? I'm going to be getting it by next monday, or so says FedEx. Just wondering. Thanks

I thought a read/heard somewhere that Logic Express
had a pretty decent drum machine (or at least a drum
software instrument)....
You can use HyperEditvery effectively. Í think it´s Martin Sitters book that has a lesson I did that made me think, "Hey, I can use this to re-create that super-funky drum cadence I remember from my high school marching band." And sure enough, not long after that, I had a mix of maybe 12-14 percussion instruments grooving away. A polyrhythmic blast.
Sure, HyperEdit is less versatile and powerful than UB, but for good plan drum grooves, I almost prefer HyperEdit in this regard, as I find it much more intuitive. A few drags of that velocity line, and WHEEOOOO I was happy.
Check into it. Best of luck!

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    Hi Kenna,
    I believe the Roland JD-990's bottlehit is similar:
    click to listen, option-click to download:
    http://www.hexawe.net/mess/200.Drum.Machines/Roland%20JD-990/MaxV%20-%20BOTTLHIT .wav
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    Check out
    The drum machine is called Ultrabeat. On the page and links from the above link you can see some of what is included with Logic Studio.

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    Ahh.. ok, it was hard to tell from your original post.
    When loaded are you seeing any notifications that samples are missing?
    Could possibly by Logic/controller related. (Is this Logic-X?)
    Try deleting Logic's preferences:
    In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder from the menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the  com.apple.logic10.plist  file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro User Manual for details on how to do this.
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    then delete the com.apple.logic.pro.cs file from the preferences folder.
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    notaboo wrote:
    I use the logic X. The drum machine shows only about 7 beats. another guy on his  teaching-clip shows about minimum 50 different beats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSMi2UROZ-Y
    do i have to buy some or is there a mistake at my logic?
    It's free.

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    shanec805, wttdaWelcome to the discussion area!
    Remember that Time Capsule is a hardware device.
    Time Machine is a software feature of OS X 10.5.5.

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    I humbly recommend reading the fine manual that came with LE. I found there a vast supply of information regarding Ultrabeat.
    The most important thing of course ist the step sequencer and it's pattern library. you can find it to the lower left of the UB Interface. These preset patterns can be replaced by your own, so quick composing of an UB Drum Sequence is possible. Simply select and draw them to a MIDI region to insert them into your song.
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    You can also trigger certain patterns with a MIDI Event. Say, you use the lowermost octave of your MIDI Keyboard to trigger the patterns, you can use UB as a live performance drum machine. There are many ways to do this - just look into the manual (can't remember it all).
    The next thing ist: UB lets you synthesize your own drum sounds. It's a comlete Synth with different LFO / Filters and so on. Lots of technical stuff - one **** of a machine for those who know how to tweak. And you can also load your own drum samples into it.
    So much for the moment. Sorry for the RTFM, but i think UB with its complexity needs you to do this.
    Cheers + grooves,

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    Rythmically Challenged

    DrumCore2 - I use them in a lot of songs.
    I've also heard very good things about BFD as well, but haven't used them.

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    hi there:
    ok now when u want to do such a thing which i totally understand what u are trying to do !so u have these options L
    1- u should have a mixer to feed it with all your outputs from outboard gears like drum machines ,samplers etc...coz what u like in your dr-880 is the character of its sound and trust me if i tell you even if u tried to sample it and put it into any sampler software ,it will have the same sound but not the same character ! so thats why we still have samplers and out board gears and they will be still manufactured coz of that reason ...so for example i use my akai s6000 sampler which it has 16 outputs direct to my mixer so i can do what ever i want midi wise and audio wise with out any pain ,coz even if i have the same samples into my whatever sampler software i will never have the color and the character of the sound coming out from my akai ...and i use a drum machine which it has 10 outs as well and all is playing in sync in real trime with my audio tracks inside my logic ...this is the best solution !but i think u dont have that solution but u have to think about it if u bring a good console..!
    2- you don't have to divide your midi from your machine you just do what ever its need to be done and when u finish record them one by one into your logic or 2 by 2 or what ever but in this case u cant control the midi of it anymore
    but you gonna pain to do that every time coz sometime u dont have much time to think about u have to record the sound before any mix down!but it will work for you
    3- make samples by your own of your drum machine and use esx24 to play them !but again you gonna lose the character of your sound but still having the same sounds u want ( if u know how do make a good samples).
    i hope this tips gonna be useful for you .

  • Drum Machines

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    To sum up, I just want to be able to get real sounding drum sounds the easiest way possible. It seems that a software version of a drum machine would be easier than tapping out beats on the SR-16. I am writing/recording folk/rock style music, so i'm not looking to make hip-hop style house beats, or anything like that.
    Any suggestions??

    From what I'm reading about your needs, I think the best thing is to let go of the Alesis and work with what Logic (and Garageband) has for drum loops. You also can buy more drum loops from this great site:
    They sell prerecorded live drums cut into loops. A ton of them. I think it would be a lot easier to work with this than trying to figure out all the midi ins and outs with the Alesis. I'm kind of into going this route as well.
    From their faq's:
    "GarageBand: Apple Loops or 24-bit Acidized WAVs. Apple Loops are AIF audio files with the TCE tags we've put in them. While GB2 does support Acid files, you have to drag and drop them from the desktop; you don't find them in the Apple Loops Browser. (You can't preview them very quickly.) If you use multiple platforms then you might go with the WAVs. If you really like the Apple Loops Browser or are a basic user then go with the Apple Loops format. Note also that even though Garageband only outputs 16-bit, you can use 24-bit files within the program. So if you do go with the WAV format you might as well go 24-bit in case later on you work in another program and want the highest quality.
    Logic: We recommend REX files. However, the latest version of Logic does support Acid WAVs and Apple Loops. Unless you are a beginner, or are using multiple platforms, we recommend REX2 for Logic because REX files are more "flexible" in some ways (see REX info below)."
    I'd recommend just going with the AppleLoops format. Very flexible for both GB and Logic.

  • Drum machine connection question

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    I own an SR-16 drum machine, which has MIDI capabilities. How is the SR-16 connected to this system to record into Logic? Also, how do I physically hear the drum machine sounds as I am recording? Is there a way to set this up so I can hear the drum machine through the monitors which will be hooked up to the MOTU Traveler? I am having a lot of trouble finding this info on the web and really appreciate any help. Thanks.

    Hi jack
    it is fairly easy to set up..
    1. connect a midi cable from your interface to the SR-16
    2. connect the audio outs of the SR-16 to the traveler
    3. select and audio instrument track and as the instrument select "External" a box opens up and there you can select which midi channel and audio inputs the SR-16 is on
    here is a link with pictures

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    I would really encourage you to read the manual.
    Begin at the beginning and take it slow.
    Logic is a powerful program that can do virtually anything you imagine. But, like most applications that have sophisticated capabilities, it's not going to be automatic.
    Take your time.
    Open Logic, and go through the beginning chapters of the beautifully re written "Getting Started with Logic" manual. Do everything it talks about...
    If you have any questions about what you learn, read, or discover about your system bring them here and we'd all probably love to one up each other answering your questions.
    Many of us learn more all the time by helping people who are working hard at helping themselves.
    It totally goes both ways.
    I just can't stress enough how essential it is that you open that manual with the program running and learn the core ideas of Logic and what it's capable of.

  • I'm Just wondering how to make drum beats in garage band using the sounds it comes with? Also how can i use garage band like a drum machine which i can program an entire song part by part????

    I'm new to using Garageband and loops with garage band. I just wanted to see if there was a way for me to use the drum sounds provided in garageband to create my own original drum tracks and work with it like a drum machine that i can program an entire song into... any info or tutorials would be a great help.. Thanks!!!

    Ah ok, I have a better idea of what you want to do now. 
    Unfortunately there isn't anything inside GB that can come anywhere close to Acoustica Beatcraft, but there are two tools inside Garageband that can help you do something similar. 
    First are the built-in keyboards, which will enable you to trigger drum samples with your computer keyboard or mouse.  Go to Window -> Keyboard or Window -> Musical Typing.  Click with your mouse on the Keyboard or press keys on your computer keyboard with Musical Typing, and you will trigger different drum samples for whatever kit you've chosen for that software track.
    Next is the Track Editor: in Piano Roll mode, you can create and see midi notes somewhat similar to the view in this screenshot from AB.  On the left side of the Editor, you will see a sideways piano keyboard.  When you assign a drum kit to a software track, each of the piano keys corresponds to a different instrument: hi hat, snare, bass drum, etc---you'll have to play them using the on-screen keyboard or musical typing to see what they correspond to.   In order to add a MIDI note you hold the CMD button and click with the mouse. 
    So, if you wanted to add a closed hi-hat hit, you would CMD-click on the Track Editor row corresponding to the closed hi-hat piano key, and then you can drag the MIDI note left & right to change the beat it plays on, or resize the note, which will change its duration.
    Or, as you've already observed, you can use Musical Typing to play out a pattern on your computer keyboard while recording, and you will see the midi notes appear in real time in the Track Editor.
    Hope this helps, feel free to ask more questions.

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    When recording the audio from an external synth/drum machine what should the highest peak be? At the moment I have been recording as loud as possible without clipping but is it better to leave a few DB of headroom if using compressors etc afterwards?
    Thanks for the help.

    It is good practice with all audio tracking to have it peaking at around -6. I sometimes aim for around -9 when tracking.
    make sure you are recording at 24bit. Your peeks can be -18 and you wouldn't suffer too much.

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