Logic lion XS key

Hi All,
It might be a question that has been asked before - but I still did not find any solution to this issue.
I have upgraded my computer to Lion and I have reinstalled my Logic 9 - it keeps asking for my XS key or the serial.
I have seen some users typing their Logic Pro 8 serial and it works but my problem is that I have upgraded my Logic from 4 to 5 from 5 to 6 from 6 to 7 and so on.
What serial should I use? - I think I have tried them all...
Thanks in advance.

And whether or not you get a fix, send them feedback so they finally get around to fixing it, every user who upgraded from a dongle version shouldn't have to call them for a fix.

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    You need to use an IfElse node function in your mapping in which the input should be the posting key from the source structure.
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    After making changes to the depreciation key, you must run transaction AFAR in order for the system to recalculate the values.

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    pauloman80 wrote:
    User-created templates are located in username > Library > Application Support > Logic > Project Templates.
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    Sounds like you are still using the (old) Logic 8 (?) key commands. Zoom was changed in the Logic 9 defaults to Control+Option and the arrow keys.
    Control Arrow L/R controls Mission Control in Lion (ie 'Spaces').
    You could change the defaults in System Preferences:

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    Controller assignments are stored in the controller prefs, not the regular prefs.
    Make sure you have backups of that too, it's right next to the regular prefs files. It's very easy for Logic to trash controller prefs without you realising it.

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