Login Dithers afer pressing return

I am sort of new at this so any help would be appreciated. I also realize that there could be a few sources of this problem but I have to start somewhere.
1. Server OSX 10.4.7
2. Clients Intel Education imacs and PPC eMacs all running 10.4.7
3.Open directory server? Not bound? (I think)
Friday we logged on all day (we have 800 users) and most of the time is worked fine, pretty responsive. A few times the student would type in user name and password, press return and then the window would dither like it was going and just hang. A restart usually would fix this.
Any ideas?

Check the logs of the problem machine after a restart. We have the same issue on a few machines from time-to-time.
For us, it is an automount problem that I haven't been able to resolve completely. In fact, we absolutely can't run 10.3.9 on our network.... 10.3.8 works, and 10.4.x works, but 10.3.9 produces the same problems that you are experiencing.
But after one of the problems arises, look at the system.log (log in as admin to read it). If you have the following lines:
Sep 12 08:35:20 Computername kernel[0]: nfs server automount -fstab [169]: not responding
Sep 12 08:35:51 Computername kernel[0]: nfs server automount -fstab [169]: not responding
then you are experiencing the same issue we have.
One thing you can do is to ssh to a machine when it is hanging. Run "top" to see the active processes and you can kill ( sudo kill PROCESS_NUMBER) one process at a time to see what makes a difference. For me, I killed one of the automount processes and everything seemed to work (at least a couple of times). If you kill the loginwindow process, it should get you back to the original login window (if that makes any sense). Then you can log in as an administrator and check the logs.
Hope this helps.

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    You are facing a peculiar problem because you are doing something peculiar.
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    on Keydown
    if (_key.keyPressed(RETURN)) then
    end if
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    thank you

    Thank you very much.
    Works perfectly
    "Sean Wilson" <[email protected]>
    escribió en el mensaje
    news:elf1rh$spn$[email protected]..
    > Try instead:
    > --
    > on keyDown me
    > if (_key.keyPressed(RETURN)) then
    > stopEvent
    > else
    > pass
    > end if
    > end

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    System.out.println("Fatal error. Ending Program.");
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