Logout hangs on aqua blue screen

when the users logout at their station from their network based home folders it just hangs at the aqua blue screen and needs to be manually restarted, any one no why?
As well sometimes it hangs when they login, it accepts their name and password and then sits and never gets to their environ???

I posted this in the user management discussions but it's appropriate here aswell....
"I'm having similar login problems (stalling on spotlight, username & pass not being accepted, stalling at login window after entering password). This has been going on for the last 3/4 months in various degrees.
I've tried manually deleting the /Library/Caches/com.Apple.ATS/ folder and had pretty much the same problem as you so yesterday I spent about 3 hours on all the clients (17 total) performing 1. tiger cache cleaner medium clean off all users, 2. OnyX cleaning of everything , 3. OnyX maintenence (inc. all maint. scripts, reset spot. index & complete system optimisation).
Today I was looking forward / holding my breath to seeing all users login without issue, but no...
1 user unable to login as normal (first name surname, password resulting in shaking window) and had to log in surname_initial.
3 users experiencing long login delays before everything working as normal.
1 user stalling at spotlight (restarted after 5/10 mins and logged in successfully and smoothley)
1 user freezing at login screen after entering user name & password.
Any thoughts? I'm wondering if it's to do with cabling / simultaneous LDAP lookup as i've tried most software base fixes suggested?? Maybe the servers under specced?? (although it seems more powerful servers experience similar problems). I don't know whats going on and it's driving me INSANE!!! Plus i'm begining to loose 14 years worth of faith in apple...
(mixed clients, emacs & G3 snow & blue imacs all running 10.4.4, server running 10.4.4)
Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks........"
G4 Dual 1.25GHz, 1GB   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    Hi boom,
    Have you tried downloading and re-applying the latest Combo update?
    If not, go to the apple download page, find the Combo update (couple of hundred MB) and install it.
    This has fixed various issues in the past for numerous users... it might do the trick for you.
    After it's installed and rebooted, repair permissions and reboot again.
    Also check to see (using software update) if there are no firmware updates available for you.
    And, make sure the OS drive's root is clean, just the basic Applications, Library, System and Users folders, no other mess. If there are 'Previous System' folders from earlier Archive & Install situations you might want to remove those.
    Finally, if you upgraded from a PowerPC to Intel using the Migration Assistant the symptoms you are describing are very common, the migration assistant well... it ***** :/

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    Hi, and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    To post a new topic when you are on a forum's topic list page, at the top left (under the word Forum), you will find a link to "Post New Topic." Click on that link, title your topic, and post in the box provided.
    There are many things that can happen when you bounce an iBook off the floor.
    It sounds like something may have been knocked loose, perhaps a connection? Probably it is going to take an analysis by a technician to tell you exactly what's going on. I have links for firms on both coasts, but you should be able to find an Apple Authorized Service Provider (or just someone who advertises that he/she works on Macs) in a metropolitan area like Chicago just by grabbing your Yellow Pages or local classifieds. I would think you would have a fairly competitive market there. Maybe you can find someone who does free diagnostics who will tell you what it will cost so you can decide whether its worth the cost to repair it.
    Good luck.

  • Unusual hang spot on blue screen.

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    and now after being stuck on the gray screen of death, I went into single user mode and performed the /sbin/fsck -fy command to repair the disk. after a few minutes, the line "macintosh HD appears to be OK" was returned so I rebooted the computer.
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    anything else I can try??

    now all I get is the gray screen and immediately a kernal panic
    someone please help!!!
    Message was edited by: highwaychic49

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    Please help!

    Seems like a odd thing. If youve downloaded torrents of hacked programs or things like that may have been the cause by the uploader hacking and doinng this. I would bring the Macbook Pro to the apple store and see what they can do. If they cant do anything about it I would backup all the important programs and get rid of anything that seems suspicious. Then upload the stuff back onto the computer after you restore it. Thats the best solution.

  • Blue screen hangs logging in as main user (tried extensive troubleshooting)

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    I ran DiskWarrior on the external drive. It still would unmount. Somewhere online I read that zapping the PRAM may fix it. I did that. That's when things got bad.
    My computer began beachballing all over the place, so I rebooted. Full disclosure: it's been running slow sometimes due to the SOHO Sync process (I am running the SOHO Notes 5.7.0 beta, and I haven't ruled out this software as the culprit). Upon reboot, it would hang on a blank blue (aqua) screen - after the gray screen but before the login window or anything.
    I booted into single-user mode and ran fsck. It found nothing wrong.
    Tried to boot into Safe mode extensively. Sometimes I could get to the login screen. Tried extensively logging in as my user, it would just hang on a blue screen. The secondary user works, although sometimes verrrry slow (beachballs).
    I began following the instructions in this article. Many of the first solutions (#'s 1-3) involve Safe mode, but since my account couldn't get into Safe mode I began moving Preference files and such using single-user mode (#'s 4-6). On step 7, I got through items a-m, but the rest of it is contingent upon being able to log in, which I still was not.
    Using the secondary login, I was able to open Console and glean some information from that. mdimportserver was crashing over and over again, sometimes causing crashdump to crash as well. I figured this explained the slow performance and intermittent beachballing while using the secondary user. lsregister was also crashing occasionaly. In system.log, I saw several I/O errors.
    Finally I decided to run DiskWarrior from the CD. It found some errors (I can post the report later) and corrected them. I rebooted, still would blue screen on my login name.
    I reset the PMU. After this the secondary user ran pretty much normally for a short time. I removed the couple third-party mdimport files (Spotlight plugins) I could using the list dump from running mdimportserver -L and renaming the third party ones. (I know SOHO Notes includes Spotlight support now, but I could not find their plugin for the life of me, I'm not sure how they have enabled Spotlight support).
    Still getting I/O errors in system.log. The secondary user is not working very well anymore (slower w/ beachballs).
    This whole time the SMART status of my boot drive has been "Verified"
    So - is my drive dead?
    PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz (12) Mac OS X (10.4.2)

    Using the secondary user in Safe Mode has allowed functionality enough to reformat an external drive with Disk Utility (although the drive spun down and Disk Utility didn't do anything while still saying 7 minutes left on the zero-all operation).
    I force quit Disk Utility and reboot into Safe Mode. Got the startup progress bar, then the blue screen, then the screen went to a black with white lettering saying:
    <time & host name> getty: /dev/console: Operation not supported by device
    Then it would go back to aqua blue for a few moments, then back to this.

  • Solved Mac Mini (late 2010) Blue Screen Hang issue

    I posted several questions about blue screen hang and was able to fix my problem, after LOTS of work and searching in various forums.
    I had been unable to use my computer for over a month; it was simply hanging at the blue screen, and that seemed to happen when my Finder.app had crashed, hiding all my document icons on my desktop, etc. I also had been having issues with Time Capsule and my backup Iomega disk, which is touchy.
    When I tried a fix my icons had returned but I had been unable to use computer after rebooting, and I had tried every sort of key combo including trying to boot from the original install CD, etc., but nothing worked. I could not even reboot using original 10.6 software CDs, and was only able to log in Single User Mode and had tried many fixes with Terminal, and finally, this worked, two of the fixes I used are listed below.
    It seems, in part, that resetting certain "privileges" worked.
    This tip first tip is for Mac OSX 10.3 to 10.3.9 and even though I am on 10.6.8, I ran it, and it worked. THis is the original link location: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1411
       1. Start up the computer in Single-User Mode.
       2. Type: in Terminal the command
         mount -uw /
       3. Press Return.
       4. Type (in Terminal, note space before mv)
          mv /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist preferences2.old
         Note space between ".plist" and "preferences".
       5. Press Return.
       6. Type:
         mv /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist preferences3.old
       7. Press Return.
       8. Type: reboot
       9. Press Return.
    Then I followed up with this tip to "Reset certain privileges"
      1. Start up the computer in Single-User Mode.
       2. Check the volume with fsck.
       3. Type: mount -uw /
       4. Press Return.
       5. Type: chmod 1775 /
       6. Press Return.
       7. Type: reboot
       8. Press Return.
    When I rebooted, yayyyy! I was able to log back onto my computer, however, all icons were missing, again, so I typed this fix
    /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder & disown
    I am not sure what 1775 means, but this fix got my computer back up, saving me at least a $150 bill at the Genius Bar.
    When I typed those commands into Terminal, this is what returned, and seems to be some  QXPscrpiting issue, though I have no idea what that is. and again, some  Dropbox issues. If anyone has any idea what all those issues are regarding ScriptingCodes please let me know.
    My-Mac-mini:~ username$ /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOSFinder &
    [1] 892
    Rangdrols-Mac-mini:~ username$ -bash: /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOSFinder: No such file or directory
    [1]+  Exit 127                /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOSFinder
    My-Mac-mini:~ username$
    Rangdrols-Mac-mini:~ username$ /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder & disown
    [1] 894
    My-Mac-mini:~ username$ 2012-08-25 19:37:10.594 Finder[894:903] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScript ingAdditions:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QX PScriptingAdditions, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScript ingAdditions: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    Finder: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
    Dropbox: Entered INJECT_pthread_entry
    Dropbox: Installing event loop timer
    Dropbox: proc: 0x11d171e53
    Dropbox: upp: 0x11d171e53
    Dropbox: InstallEventLoopTimer: 0x101341dd8
    Dropbox: GetMainEventLoop: 0x101341c41
    Dropbox: timer installed!
    Dropbox: Loading /Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501/DropboxBundle.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Dr opboxBundle
    Dropbox: dlopen returned: 0x11bb12090
    module initializer in main thread?: 1

    Great work, thanks.
    As far as those errors, ypu have some missing OS components it seems.
    And, before the mount -uw you really should've done this...
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Repeat until it shows no errors fixed.
    (Space between fsck AND -fy important).
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck...

  • Help! Blue Screen hangs on G5 after installing Radeon 9600 pro...

    I am having major problems with my G5, after working out that my old graphics card was knackered i bought a new ati radeon 9600 pro.
    Every time i start up i get the apple logo then it hangs on a blue screen. I can get it to boot in safe mode and i've tried uninstalling the ati software and i've even re-installed OS X and wiped the disk to no avail.
    I've also downloaded latest card drivers and looked for help on ati website but no real help there.
    I would appreciate any help.thanks

    I just installed an ATI X800 XT and it does exactly the same thing. Even on a new system build. Ironically enough I just took out a Radeon 9600XT that worked fine. Have you found a solution yet? I think I'm going to try and reset my pram. I'll let you know what I find out.

  • IMac G5 ALS hanging at blue screen

    Hi -- I've read variations on this problem, so hopefully I can provide enough information to get a solid thread started.
    On startup, my iMac G5 hangs at the blue screen. I've run the install discs, repaired permissions, checked the drive, all successful. Also tried the AppleCare CD, Techtool said all systems passed inspection.
    I can boot in safe mode, no problems there.
    I tried archive and install, but after restart had the same trouble.
    I tried booting in single-user mode to see what the log revealed, and the system seems to hang at the following:
    airport link active
    in6is_addrmulticast = 0
    flags = 0 fails
    can't assign requested address
    wide area service discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relays
    workaround Bonjour unknown error = 0
    I notice that some of the wifi networks in my apartment complex are recognized in single-user mode just before the system hangs, which is odd.
    I've tried applejack to repair the cache and preferences, but no progress.
    Next step appears to be wiping the drive and reinstalling the OS, but thought I'd check here first. Thanks!

    I altered the TCP/IP settings, but still no luck, so I proceeded with a full erase and install of 10.4. Much to my dismay, the system still refused to boot after the installation was complete.
    At this point I'd run across some threads discussing the capacitor cap failures of the iMac G5's, so on that hunch I popped the back off to take a look.
    One of the capacitors is indeed leaking out of the top, so I'm taking the unit in to the Apple store today to receive what will mostly likely be a death certificate. This unit is a refurb and the extended repair program ended in Dec. 2008, so I'm thinking my options are limited.
    I'll post back with the Apple store response just in case anyone might find it useful in the future.

  • Macbook pro hangs on blue screen at startup

    I've been having intermittent problems with my Macbook Pro starting up, but this is the first time it's completely failed to start up: I get the startup sound, the grey screen with apple logo, and then it just hangs on a blue screen, with a grey startup dial, and nothing happens. It was working fine up until this evening; it's confusing to say this, but it seems to have moods where startup is an issue. But I have taken it in several times for this very problem: the first time, they replaced my hard drive, the second I was told to reinstall OS X, and then add software back one program at a time. All I had on this machine was Adobe Creative Suite 4, nothing which would cause any issues. I don't even have any fonts on this machine!
    Desperate to know what might be the problem; I've tried a few of the basic troubleshooting work arounds and none of them are working. Does anyone know what the issue could be?

    Follow these documents.
    If you get a external USB or Firewire drive, you can hold c and boot off the installer disk #1 that comes with your computer, the second screen in is a Utilities Menu and Disk Utility.
    Select the EXTERNAL DRIVE and Erase, format HFS+ Journaled GUID partition.
    When that's completed quit Disk Utility and your back in the OS X installer, install OS X on the EXTERNAL DRIVE.
    When that's complete quit and reboot hold down the OPTION KEY and select the External drive to boot from.
    After that you can do what you want to the boot drive, if you can't fix it, you can always install OS X again (without formatting) and it should leave your programs and files alone. But if something goes wrong you have a copy on the external drive.
    You can choose to Disk Utility format and reinstall everything, OS X, programs and files as well.
    If for some reason you can't access your internal drive, either booted from the install disk in Disk Utility or via the external drive, it's possible your hard drive died.

  • Left speaker no sound, no wi-fi, hang up after first or second booting then blue screen appears

    hi there! my laptop always hangs up everytime I open it. Sometimes it open up after minutes of waiting then gradually hangs up before blue screen appears. I had to long press the start button again and again before I could use it.
    By the way, there are times I had to switch into safe mode and found out that the audio is not working anymore. During normal mode, only the left speaker is operational. Lastly, wi-fi signal will constantly disappear after rebooting.
    please help

    Have not seen any reports of negative experiences (unlike recent Microsoft updates) from the last batch of Windows Updates.
    I would guess you have a coincidental hardware problem.
    A failed HDD would yield an error at boot. You would still be able to boot to the BIOS if you desired.
    Normally failed devices (memory, GPU, CPU) will give audible and visual error codes. Exceptions will always happen.
    Could be the battery, power supply, or maybe the motherboard has bit the dust. You will probably receive no visual or audible error messages when the motherboard fails.
    Try booting with one monitor.
    ****I am not an HP employee****
    Please give a" Kudos, Thumbs Up" if advice received is relevant or" Accept as Solution" to assist other forum users having a similar problem.
    Errare humanum est.

  • Powerbook hanging on "Blue Screen of ????"

    Ok, I've got a 12" Powerbook here that no longer boots up. It hangs on the blue screen right after the gray apple and before the login screen. I tried a complete re-install (Tiger) several times, each time using different security options like zeroing out the data on the drive, etc.. I've reset PRAM, NVRAM, tried different hard drives, booted off external drives, you name it, I've probably tried it, and it always does the same thing... it just hangs on the blue screen. The weird thing is I can boot into safe mode just fine. There are no start-up items or log-in items to delete under the user, I even tried creating a new admin user, then deleted the original, nothing worked. I am truly stuck, I've worked with Macs for years, this is the first time I have come across this particular problem, any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Have you run the Apple hardware test, or either of the TechTools tests? Find your original OS X disks, which will say in small print on the first one's label 'AHT Version x.x'. Insert it and reboot holding the option key down. Choose the Apple hardware test, click the arrow to the right and follow directions. Choose the extended test when prompted. Does that give any error messages?

  • Hanging on blue screen just before desktop launch

    I am a bone head and in System Preferences>Accounts I deleted/changed a few things and also changed permissions to the main hard drive (command-i), because I have two computers and I was trying to network the two computers over my airport, and I was trying to grant more than just access the drobpox to both computers.
    Well My Tower I just finished reformatting, and reinstalling everything because it was hanging on the blue screen. Well my laptop is doing the same thing now. How can I avoid a reformt/reinstall scenerio at this point?

    You can't. When you do bonehead things, you pay the price putting things back the way they were. Bootable backups/clones on separate HDs would mitigate redoing things from scratch. Sorry, I can't offer more help.

  • IMac G5 – Won't startup except in Safe Mode (10.5.5). Otherwise Blue Screen

    I’ve had my iMac (pre-iSight) for about 3 years now and up until recently never had any major problems with it, despite using it for about 12 hours per day, every day.. A couple of minor problems however had developed, but several months ago and didn’t seem to affect the system:
    (1) Software update stopped working (had to download & install updates manually) &
    (2) Couldn’t verify or repair permissions (even pre 10.5.5. Even when I tried to repair them from another startup disk, the message I got was ‘no package receipts’ – although I could see that they were there in the “receipts” library folder)
    A couple of days ago I decided to try and fix the problems by erasing my startup disk (after backing up all my data of course) and re-installing 10.5 from the installation DVD and then bringing the system up to date. At the time I did this I hadn’t upgraded or installed any new software for several weeks.
    For about one day after that it worked fine. The only ‘alarming’ thing that I noticed during that day was that whilst playing a movie the CPU temperature rose to about 89 C. (I use Temperature Monitor). I read somewhere that the CPU temperature should not exceed 85 for this model and that if it did the system would either shutdown or go to sleep, so I was surprised to see it go as high as 89 (assuming that the right temperature was being reported) before it went to sleep. However, even after that it, it started up correctly a couple of times.
    Since then it will only boot in Safe mode, and when it does it carries on working indefinitely without any problems. The only thing that I lose in safe mode which seems odd – in addition to all the things that I know I should lose – is Audio. The preferences panel says: no input, output devices attached (ie not even the ones built-in).
    If I try a normal start up, the system will go through the grey screen, apple logo, spinning ‘cog’ etc and then almost always go to a blue screen where it stays put. There is a black cursor in the top left corner which, when I try to move it, duplicates itself so that I end up with 2 cursors – one which moves and one which stays in the top left corner.
    On very rare occasions (about 1 time in 20) during a normal startup the system will get past the blue screen and to my desktop (in fact this happened several times consecutively before I got to the point where I could only startup in Safe Mode). However, moving the cursor into the menu bar or into the dock would result in the whole screen freezing – the cursor would move, but nothing else would happen). Also I would see that several pixels were ‘missing’ from the desktop. The desktop is normally solid green, but I would see 3 or 4 red and black pixels.
    I’ve studied all the forum topics that even remotely resemble my problem and tried just about everything I can think of including:
    1. Resetting SMU & PRAM (repetitively)
    2. Running the Apple Hardware Test – All tests passed
    3. Replacing the PRAM battery
    4. Check that the fans are working (I can hear them and when I take the back off, both fans spin)
    5. Erased the disk again, installed the OS from the installation DVD, so that there is no third party software on the system. (and then tried a normal boot both with the original 10.5.1 and 10.5.5 after applying the combo update).
    6. I have several external disks with several copies of the OS on various partitions, including a 10.4.11, but trying to boot from any of those ends with the same result. I can only boot in safe mode, other wise I get a blue screen (or very rarely it will squeak through to the desktop & then immediately freeze).
    Always the same result – safe boot only.
    From reading through the various topics, I get the feeling that my problem may be related to the graphics card, but if that is the case I don’t understand why the system will always boot in safe mode and then run without any problems all day. It even allows me to play movies: very jerky (and no sound), both when I move the QT window and the images themselves, but it still plays.
    Any thoughts on what the problem might be (other than fatal) would be greatly appreciated. Or an explanation why, if it is the graphics card, the system will continue working after safe boot.
    I’ve copied out the system details from Profiler that I think are relevant below.
    All the ‘x’’s in the the ROM revision for the ATI Radeon card look a little odd – never seen that before and I don’t know how long its been there.
    Model Name: iMac G5
    Model Identifier: PowerMac8,2
    Processor Name: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
    Processor Speed: 2 GHz
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 1 GB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.2.5f1
    Serial Number: W8539……
    ATI Radeon 9600:
    Chipset Model: ATY,RV351
    Type: Display
    Bus: AGP
    Slot: AGP
    VRAM (Total): 128 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x4150
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-xxxxx-117
    Display Type: LCD
    Resolution: 1440 x 900
    Depth: 32-bit Color
    Built-In: Yes
    Core Image: Software
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Quartz Extreme: Not Supported
    Display Connector:
    Status: No display connected
    Many thanks for your help

    I had a very similar problem with my 20" iMac G5 ALS running 10.4.11. It began with random freezing inside the OS and intermittent slow booting, but quickly progressed (over a matter of days) to hanging at the blue screen before the logon window, just as you described.
    I too, found that booting in Safe Mode was successful. I ruled out the airport card by manually installing that kernel extension in Safe Mode. A check of the logs pointed to "ATY" which I've since found out is a reference to the ATI drivers, which brought me to this post.
    At least on my system--and I have tested this on Tiger (10.4 and 10.4.11) and Leopard (10.5 and 10.5.6), the only .kext that needs to be removed / renamed is ATIRadeon9700.kext. My preferred method of doing this is to drop to the terminal and type:
    sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon.kext.disabled
    This preserves the relevant permissions and ownership, which you'd otherwise have to reset manually if you copy the file elsewhere and then delete the original in the Finder, and then want to restore it to its original condition, BTW:
    sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon.kext
    sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon.kext
    Any OS X update will replenish the file, so you should be at the ready to reboot into Safe Mode the first time and rename the file again.
    The downside to all this is that the video acceleration doesn't work, so graphics operations are slow and jerky, but at least everything else seems to be okay, in my case anyway.
    Popping open the case did indeed reveal four bulging capacitors. I bit the bullet and purchased some replacements, part number 647-UHN0J182MPD from Mouser:
    Although I wasn't looking forward to desoldering my logic board, I wasn't real hopeful that I'd have success getting the local Apple shop to replace it under warranty either. I did find some helpful information on performing the fix yourself:
    And I do want to be able to sell this thing for at least a little cash to help offset the cost of a new quad-core iMac, whenever they're released.
    Fortunately, for me, the service tech at the Genius Bar at the local Apple store agreed to fix it under the power and video extended warranty, even though it was slightly outside of the warranty period, due to the fact that I had brought it in about a year ago and had the power supply replaced under the same warranty.
    I almost didn't bother to bring the machine in because it's a real nasty day here today, and I figured they'd just tell me "That'll be $800 to fix it," and I'd end up doing surgery on the logic board anyway in addition to carrying the thing up and down the steps to my condo. Boy am I glad I did, though. Apple customer service rocks.

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