Logs in Parent control

I've enable the Parent control but it doesn't show any website on the logs. Why?

I am currently at 10.6.8 and I am having this problem also.  When I review all of the kids logs, they are completely empty.  However, within their accounts I can see all of their history (Safari for example) so I know there has been activity that should be logged.

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    If your children are comp savy, it's possible that they have erased the logs.  You should set up parental control.  This way you can control all internet & comp usage.  Your children will not be able to erase or get into anything to erase if you do not make that option available. 

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  • Parental Controls, Passwords, & Administrative Users

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    After looking in a few places I have to say that your problem an interesting one.
    There are some options that are useful for your problem:
    The first being applications; no, there is not a way for them to 'install' applications into the 'Applications' folder without administrative privileges, however they can install them into their own 'User' directory so long as those applications are not dependent on certain admin privileges.
    Installing applications mean that they would have power to install other web browsers etc that wouldn't be logged by Parent Controls, so this is the trade off of needing your assistance in that matter. If you are with your children most days then things like Updates can be added when you are aware of them as well.
    If however you're more interested in monitoring your children's activity without them knowing then you may be out of luck for now, because no matter what they need that Admin login to do system updates or add applications to the applications folder, so they're going to know they aren't in control of their computers completely.
    Hope that helps somewhat,
    Message was edited by: x1n933k

  • Mac: Firefox software update process will not authorize in parental controlled account-Bug?

    OS: 10.7.5
    Firefox 20
    Parental Controlled user account: Firefox and Firefox Plugin processes are checked in parental controls. No other Firefox processes are visible.
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    You do not have permission to run Firefox Software Update. Admin required authorization.
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    Logged out of Parental Controlled account.
    Logged in to Admin account.
    Launched Firefox. "About Firefox" shows Firefox up to date.
    Logged out.
    Logged back into parental controlled account.
    Firefox opens.
    Is this a bug or is there some other reason the admin authorization failed?

    I have a student that is having the same issue. Whenever she attempts to open Firefox, either from the dock or applications folder, she gets the permission error. I tried this under an admin account and get the same error, and it will not go past it, even with the admin user/pass. A strange icon appears in the dock for a second and the disappears, but Firefox never opens.
    We have around 1600 student laptops in the school and I am seeing this on one of them. I have confirmed that she is running the latest version of Firefox and have tried to clear out the preferences, but there don't appear to be any.
    Does anyone have anything useful to add to the conversation? Tyler just doesn't seem to be grasping the issue.

  • Manage Telstra Online Security Parental Controls

    If you find the BigPond Parental Controls profile you are using is no longer working well for your family, you can change your protection quite easily either from within the BigPond Security console on your computer, or from My Telstra Security.
    Logging into Parental Controls from My BigPond Security
    Step 1
    From a computer which has Telstra Online Security installed Log into My Telstra Online Security. You'll need your Telstra Username and Password. Click on the Parental Controls module to open the options and click "Launch".
    Step 2
    Click on the Parental Controls tab at the top of the screen then Manage Your Policies and then Click "Edit":
    Step 3
    Enter your Telstra Online Security username and password.
    Step 4
    Choose the profile you would like to your protection to be.
    Step 5:
    Click Continue. Now all your computers which use Telstra Online Security Parental Controls default protection are now protected by that Profile.

    The information is wrong
    there is no telstra security link, its garbage. you click the highlighted links and it just takes you to the telstra home page, no security link or tab in sight. been on the phone for 15 mins now and being redirected again to someone who can help. this is pathetic, its to difficult and convoluted to set this up. I bet thats why so few parents do it, you the service provider this is a big issue

  • Parental Control log showing websites were visited that weren't actually visited

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    Hi ...
    Disney or WSJ would not be available in history just because the pop up blocker is enabled.
    Great article for using Parental Controls > Configuring Parental Controls | Macworld
    And here >  OS X Mountain Lion: Set up parental controls

  • Parental Controls logs - freeze computer

    I've recently enabled parental controls on one account on my Core 2 Duo MacBook running 10.5.5.
    Several times I've run into the same problem. When looking at the logs of internet sites visited or blocked on the account, the settings application freezes - giving me an endlessly spinning beachball. I am unable to force quit the application from the dock, from force quit on the apple menu, or from the activity monitor. I am unable to log off my account, because the settings application is still running and it cancels the log off attempt. The only solution I've found is to restart the computer. This has happened several times, and is the only reason I've been forced to restart the computer in many months. Is this a known issue? Any suggestions?
    Thanks for your help.

    HI ForrestGreen,
    Try Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions. Launch Disk Utility (Applications/Utilities). Select MacintoshHD 10.x.x in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab then click: Repair Disk Permissions. Quit Disk Utility when it's finished and reboot. Go to System Preferences/Parental Controls and see if it functions as it should
    Hopefully that will do the trick, if not post back.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Parental Controls, Print out Log

    I do various mac tech support/advice for several elementary school teachers.
    One has asked it I can print out the website use log in the 10.5 Parental Controls for one of her student's accounts. I was wondering if there is a good way print it, short of using the apache2 log files in the Console.
    I hope I'm just not missing something obvious.
    Thank you
    Message was edited by: Jeremy Dorn

    I understand all of that. But in my case, it's my kids' accounts. They don't do any "important sfuff" that would be lost if they were force logged out. All they do is use a web browser to play flash-based online games and watch YouTube videos. They often just let their time run out instead of logging out, and their broswers then continue to use up to 90% of CPU and continue to use enormous amounts of internet bandwidth "displaying" the Flash crud, which slows down everything for everyone else who uses the computer.
    Firing up Activity Monitor and force logging them out gets tiring. A way to have their accounts force logged out at the end of their time, instead of just being bumped to the login window, would be a godsend.

  • Can't log in to parental controls remotely.

    I have parental controls set up on my MacBook Pro (running Mavericks) and have selected that it can be accessed remotely on my network. But when I go to parental controls on my Mac Mini (running Snow Leopard) I can not log in. I can see the Macbook Pro in the list and I can share the desktop remotely. But when I enter the name of my admin user for the Macbook Pro and password, it tells me that I have entered either a user or password incorrectly. I re-enter over and over and get the same message. I've tried the opposite direction as well. I have set up the Mac Mini to be accessed remotely and when I try to access it from the MacBook Pro I get the same message that I have entered the password/user incorrectly. But I am 100% certain that I am using my correct admin user and passwords.
    I want to be able to access the parental controls of whichever computer my kids are on if they need extra time or if they have somehow mysteriously gone over the time limit I set and I need to see why it hasn't shut down yet.
    Any ideas?

    I have almost the EXACT same situation, different machines.
    Mac Mini 2013 cannot login to Macbook Pro Retina mid 2012
    Both on Mavericks 10.9.1
    What works
    Mac mini can request screen share of the MacBook Pro and get
    MacBook Pro can login to Mini and open files (i have the credentials saved and it works without prompting me)
    MacBook can get a screen share session from the mini and control the miniu
    What doesn't work
    Mac Mini cannot log into MacBook Pro .  In finder, right above the [connect as] button, it says "connection failed" . I have tried using Apple ID and as a registered user, neither works.  What's odd is that screen sharing works.
    NOTE: like the OP, this all worked a couple weeks ago.  Machines are 2 feet apart on same hub.  Now I'm wondering if this started with 10.9.1 but I'm not sure.

  • Using parental controls to log embedded video

    Is there any way to set up the parental controls to log the videos watched in an embedded video player on a web page? Youtube will show suggested content after a video is watched which can ultimately lead to content that I would want to monitor. Is there any way to do with with the existing parental controls?

    Okay.  Then your problem is just what you wrote: parental controls won't properly log out an account unless the user is there to handle onscreen dialogs.  Sorry, I have no fix.
    Another problem related to this is that OS X can't log into one shared asset as two different users at the same time, so it can't log the second user in properly.  Sorry, but there's no fix for that either.  It's on the buglist, but it has been for some time.

  • Parental control log viewer - still broken after all these years

    I check this with every major OS X update. I know this has been a bug since 10.5, I think it goes back much further.
    First, some background.  In all versions of OS X there's a "logs" feature that allows an admin to see the sites a user has visited. It's the primary way for an involved parent to teach wise computer use. Set parental controls to 'automatic', let the user go, then review the logs with your favorite teen.
    Problem is, the log viewer only expands horizontally. So many entries can't be read. You see only the beginning of many site labels or URLs. The window control has been broken too -- it shows the normal resize control even though it only works in one direction.
    So Apple fixed it in 10.7
    Not the window mind you. They fixed the control. Now it shows the window can only resize vertically.
    Yes. The engineer was in the code. And they left the window broken but fixed the control.
    It's a conspiracy. Apple is trying to drive me crazy.
    I think it's working ...

    Thanks for your help!
    Thanks for your help!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bill Hunt [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 9:27 AM
    To: Harold Gaskill
    Subject: [Premiere Elements] Re: Still crashing after all these years ....
    What version of PrE are you using? If PrE 8, have you updated to PrE 8.0.1?
    I did upgrade
    Are you running as Administrator?
    Is PrE installed on your C:\?
    Have you updated your audio driver?
    Have you updated Apple QT Player?
    This *http://forums.adobe.com/thread/483270?tstart=0* will give you tips on setting up your computer for an editing session.
    This *http://forums.adobe.com/thread/446365?tstart=60* will give you tips on finding clues as to what is happening with your system and your application, when a hang/crash occurs.
    Good luck,
    This message was sent to: Halmeister
    To post a reply to the thread message, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2801049#2801049

  • Mavericks: Parental Controls: Messages Logs not working

    Hello - my parental controls appear to be working ok - except for monitoring Messages via the "view logs".  When I attempt to view messages it has no content even though she (my daughter) has been using the Messages app and it says something like 50 messages were exchanged.
    She has an iPhone too so is it possible that the iPhone messages don't come into the Parental Controls logs of Messages?   - even though the Macbook DOES show her iPhone messages in the Messages app when she's logged into the computer ?
    Thanks in advance

    A debt of gratitude goes out to this guy for solving the issue.
    Essentially, make sure the email address listed in the Mail.app account of the person receiving the "Always allow" mail and the email address listed in Parental Controls>Mail>notify are the same.

  • Parental Controls iChat Logs not working

    I use parental controls on both of our family Macs--a G5 tower and an Intel iMac. I have set up the controls so that each child has exactly the same controls by copying the settings from one computer to the other (I don't remember which I set up first). On the G5, the iChat logging is working fine (as are the other logs)--I don't restrict iChat, but I do want to see the logs. On the iMac, though, while the other logs are fine, the iChat log is missing for all 3 children. I can't find any threads that address this specific issue. Any ideas/hints?

    A debt of gratitude goes out to this guy for solving the issue.
    Essentially, make sure the email address listed in the Mail.app account of the person receiving the "Always allow" mail and the email address listed in Parental Controls>Mail>notify are the same.

  • Parental Controls logs pretty useless for viewing

    Here's a very simple use case where the "logs" feature fails miserably:
    We give our daughter complete access to the internet, but occasionally - usually when the homework she does takes 2-3 times longer than it should - we want to check the logs to see whether her online time is actually spent at homework-related sites.  Last night she didn't go to bed 'til midnight, so today I wanted to check which web sites she visited between 10pm and midnight.  Simple enough, right?  Not with Mac OSX's half-baked log feature
    I go into Parental Controls and click on the Logs and proceed to "Web Sites Visited".  I am greeted with "Show activity for: One week" and "Group by: Website" followed by a list of web sites that have been visited in the last week.
    Problem 1: Since "Yesterday" isn't an option, I have to slog through logs for a whole week.  Worse yet, since the grouping by website doesn't give any date information whatsoever at the top level, I'd have to individually open the hundreds of sites she's visited in the last week, just to find the ones she went to last night.  Obviously not feasible.  So, I change the Group-by to "Date" and - conveniently, there's a "Yesterday" drop-down.  Cool!  Well, maybe not:
    Problem 2: When categorizing by Date and you drill down on "Yesterday", it shows all the web sites visited yesterday, but since the log window is too narrow and isn't resizable, you can't even see the full URL, much less any timestamp there might be appended to the web site URL.
    Now what kind of asinine implementation is this?  Did Apple actualy pay a developer to produce such an horrendous interface?  Worse yet, Apple hasn't seen it fit to fix this mess in several releases now.  I just upgraded to 10.8.3 and it's the same useless garbage.
    I searched on the net to see if there's some other way to view this information (the access data is stored in a file called events.data in /Library/Application\ Support/....) and came across a suggestion to load a Firefox extension for SQLLite and view that file through it.  I actually got that working, but the dates given in this database weren't meant for humon consumption - they're just numbers.  So I did a reverse sort on that column and, voila, I see my daughter's most recent accesses....except I don't know where to stop reading, since I'm only interested in most-recent to 10pm last night.  But isn't it pathetic that I have to jump through all these hoops - just because some amateur developer at Apple hasn't seen it fit to allow horizontal resizing of the window - or at least a horizontal scroll bar?  Worse yet, that Apple hasn't done a thing about it since at least Snow Leopard?  So frustrating - since it would be such an easy fix.
    Finally to my question: does anyone know of a way to view this log that doesn't require extensive knowledge of the system, SQL, etc. - like a graphical tool built into Mac OSX?

    I have the exact same question and issue. When I check to see all the apps he's used in the last year, it comes up blank in the logs. All I get in the logs is rejected websites ending in late January.
    Does anyone know where the logs are stored? My other kids' logs are working just fine which is the real puzzler.

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