Looking for a MetalTheme repository

is there any MetalTheme repository ?
where ?

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    Universal Subversion Installer
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  • Error while generating DDL commands using startSQLRepository for a new Repository

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    Pre-written scripts can be found in the repository:
    If you can't find what you need, you can request a script (no idea if anyone ever bothers to fulfill these requests though, I know I don't):
    Let us know if you have any specific questions.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

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    Have you already looked through the "Java look and feel Graphics Repository"?
    They don't have any Calendar icon, but Search, Add & Select.

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    Super projects - a combination of several projects under the same organizational structure. It doesn't refer to a new technology, nor a new feature of Java. It only refer to a way of organizing your projects.
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    - Comfortable save/load of those projects together, and their shared files (nothing more then a super directory with "Projects" directory for the projects in the super project, and a "Shared" directory for all the shared jars and other files).
    I'll repeat myself - I'm not talking about a new technology, but just a feature, or a plug-in.
    So, are you familiar of anything resembling that? or something at least in production stage?

    EyalR wrote:
    Well, I didn't figured how the idea of a super-project, or several combined projects works with Maven. I guess it's because this tool is filled with many options, and there's no good documentation that I've found which simply explains what's every thing is (or maybe I'm just dumb).Having just recently taken the dive into real development with Maven recently (I've been dabbling before), I too have the feeling that the documentation (especially for the rough overview and getting-into-it) is somehow lacking, in many areas. The documentation is much better suited for finding specific information when you already know what exactly you want it Maven to do.
    That being said: I strongly suggest you invest the time to get over that first hurdle, because in my opinion it's definitely worth it.
    Anyway, it seems I'm looking for something more simple and straightforward.Out of curiosity: If it should be simple and straightforward, what artifacts would you expect such a product/technology to produce? What would you use it for?
    Maven uses that big pile of metadata about your project for building your project from source, managing your dependencies, deploying your artifacts to a defined repository, running your tests and many other things as well.
    Having something "simple and straightforward" would almost seem like a waste of effort, because with that kind of meta-data you can do much bigger things.
    Edit: I just remembered [Apache Ivy|http://ant.apache.org/ivy/]: it's a dependency-management task for ant. This means that it handles the same task of a (very small) subset of Maven, but it a lot simpler to use (if you already know and use ant). It doesn't do any sub-projects or anything like that, but might be a more gentle introduction into the world of post-ant build/project/configuration management.

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    You can find the 20-line snippet at http://pastebin.com/m4ebdcba6 (save as Test.cs)
    Compiling is easy, `mcs -r:System.Drawing,System.Windows.Forms Test.cs` should do the trick, followed by `mono Test.exe`. You will get a messagebox, and at that time it *should* display the icon.

    I have Arch64 on Intel Core2Duo, with [testing] repository enabled.
    I use KDE 3.5.9. I could try it with KDE 4-svn later as well
    Mono version: extra/mono-1.9.1-1
    I tried that file and when I disable autohiding of my panel, it works correctly:
    If I hide the panel manually (by using the hide button on the right), and I show it again, the icon disappears, but the space is still occupied:
    When I have auto-hiding disabled, it appears fine (just like in the first picture), but when the panel hides and appears again I get black rectangle:
    The first time I tried it, the rectangle was white instead
    Last edited by tanis (2008-07-15 16:16:06)

  • Oracle Identity Manager looking for OracleAS 10.1.3.x

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    Oracle Identity Manager in Cluster
    Oracle Access Manager in Cluster
    Oracle Virtual Directory in Cluster
    with F5 load balancers
    A bit complex configuration, but think i can achieve it. I completed the first task successfully but now I am facing a problem when i wanted to install the Oracle Identity Manager 9.1 on the existing OracleAS cluster. OIM is looking for a 10.1.3.x version of OracleAS where as the Oracle Identity Management suite is shipped with OracleAS version. we went ahead with the installation process as there was no reference of application server version in the Oracle Identity Management Certification matrix and the OracleAS certification document below mentioned that IM is shipped with 10.1.3.x version.
    Can anyone guided me how should i go ahead with this.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ramesh GK

    Check this OIM on OAS issues
    SOA suite is using jdk 1.5.x , Identity Management Suite is using jdk 1.4.x. My advice is to use OC4J from SOA Suite. Open a SR to confirm this. Some OIM required patch for OC4J are only for 10.1.3.x and can't be applied to OC4J from Identity Management Suite, also you can't not use the same database for OIM and IDM repository if you are using multilanguage installation.

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    I often open listings of servers' directories; they can include direct links to code files (*.py , *.pl, etc). When I click them directly, I'm asked to open them with an external editor which is not what I want to do; I want to view those files source inside of Firefox. I currently have to
    # right-click those links,
    # copy link location,
    # type "view-source:" in the Location bar,
    # paste the copied URL,
    # click Go.
    This gets time-consuming with the large amount of URLs I need to open.
    It's not a native feature for Firefox and a search at [http://addons.mozilla.org AMO] didn't come up with anything useful, for me at least.

    particularly, I performed the following steps:
    1. I created a SC in the local repository, which matches the SC of the track.
    2. I moved the exisiting DCs to the SC created in step 1.
    3. Now, I created new DCs in the SC in the track.
    4. I deleted all .project files from the local DCs.
    5. I copied all source files from the local DCs to the new track DCs.
    6. I checked-in these changes to the track.
    Kind regards

  • Looking for Sendmail PL/SQL Package

    Hi All,
    I am looking for a way to call Sendmail directly from a PL/SQL
    Procedure. Can someone point me in a direction where I can find
    some PL/SQL or Pro*C Code that could do this? Thanks,
    Scott Walton

    Scott Walton (guest) wrote:
    : Hi All,
    : I am looking for a way to call Sendmail directly from a PL/SQL
    : Procedure. Can someone point me in a direction where I can
    : some PL/SQL or Pro*C Code that could do this? Thanks,
    : Scott Walton
    PL/SQL does not have a package that allows a PL/SQL program to
    make a System call to execute a command on the OS. It can be
    done in Pro*C, however, and Oracle has a couple of app notes
    that talk about this. You create a Pro*C program that runs -
    sort of like a daemon - that waits for commands sent from a
    PL/SQL program via DBMS_PIPES. One is a Bulletin called "How to
    Generate E-Mail within PL/SQL Routines", ID= "<Note:66347.1>".
    The other is from the Problem Repository called "DYNAMIC SQL AND
    Hope that helps.

  • Looking for DAM case studies/best practices

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    I know there are resources and tutorials on DAM with Lightroom, but I'm looking for examples of how other institutions, schools, organizations and non-profits are using Lightroom and Bridge. Anyone know if any place where I can find something like this?

    Yes, semantically speaking, Lr does not physically house nor is it an actual physical repository for image files. For those uncomfortable with certain terms ... they should request that Adobe address all other troubling terminology in their software so we all can feel a bit more comfortable ... since we don't actually import images into Lr (other than graphic identity plates and graphic watermarks) ... we merely reference those files in Lr. Perhaps Adobe could label that button/action more accurately as a start.
    If we do not physically import photos into Lr, then what use is there to have a button for the function of Export? If we didn't actually import any images into Lr ... how is it possible to export an image out of Lr? Or, how about the fact that the Camera Calibration panel does not actually calibrate cameras for another? ... but I digress ...
    Indeed, from a physical standpoint, the files we manage using Lr are not actually stored inside the  Lr catalog ... however, all the extremely valuable camera generated EXIF and IPTC along with user generated metadata is stored in a repository that is known as the .lrcat file. Of course, one should not confuse that this repository has any actual images stored within.
    While it may be preferred, and more comfortable, to be perfectly accurate in discussing such terms, we can also drown in a sea of semantic minutiae if we all insist on picking nits with such phrases used in the discussion as well.

  • Looking for the BEST java IDE

    We're evaluating java IDE's (especially JBuilder & VisualAge) for a Client-Server project that uses RMI (there is no Web development\HTML\Bens involved)
    I would appreciate any recommendations, suggestions, articles or reviews that you have.
    thanks in Advance...

    Both of these IDEs are very solid pieces of software each with their own advantages.
    JBuilder is similar to most other java IDEs. It takes less time to become productive in JBuilder than it will take in Visual Age because Visual Age takes a non-standard approach to java development. Be sure to look at a recent version of JBuilder because early version support for remote debugging was very poor.
    Visual Age has some of the most advanced java development features of any IDE I've ever used. The downside of this functionality is that it takes quite a bit of time to get accustomed to the IDE. Visual Age doesn't use files like most other IDEs opting instead to provide a completely separate archiving mechanism called a Repository.
    If you're looking for something that will take very little time to learn, JBuilder is the better choice. It doesn't have as many features as Visual Age but it's also a lot more like most IDEs and has just about everything most java projects will need.
    If you're team is composed primarily of Sr. developers and you're willing to take the time to learn the IDE, Visual Age is well worth the investment. It's a pain to learn but once you learn it you won't want to go back to file based development.
    Of course, if you're looking for something between these 2 in terms of features and complexity, download the community edition of forte and give it a whirl.

  • Looking for artwork

    I'm looking to make some 4x4 cards to hand out at my bands show next week. I need to find some images to put in the background then I'll put the set list in the card to hand out at the show.   So a 4x4 image, with some cool font outlining the set list.
    I'm looking for a repository of images I can use for CD artwork. Anything will do for now, just looking for
    something to start with.
    Secondly I'm looking for a way to put upload the image into the 4x4 blank sheet I am working on. I found an option to import a pdf. Can you import jpg or bmp files?
    Parker, CO

    I really think you may be asking this question in almost hostile territory. Go to http://www.istockphoto.com/index.php and ask this question.There are SO FEW artists willing to give up their art for free.

  • Looking for comparison between MS Visual Source Safe and Oracle SCM

    I am looking for some comparison between MS Visual Source Safe and Oracle SCM.
    What I need is technical feature comparison (not just marketing comparison stating that Oracle SCM is better for everything is stored in the very reliable Oracle database(although this is a good point)).
    Any help in this area will be helpfull.
    Best regards,
    Mihail Daskalov

    Thanks you for your answer,
    I like very much Oracle SCM, which I use extensively.
    I have very little experience with MS VSS (only on my local machine). I have never tested it in a network environment with multiple developers.
    I would like to convince other developers to switch to Oracle SCM, but I need to know what to tell them.
    I'm actually both a developer and DBA, and I do like the safety the Oracle Database offers for storing files inside.
    I like very much the opportunity to connect with Oracle Repository Navigator from a remote location to my database through Connection Manager and to be able to work with my projects. (There is an issue with this configuration due to the JDBC driver used I'm unable to compare files).
    But to convince people I need to know more about the differences between MS VSS and Oracle SCM.
    I would appreciate if any of the developers share experience with VSS and SCM.
    Mihail Daskalov

  • Looking for package locking to avoid developing colisions

    I need a mechanism (either in database or some tool) which will allow me to lock the package for the time I am modifying it to prevent other developers from making changes at the same time. Is there such a mechanism built in Oracle it self or maybe you know some tool providing some functionality basing on some kind of repository?

    WojtusJ wrote:
    But if you are talking about version control software it's clear, I know that it is possiblethis way, I'm just looking for possible alternatives, becouse I don't need version control, the only thing needed is package locking mechanism for the modification time.There is no such thing (package locking mechanism) in the database.
    If you are using a tool that reads the source straight from the database (USER_SOURCE), allows you to edit it, and then save it by CREATE OR REPLACE - ing it back into the database, then yes you run a big risk that developers "overwrite" each others changes.
    The real solution to this problem is to not use the database as your environment of master sources, but instead use a version control system that uses a filesystem with lots of ascii-files as your master source environment.
    If you run into the problem only now and then, and find introducing a version control system a too heavy solution for your problem, then you could also look into developing a few DDL triggers (triggers that fire when you CREATE OR REPLACE something) that copy the current source into a 'backup'-table, before having it overwritten by the create-or-replace ddl command. Then you can always query your backup-table to get the overwritten source changes.

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