Looking for an iPhone App

Is there an app on the App Store that can give you information for wifi and general data networks? Such as signal quality, like for testing how good your wifi signal is and how far it can reach... Been looking and struggling, trying searching using all sorts of key words.

Thanks for quick reply. Aggh thats so irritating, if only I'd looked last month! Apple doesn't even offer a utility to do that so I don't see why 3rd party apps can't. Oh well, hopefully there'll be something in OS 4 that can help!

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    I just launched the free version of my app and is about you are looking for adding photos ( this case my illustrations) to photos that you take or choose from your iphone or ipod.
    check the site
    Let me know what you think.

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    Not aware of such an app. Here's some generalparental controls info.
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    How To Set Parental Controls and Block Content on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    http://blog.laptopmag.com/how-to-set-parental-controls-and-block-content-on-the- iphone-ipad-and-ipod-touch
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    http://www.imore.com/how-block-specific-websites-being-accessed-safari-iphone-an d-ipad
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    https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/parental-timelock-time-limit/id689577280?ls=1&am p;mt
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    Correction from my last message-
    Are you looking for a way to control the music from your PC to Mac as in remote desktop, or are you looking for a way to access (play, delete, share) your music?
    If its the first choice, see my last post.
    If its the second choice, you can turn on Home Sharing in iTunes.
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