Looking for JRE for Linux AArch64

Hi all, I want to run java programs on Linux AArch64, so I need a corresponding JRE, how could I get that? Thank you!

when I start a program that should open with Java web
start sometimes I get an error because it is looking
for a jre 1.6+....I have the latest JDK...I think.Think? Find out!
There are a 'bazillion' ways to determine the Java version
used as default on your system, here is one.
Why dont I have the latest JRE???I am running '1.5.0_08', which is the current production
JVM, but there is no auto-installer yet available for Java 1.6,
so the JNLP's that require 1.6 also fail for me.
Those '1.6' launch files will continue to fail for me until either..
a) This PC gets a 1.6 JVM
b) The auto-installer becomes available, and those JNLP's are
linked to the auto-installer. (Which adds up to This PC gets a
1.6 JVM).

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    Hi There
    Are you using Mozilla Firefox to access the console or Internet explorer ?
    If its INternet explorer then please follow this :- +
    Installing TightVNC for Non-Linux Users
    After Oracle VM Manager is installed, install the TightVNC-Java applet for non-Linux users to access virtual machines. Download the latest version from: http://oss.oracle.com/oraclevm/manager/RPMS/.
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    This should work out for you, try it in INternet explorer first, then you will know if it worked.
    Make sure u restart after installation of the RPM
    let moi know how u get on

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    +Hopefully would require zero permissions
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    -Not up to date, but pretty close
    3) Use the arch-wiki-lite package
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    +Hopefully would require zero permission
    +More of a native android application feel instead of a dedicated webpage reader
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    -Would need to create style/layout from scratch
    -Not really sure how this would work (Searching, etc)
    -Not up to date, but pretty close
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    Thanks for the response!
    rickeyski wrote: 1. Any app you make will require you to generate your own layouts android uses xml layouts there are webviews, which provide some of this functionality if you need to use html, however this will require online access.
    The arch-wiki-docs package is in HTML and I'm using WebView to read it locally. The arch-wiki-lite package is a text file. Maybe I could import it into a database? Either way, using that package will require me to create the whole layout.
    rickeyski wrote:  2 you could use a wrapper like phonegap, but that would me writing everything in html, css, javascript and you will use virtually none of your java.
    I've used Titanium Studio before, which I think is pretty similar to Phonegap, but I do want to make this one with Java.
    rickeyski wrote: 3. 40 mb is a huge app, granted its before compression, but its also before all of your code and layouts to make it work.. You would be limiting yourself to only the newest androids, don't know which phone you have in mind, but might not be a problem for you.
    40MB is the compressed size. The html docs are over 100MB uncompressed. I think I could significantly reduce the size by removing the non-english pages, but I can't figure out a systematic way to find them. There are 3551 pages and they use names like 00000965.html, 00000967.html, 00000968.html, 00000974.html, etc. (Of those 967 isn't english, but the other three are.)
    rickeyski wrote: 4. the biggest plus is the android docs and examples apps are very good, start reading.
    Yup. I've been reading through those a lot. They are a big help.
    Last edited by ioos (2012-02-11 23:11:05)

  • Looking for the pefect Linux Netbook

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    I'm making this first thread on the forum after reading it as an anonymous user for a couple of weeks.
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    I'm in of a netbook that has a bit more than 1024x600 res (e.g 1366x768), capable of 5+ hours, 2gb ram, ssd and is fully linux compatible. I can't really spend a fortune either, so the lower cost the better.
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    So to the discussion I had with myself:
    1. The ability to run linux highly depends on the hardware. Most important is the Chipset and the CPU. The chipset contains about everything these days. Harddrive controller, Display/graphics-controller, USB controller and on it goes. Via C7-m is outrun by the Atom processor. The most frequently used Atom's are Z5x0, N2x0 and N4x0. I think the most interesting one is the Z series. It got the lowest TDP (2W). N2x0 got 2.5W and N4x0 got 5.5w. So The two first ones would be the smartest Choice.
    Next challenge is the Chipset. Most netbooks fall into one out of three chipsets. S15w (poulsbo), 945GSE and ION.
    S15w is in its own class when it comes to TDP, 2.3W. 945GSE does 6W and ION consumes 15.5W.
    Of course this is all theoretical and highly dependent on the power saving technology behind it all.
    I've already ignored the N4x0 series of CPUs. So the real combinations now is:
    - Z5x0 + S15w
    - N2x0 + 945GSE
    - N2x0 + ION.
    Then there is compability again.
    S15w is running GMA500 video chip. The development for Linux on this specific chip seems horrible. Google searches reveal that as of january 2009 you were officially screwed. This because some external company is developing the drivers for the chip. This really excludes a lot of good alternates. I know I'm as good as swearing in the church here, but Acer Aspire One 751h would be a really nice option if it weren't for the GMA500.
    So we are back to N2x0+945/ION. I think my needs is covered by the GMA950 video chip provided by 945GSE. But it would have been fun to have a ION chip to play with. but 6W vs 15.5W is quite a lot. So here is where it all ends up.
    Dear reader. Thanks for reading this far. I know many of you have the combinations mentioned above. As far as I know Lenovo S-series cover most of these combinations. For example the S12.
    My questions are (for those of you who know about the 945/ION:
    1. How compatible are your computers with linux?
    2. How hot does these computers run. Will fans be running loud and so on?
    3. Batteries on a ION vs 945?
    I'm not gonna do that much gaming. I do how ever want to watch video. Its a must that power saving features will work under linux.
    Hope someone out there can help me out
    Best regards Christian

    I am a bit disapointed by s3t and g470 the fan is always on  ... 
    but a bios update may fix this
    http://rzr.online.fr/q/lenovo# g470 s103t (Please Contact me if your s10-3T is booting win7 or support bluetooth, 3g)
    Lenovo S10-3t | Model Name : 0651 | Mfg Date: 2010/06/08
    Lenovo G470 | Model Name : 20078 | M fg Date: 11/03/23 | BIOS: 40CN23WW(V2.09) 06/20/2011 | CPU: i5-2410M | Linux version 3.3.4lenovog470+ (root@lap) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-4) ) #8 SMP Tue May 1 10:23:48 CEST 2012

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    I would be deeply in debt (and grateful) to anyone that can assist in tracking down this archaic piece of software...
    either of the following files will work...
    Thank you very much,
    Kirk Mears
    Message was edited by:

    The best place to find such file is from Oracle support. I believe at that time ( 7 or 8 years ago? ) Oracle only distribute using CDs.

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    Under downloads -> Webas there is a 640 release of the webas for linux.  Installing this is basically the same as installing the portal.

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    Osama_mustafa wrote:
    I think this thread will not be problem if its repeated ,No, it was not about "repetition". I was pointing out that site in question could be useful after all, and I preferred to link to existing answer.
    but the problem with thread about TNS problem which is alot in this forum , But no One using Search mechanism.Most of those basic TNS/Oracle Net "errors" are well documented, even with troubleshooting steps and possible actions to help resolve the problem. But if you don't know to reference the docs or even that it exists, it won't help. It could also be becuase you don't have taken enough time to become familiar with the structure and language of Oracle products (Database specifically). That kind of learning experience seldom occurs via a few forum threads.

  • Looking for JInitiator for Linux

    Does anyone have access to the JInitiator for Linux. Even if it is beta?

    Jinitiator is not needed when you use old versions of browsers on Windows. There is information that IE 5.5 is reliable enough to be used without Jinitiator.
    Instead browsers you can use appletviewer in JDK.
    Avoid the usage of Linux on front-end (end-user) machines.

  • Looking for MICR fonts for Linux

    Hi I would like to know where I can get these MICR like fonts http://www.morovia.com/font/micr.asp from.
    I would like use it for some of my designing work.
    Does anybody know where to get that kind of font from for linux?

    just found a link to something good, in case anybody else is interested

  • How to install LenovoEMC Storage Manager for Linux: Version

    An Small step by step how to install this app. I this first example it was installed on Red Hat 6 Linux
    How to install LenovoEMC Storage Manager for Linux: Version
    1 - Download it from https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/app/cust_alp/p/1031,1150
    2 - Change File permissions ( chmod +x setup-  
    3 - Now you can install so execute this sintaxis : ./setup-
    4 - When app installation finishes, you must do it with this file into folder installation (chmod +x LenovoEMCStorageManager)
    5 - Then to open the app execute it: ./LenovoEMCStorageManager
    Video Tutorial
    How to install LenovoEMC Storage Manager for Linux: Version
    In This second example I installed same version on Ubuntu 13.10. Look at the end of messages of thread and you will see this steps
    Install Storage Manager setup- in ubuntu.
    lenovoemcstoragemanager.jpg ‏27 KB

    Hello everyone ,
    I have a lenovo px4-300d, I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 64bits with Gnome 3 as GUI and I'm trying to install  the LenovoEMC storage Manager but it failed  :
    Preparing to install...
    Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
    Unpacking the JRE...
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
    Launching installer...
    Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead...
    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
    Choose Locale...
        1- Deutsch
       ->2- English
        3- Español
        4- Français
        5- Italiano
        6- Nederlands
        7- Português  (Brasil)
        8- Svenska
    Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported
    The installer cannot run in this UI mode. To specify the interface mode, use the -i command-line option, followed by the UI mode identifier. The valid UI modes identifiers are GUI, Console, and Silent.
    Is it still aproblem with the 64 bits architecture ?
    Have you find any solutions ? Thank you very much

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