Lookup for System Alias

can somebody tell me how I can get a List of available system alias in the Enterprise Portal?
I´ve tried something like this:
IUserMappingService iums = (IUserMappingService)PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IUserMappingService.KEY);
IUserMappingData iumd = iums.getMappingData ("SystemAliasName",user);
In this case i´ve to hardcode SystemAliasNames but in some cases i don´t know the alias before.

ok  i solved by my self.
IUserMappingService  Method getAllSystems() give a list of all SystemAlias Names.
IUserMappingService iums = (IUserMappingService)PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IUserMappingService.KEY);
String systemList[] = iums.getAllSystems()

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  • About System alias for system object

    Can any one tell me exact need for system alias for system object when we are integrating SAP TCODES

    The main use of System alias is to identify the uniqueness of the systems that exist in the portal
    also it is very easy to transport TCode iviews from one landscape to other if you have same system alias exist in all the landscapes

  • EP6 SP2 Jco / System Alias Question

    Hi all,
    I'm developing a number of Iviews on an EP6 SP2 system connected to a 4.6C box.  I have two problems that I'd be grateful for some help with.
    1) How do I make use of the System Aliases set up in the portal via Jco ?
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    JCO.createClient("001", // SAP client
              "<userid>", // userid
              "****", // password
                 "EN", // language                               
                    "<hostname>", //      
              "00"); // system number
    but it would be much easier if I could use the configured System Alias called "UKSAP" which has been set-up in each Portal box.
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    Could you elaborate on your findings in this regard. I am currently getting the following error : "Target for system alias SAP_R3_HumanResources not found in system landscape"
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    Thanks in advance,
    Mukta Pathak

  • Problem in creation of system alias for bw system

    I want to create system alias for the bw system
    system admin->sys Config->system landscape->portal content->my own folder
    for this folder i created the system object
    after creation of system object, from property category i select the connector and give the details.
    after that i select the user management and give
    authentication ticket - select
    Logon method- UIDPW
    User Management type- admin,user
    i saved till now
    in the display object i select the system alias
    then that screen displays
    In the system alias screen, i clicked on add button for adding alias then we r getting this message.
    User Mapping Status:  (Not ready for user mapping configuration)
    Please give the solution for solving this problem
    Edited by: sid m on Mar 11, 2008 12:15 PM

    Hi Krishna,
    I checked  the connection settings.
    WAS settings in system object is giving this mistake
    before user mapping it works fine.
    after giving usermapping i ma getting this exception.
    SAP Web AS Connection
      Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Check the validity of the system ID in the system object
    2. Check whether the system can be retrieved
    3. Check whether a SAP system is defined in the system object
    4. Validate the following parameters: WAS protocol; WAS host name
    5. Check HTTP/S connectivity to the defined backend application
    1. The system ID is valid
    2. Retrieval of the system was successful
    3. The system object represents an SAP system
    4. The following parameters are valid: Web AS Protocol (http) Web AS Host Name (
    5. HTTP/S connection failed
    for testing the connector i am getting this exception
    Test Connection with Connector
      Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Retrieve the default alias of the system
    2. Check the connection to the backend application using the connector defined in this system object
    Retrieval of default alias successful
    Connection failed. Make sure user mapping is set correctly and all connection properties are correct.

  • Could not retrieve System Object  for the alias.

    Hi all,
    I have installed a business package (Maintenance Technician) and created system SAP_PM with aliases SAP_ECC_Manufacturing, and SAP_ECC_Common.  When I am logged into portal using Super Admin role, all the iviews of business package are working fine.  But when I am logged in using normal user, all iviews in the business packages are throwing the following exception.  Any ideas why? I appreciate your input.
    <b>Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Cannot retrieve system object for this alias. System Alias: 'SAP_ECC_Manufacturing', System ID: 'pcd:portal_content/com.xyz.fl_systems/com.xyz.SAP_PM'. User: 'abcuser',
    Reason: Access denied (Object(s): portal_content/com.xyz.fl_systems/com.xyz.SAP_PM).</b>
    Vicky R.

    Hi Vicky,
    can u pls share ur experience how did u solve this problem, i too facing the same problem.
    what i did  created one user who is already existed in BI System and created few iviews related to BI Reports.
    when i logged in through that user id in portal , while executing system is throughing the error what u have faced.
    Could u please let me know how did u solve that problem.
    Thanks in Advance
    RamanaRao V

  • Different System Alias in one iView

    Hi all,
    I have an ESS/MSS Szenario based on EP7 SP13 and HCM (ECC 6). I have setup the business package and all is working fine. I have setup the different System Aliases like SAP_R3_HumanResources and SAP_R3_HumanResources_Meta etc. and I have a working Single Sign On between my Portal and the HCM system.
    I now face the challenge to change one link within the working time iView to point to a different system than all the others!
    Let me explain: I have a second ERP 6 system that provides for the actual working time Web Dynpro and this Dynpro is not provided by the HCM system. I think I need to change the target for this one Dynpro to point to the ERP instead of the HCM system while all the other links in the working time iView still have to point to the HCM system!
    I have no idea whatsoever, how to do this. I checked the PCD but I can't seem to find the right place where to adapt the System Alias for an iView at all. Can someone point me in the right direction?
    Kind regards,

    No you're not
    In fact you lack the System and System alias that point to you're new ERP 6.
    Here a link with a demo that explain how to create the system and define its alias : [demo|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/24d8faf9-0701-0010-c99c-aabbdb7e95f4] .
    Informations needed are the same you can find in a saplogon for the system you want to connect to.
    Once you'll have defined system and alias you'll see it in you're listbox!
    Anyway you'll still face the last problem : you can't define multiple system alias for the same iView.
    Hope that helps!!
    Edited by: Seb on Jan 9, 2008 4:34 PM

  • There is no iView available for system "SAP_ERP_Manufacturing"...

    Hi out there,
    I have imported the business packages Common Parts 1.2 and Maintenance Technician 1.2 in our portal testsystem (nw7, sps18). after setting up a system with alias SAP_ECC_MANUFACTURING and asigning the role com.sap.pct.erp.maintech.maintenance_technician to my super admin user I can browse through the navigation of this role and all the iviews do what they are supposed to to (e.g. I can call the "Technical Structure View" and create a notification for an object out of the list)...
    When assigning the role com.sap.pct.erp.maintech.maintenance_technician to a test user (with the roles and groups from a simple enduser), I get the following error when trying to create anotification (or doing anything else in the technical structure view): There is no iView available for system "SAP_ERP_Manufacturing": object "notification".
    I have checked the permissions in all relevant areas of the PCD. Everywhere there are at least read permissions for everyone. Also I have copied the iView com.sap.pct.erp.common.notification_create to another place in the PCD and added it to the operation "create" of the Business Object "SAP_ERP_Manufacturing.notification" (with the highest priority). But that didn't change anything...
    Well, I don't know what else I could do to find out what's wrong. I just hope anyone out there can help me out... )
    Best Regards
    Juergen Kuechle.

    Hi Thulasi,
    sorry, but that's not the point. The system with alias "SAP_ECC_MANUFACTURING" is used to call the WD application in the R/3 backend system (which works out pretty fine). The WD application then calls back the portal using the object based navigation technology (OBN). In this case it calls the object SAP_ERP_Manufacturing.notification and tries to execute the iview linked to the action "create" of the object.
    And here exactly is the problem that I'm facing. With the super admin user OBN works fine, with an enduser the OBN fails...
    Regards, Juergen.

  • Portal error in SRM 7.0 -"There is no iView available for  system "SAP_SRM"

    Hi All,
    We have portal ( SAP EP 7.0) as the front end for SRM 7.0 ,We have integrated SRM with portal through the system alias SAP_SRM.
    With the PDP scenario the users are facing the below issue while they try to open any documents ( let it be RFx/contract).
    "There is no iView available for  system "SAP_SRM": object "cont". For more information, contact your administrator."
    We installed the latest JRE ( in the machine , but it didn't fix the problem. It appears to be a a lorcal issue with the settings in browser as some people ( very few) are able to open the documents.
    Any pointers?

    Hi Arun,
    Pls check the portal content and portal roles with iviews maintained properly or not.
    Pls chek this page for ivew and portal role matrix. and cross check with your portal roles.
    This might help you.

  • Urgent: RFC Lookup for BAPI in XI

    I am trying to call a BAPI that exists in XI system,in the Message Mapping in same XI system.
    If I run the BAPI,it is working fine.
    But if I call this in XI Message Mapping using RFC lookup,it returns garbage.
    I am not getting any RFC error.
    Can anyone please tell me what could be the reason for this.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Shwetha,
    Please refer the below weblog:
    • RFC lookup using JCO (without communication channel)
    • RFC lookup with communication channel.
    Sample code:
    public void createAlert(String InterfaceID, String AlertCategory, String errorString,String RFCReceiverCommunicationChannel,String BusinessService)
    final String SAPRFCNS = "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions",
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = null;
    try {
    builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Document docReq =null;
    try {
    docReq = builder.newDocument();
    Node root = docReq.appendChild(docReq.createElementNS(SAPRFCNS, FUNCTION_MODULE));
    // Creates XML structure which is passed to ABAP function module
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // XML Payload
    Payload result1 = null;
    try {
    Channel channel = LookupService.getChannel(BusinessService, RFCReceiverCommunicationChannel);
    RfcAccessor accessor = LookupService.getRfcAccessor(channel);
    InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(docReq.toString().getBytes());
    XmlPayload payload = LookupService.getXmlPayload(is);
    result1 = accessor.call(payload);
    } catch (LookupException e) {
    // trace.addWarning("Error during lookup - " + e);
    // System.out.println(e.toString());
    catch(Exception e)
    // System.out.println(e.toString());

  • System Alias is not coming in dropdown of System under Find Data Services

    I am having role in VC.
    In Visual Composer studio. I Clicked on Find Data option at right pane of the window to get
    Find Data Services window.
    In this window, I am not able to see the system alias from the dropdown list of the System field.
    Appreciate your help.

    Inside Visual Composer , Goto Tools >Options> Compiler .
    Remove the Checkbox for Mask Unsupported Features.
    Click Ok.
    Now try the Find Data
    It worked for me.

  • There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "Permission".

    Hi All,
    We have portal ( SAP 7.01 SP3 patch level 3) as the front end for SRM 7.0 ,We have integrated SRM with portal through the system alias SAP_SRM.
    When RFx Approver click on u201Cpermissionu201D button in u201CPurchasingu201D -> u201CSourcingu201D-> u201CRFx Numberu201D-> u201CDisplay RFxu201D he is able to see the permission iView where he can assign technical evaluators. But when same Approver click on u201CPermissionu201D button in  u201CStrategic Purchasingu201D ->u201DWork Overviewu201D in Alert tab or Task tab( Display RFx page )  is throwing the following error:
    "There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "Permission". For more information, contact your administrator."
    I searched in SDN forum and got few solutions and did as they suggested but my problem not yet solved.
    those are:
    1.     Assign Target iView (Permission iView) in  u201CNavigationu201D folder of respective Role (Strategic Purchase)
    2.     Make sure system Alias name as SRM_SRM.
    3.     Make sure user mapping status should be ok in System Alias Editor.
    4.     Should add u201CEveryoneu201D group in permission editor of System Object and make sure select u201CEnduseru201D check box and u201Cadministratoru201D as Read or full control(I selected Full control).
    5.     Add u201CEveryoneu201D group in permission editor of u201Ccoreu201D folder of SRM7.0 folder.
    6.     Add u201CEveryoneu201D group in permission editor of u201CPermissionu201D business object.
    7.     Check the target iViews in respective Business Object (in my case u201CPermissionu201D).
    8.     I updated latest patches (patch level 9) as said in SAP note: 0001386141
    Anybody knows solution for this problem please let me know. Encourage point will be given to useful postingu2026
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Deepti,
    Thank you very much for u r quick reply.
    I didnu2019t create any custom roles for RFx in Portal side and SRM side also; we are using standard roles provided by SAP. I checked all the iViews which are needed for the Role (in this case u201CStrategic Purchaseu201D role) those are existed in u201CNavigationu201D folder. Should I create custom role and have to assign required iViews to that to rectify this problem?
    Thanks and Regards

  • There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "po".

    We are on SRM 7.0.
    We get the below mentioned error after selecting the PO in "Purcahsing
    view" and clicking on EDIT button to chnage the selected PO:
    There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "po". For more
    information, contact your administrator.
    We are using the standard SAP portal content/roles to run the
    Please advise.

    Please confirm if you have used SAP_SRM as alias name in the portal?

  • There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "sc". For more inf

    I'm using SRM 7.0 and i'm facing the following problem:
    When we try to open an existing shopping cart:
    "There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "sc". For more information, contact your administrator. "
    This issue happens when a Purchaser click on any shopping cart number in the Purchasing overview screen.
    It's working fine in the standard role, but i created a new role with some delta links to objects but it's not working.
    I checked the permission on the system SAP_SRM and on the objects they are all:
    Name: Everyone (grouoe)
    Adminstrator: none
    User: checked
    The system alias SAP_SRM is well defined and the connection to this system works fine.
    Any hint for me?
    Thanks in advance,

    It had to do with OBN.
    I copied the role but deleted a folder called "Navigation". But all the iViews to wich the shopping cart needed to navigate were linked under that folder.
    So just copied again the role but this time without deleting the Navigation folder...and away was the problem

  • System Landscape and system alias

    Dear All EP Expert,
    I have some general questions.
    1) If i wanted to connect my EP 7.0 to backend ECC 6. Is there any specific name that i must use for my system landscape and system alias?
    2) Is the system lanscape come in when i include the business package?
    3) Where can i download the latest ESS and MSS business package?
    Can someone assist me on this?
    Thanks you in advance...

    Hi Brian ,
    you cal also download latest ESS and MSS business packages from -->
    download the business package from service market place.
    Navigate through Downloads --> SAP Support Package --> Entry by Application group --> SAP Application Components --> SAP ERP --> SAP ERP2005 -->Entry Point by component -->SAP XSS Self - Service --> SAP ESS 600.
    and similar for MSS 600 business package.
    You cal also refer to this Note for further details about Self Services Business Packages.
    [Note 1004528|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=1004528]
    Hope this helps.
    And Regarding System Alias names, there is no such specific name you should keep, as no standard name exists , read more about it on.
    [system aliases|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/e9/9bc93f92908032e10000000a11405a/frameset.htm]
    System Aliases and SAP Systems
    For SAP systems (BW, CRM, and so on), it is recommended to use a system alias that has as its name parameter the logical system name as defined in the SAP system itself. The logical system is specified in Table T000 in the SAP system.
    Reward points if helpful
    Shailesh Nagar
    Edited by: Shailesh Kumar Nagar on Jan 18, 2008 11:29 AM
    Edited by: Shailesh Kumar Nagar on Jan 18, 2008 11:37 AM

  • System Alias reappears in the System Configuration

    Hi All,
    This is a bit of a strange one but I wondered if anyone else has ever come across this with EP6 SP2.
    I have a System Object which I do not want to delete, since it might be required again in the future, so I am just removing the system alias to render it inactive.
    Overnight something causes the system alias to reappear and hence for the option in the user mapping drop-down to reappear too.
    I think my only option is to delete the system completely from the PCD.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks both for your advice.
    I have found out that this is in fact a "feature" in SP2 that if the alias is removed, but a user who has personalised this particular user mapping system logs onto the Portal afterwards, the alias is automatically recreated.
    Message was edited by: i022156

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