Looped objects in score?

It's possible to see alias object in score but no looped objects. Or I'm missing something...?

hi Amanda,
it makes no difference, it doesn't matter.
the ods/infoobject catalog just serve as template where we can choose infoobjects to be included in infocube.
later in bi 7.0, we can directly type in infoobject technical name, like in ODS.
hope this helps.

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    Jaxie wrote:
    I'm still not sure you get what I'm on about, you might want to read up on java methods and pass by value.I think we know how it works. Most of us have been programming in Java for serveral years.
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    My files

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    in case anyone wondered you use the package called apps.hr_appraisals_util_ss. Inside the package you can add round(,2) to obtain the result

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    so i think it can be done the same way in captivate executing javascript in the right way.
    Is there also an easier solution to write different scores to different obectives in the same course?
    many thanks for any help!

    Have a look at:
    Question Question Slides in Captivate - Captivate blog
    Question Question Slides - Part 2 - Captivate blog
    Indeed, Submit button is part of the Question slide, not a normal button. You can add a custom shape button, but it will never replace what happens when the Submit button is clicked: validation of the answer, showing captions, adding to score etc. Making the score depending on the attempt is not possible with default functionality, it is possible with custom question slides, but then the reporting to LMS is another issue. You should try to do it by JS, or if you only need SWF-output you could use the Master widget by InfoSemantics.
    Link score to attempts in Custom questions - Captivate blog

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        obj = new Object();
    }2) I declare and instantiate the object inside the loop only
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        Object obj = new Object();
    }I assume in the first example that I am reserving memory space and overwriting it on each iteration, whereas in the second example I am reserving and consuming a new memory space on each iteration.
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    I compiled both cases using Sun javac (1.4.1) and used javap to view the compiled code. It looks the same to me. Here's the compiled code (for the loop) for the first case   2 iconst_0
       3 istore_2
       4 goto 18
       7 new #2 <Class java.lang.Object>
      10 dup
      11 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object()>
      14 astore_1
      15 iinc 2 1
      18 iload_2
      19 bipush 6
      21 if_icmplt 7
      24 returnHere's the compiled code the second case   0 iconst_0
       1 istore_1
       2 goto 16
       5 new #2 <Class java.lang.Object>
       8 dup
       9 invokespecial #1 <Method java.lang.Object()>
      12 astore_2
      13 iinc 1 1
      16 iload_1
      17 bipush 6
      19 if_icmplt 5
      22 return

  • High scores table without name repeat

    Hello there,
    I have some code which fills a high scores table.. we've decided to give away a prize to the top ten people in the high scores table.. the problem is that people are playing repeatedly and fillnig the high scores table with their name, this makes it unfair to other players as they can't manage to get onto the table !!
    Is there a way I can modify my code to ignore the same name should it appear and skip to the next non repeated name(pseudo) and score ??
    My text boxes are called pseudo1 - pseudo10 and score1 - score10
    Many thanks in advance for your help below is my code :-
    for (var p:uint = 1; p <= 10; p++) {
              var currentPseudo:String = "pseudo" + p;
              var currentScore:String = "score" + p;
              if (event.target.data["pseudo" + p]) {
              if (event.target.data["score" + p]) {
                   highScoresPage[currentScore].appendText(event.target.data["score"+p] + " points"/*/1000 + "s"*/);
              } else {
                   highScoresPage[currentPseudo].appendText(" \n");
                   highScoresPage[currentScore].appendText(" \n");

    I find using Dictionary class for filtering unique names very useful. The code below shows that. Note how array is sorted in descending order:
    var scores:Array = [];
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 32 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Amanda Smith", score: 112 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 23 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Jerry Pak", score: 45 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 80 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Martin", score: 78 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Andrei", score: 99 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Andrei", score: 65 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Martin", score: 76 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Amanda", score: 10 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 73 } );
    // this sorting assures that only highest score for the same name will be presented
    // default sort is ascending
    scores.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC);
    var uniquePlayers:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    // this creates unqie entries
    for each(var obj:Object in scores) {
         // each element is entered only once
         uniquePlayers[obj.name] = obj;
    // reset array
    scores = [];
    // populate with unique names
    for (var key:String in uniquePlayers) {
    scores.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
    for each(obj in scores) {
         trace(obj.name, obj.score);

  • Please some body add the solution help me................

    **For this problem you will create a program to display a plain text ‘scoreboard’ for a match of the game of tennis. If you are not already familiar with the scoring system in tennis you may wish to do some of your own research on it, but I have briefly described the scoring system below.**
    **The program you write must provide a running score for a complete match of 3 sets. In the first two sets, a player wins the set by winning 6 games and being two games ahead. After such a set is won the score might be 6-2 or 6-4 or 6-1 etc. If the score reaches 6-5, an extra game is played. If the score is even, at 6 games each, the set is decided by a seven point tiebreak; the first player to obtain at least seven points in the tiebreak, with a two point advantage, wins the set. When a set is won by a tiebreak the set’s score is shown as 7-6.**
    **The last set is played to ‘advantage’, which means to win it a player must win at least 6 games and be two games ahead of their opponent. If the score is even, at 6 games each, the set is decided by continuing to play normal games until one player is two games ahead of the other. An advantage set is shown on the scoreboard as 9-7, or 7-5 or could even be 335-333 (after which both players expire of exhaustion).**
    **Each game consists of four points, the first called ‘15’, the second ‘30’ the third ‘40’. A player who has reached ‘40’ with their opponent on less than ‘40’ can win the game with one more point. However, if the two players are both on ‘40’ (called ‘deuce’ and shown as ‘40-40’) play continues until one has a two point advantage. From deuce, the next point gives the winner ‘Ad’ (short for advantage) and the score is shown as ‘Ad-40’. If the other player wins the next point the score returns to deuce again. When a player leading ‘Ad-40’ wins the next point they win the game.**
    **Which player is serving at any stage does not affect the scoring system. If desired, an initial server could be chosen randomly, with serving alternating game by game throughout the match. Serving only affects the vocalisation of the score, without affecting the score on the scoreboard.**
    **Create a TennisScorer class, whose objects will score a tennis match as described below.**
    **•     When the program starts a tennis scoreboard will be displayed on the standard output as**
    *** Player 1: 0 0 0**
    **Player 2: 0 0 0**
    **where the first column optionally shows who is serving, the second shows the players’ names, the third their score in sets, the fourth their score in games in the current set and the fifth their score in points in the current game.**
    **•     The program will randomly generate a winner for the next point. The scoreboard is then updated and displayed again. For example, after many points the display might contain many instances of the output scoreboard including the following.**
    **Player 1: 1 3 40**
    *** Player 2: 0 5 40**
    **Player 1: 1 3 Ad**
    *** Player 2: 0 5 40**
    **The behaviour of generating a winner, updating the score and displaying it should continue as long as the match lasts. This will produce a large amount of display, only a sample of which should be included in your listing. The displayed output should be captured to file.**
    **•     When a player has won 2 sets the program should display the name of the winning player and terminate.**
    **If you cannot complete the above problem you should submit a partial solution which only scores points or scores points and games but not sets, or doesn’t show who is serving. You may also add add*itional features as described below.*

    baxterbbb wrote:
    give me some coding hint man.............The assignment tells you to write a class TennisScorer. Write an empty class TennisScorer.
    What does a TennisScorer object need right at the start to be able to function?
    The player names. Therefore provide a constructor that takes two String arguments.
    Now every time one of the players wins a point, your TennisScorer object needs to be informed, so that it can adjust its internal state. Provide a method, let's say updateScore() with parameters describing somehow who won the point. Or, if you wish, two methods, firstPlayerPoint(), secondPlayerPoint(). Also provide a toString() method (check Object.toString()) so that someone could extract the information for display purposes. What is the internal state? Maybe some instance variables called: p1Sets, p2Sets, p1Games, p2Games etc.
    Now write a main() method that exercises all this: creates the TennisScorer object, goes to a loop and generates a random value indicating which player scored, feeds the TennisScorer with the value, calls toString() and displays the result.

  • Insert data into oracle based on sql server data(here sql server acting as source to oracle and destination to oracle)

    Source is Oralce. Destination is SQL Server.
    Requirement - I have to fetch sql server server data (empid's) based emp table  and send this as input data to oracle to fetch and empid's are common.
    I cannot use merge or loopkup or for each as oracle have too many records.
    For example - In MS SQL - i have empid=1,2..Only these records, I have to fetch from oracle source into sql server destination. For this, I have adopted the below approaches...The major problem I face, when i build a empid's as a string, it is taking only
    4000 chars. My string lenght is 10000. How do I breakup this string lengh and send to data flow task till all broken strings length passed to DFT.
    created two variables - oraquery string, empid string
    step1 - ms sql database - created sql task - declare @empid varchar(max)
    SELECT @empid=
    Stuff((SELECT ',' + empid
            (SELECT  DISTINCT  convert(varchar(10),empid ) empid FROM emp
             ) x
            For XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
    select @empid =    '(' +  @empid + ')'
    select @empid
    resultset=resultname=0; variablename=User::empid (empid is declared as string)
    step2 - oracle database - created data flow task
    created oledb source
    I put  this statemnt in oraquery expression - "select * from dept where dept in  "
    +  @[User::empid] + "
    [OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "ORA-00936: missing expression".
    created three variables - oraquery string, empid  int, loop object--when I put int then it is automatically setting to 0
    step1 - ms sql database - created sql task - SELECT  DISTINCT  convert(varchar(10),empid ) empid FROM emp
    resultset=resultname=0; variablename=User::loop
    step2 - created a for each loop container
    for loop editor - for each ado ennumerator
    enumerator configuration - loop
    variablemapping - variable=empid;index=0
    step3 - oracle database - created data flow task (outside for each loop. If I put inside it is taking long time)
    created oledb source
    I put  this statemnt in oraquery expression - "select * from dept where dept in  "
    +  @[User::empid] + "
    Data inserting in a destination table but  empid=0.

    Sorry didnt understand if your step3 is outside loop how
    @[User::empid] will get values for the empids from User::loop. The iteration happens inside loop so you
    need to have a logic to form the delimited list inside using a script task or something and concatenating everything and storing to variable @[User::empid]
    . Then only it will have full value used to be used in step3 query
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Inserting multiple data in a single textfield

    is it possible?? something like "select name from table where department_id = 2" and put it in a textfield(or any prefered item) and the output would be like "sanchez , goodyear , hillman" <-- data shud be also separated by comma.

    whoa andres thats a bit complicated.. anyways im using form9i so im sticking with the trigger type code for forms...
    i have implement craigs code in my system now but there is some error..
    i got this in :blk_student.score 'when-validate-item' trigger:
    "if :BLK_STUDENT.SCORE != 'NA' then
         if :BLK_STUDENT.SCORE <= 100 and :BLK_STUDENT.SCORE >= 90 then
              Rec IN (select section_name from TBL_SECTION where section_id = 1) LOOP
                   if :blk_student.adv is null then
    :blk_student.adv := rec.section_name;
              :blk_student.adv := :blk_student.adv||', '|| rec.section_name;
                   end if;
              elsif :BLK_STUDENT.SCORE <= 89 and :BLK_STUDENT.SCORE >= 80 then
              Rec IN (select section_name from TBL_SECTION where section_id = 2) LOOP
                   if :blk_student.adv is null then
    :blk_student.adv := rec.section_name;
              :blk_student.adv := :blk_student.adv||', '|| rec.section_name;
                   end if;
    end if; "
    and i got this error http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l133/element81/errorrrr.jpg
    and when i press ok, the advised section will be empty again/null..
    any idea??
    additional info:
    the section block LOV is related to student block (SELECT ALL TBL_SECTION.SECTION_NAME, TBL_SECTION.YEAR,
    also the student block is a manual block with 'when-new-instance-block' trigger that has this code:

  • LabVIEW Software Developer/Hardware Integrator

    La Jolla, CA based automation and custom solutions provider seeking LabVIEW software developers.
    Job Description
    Seeking a National Instruments LabVIEW Software Developer/Hardware Integrator to join our team developing customized automated control and test equipment.
    The preferred candidate will have 1-5 years experience in software development and hardware integration using LabVIEW and some experience with embedded C. Candidate must have hands-on experience interfacing and calibrating various transducer signals to both National Instruments and Third Party data acquisition boards. 
    Software Experience
    Programming experience with an understanding of a majority of the items below:
    Labview Programming 1-5 years
    Database Connectivity
    RS232 and USB COM programming
    Real Time Systems
    AIO, DIO, Counter Configuration and Operation
    Producer/Consumer Architecture
    Queues, Events, Timed Loops, Objects, Multithreading, Hardware Triggering, Variants, Code Interface Nodes, PID
    ActiveX, DLL  APIs
    LabVIEW Application Deployment (building and deploying executables)
    *A preference will be given to candidates who have experience in both NI Data Acquisition hardware and Embedded Arm Development. 
    Hardware Experience
    Candidates  will have demonstrated experience (or at least a basic understanding of) in the integration of transducers and signal conditioning commonly used in Biomedical/Biotech industries into data acquisition and control systems including but not limited to:
    Temperature (TCs, RTDs, and Thermistors)
    pH,DO,ORP Electrodes
    Liquid/Gas Valves
    Liquid/Gas Pumps/Compressors
    Motion (Stepper and DC Servo) including  Quadrature Encoders
    Pneumatic displacement cylinders
    Lighting (Bulbs and LEDs)
    Solid State and Mechanical Relays for AC/DC power switching
    Thermoelectric Coolers
    Digital Switching and Bus Communication (DIO, SPI, Counter, Triggering, etc.) 
    Some college-level experience in Electrical/Computer/Optical/Bio/Chemical Engineering and/or Computer Science.  A formal degree is not as important as capabilities and creativity. Previous Experience with National Instruments LabVIEW Training is highly desired.  Understanding of AC/DC circuit basics is a requirement and a preference will be given to candidates with more component level electronics experience.  
    We have both part-time and full-time positions available in our La Jolla, CA office. We are a company specializing in the development of custom automation solutions for various clients primarily in the Biotech/Biomedical/Oceanography areas. We are a small, but growing company looking for individuals who like a diverse work environment filled with unique challenges that are constantly changing.
    If you enjoy using your creativity and talents in a fun entrepreneurial environment and like the idea of working in the beautiful surf-town of La Jolla, CA then we want to hear from you...

    Hey, I own a Canadian built sailboat, drink the occasional Canadian beer, watch CKWS on cable, can say Eh! with the best of them, had my first anniversary honeymoon in Ottawa. I even have a loonie in my pocket and $5cdn in my wallet You have to be Canadian?   Winters are milder there than where I live too.
    Fixed wire, that is for those posters in the other threads that insist on posting for the 3 -4 year old jobs! How else will he get them to apply in a timely fashion?
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

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