Looping the one to many: ConcurrentModificationException

In slow steps my BM gets shape. I now run into the following issue:
I have a OneToMany / ManyToOne relationship between two classes: standversion contains many standassigns. The classes have the following mappings:
     @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = nl.reinders.bm.Standversion.class ) @JoinColumn(name="standversionnr")
     private nl.reinders.bm.Standversion iStandversion;
     @OneToMany(mappedBy = "iStandversion", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, targetEntity = nl.reinders.bm.Standassign.class)
     private java.util.Collection<nl.reinders.bm.Standassign> iStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion = new java.util.ArrayList<nl.reinders.bm.Standassign>();
This works perfectly, lazy loading and all.
So the next step is to define accessor methods:
- StandAssign has a get/setStandversion
- StandVersion has a add/remove/getStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion
Works perfectly.
However, if I execute a "setStandversion" on the Standassign, followed by a "getStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion" on the corresponding Standversion, the standassign is not present in de collection. This relation needs to be wired into the BM.
In order to implement this, the setStandversion does a:
     if (value == iStandversion) return; // optimalisation and prevent looping
     if (lValue != null) lValue.removeStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion( (nl.reinders.bm.Standassign)this );
     iStandversion = value;
     if (value != null) value.addStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion( (nl.reinders.bm.Standassign)this );
In effect: when a value is set, remove me from the old value's collection and add me to the new values collection.
And correspondingly, the addStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion does:
     if (value != null && !iStandassignsWhereIAmStandversion.contains(value))
          value.setStandversion( (nl.reinders.bm.Standversion)this);
And the remove ofcourse the opposite. In effect: if a standassign is added to a standversion, make sure the standversion in the standassign is changed also.
Logically this works. But if some testcode is executed, this exception occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
     at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(AbstractList.java:449)
     at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(AbstractList.java:420)
     at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList$1.next(IndirectList.java:418)
     at oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList$1.next(IndirectList.java:418)
     at nl.reinders.bm.BMTestToplink.main(BMTestToplink.java:71)
What is where and why concurrent modified???

Found it!
The testcode fetched all Standassigns from one Standversion, looped over them and make a shallow clone of each standversion. Then the newly clone Standassign was reassigned to a new Standversion. So:
create new standversion
loop over all standassigns of the old standversion
create a clone of the standassign
assign the new standversion to the cloned stand assign
The creation of the clone basically is a whole list of "new.setXXX( getXXX )", so it initially also copies the value for "Standversion". So the cloned Standassign is initially bound to the old standversion and then after the clone the Standversion is replaced with the new one.
This means that the collection that is iterated over is altered by the clone method. So what needs to be done is full fetch the collection of standassigns prior to looping over it.

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    SAMPLE_ITEM.SAMPLE_ITEM_ID -> BASE_OBJECT.BASE_OBJECT_ID - The PKs that are used to join the sample item to the base class
    SAMPLE_ITEM.SAMPLE_ID -> SAMPLE.SAMPLE_ID - The FK that is used to join the sample item to the sample class as a child of the parent.
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    @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED )
    @DiscriminatorColumn( name = "BASE_KIND", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER )
    @DiscriminatorValue( "1" )
    public class BaseObject
    extends SoaEntity
    @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "BaseObjectIdSeqGen" )
    @SequenceGenerator( name = "BaseObjectIdSeqGen", sequenceName = "BASE_OBJECT_PK_SEQ", allocationSize = 1 )
    @Column( name = "BASE_ID" )
    private long baseObjectId = 0;
    @Table( name = "SAMPLE" )
    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn( name = "SAMPLE_ID" )
    @AttributeOverride(name="baseObjectId", column=@Column(name="SAMPLE_ID"))
    @DiscriminatorValue( "2" )
    public class Sample
    extends BaseObject
    @OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL )
    private List<SampleItem> sampleItem = new LinkedList<SampleItem>();
    @Table( name = "SAMPLE_ITEM" )
    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn( name = "SAMPLE_ITEM_ID" )
    @AttributeOverride(name="baseObjectId", column=@Column(name="SAMPLE_ITEM_ID"))
    @DiscriminatorValue( "3" )
    public class SampleItem
    extends BaseObject
    @Basic( optional = false )
    @Column( name = "SAMPLE_ID" )
    private long sampleId = 0;
    Edited by: Chris-R on Mar 2, 2010 4:45 PM

    Thanks for the thoroughness. There was a mistake in moving the code over for the forum. The field names are correct throughout the original source code.
    BASE_OBJECT_ID is used throughout.
    I suspect the problem lies in the one-to-many sampleItem(s) relationship that is based upon the subclassed item class. (The relationship is actually "sampleItems" in the real code and somehow got changed in the move over.)
    The problem may lie in the mapping of the attribute override in the child class to the referencing of the item class from the parent side of the relationship in the Sample class.
    I further suspect this may be specific to Eclipselink based upon other postings I've seen on the web that have similar problems...
    Any thoughts?
    Edited by: Chris-R on Mar 3, 2010 9:56 AM

  • Aggregate one-to-many relationship problem

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    [TopLink fin]: 2008.02.13 03:18:11.552--ServerSession(12626425)--Connection(29948747)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--SELECT DISTINCT t0.NPL_PACK_ID, t0.NPL_ID FROM NPL_MEDPROD t3, FASS_MEDPROD t2, NPL_MEDPROD t1, NPL_PACKAGE t0 WHERE (((t0.NPL_ID = t1._Presentation->NPL_ID_IN_REFERENCE_NPL_PACKAGE_NPL_MEDPROD_Test) AND ((t1.NPL_ID = t2.NPL_ID) AND (t3.NPL_ID LIKE '19750613000031%'))) AND (t3.NPL_ID = t2.NPL_ID))
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    Internt undantag: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character
    Felkod: 911
    I belive that problem resides in this clause :
    I've created a small test project with just a couple of classes but the same aggregate problem occurs which has let me to believe the problem does not come from the migrating process which was my first guess. If anyone could help me discover what I am doing wrong it would be very appreciated. Below is my test project output.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <toplink:object-persistence version="Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 061004)" xmlns:opm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/xsds/opm" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:toplink="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/xsds/toplink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <opm:class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="toplink:relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
    <opm:field table="FASS_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:events xsi:type="toplink:event-policy"/>
    <opm:querying xsi:type="toplink:query-policy"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:one-to-one-mapping">
    <opm:source-field table="FASS_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:target-field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:field table="FASS_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:selection-query xsi:type="toplink:read-object-query"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="FASS_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:copying xsi:type="toplink:instantiation-copy-policy"/>
    <toplink:change-policy xsi:type="toplink:deferred-detection-change-policy"/>
    <toplink:table name="FASS_MEDPROD"/>
    <opm:class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="toplink:relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
    <opm:field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:events xsi:type="toplink:event-policy"/>
    <opm:querying xsi:type="toplink:query-policy"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:aggregate-object-mapping">
    <toplink:source-field name="_Presentation->NPL_ID_IN_REFERENCE_NPL_PACKAGE_NPL_MEDPROD_Test" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:target-field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:copying xsi:type="toplink:instantiation-copy-policy"/>
    <toplink:change-policy xsi:type="toplink:deferred-detection-change-policy"/>
    <toplink:table name="NPL_MEDPROD"/>
    <opm:class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="toplink:relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
    <opm:events xsi:type="toplink:event-policy"/>
    <opm:querying xsi:type="toplink:query-policy"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:one-to-many-mapping">
    <opm:source-field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:target-field name="_Presentation->NPL_ID_IN_REFERENCE_NPL_PACKAGE_NPL_MEDPROD_Test" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:container xsi:type="toplink:list-container-policy">
    <toplink:selection-query xsi:type="toplink:read-all-query">
    <toplink:container xsi:type="toplink:list-container-policy">
    <toplink:copying xsi:type="toplink:instantiation-copy-policy"/>
    <toplink:change-policy xsi:type="toplink:deferred-detection-change-policy"/>
    <opm:class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="toplink:relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
    <opm:field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_PACK_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:events xsi:type="toplink:event-policy"/>
    <opm:querying xsi:type="toplink:query-policy"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_PACK_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:one-to-one-mapping">
    <opm:source-field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:target-field table="NPL_MEDPROD" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:indirection xsi:type="toplink:value-holder-indirection-policy"/>
    <toplink:selection-query xsi:type="toplink:read-object-query"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:copying xsi:type="toplink:instantiation-copy-policy"/>
    <toplink:change-policy xsi:type="toplink:deferred-detection-change-policy"/>
    <toplink:table name="NPL_PACKAGE"/>
    <toplink:login xsi:type="toplink:database-login">

    The issue is in the one-to-many mapping in the aggregate,
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:one-to-many-mapping">
          <opm:source-field table="NPL_PACKAGE" name="NPL_ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
          <opm:target-field name="_Presentation->NPL_ID_IN_REFERENCE_NPL_PACKAGE_NPL_MEDPROD_Test" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
      </opm:target-foreign-key>There is an issue with the Mapping Workbench and shared aggregates with one-to-many mappings and translating the foreign key fields. Did this work before, I would be surprized if it did, unless the 2.5 Builder was used?
    Anyway the easiest workaround is to either edit the XML and change the NPL_ID_IN_REFERENCE_NPL_PACKAGE_NPL_MEDPROD_Test column name to what it should be, or define a descriptor amendment method to define the one-to-many mapping with the correct field names.
    -- James : EclipseLink

  • Unidirectional one-to-many with join table

    According to http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.5/reference/en-US/html/associations.html#assoc-unidirectional-12m "A unidirectional one-to-many association on a foreign key is an unusual case, and is not recommended", instead they recommend using a join table, e.g.
    create table Person ( personId bigint not null primary key )
    create table PersonAddress ( personId not null, addressId bigint not null primary key )
    create table Address ( addressId bigint not null primary key )
    However if doing this, when using SQLDeveloper the Address table does not appear as a child table of Person, which it should be as a unidirectional one-to-many meaning that I can't create a cache group for Person and subsequently Person.
    Is this something that can be worked around as I'm using a legacy schema created from Hibernate/JPA and the implications of changing are quite substantial?

    Hi Gennady,
    Apologies but my question was not clear enough. The schema structure that I have inherited is as follows:
    ALTER TABLE T_PERSONADDRESS ADD CONSTRAINT FK_PERSON_ADDR_ADDR_ID FOREIGN KEY (ADDRESSID) REFERENCES T_ADDRESS(ADDRESSID);This is implementing a unidirectional one-to-many relationship between T_PERSON and T_ADDRESS according to the Hibernate and JPA recommendation. As far as I can see most schema designers would do this using by adding a column "PERSON_ID" (and associated FK) on the T_ADDRESS table and therefore not needing the T_PERSONADDRESS table.
    This being what it is, I would then like to create a cache-group as follows:
      "SCHEMA1"."T_PERSON" (
        "PERSONID"        NUMBER            NOT NULL,
      "SCHEMA1"."T_ADDRESS" (
      )This however gives me the error "TT8222: Multiple parent tables found" because TimesTen has failed to identify the one-to-many-using-link-table pattern.
    Without a schema re-write is there anything that I can do, alternatively will this be looked at for a future release of TimesTen?
    Edited by: TrisStev on Apr 16, 2012 10:37 AM

  • Workbench-Cannot Give Joining to One-To-Many

    Hi there,
    i am using toplink workbech 10g release 2( build 050715. In workbench, i want to put "use joining" to a one-to-many relationship. Joining can be applied to one-to-many relationships from the java code but in workbench i cannot give joining to the one-to-many relationships. There is no checkbox for that property. I can only check batch reading. Is it true, or is there a problem with my mapping workbench?

    This is true, there is currently no 1-m joining support in the Mapping Workbench, nor can you set this at the mapping level in the code API. 1-m joining can only currently be set at the query level in the code API. Note that in general batch reading for 1-m is more performant than joining, so you may want to consider using it instead.

  • 3 way one-to-many through a single link table

    I have 3 tables that are linked through one to many relationships in a single link table. Here's the real relationships:
    multiplex(id, assays)
    markerset(id, assays, multiplexes)
    Here's the database schema:
    assay(id, name)
    markerset(id, name)
    multiplex(id, name)
    assay_marker_set(assay_id[not null], marker_set_id[not null], multiplex_id[nullable])
    I've mapped one-to-many relationships between markersets and assays, and multiplexes and assays, and BOTH of these one-to-manys need to be writable. In the record creation process, assays are associated with markersets, and then assays are associated with multiplexes, which in turn are associated with markersets.
    Here's our dilemma. When committing multiplexes through a unit of work, the one-to-many with assays can't see the one-to-many with markersets, so the commit fails because the markerset key is null.
    We've gotten around the problem by creating a postSave() method in markerset that writes multiplex changes once they are created. But again, in a unitofwork commit, saving a markerset fires the postSave() method, which writes assays and multiplexes that have not yet been written to the database.
    We've gotten around THAT by only turning on postSave() when creating multiplexes, not when associating assays with markersets.
    My question is, is there a more conventional approach to this problem? Clearly, the database needs to be reworked, but time constraints and the quantity of data to be curated makes changing the schema impossible. Or have we arrived at the most sensible solution to a ridiculous problem? Currently what we have works, it's just incredibly complicated, and nearly unmaintainable.
    Thanks for the time to even read this post, and mocking is permitted ;-)
    Paul Cooper
    GlaxoSmithKline US Bioinformatics

    Looks like your object model does not match your data model.
    From you object model you seem to have,
    MarkerSet 1-m Assay, 1-m Multiplex
    Multiplex 1-m Assay
    From your data model you have,
    Assay 1-m AssayMarkerSetAssociation
    MarkerSet 1-m AssayMarkerSetAssociation
    Multiplex 1-m AssayMarkerSetAssociation
    AssayMarkerSetAssociation 1-1 Assay, 1-1 MarkerSet, 1-1 Multiplex
    (your object model seems to be also missing the name)
    I'm not exactly sure how you have your mapping working, but it would seem the best solution is to introduce an AssayMarkerSetAssociation object into your object model.
    If you do not wish to use this object in your model, you could just use it internally to store the relationship and still have get/set methods for the relationships that you want that initialize themselves from the associations.
    So your object model would be,
    MarkerSet 1-m AssayMarkerSetAssociation (+ getAssays, getMultiplexes methods)
    Multiplex 1-m AssayMarkerSetAssociation (+ getAssays, method)
    AssayMarkerSetAssociation 1-1 Assay, 1-1 MarkerSet, 1-1 Multiplex
    In general you seem to be able to get your mapping working without changing your object model, but are probably better off for maintainability to change your model slightly.

  • One to Many Mapping with different SQL types

    We have an interesting one to many relationship in our system in which the source and target field SQL types do not match, but the values do. The relationship is actually between multiple entries in the same database table. So, imagine we have some table that looks sort of like this:
    KEY ObjectID OwnerNo
    100 1234     0
    101 ABCD     1234
    102 EFGH     1234ObjectID is defined as a varchar type, but Parent entries are guaranteed to have integer value ObjectIDs. Child entries point to the parent through the OwnerNo field, which defined in the database as a numeric.
    A simple one-to-many mapping will give you the following SQL error on execution: [SQL0401] Comparison operator = operands not compatible.
    I tried modifying my descriptor after load as follows:
       public static void modifyOneToMany(Descriptor descriptor)
           ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
           Expression exp = builder.getField("OwnerNo").
       }But this introduces two problems in the generated SQL ( ... WHERE ((t0.OwnerNo = TO_NUMBER(t0.ObjectID) ... ). First, this generates a where clause using the function TO_NUMBER, which is not supported by DB2 on AS400, our database platform. Second, the table reference is off in the generated SQL--I couldn't find a way to specify that the right hand side of the = operator should be from the parent of the one to many mapping--both sides are referenced from the child context (t0).

    I found the getFunction() method on Expression, so I can solve half of this problem with the following code:
       public static void modifyOneToMany(Descriptor descriptor)
         if (descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("children").isOneToManyMapping())
           OneToManyMapping map = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.
           DatabaseField objectID= (DatabaseField) map.getSourceKeyFields().get(0);
           DatabaseField ownerNo = (DatabaseField) map.getTargetForeignKeyFields().get(0);
           ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
           Expression exp = builder.getField(ownerNo).getFunction("CHAR").
       }This generates the following where clause:
    ... WHERE ((CHAR(t0.OwnerNo) = t0.ObjectID) ...
    But, I still have two questions:
    1. How do we get the right hand side of this comparison to reference the Parent part of the 1-M mapping?
    2. Since character and numeric conversions are pretty standard SQL functions, is there something wrong with the DB2 database platform I'm using?

  • One to many values relationship

    Hello Everyone ,
    I am working on an exception management project.  I am having some difficulty showing one to many relationship from multiple tables . I used listagg function and was able to use show the one to many relationship via a select query . However , as our application maybe housed on sql-sever , i was told to find a workaround without the oracle specific function. I ll explain the relationship between exceptions and its ids
    Exception 100 has 5 ids which has 2 distinct entity types
    100               1        SECURITY 
    100               2        SECURITY
    100               3        SECURITY
    100               4        BOND
    100               5        BOND
    The desired output is
    Exception        Entity_type
    100                  Security,Bond
    I have tried to use the case condition in select
    count(distinct link.entity_type_id) > 1
    null  ----------------- ( need to use something in select )
    Is it possible to do the following
    1) Use a subquery to get comma separated values ?
    2) If option 1 is not possible, any function which can be used in both sql server and oracle ?

    Trying to write a single piece of code to work on different platforms is a sure way to end up with lengthy, complicated and poorly performing code in a lot of cases.
    You would be better having two versions of the code, one written for Oracle to utilize it's power to achieve the task and one written for SQL Server to utilize it's power to achieve the same.
    PL/SQL and T-SQL are completely different languages, and whilst a lot of things are common amongst the SQL functionality, the more complex tasks tend to be better done using their own methods.
    Could you write a single piece of SQL to work on both... yes, in this case I'm sure you could... but "should" you write a single piece of SQL to work on both is probably a better question to ask.

  • One-to-many self relationship guide

    Using the TopLink Mapping Workbench within JDeveloper, I am trying to create a hierarchical query. I have a table that includes the following columns:
    where OBJECTID is the primary key, and PARENT_ID is a foreign key to OBJECTID. The CONNECT BY clause I would like to generate is:
    I have tried to use the tutorial at http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10464_01/web.904/b10316/tutorial.htm#652452, but the TopLink Mapping Workbench GUIs in JDeveloper are not the same as those shown in the tutorial. In particular, I cannot add a table reference in the one-to-many mapping GUI. I can only choose from existing foreign keys.
    Has anyone found a way to create a one-to-many self relationship, using JDeveloper
    Thank you.

    As far as I can tell you are right that the Add button on the Table Reference is not available on the Mapping Workbench in JDeveloper 9.0.5. It is available only on the standalone version of the Mapping Workbench.
    The solution is to have the Table Reference (FK -> PK) Constraints already available from the Database. So all you need is to pick from an available relationship.
    From JDEV log into the HR / HR Schema and map the EMPLOYEES table. That table has such a Constraint.

  • TopLink11 Tutorial problems with one-to-many relation

    I installed TopLink 11 and the related tutorial to work in a simple Eclipse project.
    Everthing works fine except for the storing of the one-to-many relation in the database.
    The tutorial works with employee, address and phone tables/classes. Plain Objects can be stored and one-to-one relations too. However when trying to store a one-to-many relation not the key of the related object (which is at that tome well known) but the object is tried to be entered
    in the Logfile I find:
    [TopLink Fine]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--DatabaseSessionImpl(12916846)--Connection(9550256)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (EMP_ID, L_NAME, F_NAME, ADDR_ID, VERSION) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
         bind => [1501, Pascal, Blaise, 2252, 1]
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--DatabaseSessionImpl(12916846)--Connection(9550256)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--commit transaction
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--UnitOfWork(14858725)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--end unit of work commit
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--UnitOfWork(14858725)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--release unit of work
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--UnitOfWork(14858725)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--release unit of work
    [TopLink Finest]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Register the object Employee: Blaise Pascal
    [TopLink Finest]: 2008.01.10 10:27:28.748--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Execute query DoesExistQuery()
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.370--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--begin unit of work commit
    [TopLink Finer]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.370--DatabaseSessionImpl(12916846)--Connection(9550256)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--begin transaction
    [TopLink Finest]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.370--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Execute query UpdateObjectQuery(Employee: Blaise Pascal)
    [TopLink Finest]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.386--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Execute query InsertObjectQuery(PhoneNumber[desk]: (603) 123-4567)
    [TopLink Fine]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.386--DatabaseSessionImpl(12916846)--Connection(9550256)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--INSERT INTO PHONE (P_NUMBER, EMP_ID, AREA_CODE, TYPE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
         bind => [1234567, {Employee: Blaise Pascal}, 603, desk]
    [TopLink Warning]: 2008.01.10 10:28:58.511--UnitOfWork(18511661)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g Technology Preview 3 ( (Build 071214)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Ungültiger Spaltentyp Error Code: 17004
    the highlighted section should be 1501 (the key of the employee record)
    Any ideas how to fix this?
    Thanks Erika

    You need to specify the other side of the relationship (on the PhoneNumber side), which is done by putting a @ManyToOne annotation on the "employee" attribute in PhoneNumber. That will cause TopLink to know that it is a relationship and not a basic mapping.

  • Before i buy the complete creative cloud, how many computers can i install it on with the one subscription? i have a macbook pro laptop and a iMac desktop, which i both need it on.

    before i buy the complete creative cloud, how many computers can i install it on with the one subscription? i have a macbook pro laptop and a iMac desktop, which i both need it on.

    Creative Cloud Help | Creative Cloud / Common Questions
    "Can I use the software I download from Creative Cloud on more than one machine?
    Yes. Creative Cloud desktop applications can be downloaded and installed on multiple computers, regardless of operating system. However, activation is limited to two machines per individual associated with the membership. See the terms of use for more information. Learn how to deactivate a Creative Cloud license on a machine."

  • Looking for a One to Many script to extend the system partition for Windows 7 machines

    Looking for a One to Many script to extend the system partition for Windows 7 machines

    Pre-written scripts can be found in the repository:
    If you can't find what you need, you can request a script (no idea if anyone ever bothers to fulfill these requests though, I know I don't):
    Let us know if you have any specific questions.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

  • One-to-many mapping and update the many part

    Hello !
    Here's my problem,
    I've got an object A having a vector of object B.
    The mapping in toplink is one-to-many with the back-references set in B.
    Insertion : no problem.
    Now i would like to change the Vector of B (inserting new B, updating existing B) in a function with the Vector vC (modified vector of B).
    What is the best way to do this ?
    I tried many thing but either I have toplink 6004 error, or doing it by removing all elements of the Vector (deleting all B in database), and then setting A with C (recreating all object in the modified Vector).
    Another way to explain my case:
    how to do this in UnitOfWork ?
    function modifyAVectorOfB(A, vectorOfC)
    AClone = uow.registerObject(A);
    (and in database all existing object in C are updated, new object in C are created, removed object in C are deleted)

    Have found a solution, read all object in the modified Vector, read the modified object in the Unit Of Work with readObject(B) (So i get the database or cache version) and then comparing it with the modified to change what is needed to be change.

  • I have a library of nearly 2000 songs and all of which were purchased/downloaded in their entirety. It seems that after one of the iTunes updates- many (not all, but plenty) of those songs were "cut off" after playing about 2/3 through them- I haven't gon

    I have a library of nearly 2000 songs and all of which were purchased/downloaded in their entirety. It seems that after one of the iTunes updates… many (not all, but plenty) of those songs were “cut off” after playing about 2/3 through them… I haven’t gone through the entire library to see which are complete and which were cut off, but hoped this is “known problem” and hopefully with a known “fix”… Make sense?
    Please advise…

    I have a library of nearly 2000 songs and all of which were purchased/downloaded in their entirety. It seems that after one of the iTunes updates… many (not all, but plenty) of those songs were “cut off” after playing about 2/3 through them… I haven’t gone through the entire library to see which are complete and which were cut off, but hoped this is “known problem” and hopefully with a known “fix”… Make sense?
    Please advise…

  • HT204387 Hello!  Can anyone teach me how to connect iphone 4S to ipad retina using bluetooth. I tried, but the devices won't discover each other at all. I just wanted to connect to share contact details so I don't have to key in one by one.   Many thanks

    Can anyone teach me how to connect iphone 4S to ipad retina using bluetooth. I tried, but the devices won't discover each other at all. I just wanted to connect to share contact details so I don't have to key in one by one.
    Many thanks

    You need to go to the App stores and find compatible apps. iOS device do not natively have to ability to transfer info to a computer via BT to a computer.
    With iOS 8 you can use AirDrop

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