Lost access to CD &DVD player after I installed iTunes

Has anyone else run into this issue when installing iTunes 8? I'm running XP pro, and the following is listed in the device manager: "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupt or missing. (code 39)."

I had a problem similar to this that appeared suddenly, itunes 7 was on the computer at the time but I dont think that was what did it becuase it was still happening when I installed iTunes 8. A while after that it suddenly started working again, one drive at a time. But it was weeks after installing iTunes 8 so im not sure if thats what did it...

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    Have you revieved this support document?
    TS2308: iTunes for Windows: Optical drive is no longer recognized, or "Disc burner or software not found" alert after install.

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    First since you have done restores, you need to goto microsofts windows update site and update windows. Then goto the PC makers site and install all updates for your model, especailly BIOs IDE controller and CD/DVD ROM updates.
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    To fix registry, refer to this article:
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    After I install itunes it comes up with a error message saying it was installed incorrectly and that I won't be able to import or burn cds.
    That suggests damage to the GEAR drivers, but we'd better doublecheck.
    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". (If you're running iTunes 11.0.x you'll need to bring up your menu bar first to see the Help menu.) Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here. (Use your Ctrl-V keyboard shortcut to paste.)

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    I ran the sfc /scannow command, and yes the response was:   Windows Resource Protection could not start with the repair service.
    A broken Windows Modules Installer then. It's a bit of an involved fix getting past it, but we've had success here with it in the past.
    First, I'd strongly suggest setting up a system restore point.
    Now try the Scenario III treatment from the following document:
    Windows Update Error 80070424 in Vista
    Head back into Windows Update and attempt to get updates again. If they still fail, this time with an 8000FFFF error code, try the following Microsoft document:
    Windows Update error 8000FFFF
    If you get Windows Updates flowing again, stock up on any you're behind on (restarting the PC when requested to do so). This may take some time and may have to be done in several batches, depending on how far you've fallen behind. Basically, keep going back to Windows Update until it stops offering you new updates.
    After the updates have been installed, restart the PC one more time (in order to ensure that any pending installs requiring a restart have been resolved).
    Now try another iTunes install. Does it go through without the 0x80070424 this time?

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    Hi there,
    I am also experiencing this problem, but with 1.4.2_06. Last week (late Jan 2005) the dynamic versioning was working fine, downloading and installing the latest version of Java as required.
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    Many thanks

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    No. If you made your backup to iCloud, iTunes will not restore from an iCloud backup. See:
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    Try to use the command ipconfig /renew in the cms (command dos box)
    Also try this:
    Control Panel > Administration Tools > Computer Management > Services & Applications > Services.
    Scroll down this list to find 'WLAN Auto Config'
    Double click on 'WLAN Auto Config' On the general tab, select from the start up type drop down menu, select 'Automatic'. Under Service Status click on 'Start'. Then 'Apply' these settings and exit from all open control panel windows.
    Otherwise uninstall the Realtek driver in the device manager.
    Then reboot the notebook.
    Download the Realtek WLan driver again and install it.

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    Any help/info will be GREATLY appreciated!!

    Hi sjberg!
    Will this update help you?
    DVD Playback Update 4.6.1 addresses a disc validation issue some users may encounter when attempting to play a disc for the first time with DVD Player 4.6. This update is recommended for all users of DVD Player 4.6.

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