Lost Apps during upgrade

After the upgrade to 3.0, only one app shows up on my iPhone...They are still listed in my itunes library....I did the sync, but that still didn't reinstall them.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do to get these reinstalled on my iPhone?
Thanks for your help....

Yeah but that should be a last resort and she will lose anything else that has not been synched to the computer.
Before trying a restore go to Store > De-authorize then enter your information.
Then go to Store > Authorize and download a free application.
As long as you can download an application you should be able to then sync.
Make sure you go to the Applications tab on the right and select which applications to sync or select all.
A restore may resolve this but I recommend using that as a last resort.

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    The only thing you can try  is to restore the DMP to factory default.
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    at oracle.apps.ad.util.DBUtil.registerDriver(DBUtil.java:153)
    at oracle.apps.ad.util.DBUtil.<init>(DBUtil.java:102)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.FileSysDBCtxMerge.getDBConnection(FileSysDBCtxMerge.java:759)
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    Using your iPad...
    1. Launch the built in App Store app.
    2. At the bottom of the screen, look for an icon called "Purchased". That will give you a list of all apps you have purchased. There should be an option to view only the apps that are not currently on your iPad.
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    Go to Solution.

    Hello mfheatlie,
    welcome to the Community,
    Before upgrading have you got your backup on desktop software ?
    If yes then can , then connect your device to BB desktop software > On BB Desktop software Click applications>
    There you can see all you application List before your upgrade.
    Select on the Application that you want to transfer  then Click APPLY.
    If  your Lost  Apps are paid APPS. and you are not able get it than look at this thread link reinstalling paid apps
    I hope your problem resolves. Good Luck.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

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    All apps on the iPad should be in the iTunes library with iTunes on the computer the iPad is synced with.

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