Lost Buddy list

I had installed Adium so I can use MSN and all of my AIM/AOL/iChat buddies got deleted. Is there a file somewhere that has them? I didn't have them in my address book so I could be in trouble...

Hi Kevin,
AIM clients keep the Buddy list on the AIM servers.
If you delete the AIM Buddies on one app they will be missing/deleted from others as well.
Only those that contain other info in the iChat address card get added to the Address Book.
I think you are going to have problems.
11:17 PM Thursday; May 4, 2006

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  • IMac Tiger/lost buddy list

    buddy list gone
    iChat can't connect;get always no AIM

    Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive & clear caches.)
    Any change on booting normally again?

  • Unable to log onto ichat buddy list

    so...everytime i try to put that i'm "available" instead of "offline" on the buddy list window, a window pops up and says "Lost connection with AIM: The connection to the host was unexpectedly lost". i tried doing what was suggested in another post but had no such luck! if someone could help me out that would be SPLENDID. =)

    Hi cmr,
    Welcome to the  Discussions
    I take it you mean from Away to Available ?
    If so then you are already On-line and the problem is with the various AIM servers that keep record of who is Away and who is Available.
    If you mean that your are Offline but with iChat Open and want to go on-line and the problem occurs then it could be your end.
    Two things
    1) Go to iChat > preferences > Accounts > Server Settings tab
    Change the port to 443
    2) delete com.apple.icaht.AIM.plist from Users/(your account)/Library/Preferences
    AND restart iChat.
    11:43 AM Tuesday; August 14, 2007

  • Buddy list all gray--how can this not work??

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    The camera has worked fine since I plugged it in. I bought and installed iChatUSBCam v2.2.1, which allowed me to set a few more settings. Alas, nothing has changed.
    I've read this question a few times on the board and--most frustrating--they all seem to say "Oh, it worked itself out." But mine isn't working itself out. Camera and microphone are enabled. No one is blocked. I'm lost.
    ibook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Hi M Smith 1,
    Welcome to the Apple Discussions
    In System Preferences > Sharing > Firewall tab is the Firewall On ?
    Have you set the iChat ports in a New options if it Is ?
    Did those ports include 5190 on UDP ?
    If Yes to these three question use the Advanced button.
    Does this have the "Block UDP Traffic" item ticked ?
    If so deselect it.
    The iChat ports also need to be open in your modem and any separate router.
    If Port Forwarding was used here it must point to the IP that your computer is getting or using. ( See System Preferences > Network > (Select connection method) > TCP/IP tab )
    On some modems and or routers the forwarding or use of TCP and UDP protocols on port 5190 seems to cause a conflict.
    iChat can have the login to AIM and text chatting moved to a different port.
    iCHat > Preferences > Accounts
    Select the AIM or @mac account on the left
    Select the Server Settings tab
    Whilst Logged out of AIM change the port to 443.
    If all these do not work go to Users/(your Account)/Library/Preferences and delete com.apple.ichat.AIM.plist and restart ichat
    10:55 AM Monday; July 23, 2007

  • How do I fix my ichat? My buddy list appears, but whenever I try to click on a buddy to chat, IChat won't let me. Nothing appears. When I try to click on "File" - "New Chat" Also nothing appears. What's wrong?

    My buddy list appears, but whenever I try to click on a buddy to chat, IChat won't let me. Nothing appears. It won't let me chat regularly via text, or by video/audio chat. Even when I click on File -> New Chat, still nothing shows up! But, when I look at how many chats I have open, it says I have "X" amount of chats open! But nothing is there.........
    If somebody tries to video chat me from my buddy list, I can see the request.... and then the video chat will work. But I cannot request anybody and if they send me a regular text ichat, ichat won't deliver it to me.
    Somebody please help me I've tried so many things and nothing is working!!!!! :/

    This sounds like it is about Window positions.
    iChat has Default places for Incoming Invites.
    Video is always top Center of your Screen
    Audio and Text chats are Upper right with the Audio slightly lower than Text Chats.
    Secondary invites are sort of Stacked like when you open multiple files from the same App.
    Your outgoing Windows are "Remembered" as to where the last one was when you used it.
    This can be an issue if you use your Mac with a second display and turn Off Mirroring.
    You windows can get "left" on the other screen.
    Go to System Preferences > Displays and turn On Mirroring and the windows should come back to one Screen/display.
    If this does not help go to your Home Folder/Library/Preferences and delete (Drag to Trash) com.apple.ichat.plist and restart iChat.
    Unfortunately you will need to reset any iChat Preferences you have changed from defaults.
    10:42 PM      Tuesday; April 26, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
    , Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • How do I create an auto reply for one person in my buddy list?

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    In the Buddy List highlight a Buddy.
    Use the CMD and I keys together (Get Info)
    This brings up their Info Card.
    Select Actions  (Same as Alerts in the Preferences In Fact some versions do Read  "Alerts" )
    Change the top item to Invite (Text)
    Select the AppleScript option.
    Set the Script to be Auto-Decline.
    This will produce no response on the Buddies end.
    For that go to the General Section of the Preferences and set  the option to "Auto-Reply with my Away Message"
    This will then send the Away message to the Buddy set in the first bit but to no--one else.
    If you wish to be able to Reply when you have an Available Message up, that is a little more difficult.
    9:19 PM      Thursday; September 29, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Ichat buddy list will not open.

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    So the application appears to be open on my top menu bar... but not buddy list? help?

    You need this FAQ http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1486891
    For this you needs at least your Install Disk and a download of the Combo Version of the last OS Level Update you did.
    You may need Pacifist but the FAQ has a Link.
    8:27 PM Monday; July 7, 2008

  • Buddy list not showing

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    GO to iChat > Preferences > Accounts > Server settings tab and change the port to 443
    This is for the TCP login.
    iChat also uses this port on the UDP protocol to get feedback for the Buddy list so this port needs to be open on UDP in the Mac Firewall IF ON and in any routing device.
    10:57 PM Monday; October 29, 2007

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  • Open Buddy List instead of Chat Window

    I remember at least with iChat, when you clicked on the icon in the dock, you could have it open the Buddy List to pick a name to start a conversation. Now with Messages, everytime I click on the icon, it just takes me to a new chat window. I've looked around in the options and can't find a way to default to opening the Buddy List instead of a window, even if I move a particular chat account above iMessage in the Accounts window.
    Any workarounds? If not, I'd like to see this make it to the feature request list.

    The Window Menu (once Messages in Launched) and the keystrokes listed remains the only place that this can be done.
    The option to Chose any Window that is Open from the DOCK icon has gone  (Used mainly when the app was Not "front")
    The other method of using the Menu bar icon drop down to get to individual buddy List also does not work as it does not list which Buddy list is "Front"  (you can opt to show or not Show the Bonjour Buddies (making Bonjour the "Front" Buddy list but it does not tell which is when the Bonjour one is not)
    Like you I am somewhat "iChat Centric" about this.
    8:59 PM      Thursday; March 15, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • How to get the iChat Buddy List to automatically appear on the Desktop

    On my friends computer iChat is set to launch whenever he logs into his account, but the Buddy List does not appear on his Desktop. So when I see him online there is no green video camera mark next to his name.
    If I want to do a screen share with him, I have to ask him to go to the iChat icon towards the right side of the Menubar (the round 'speech ballon') and click on Show AIM Buddy List at the bottom. Once he has the Buddy List on his Desktop, I can screen share with him.
    Surely there must be a way for the Buddy List to always appear on the Desktop when logging into his computer... Can anyone help out?

    Interesting one.
    If I were telling you how to create this it would be like this:-
    1) Go to System Preferences > Accounts > Your account and enter iChat in the Login items. (Makes iChat launch at Computer Start Up)
    2) to Hide the Window (Buddy List(s) ) at Start Up click the Red Button to close the Window/Buddy List before Quitting.
    This will cause the next Start Up to not show th Buddy List.
    How you make the Buddy List appear after that depends on how you bring it in to View.
    Some Windows in iChat from Buddy List to the Preferences to th Actual Chat Windows will appear in the places you left them for the most part.
    The Exceptions are Incoming Invites.
    This means the Buddy List will be were you left it, your Outgoing Invite/Preview whilst waiting for Connection will always be where the last outgoing Video Chat window was.
    Using the Red Button on a Open Chat Window will end the Chat (All types).
    However doing it to a Buddy List only Hides it.
    In addition to this using the Item (or the Keystrokes) from the Window Menu of iChat for a Buddy list when it is On view will Hide it (or Bring it back if Hidden)
    The Show AIM option in the Menu Bar icon's drop down is a two edge thing as it shows All Buddies (Available ones) from all AIM Buddy lists if you have more than one (Apple names are also AIM Names in this case).
    Does he want to change this Behaviour ?
    He would be better off using the iChat Window menu (or Keystrokes) after he has clicked the icon in the Dock to bring the app to the Front so he can access the Menu bar with ichat in it.
    He could also click and Hold the icon for iChat in the DOCK and select the Account Name there. This, if I remember correctly, will have the same effect as presenting the Buddy List from the Menu Bar icon (it will be hidden at Next Start Up)
    9:58 PM Saturday; November 13, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • How can I see my jabber buddy list as a default and not a new message window on my message app??

    I recently got my OS reinstalled and since then I had a multitude of issues.
    1) my texts kept showing up on my macbook pro so I took my cell number off the preferences on messages on macbook.  Can I still have people facetime me using my cell phone number?
    2) I do see my jabber buddy list when I click on the message center as a default.  I keep getting the new message window, can i set a default that when i click on it I see who is online vs. having to go to windows and select buddy list all the time??
    3) what is bonjour and why would i want to use it?

    Re 1)
    The settings for Messages > iMessages are separate from the FaceTime ones on both Mac and iOS devices.
    Re 2)
    If you have a Jabber (Google or Facebook Chats included) ID in Messages > Preferences > Accounts you can go to the Window Menu and display them.
    By default they are a combined list (Any AIM, Jabber, Yahoo or Bonjour account that is logged in)
    In the Preference > General section you can untick the item that gathers them into one list to show them separately.
    They also appear in the Window Menu separately with their open CMD + # keystrokes.
    Once you have them On show quit the app that way.
    It will "Remember" that they were on Show the next time you open the app.
    Re 3)
    Bonjour is a process on the Mac that "sees" all other Macs on your LAN and shows them in the Side bar of the Finder window as "automatic" Shares.
    In iChat and Messages it is an included account that cannot be deleted
    If Enabled it can have it's own Buddy List (see 2) )
    It shows the Names of the peopel singed in on the other Macs on your LAN that are also using iChat or Messages with the Bonjour Account Enabled.
    The name is taken from the My Card in the Address Book or Contacts app.
    The My Card should have the Mac User's details (you on Your computer when Logged in) and a head and Shoulders icon.
    I have three computers
    One is running iChat 4.x.x and on that machine (running Leopard) the My Card calls me Ralph G4 as it is running on G4 tower.
    My Laptop has me as Ralph MacBook Pro
    This iMac I am posting from has the My Card of Ralph Johns
    On this computer if I have iChat running on the other I see Ralph G4 and Ralph MacBook Pro as "Buddies"
    It can do everything that the AIM and Jabber logins can do.
    Text Chat, Audio Only Chat, Video Chat, Screen Sharing, File Transfers etc.
    10:21 pm      Saturday; February 15, 2014
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Ideas for a "buddy list"

    hi i am trying to design and create a buddy list for my instant messenger. i have created a Jtree with online and offline has the child nodes.
    i then going to create a vector list stored in a txt file with users names, and i will load that list in a jtree..
    the problem im having is how can i load data from the vector list into the jtree? And most importantly how can the Jtree autmaticly updates itself when a user is offline/online?
    BTW i have a sMYSQL erver that knows when a user is offline/online..
    any suggetsions?

    > i read about mvc but i dont see it helping me in this situation.
    With more experience, you'll hopefully learn the relevance.
    > i read about tree listeners and thats more
    relivent than mvc patterns.
    I don't agree that it's "more" relevant at all. The view listens to the model in this case, which a JTree does (it listens to the TreeModel).
    > i added tree listeners to
    my program and insterted this code below...
    I don't see that there's a need to add any tree listeners in your case. Update the model, and the view will update itself automagically.
    Please refer to the following:
    How to Use Trees
    Dynamically Changing a Tree
    Good luck!

  • One other user & I can no longer see each other in the buddy list

    My friend & I, who have used iChat for years, and also recently, and neither of us has changed anything, can no longer see each other in either one of our buddy lists.
    We've checked:
    - That neither of us is blocking the other
    - That other people can see us - they can
    - That we can see other people - we can - we can even see the same people as each other, just not each other
    We've tried blocking & unblocking each other, in case that would reset something, and both rebooted our Mac's several times.
    Any ideas???

    Ralph Johns (UK) wrote:
    I can see that Accounts/Screen Names can get messed up on the various flags set by an App to and therefore On the AIM servers.
    What I can not see in this case is why it seems to be limited to just one Buddy on each computer.
    As the Block list (And therefore presumably Allow Lists) are not actually shown in the .p0list I ma hoping that deleting it and restarting ichat at one end at least will reset that iChat form the Defaults haled in the app when you do this.
    (you could delete that Account Screen Name from iChat ? Preferences > Accounts to achieve the same things in a more destructive way as it would tend to rewrite all the .plists which may included Jabber ones that are OK
    We both did delete our screen names in iChat, and also deleted ALL the prefs manually.
    Also, we've tried using entirely different computers to log-in to those same accounts, with the same results - somehow we're blocked from each other.
    I think we're both giving up at this stage. We have additional accounts we can use to see each other. But it would be really nice to get to the bottom of it, because if it happens once it can happen again. Who knows? Maybe there are other people in my buddy list that this is happening with right now, but we don't know it. This person just happens to be someone I chat with a lot, and we noticed we weren't seeing each other.

  • How do I only allow people on my buddy list to contact me (and stop spam)

    How do I only allow people on my buddy list to contact me (and stop spam)

    Go to iChats prefs/accounts

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