Lost Camera Shots

Picked up my phone and realized I only had 2 pic's in Camera Shots (from this weekend). All other Pic's are gone. Still have all picks in Downloads and on the SD card (from a different APP).  What happened and is there a way to retreive the pic's?

Tried all suggestions but nothing worked.
According to the camera set-up, the picks are stored in the camera, and not on the card.
Gave up and visited a Verizon Store. They tried the same, then hooked it to a computer, and managed to restore the pics...
Could not explain what happened.  Going forward I will save to SD card, unless it has it's own risks?
Thank you all for the suggestions

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    Not sure what is the best way to explain this but I'll give it a shot. 
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    This makes sense and we will be augmenting this feature to support different kinds of shots in the coming months. We'll surely pick this up as well.
    Thanks for writing to us. What are you writing in Story and where are you located?

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    - Click on Generate button to create the report
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    Hi Manoj,
    Correct, when you query the CMS database it will return the info for the object and not the source.
    In code you can use this for Crystal Reports:
    reportClientDocument.SummaryInfo.(  multiple values )
    This is the info saved with the RPT file, you can also use Windows File API's to get the same info.
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    Thank you

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    Hi -
    I think the process the OP is referring to is where you shoot in HD 1920 x 1080 and then edit on an SD 720 x480 time line.
    This gives you the ability to place the clip on the timeline, filling the 4:3 frame at only 50% scale of the source clip:
    and then, you can rescale up to 100% to zoom in on the image, with no loss of quality:
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    Hope this helps.

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    Ok, thanks for the heads up. 
    I've never used this before and stumbled upon it and saw some potential for my projects.
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    Ahh I see, interesting that this takes a bit to retrieve, as a Director, DOP, cinematographer or even producer this could be a very simple change to the schematics of a basic shedule that would improve Adobe story immensly. Having the basic tasks Story already achieves is of course profoundly usefull particularly as far as data entry is concerned but as I said, working with one camera, planning a shoot day with various setups (i.e. with camera shot angles) is crucial.
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    Thanks very much in advance,
    - Nicholas

    frameforge 3D or Antics???
    The comparison could only be made if we used those apps. I've never heard of them but I've done lots of animatics in After Effects for more than ten years. Motion could be used the same way but I presume animatic software has specialized functions to make that specific job easier. Motion certainly won't have any of those.
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    Angelique, Reno, Nv.

    Toshiba knowledge base - how to fix webcam - http://forums.toshiba.com/t5/Video-Display-Knowled​ge-Base/How-can-I-fix-my-webcam/ta-p/281393
    Here is another post that gives some suggestions - http://www.pcauthorities.com/pc-errors/how-to-fix-​webcam-problems/
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    I wonder if using Disk Utility and verify/fix permissions may restore your RAW capability.
    Don't have Aperture or Lightroom.
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    Not much help, I know.

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