Lost dissolve transitions

I'm using Final Cut Pro X and somehow I've managed to accidentally delete or move, somehow they have disappeared, my dissolve transitions all except for "Cross Dissolve", "Divide" and "Fade to Color".   That is all that shows up under Transitions and the "Dissolves" category.   It was something I did as I was in a hurry but not sure what or how to get them back?  Any ideas?
Thanks... Gary

Try clearing the search field.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    I'm with Steve on asking "what exactly is the problem?"
    If you are having issues with a Cross-Dissolve only going to one Clip, and not spanning the Clips, or having Frames, that were edited out, showing up during the Transition, then take a look at this ARTICLE on Handles. Those (well, actually the lack, thereof) trip up many.
    Good luck, and please let us know more,

  • Photo quality horrible due to dissolve transition

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    Message was edited by: AGENT D

    Hello Jonathan!
    Really nice photos! You, no doubt, have a much better eye than I do for details and such and it's no wonder that various compression artifacts would be more noticeable to you! Your photos look very acceptable to me.
    The downside to the iPhoto-to-iWeb one-click automatic process is that you the photographer lose control over two things... the quality of resolution scaling and the quality of jpg (re)compression. Preprocessing of your images in something like Photoshop would definitely give you more control over these variables and would most likely allow you to see more acceptable images as posted online.
    For your information, the max resolution for the Apple enhanced slideshows is 800x600. If you import a photo at any higher resolution, iWeb will take over again and resize and recompress your photo. So my recommendation to you would be to preprocess your images to make them look good at 800x600 and prevent iWeb from doing anything else to your images.
    I hope this helps.

  • Secret for using Cross Dissolve transitions

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    Of course, I am assuming that my experience with iMovie '09 and '11 is not idiosyncratic. Also: I would be interested in knowing if anybody else knew this "secret"--and whether it is widespread knowledge or in any of the books on iMovie.

    When one splits clips, don't split close to what will be the beginning or the end of a shot.That's why you should always start the camera BEFORE the action begins and run AFTER the action ends. It only needs to be a 1/2 second to 1 second. Now before you add a cut or a transition you will automatically trim the end and the beginning of the two clips.
    I start with a two-hour clip that includes hundreds of scenes, some ending abruptly, some not. If scene one suddenly ends and scene two begins, the natural place to make the cut is where the scene changes. If it happens that there is stuff immediately on each side of the cut that is of value, you would might prefer not to lose even one frame. Usually on one of the two sides the loss of one frame is not so bad. And if you sacrifice that frame you have almost everything you want. But it turns out that the situation is better than that. Since you can also add frames (I now realize), you can end without losing any frames at all. Of course, if you happen to be in a situation where there is plenty of useless stuff on both sides of a cut, the problem the solution is trying to solve does not come up. But I wouldn't change my filming habits just to avoid this problem of adding cross dissolves, since once you know what to handle it, it's not much of a problem. As to whether it is good practice to aim to have extra footage on both sides of a shot, sure. That seems like a good rule of thumb to me. But there are many situations where you don't have that opportunity. Say you were filming John Kennedy in Dallas or life among the Taliban or your kid falling off a horse. Life may not give you the chance to put useless footage at the end or beginning of your shot. In my case, I have hours of amateur home movies that stop at all sorts of odd places. I can't go back and reshoot it.
    I suspect Apple simply expected you to do this. This will inherently eliminate what may be a tiny bug that you overcome by trimming 1 frame.
    Most transition types don't require the removal or addition of a frame. When I called Apple technical support about this, the person I talked to was surprised by this feature too. And he found it happening with at least one other transition, I think. He handed me over to a specialist. That specialist gave me a complicated theory for why this was happening. He said that the frames on both sides of the cut had to look fairly different for the transition to work. And sometimes when we think we have made the cut exactly where the scene changes, we haven't in fact. So we need to cut away until both sides are definitely different. And you will notice that often the thumbnail for one side will be an image from the other side. This lead me to think that I was required to make sure that on either side of the cut there was definitely a significant change of image. But all you have to do is get the edges of the clip to become rounded. And you can do this by adding or subtracting a frame at any location. Of course, if you are going to be chopping off multiple frames for any reason, you will also solve or avoid this problem. So, if Apple was thinking what you suggest, they haven't given any guidance about it in print. And the tech support people don't seem to know it.
    Message was edited by: Paul Bullen

  • Editing: Cross Dissolve Transition briefly turns black can it be white

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  • Slide dissolve transition problem

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    usually I have seen this occur with transitions in simulator and not on the burned disc. You might try creating a track from your slideshow, it should behave pretty much the same, though you'll want to use the slideshow editor first to set up your content, transitions, durations, etc.
    You may be able to get better quality transitions by switching the final rendering preference in the menu pane of the preferences. This is described on pg. 115 of the online manual.
    If you convert the slideshow to a track, the quality will be affected by the SD encoding settings instead.
    Hope this helps -
    Max Average

  • I have cross dissolve transitions set between images and videos, and I have the pan/zoom hold setting at "0." Despite the "0" setting, my images are static until the cross dissol

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    I am not sure if I am zeroing in on what you seek so please clarify...on
    I want the pan/zoom feature to start the moment the subsequent image becomes visible.
    Do you mean fading in visible versus or completely visible at the end of the transition? Whatever the case, I have not
    found a scenario to fit what you are describing.
    However, here are my suggestions for you to consider...
    1. What is the alignment of the Cross Dissolve transition - Left Clip, Between Clips, or Right Clip. If Between Clips, please try Left Clip alignment.
    2. What is the duration of the Cross Dissolve transition - you could try varying the transition duration. If less than 1 second, then please read the
    details for minimum transition duration in the following
    Please let me know if any of the above worked for you in what you were seeking regarding pan and zoom effect and video transitions.
    Thank you.

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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    This is a problem when you do not edit down your raw clips and drop them into the timeline as they have been captured.
    The operative concept is 'handles'.
    For transitions to work, you need enough unused footage AFTER the OUT point of first (outgoing) clip and BEFORE the IN point of the second (incoming) clip.
    Drop the first clip into the Viewer and set an OUT point 30 frames or so from the end of the clip. Drop the second clip into the Viewer and set the IN point 30 frames or so past the beginning of the clip.
    Now try to place your transition.

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    Go to the Premiere Pro forum and post your question there. That's where the experts are.

  • Premiere Pro CS3 Issue- Cross Dissolve Transition creates random frame insert

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    I don't know how to solve this issue and could use help as soon as possible.
    Thank you,

    I agree with Harm.
    This happens when one does not have enough Frames (Handles), beyond the Out-Point, or before the In-Point, to accommodate the Duration of the Transition.
    For some more info on Handles, these might be useful:
    In the days of A-B Roll editing, or with film, Handles were an easy concept to grasp. With current NLE's, it's more abstract.
    Good luck, and do not forget to read through the Help files. In the days of manuals, this concept was covered pretty well. Curt Wrigley covers it in his Classroom in a Book PrPro.

  • Silly Rabbit  imported to iM but lost my dissolve transition!!!!

    Silly Rabbit,
    you suggested
    <You could try importing th project to iMovie and exporting it to Quicktime as full quality dv. This will elliminate another possibility.>
    I did it and the dissolve between the slides are gone!
    The original QT file had dissolve between each slide. iMovie has taken them out. What's up with that?


  • Cross Dissolve transition does not work after cutting the tails of both ends.

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    Thank you very much!!

    I am trying to put together a recruiting video. I was out recording a bunch of people talking about the organization, when I am working with something like this I usually try to shorten the 3 or 5 minute clip I have from one person and just connect the parts of the clip that need to be on the screen, that requires several cuts during the clip and merge the good parts together using the cross dissolve. It is very simple and I have done several times, but for whatever reason during certain parts of the clip when applied will not work. The clips are usually 1 to 3 minutes long and I need to extract the good parts making no more than 1 minute for each peson talking.

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    Similar problem for me, twice now all my contacts have gone.
    First time was a couple of months ago and they came back by themselves after half hour!!!
    (what are those numbers going playing around like children? )
    This time it was a major problem as I was traveling and needed to contact a person urgently.
    Also the Calendar appeared empty and I needed to check the coming appointment for the morning.
    I was able to recover going inside iCloud settings and disable the synch for contacts and calendar.
    Shout off the phone. Switch on the iPhone and then setting again ON the iCloude synch for contacts and calendar. After few minutes they did come back.
    I don't know if there are numbers missing. It doesn't appear so.
    But the problem has been very frustrating and created major problem even if for just half day.
    Dear Apple,
    is it possible to solve the issue and avoid that it will happen again?
    I was assuming that once my numbers are on the phone, they are not cancelled unless specifically asked.
    Best regards,

  • Problem with cross dissolve transitions

    I had several short interview clips that I had made into several short Imovies. I wanted to combine the interviews into one longer movie. Each short clip has an intro clip.
    The problem occurs when I copy each short clip and paste into the long version. The beginning and end of each clip is clipped somewhat. I think this might be because it's making a new cross dissolve from an existing cross dissolve?
    When I remove everything but the interview clip from the short movies then paste into the longer version this problem doesn't happen. Any idea why this might be happening?

    If you made the short clips by export the movie with the intro there is probably no extra media available to make the overlap for the transition. Check the preferences for doing the transition if it's set to all or half. That might help you, but it may just not be possible.

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