Lost mouse-pointer

What is the procedure to adopt if the mouse-pointer vanishes ?

Just bought a brand-new Toshiba satellite laptop model C553 – B5203. It was working fine until I allowed it to update to Windows 10 After the reboot it has frozen with a small box labeled start menu updated I've tried Control alt delete but then could not choose anything without the mouse, also tried turning it on and off with no success. Not sure what to do. Thanks in advance

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    Any one can help me

    Thank you for your response - I'll give it a go.
    Also, just to update, my iMac cursor seems to glitch a little bit less now. It seems that at least ONE of my problems may have been caused by sitting my iPhone upon my WACOM tablet. The tablet must receive some sort of disruption from having my phone on it - and removing it seems to remedy a fraction of my mouse-jumping problems - if only for a meanwhile.
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    After the recent upgrade to xfce 4.8, I had the following 5 issues on my Dell D600 Latitude laptop:
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    5) Finally, I could open a terminal window but couldn't get the cursor to take a command.  It just sat there.
    The answer to all of this is the window manager isn't working which was kind of indicated by #4.
    The solution is to open a terminal window, if you can, and type "xfwm4". 
    If your terminal isn't responding, as was my case, navigate to "/usr/bin" in your filemanger and double-click "xfwm4".
    Hope this helps someone.
    Last edited by whatshisname (2011-01-29 15:12:00)

    Behemot wrote:I encountered this also. However I'd be more glad to solve the source of the problem - for me it is when logging off takes longer time (due to some process which do not respond to sigterm) so X get killed without saving session and opened programs - xfwm4 is amongs them - do not start next time. Also even when all programs close all right, still I am not able to get last opened apps to be opened next time. Currently dealing with this in this thread https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=112384
    Good point about the problem stemming from X getting killed without saving session.  That might have been what happened to me.  This only happened on my laptop (my desktop runs same version of Arch and Xfce) which doesn't shut down properly when the battery runs out.
    So that might have been what happened to me and I may see this again. (Edit: Yes.  It happens everytime the laptop doesn't shut down properly. I now have a link to xfwm4 on my desktop to get everything working quickly until I find a solution.)
    I'll keep digging.
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    Hi Redsmartie!
    I get this occasionally and though it works yes it's a little weird to have the arrow showing instead of the hand. I don't get it very often so it's no big deal for me. If you get it often I'm not sure what can make it go away really? Possibly a re-install of Safari is your best bet? Or you could try some basic clean up (repair permissions, disk, reset Safari, replace plist) but can't say if that will help much?

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    MBP with Retina, mid 2012, 2.3 GHz Core i17, 8 Gb, OS X v10.8.4 (12S55)

    Hi Linc,
    Thanks for the pointer. Neither of the Adobe plug-ins mentioned in the linked discussion are installed on my MBP; in fact the only one installed is the Google Earth We Plug-in.
    In the meantime, the mouse pointer has gone back to behaving normally. The only significant action I can think of is that the MBP was shut down for a little over 10 hours today. I had restarted it a couple of times last night, but had not let it sit for any extended time.
    Still a mystery.

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    Thanks for reading

    I've found a partial solution: The probem doesn't affect to a new fresh user, so you can backup your data, create a new temporary (admin) user, delete the original account and create it again with the same name (to avoid file permission troubles). Remember to backup your data or it will be lost.

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    Now it happened while I tried to correct "occured" to "occurred". It helped to put the mouse in the charging cradle. Could that be all there is to it? But the mouse was not lacking power, at least the diode was not red, it was not visible at all, and turning green at once when the mouse was put in the cradle. If the battery is empty, the diode turnes red at least in the beginning after the mouse is seated in the cradle.
    Hoping for your help - Hening.
    Message was edited by: hening

    Thank you both for your advice. I will run Activity Monitor and watch it. The first thing that strikes me is that even if I do nothing, the memory (and, to a lesser degree, the CPU) allocation for different apps is changing all the time. While I am writing this, the CPU consumption is topped by TextEdit 1.7..0,6%, Activity Monitor 1,4..0,6%, Firefox 0,5%
    appleaka, I don't know what kernel_task is, either; but this may not be so necessary.
    I have now replaced the batteries and hope that helps. Of course even rechargeable batteries loose the capacity of being charged over time, so this might be the reason.
    I'll watch for a while and then report. Thanks again. - Hening

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    tnx Sarcommand ..i give up on that, i understand the risk if that feature is included..
    all i wanted is to make an internet cafe client/server that blocks the client's pc interaction if log time is reached.blocking only the keyboard and mouse.
    i have seen so many softwares sets the cursor position within the dialog bounding box only with user and password there. though my other application runs the mouse is still captured on the dialog even the dialog lost focus.
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    now, im going to try if the client can do som action whenever the server sends alert if the client java app is not the focus. i will post next time what hapens.but if you tried already, if u dont mind posting it so others could know it also..
    tnx so much Sarcommand..

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    Hi guys.
    I'm going crazy here as everything I've read and tried doesn't work?
    I've deleted cache files, history, plug-ins etc etc and every time I try and launch Safari, I keep getting the spinning wheel/beach ball/mouse pointer and safari doesn't open?
    I've received the following long error message and it may as well be in Arabic as I haven't got a clue what it means?
    Any techies out there who could shed some light "Error message for dummies' style please?
    This is the report error.
    2014-06-20 15:35:13 +0400
    OS Version:    
    10.7.5 (Build 11G63)
    Report Version:  9
    Version:         6.0.2
    Build Version:   2
    Project Name:  
    Source Version:
    launchd [124]
    PID:             216
    Event:           hang
    Duration:        1.61s
    Steps:           17
    (100ms sampling interval)
    Pageins:         24
    Pageouts:        0
    Safari [216]
    UID:             501
      Thread 0x62e        DispatchQueue 1
      User stack:
        17 ??? (in Safari)
          17 SafariMain +
    166 (in Safari) [0x1035f735a]
    NSApplicationMain + 867 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b723eac]
    -[NSApplication run] + 470 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4a79b9]
    -[BrowserApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 162 (in
    Safari) [0x10343234f]
    -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 135 (in
    AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ab07d]
    _DPSNextEvent + 1247 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ab9c5]
    AEProcessAppleEvent + 102 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8f178b69]
    aeProcessAppleEvent + 250 (in AE) [0x7fff8f4bb9f7]
    17 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 38 (in AE)
    17 aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned
    char*) + 200 (in AE) [0x7fff8f4bbc25]
    17 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 105 (in Foundation)
    17 -[NSAppleEventManager
    dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 283 (in Foundation)
    17 __-[NSAppleEventManager
    setEventHandler:andSelector:forEventClass:andEventID:]_block_invoke_1 + 101 (in
    Foundation) [0x7fff8995b7c7]
                                    17 -[NSObject
    performSelector:withObject:withObject:] + 65 (in CoreFoundation)
    -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 330
    (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ae5b9]
    -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 227 (in AppKit)
    -[NSApplication _reopenWindowsAsNecessaryIncludingRestorableState:registeringAsReady:completion Handler:]
    + 180 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ae9ec]
    -[NSPersistentUIManager promptToIgnorePersistentState] + 178 (in AppKit)
                                              17 -[NSApplication
    _suppressFinishLaunchingFromEventHandlersWhilePerformingBlock:] + 31 (in
    AppKit) [0x7fff8b758782]
    __-[NSPersistentUIManager promptToIgnorePersistentState]_block_invoke_1 + 798
    (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4da58a]
    17 +[NSAlert
    alertWithMessageText:defaultButton:alternateButton:otherButton:informativeTextWi thFormat:]
    + 117 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b74de4d]
    17 -[NSAlert init] + 105 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b7532f0]
    17 _NXLoadNib + 190 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b6f0116]
    17 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] +
    110 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4b2cb4]
    17 +[NSBundle bundleForClass:] + 78 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8993ca1e]
    17 -[NSRecursiveLock lock] + 25 (in Foundation) [0x7fff89927df9]
    17 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13dbf2]
      Kernel stack:
    psynch_mtxcontinue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800059eb20]
      Thread 0x633        DispatchQueue 2
      User stack:
    _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b036316]
          17 kevent + 10
    (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e7e6]
      Kernel stack:
        17 kqueue_scan +
    416 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800053b4d0]
      Thread 0x636      
      User stack:
        17 thread_start +
    13 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8751ab75]
    _pthread_start + 335 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff875178bf]
    _ZN3WTFL19wtfThreadEntryPointEPv + 15 (in JavaScriptCore) [0x103de638f]
    WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThread() + 500 (in WebCore)
    WebCore::IconDatabase::syncThreadMainLoop() + 107 (in WebCore) [0x1044a7b9b]
    __psynch_cvwait + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13dbca]
      Kernel stack:
    psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800059e920]
      Thread 0x638      
      User stack:
        17 thread_start +
    13 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8751ab75]
    _pthread_start + 335 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff875178bf]
            17 thread_fun
    + 24 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff83401d35]
    CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 184 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff83401df5]
    mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13c67a]
      Kernel stack:
    ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215930]
      Thread 0x64a      
      User stack:
        17 thread_start +
    13 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8751ab75]
    _pthread_start + 335 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff875178bf]
    __NSThread__main__ + 1575 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8997c6a2]
    -[NSThread main] + 68 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8997c72a]
    +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 335 (in
    Foundation) [0x7fff89987fd7]
    CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125486]
    __CFRunLoopRun + 1204 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125c74]
                      17 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort
    + 188 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8411d50c]
    mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13c67a]
      Kernel stack:
    ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215930]
      Thread 0x64d      
      User stack:
        17 thread_start +
    13 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8751ab75]
          17 ??? (in
    Safari) [0xdeadbeef]
            17 dlopen +
    540 (in dyld) [0x7fff62fe8657]
    dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 97 (in dyld) [0x7fff62fe21b9]
    ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&,
    ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 59 (in dyld) [0x7fff62fed0b7]
    ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&,
    unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 237 (in dyld)
    _ZN4dyldL12notifySingleE17dyld_image_statesPK11ImageLoader + 226 (in dyld)
    load_images + 233 (in libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff8331c36b]
    call_load_methods + 161 (in libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff8331c6ca]
    17 +[VSearchLib load] + 92 (in libVSearchLoader.dylib) [0x1097ccbf4]
    17 -[NSBundle principalClass] + 41 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8997bd84]
    17 -[NSBundle load] + 18 (in Foundation) [0x7fff899843f8]
    17 objc_msgSend_vtable3 + 24 (in libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff8331e0d8]
      Kernel stack:
        17 hndl_alltraps +
    225 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002da481]
          17 user_trap +
    711 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002c4017]
    exception_triage + 149 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000220e15]
    exception_deliver + 766 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000220c1e]
    exception_raise_state_identity + 325 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000249c75]
    mach_msg_rpc_from_kernel_body + 277 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002239d5]
    ipc_mqueue_receive + 70 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215886]
    thread_block_reason + 299 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800022f42b]
    thread_continue + 1661 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800022f1ad]
    17 machine_switch_context + 361 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002c2939]
      Binary Images:
    -        0x1033dffff  com.apple.Safari 6.0.2 (7536.26.17)
    <712FC0E4-1F7C-3C6F-A65F-8F9EDE304463> /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
    -        0x103887fff  com.apple.Safari.framework 7536 (7536.26.17)
    -        0x103e42ff7  com.apple.JavaScriptCore 7536 (7536.26.15)
    -        0x105447ff7  com.apple.WebCore 7536 (7536.26.15)
    <BB07086A-227A-3817-BFED-4DF34E04CD56> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/WebCore.framework/WebCore
    -        0x1097cdfff  libVSearchLoader.dylib ??? (???)
    <2DF78468-AB4B-363E-A838-D4CE14679E8B> /System/Library/Frameworks/VSearch.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libVSearchLoa der.dylib
    -     0x7fff63013baf  dyld ??? (???)
    <0CD1B35B-A28F-32DA-B72E-452EAD609613> /usr/lib/dyld
    -     0x7fff833f7e5f  libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???)
    <871E688B-CF57-3BC7-80D6-F6476DFF109B> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    -     0x7fff8359fff7  com.apple.QuartzCore 1.7 (270.5)
    -     0x7fff842c1ff7  com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.7.2 (635.21)
    -     0x7fff875a6fef  libsystem_c.dylib ??? (???)
    <41B43515-2806-3FBC-ACF1-A16F35B7E290> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
          0x7fff89922000 -     0x7fff89c3bfff  com.apple.Foundation 6.7.2 (833.25)
    -     0x7fff8a147fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib ??? (???)
    -     0x7fff8b042fff  libdispatch.dylib ??? (???)
    <8E03C652-922A-3399-93DE-9EA0CBFA0039> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    -     0x7fff8c0a9fff  com.apple.AppKit 6.7.5 (1138.51)
    -     0x7fff8f494fff  com.apple.HIToolbox 1.9 (???)
    <CCB32DEA-D0CA-35D1-8019-E599C8007AB6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    -     0x7fff8f4f7fff  com.apple.AE 527.7 (527.7)
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.frame work/Versions/A/AE
    AppleSpell [212]
    UID:             501
      Thread 0x5fd        DispatchQueue 1
      User stack:
        17 ??? (in
    AppleSpell) [0x109383a7c]
          17 ??? (in
    AppleSpell) [0x109383d2e]
    -[NSSpellServer run] + 74 (in Foundation) [0x7fff89a7ec76]
    CFRunLoopRun + 95 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8413519f]
    CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125486]
    __CFRunLoopRun + 1204 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125c74]
    __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8411d50c]
    mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13c67a]
      Kernel stack:
    ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215930]
      Thread 0x604        DispatchQueue 2
      User stack:
    _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b036316]
          17 kevent + 10
    (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e7e6]
      Kernel stack:
        17 kqueue_scan +
    416 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800053b4d0]
      Binary Images:
    -        0x10943eff7  com.apple.AppleSpell 1.7.1 (131.1)
    <A994D9F1-C4D8-3361-B0F4-112A7BAED8BD> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
    -     0x7fff842c1ff7  com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.7.2 (635.21)
    -     0x7fff89c3bfff  com.apple.Foundation 6.7.2 (833.25)
    <22AAC369-B63C-3C55-8AC6-C3ECBA44DA7B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    -     0x7fff8a147fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib ??? (???)
    <66C9F9BD-C7B3-30D4-B1A0-03C8A6392351> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    -     0x7fff8b042fff  libdispatch.dylib ??? (???)
    <8E03C652-922A-3399-93DE-9EA0CBFA0039> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    autofsd [62]
    UID:             0
      Thread 0x233        DispatchQueue 2
      User stack:
    _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b036316]
          17 kevent + 10
    (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e7e6]
      Kernel stack:
        17 kqueue_scan +
    416 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800053b4d0]
      Thread 0x234        DispatchQueue 6
      User stack:
    _dispatch_sig_thread + 45 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b038b1c]
    __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e022]
      Kernel stack:
        17 wakeup + 992
    (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000555e90]
      Binary Images:
    -        0x10dafffff  autofsd ??? (???)
    <A02D5E70-1BB1-30ED-A699-375CB0CCE901> /usr/libexec/autofsd
    -     0x7fff8a147fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib ??? (???)
    <66C9F9BD-C7B3-30D4-B1A0-03C8A6392351> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    -     0x7fff8b042fff  libdispatch.dylib ??? (???)
    <8E03C652-922A-3399-93DE-9EA0CBFA0039> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    Process:         blued
    UID:             0
      Thread 0x12d        DispatchQueue 1
      User stack:
        17 ??? (in blued)
          17 ??? (in
    blued) [0x1033bf4bf]
    -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 62 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8992de67]
              17 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:]
    + 267 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8992df7b]
    CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125486]
    __CFRunLoopRun + 1204 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125c74]
                    17 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188 (in
    CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8411d50c]
    mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13c67a]
      Kernel stack:
    ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215930]
      Thread 0x138        DispatchQueue 2
      User stack:
    _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b036316]
          17 kevent + 10
    (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e7e6]
      Kernel stack:
        17 kqueue_scan +
    416 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800053b4d0]
      Thread 0x1a5      
      User stack:
        17 thread_start +
    13 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff8751ab75]
    _pthread_start + 335 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x7fff875178bf]
            17 __select +
    10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13ddf2]
      Kernel stack:
        17 wakeup + 992
    (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000555e90]
      Binary Images:
    -        0x103440fff  blued ??? (???)
    <FE392F89-6D67-3015-A6AD-BA96C1FB5EFF> /usr/sbin/blued
    -     0x7fff842c1ff7  com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.7.2 (635.21)
    -     0x7fff875a6fef  libsystem_c.dylib ??? (???)
    <41B43515-2806-3FBC-ACF1-A16F35B7E290> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    -     0x7fff89c3bfff  com.apple.Foundation 6.7.2 (833.25)
    <22AAC369-B63C-3C55-8AC6-C3ECBA44DA7B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    -     0x7fff8a147fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib ??? (???)
    -     0x7fff8b042fff  libdispatch.dylib ??? (???)
    <8E03C652-922A-3399-93DE-9EA0CBFA0039> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    Process:         Canon
    CMFP BackGrounder [164]
    /Library/Printers/Canon/CUPSCMFP/BackGrounder/Canon CMFP
    BackGrounder.app/Contents/MacOS/Canon CMFP BackGrounder
    Architecture:    i386
    UID:             501
    Process:         Canon
    PS2 BackGrounder [163]
    /Library/Printers/Canon/CUPSPS2/BackGrounder/Canon PS2
    BackGrounder.app/Contents/MacOS/Canon PS2 BackGrounder
    Architecture:    i386
    UID:             501
    com.apple.dock.extra [184]
    Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/XPCServices/com.apple.dock.extra .xpc/Contents/MacOS/com.apple.dock.extra
    UID:             501
      Thread 0x4da        DispatchQueue 1
      User stack:
        17 ??? (in
    com.apple.dock.extra) [0x1003df474]
    xpc_service_main + 448 (in XPCService) [0x7fff8a46c5ed]
    NSApplicationMain + 867 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b723eac]
    -[NSApplication run] + 470 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4a79b9]
    -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 135 (in
    AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ab07d]
    _DPSNextEvent + 659 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8b4ab779]
    BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8f1713fa]
    ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8f17156d]
    RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 277 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff8f16a2bf]
    17 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff84125486]
                            17 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204 (in CoreFoundation)
    17 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8411d50c]
    17 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13c67a]
      Kernel stack:
    ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000215930]
      Thread 0x4e4        DispatchQueue 2
      User stack:
    _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (in libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8b036316]
          17 kevent + 10
    (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8a13e7e6]
      Kernel stack:
        17 kqueue_scan +
    416 (in mach_kernel) [0xffffff800053b4d0]
      Binary Images:
    -        0x1003e2ff7  com.apple.dock.extra 1.0 (1)
    /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/XPCServices/com.apple.dock.extra. xpc/Contents/MacOS/com.apple.dock.extra
    -     0x7fff842c1ff7  com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.7.2 (635.21)
    <62A3402E-A4E7-391F-AD20-1EF20236CE1B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    -     0x7fff8a147fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib ??? (???)
    <66C9F9BD-C7B3-30D4-B1A0-03C8A6392351> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    -     0x7fff8a471ff7  com.apple.XPCService 1.3 (1)
    -     0x7fff8b042fff  libdispatch.dylib ??? (???)
    <8E03C652-922A-3399-93DE-9EA0CBFA0039> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    -     0x7fff8c0a9fff  com.apple.AppKit 6.7.5 (1138.51)
    <44417D02-6123-3FC3-A119-CE51BB4C3006> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    -     0x7fff8f494fff  com.apple.HIToolbox 1.9 (???)
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fram ework/Versions/A/HIToolbox

    You installed the "DownLite" trojan, perhaps under a different name. Remove it as follows.
    Malware is constantly changing to get around the defenses against it. The instructions in this comment are valid as of now, as far as I know. They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "VSearch" selected. Drag the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password.
    Repeat with each of these lines:
    Restart the computer and empty the Trash. Then delete the following items in the same way:
    /Library/Application Support/VSearch
    Some of these items may be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file can't be found. Skip that item and go on to the next one.
    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need, including any that have the word "Spigot" in the description. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    This trojan is distributed on illegal websites that traffic in pirated movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect much worse to happen in the future.
    You may be wondering why you didn't get a warning from Gatekeeper about installing software from an unknown developer, as you should have. The reason is that the DownLite developer has a codesigning certificate issued by Apple, which causes Gatekeeper to give the installer a pass. Apple could revoke the certificate, but as of this writing, has not done so, even though it's aware of the problem. This failure of oversight is inexcusable and has compromised both Gatekeeper and the Developer ID program. You can't rely on Gatekeeper alone to protect you from harmful software.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • When a link is rolled over by the mouse pointer a very annoying pop up with the link address shows up. There seems to be no way to prevent this from happening. How can this pop up be made to go away?

    no matter what website, every time I move the mouse pointer over something to click on a line of black printing in a thin white box pops up at the bottom of the screen and shows me the http address of the item I'm about to click on. I want to shut this function off or remove it if possible. I find that the previous version did not do this, it seems to be unique to 6.0. It's VERY distracting and ANNOYING. How can I make it go away????

    When you hover the mouse cursor over any link, it will display the link details at the bottom left of the screen; black font on white background.
    This display can be very important as it shows the full address of the hyperlink. This can be particulary useful for checking on whether the link is bona-fida. For example; if you receive an email that looks like it is from a bank , hovering over the link will indicate instantly that the link is pretending to be something it isn't.
    Another example that can be useful; a website link may say 'contact me' rather than give the actual email address. However, when you hover over the link, the actual email address will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you click on the link then Outlook usually opens, however I do not use Outlook, so displaying the email address is useful.
    This display is something that has always been present and it is also displayed if you use IE.
    However, I can see that this annoys you, so you could try the following:
    After installing the addon, you will need to restart Firefox, then go to History and Restore previous session to get all your tabs and webpages back.
    You will now find that when you hover over any link, it will now display in your address bar on the right hand side.
    If this helps, please say this question has been solved.

  • I recently bought, from the original website of Adobe, Photoshop elements 13. However, when I go with my mouse pointer over the menu, It hangs or he works very slow. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix it? I have already downloaded updates, both from A

    I recently bought, from the original website of Adobe, Photoshop elements 13. However, when I go with my mouse pointer over the menu, It hangs or he works very slow. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix it? I have already downloaded updates, both from Adobe and Windows. I have a new pc with window 8.1.

    It could be a coincidence, but I rebooted the machine and (knock on wood) PSE13 seems to be working ok.

  • C655D 5210 tosiba black screen with mouse pointer

    I have only had this computer for 8 months. One day I turned it on, and windows kept restarting. After a few trouble shooting steps off the internet, I decided to reinstall windows 7 and lose my data and start all over. The first time it could not repair the computer and asked me to send the information to microsoft. Cannot boot in safe mode, I can get to the setup utility screen. This is a new Windows 7 cd. After several tries, it installed and said it had to restart, (this may happen several times) it only restarted once, then a black screen with a cursor. When I try to boot from the cd, the windows logo apppears, then a black screen with mouse pointer again. Toshiba is no help at all. This is my third Toshiba laptop. The first one did the same thing. But it was out of warranty, the amount they wanted to charge us, i just got another one. My mom's Toshiba just died with no real reason, the old one is in the garbage, and this one is only 8 months old. Toshiba would like us to send the computer in, pay for shipping, wait for 3 weeks, pay to ship it back to us, with a promise that it may not work.
    Please help
    here is the error message when trying to install windows 7
    Statu" 0xc000000f
    An error occured while attempting to read the boot configuration.

    Hi, last try is to install os manually,  a clean os Install (way to go here) 
    regards KalvinKlein
    Thinkies 2x X200s/X301 8GB 256GB SSD @ Win 7 64
    Ideas Centre A520 ,Yoga 2 256GB SSD,Yoga 2 tablet @ Win 8.1

  • Mouse pointer Problem with CS3 and windows 7

    to a new PC which has Windows 7(32bit) as an operating system. Installed my Photoshop CS3 and everything seems ok except when I magnify in the navagator panel. Once I zoom in my mouse pointer changes to 3 hands in the navigator panel. I powered up my old laptop which has Vista and my CS3
    then matched up the mouse settings in the control panel on the new PC. Used the same usb mouse on both PC's, the older Vista laptop worked fine but the windows 7 PC would get a tripple pointer in the navigation panel when I magnified. In the windows 7 laptop I then set the compatibility for Photoshop CS3 to run in XP mode but the problem did not clear. I see in FAQ for CS4 people have complained about tripple cursers in windows 7 but the replies indicated that the recommended fix did not work. Any help apreciated.

    Thanks for your solution. I by changing the setting to 125% I am now able to use CS3 without tripple pointers.
    My eyesight is challenged so the decrease in text is a challenge but I can change the setting when I will use CS3 so I have a workarount.

  • Mouse pointer invisible - intel 945GM

    Hey people, thought I would document this in case others have problems.  I have partially solved the issue, but if someone knows a better solution please contribute.  I think this is specific to the intel xorg driver but not totally sure.
    I rebooted my eeepc (Intel 945GM, using stock driver) today and when I got into X there was no mouse pointer.  I quickly found that the mouse is in fact there, you can right-click and get a menu etc, its just there is no pointer so your flying blind.
    A bit of Googling suggested it was something to do with using xrandr to enable/disable outputs, which is what I do.  At home the eeepc sits on the desk connected to my external monitor.  In my .xinitrc I have it set up so it detects when its connected to the monitor and automatically enables it (VGA) and disables the laptop screen (LVDS).
    So to try and get the mouse back I re-enabled the LVDS
    xrandr --output LVDS --auto
    The eeepc screen comes back on (in clone mode) and sure enough the mouse pointer is visible on that screen, but not on the external VGA.  After a bit of tooling around I found that if you enable both screens in extended desktop mode, the pointer is then visible on both.
    xrandr --output LVDS --right-of VGA --auto
    Once the pointer is working on both screens you can then turn off the LVDS again, and the pointer remains working on the external, everything back to normal.
    xrandr --output LVDS --off
    PART 2 - This is actually a question if anyone can help me
    In order to use dual monitors like an extended desktop, you will find that you need to set the virtual desktop size in your xorg.conf display section.  Something like:
    virtual 2304 1024
    BUT...since we now bask in the glory that is hot-plugging and hal wizardry, I don't have an xorg.conf.  Does anyone know how to set the virtual framebuffer size using xrandr, without having to use an xorg.conf?
    And while I think about it, why do we even need to set a virtual size manually really, xorg knows the dimensions of connected displays, you would think it could set a default virtual framebuffer to the width of the connected outputs, would make it much easier. /rant
    Anyway, any more info on the subject much appreciated.
    Last edited by Wittfella (2009-10-22 14:36:09)

    The cursor issue sounds like an upstream bug - you should report it to https://bugs.freedesktop.org.
    Wittfella wrote:Does anyone know how to set the virtual framebuffer size using xrandr, without having to use an xorg.conf?
    Can't be done.  The virtual fb size tells your graphics driver how big a framebuffer to allocate at X start time.  It can't be changed later.  Which is too bad, and a major limitation of randr.  I think it does set the virtual fb size correctly when it starts, but that size will be wrong when you add another monitor for example.

  • Moving mouse pointer to menu dims window and shows all open windows at once

    when i'm in safari and i move my mouse pointer to the upper left corner of a window that is almost full screen, that window dims and a black bar appears in the middle of this window with a discription of it. as an example
    if i have 2 windows open one shows lower left and the other upper right and i have to click the mouse button on the window i was using to get it back and get the other behind it.
    is there a setting in preferances that causes this that i can change?

    This is what happens for one of the active corners for Exposé, if ("all windows") is the upper left corner. Take a look at "System preferences" , Dashboard & Exposé.
    Message was edited by: eddy kestemont

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