Love-love the ICS update!

The Rezound finally runs as it should have from the beginning. Data drop problem is fixed, email is fixed, battery is the same as before but oh well. So far bug free too. Looking at the Razr problems with their update I feel pretty lucky that even though we had to wait longer it appears that HTC got it right. Jelly Bean at this point would be a total bonus for having to wait so long but I AM NOT COMPLAINING! Loved this phone when I got it and love it even more now that it works as it was meant to!

I second that. I'm running the OTA with Nova Launcher Prime and the phone is remarkably more responsive. You hit the nail on the head by saying it runs as it should have from the beginning." The Rezound should've had ICS by late April at the very latest as Verizon promised.

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    i have been getting really bad battery life after install ICS on my droid razar maxx i can only go 1 day and 3 hours where i used to be able to go 2 day easy have this happen to anyone else can someone tell me how i can make my battery life better??????/ and do i need to let my phone go complete dead before fully chargeing it again ??????
    before install the ICS update i had 30 percent of battery life remaining so i pluged it in and let charged for a little bit while it updated my phone and ever thing after it updated i unplug my phone and started playing on my phone to see what ICS was all about but when it got to 15 and said " connect to your changer so i did !!!!! should i haved let my phone going complete dead since i unplug without it fully changer or does it matter ?????????????? if someone could please help me !!!!:)

    What was your battery reading right after the update when you unplugged the phone? I have never let my Maxx drain further than 20% battery ever before I charge it. Yesterday after the update I also played more with the phone trying to learn the OS, as did most everyone on this forum. Give it a few days of your normal use before you decide your battery life has decreased. I took my phone off charger today at noon, it was 100%, and now it's 80%, with about 30 min talk time, and mostly standby. that's about normal batt life for me, maybe a little better than before the update. I'm still going to watch it for a few days before I make a conclusion about battery life.

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    Here what's included with I.C.S on the Razr / Razr Maxx 

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    Any suggestions??
    Subject edited by: Verizon Moderator<<>>

        Thank you for trying the reset, huntin4bb. In order to resolve this, please accept my follow request. Once you have accepted my request please send a follow request to AndreaS_VZW. After I have accepted your follow request, please send me a direct message.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • The ICS update deleted my work emails!!!! Seriously Verizon?!?

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    Other than Messaging, please tell me there is some hidden folder where the stock email app may have stored my messages. I've been through every visible folder and there is nothing there. Or, tell me if there's a way to back out of the update - data and everything.
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    I am now well beyond frustrated. This is the second time in as many days that Verizon has $@%& something critical - first, it was my FIOS service and condescending customer service. Now this.   Between residential and wireless I pay Verizon a ridiculous amount of money each month, more than my combined power & gas utility bills. I'm thinking that the cancellation fees are PENNIES in comparison to the satisfaction I'd feel about not giving Verizon any more of my money.

    My apologies to the moderator for cross-posting. I had written a very long post to another discussion that included similar problems, and in my haste and search for answers thought it expedient to simply copy the post over in hopes of getting a wider range of opinion. No, I never read the Terms of Service and to be honest this is the first discussion board I have ever posted to. That's what happens when you'e 65 years old. I did, however, write right up front that this was a copy of a post I had placed elsewhere.
    When I saw the first message from the moderator that my post was up for review, I was impressed -- I thought someone was listening, had noted I defined some problems and was searching for answers. Perhaps I misunderstood the nature of a moderator.
    So I am still looking for answers.
    Let me re-state (not copy) the nature of my problems, so that my remaining post (above) is not left hanging in mid-air confusion. The Bionic update deleted a bunch of my emails, specifically all the SENTS from my Earthlink (POP) account; and the DISPLAY SUGGESTED ADDRESSES feature was not working, apparently (though I'm not sure) because it had also deleted all the addresses/contacts. I am still facing having to re-enter over 200 email addresses by hand. Surely there is a simpler solution out there? Switching to gmail is not an option, though I did start an account in order to get the Bionic up and running; however I never use it for emails.

  • WHY does the ICS update lags?

    Hello Sony,
    I recently updated the Xperia Arc S, to the ICS 4.0.3 update released by Sony. I was on 0.62 previously, and did a factory reset before as well as after the update. The laggy transitions, led me to do a phone repair too. The lags became less, but its not smooth at all. no where near GB.
    Just wanted to know the reason(s) for the problems...
    Please tell us if its any of the following, or something else:
    Case 1:
    The update is not supposed to be laggy at all, the test devices here at Sony work smooth.
    Request: Please upload a video of the final ICS update (similar to the beta videos), to show us what maximum smoothness we can expect. Also, if possible, give us a proper step by step procedure, to how to update our phone, to get the best possible performance out of it.
    Case 2:
    The ICS Rom is heavy resource demanding, and things will not get any smotther.
    Case 2.a: None of the further updates will solve the issue
    Case 2.b: The next updates will solve the issue, as the later ICS releases by goolge are beter in terms of resource management
    PS: The CM9 (based on ICS), ran very smooth on the Galaxy Ace (Tried it myslef). The HTC One V, runs ICS smooth enough (not as much as Xperia GB, but better than Xperia ICS)
    Thank You.
    (Waiting for an answer)
    Go to Solution.

    Read that the day it was posted.
    They updated saying that those issues were taken care of...
    We we would like to clarify that above mentioned “challenges” have already been addressed by our SW engineering teams. For instance, we have not only optimised the RAM management by making the RAM usage for internal apps as good as possible, but we will also introduce a Performance assistant at start up when running ICS....
    We have also worked with quite a few partners in regards to architecture optimisations for SQL handling. In addition, we have also optimised the hardware usage. And as a result of this article, a number of app developers have notified us that they are evaluating if HW optimisation will be needed or not for their apps....
    But still the updte lags. Why? And can we expect some corrections to make it smmooth and bug free?


    i'm really happy with the updates. movie rentals are gunna be sweet, and thank god it wont be so limited like the movie buying was. Steve was right when he pointed out that people like to own there songs cuz they listen to it over a thousand times, but a movies are seen usually (UNLESS ITS UR FAVORITE!) 2-3 times. i'll definatly be using the Apple TV to rent movies rather than going to blockbuster. just think, no more late fees (or what do they call it now- restocking fees?)-psh. NICE UPDATE in my opinion! any other takes? O I ALMOST FORGOT, i think it would've been so much sweeter with a BluRay/DVD player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it would've been the ultimate movie device. so again, any other takes?

    I agree, this update clearly makes this a winner compared to other VOD devices and services. Apple has rallied almost all the major Hollywood players. Plus all your content on iTunes streamed. Movies, TV Shows, Video PodCast, HD Video PodCast. Pictures. HD Support. DD 5.1 support, right through your HDMI. I finally believe that Apple TV is the best out there.

  • What is going on with the ICS update?

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    I have loved Motorola ever since I got the StarTac many moons ago. I have had a LG and a HTC, but I have always went back to Motorola. The bottom line is all about the $$$$$ and Motorola knows if they don't update these phones with ICS that they might loose a lot of customers and that will include me!! I just think Motorola and Verizon needs to keep there customers more informed than what they do.

  • Let us know when you personally receive the ICS OTA update!

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    xnavflyer wrote:
    The only reason I bought the Rezound was because the sales person assured me it would be getting the ICS update in April.  LIES, LIES, LIES.  Will be very glad when my contract is up!!!
    That surely can't be the only reason...the HTC Rezound is a BEAST! With or without ICS.

  • I cannot install ICS update(All the available updates @ Lenovo)

    Hey guys I was using CM7 for a while , then i had frequent reboot problem with the CM7 ROM. Then i tried installing the ICS update version
    that was available at 
    I couldnt install it after 75% of the installation i get a warning sign and the installation is aborted and i am taken to the recovery screen where the below options are available
    Reboo now
    Wipe data
    Factory reset
    Touch calibration.
    I used the below method suggested at xda dev. Remove CWM > Flash stock recovery > Install ICS update > Flash CWM again > Wipe/Factory reset > Reboot.
    But i cannot install the update as stated above. I am stuck at ICS update. Since the install failed i just see the Android boot logo after rebooting . What did i do wrong and why am i unable to install ICS update ?
    I used different updates of CM7 ROMs , i get frequent reboots after a while. Please Help me out . I taut this update would fix all the pre-existing problem.

    i installed ICS 1.2 like you said and it is fully working and i tired installing the update but i am not sure whether i got it to install the update when i click install now it reboots and goes in to the update android logo after few minutes the logo disappears and the tablet is switched off
    I tried to Install CWM by putting in the internal sd card as and booted into recovery and still i get the same anrdoid logo and now CWM install . I am unable to root the tab using Superoneclick . Rooter zip doesnt work get the same prob as the above
    Please help me out guys

  • After ICS update, camera forces close

    After the latest ICS update, (which I love the look of it) but I've been having a couple of frustrating issues. My camera on my Motorola Razr forces close. It says it had an unexpected error and needs to close. When you finally get it to work, when you take a picture, it freezes and the image will not open. Some of my pictures wont load now, even ones that I just downloaded.  Also some of my music wont play, the pictures are no longer accurate, and it sometimes forces close as well. Also the battery life sucks now. Before I just had to charge it in the afternoon before I leave the office and it would then last until early in the morning, but now I take it off the charger when I leave work and with very little use, a couple of hours later and its almost completely dead. I never had an issue with it just shutting off either and now it will just randomly freeze and shut off. I hope there is going to be another update to correct these issues!

        Sorockerchic, I’m glad to hear you are liking the look of the ICS update. Now let’s get this issue with the camera resolved so you can get back to taking your pictures.
    You mentioned that the issue with the camera, battery life, and freezing started after the ICS update. You may have some apps that are not compatible with the update and causing these issues. I recommend you perform a hard reset to help resolve these issues. This is recommended especially after such a big software update.
    Please post back if you continue to experience any of these issues after performing the hard reset. I’ll be more than happy to further troubleshoot.
    John B
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Open letter to Verizon regarding Tab 7.7 ICS Update

    Note: This is a copy of an e-mail I submitted to Verizon Wireless regarding my Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE tablet, in order to ensure that Verizon receives the communication and to share the concern with the community which has substantially discussed the issue.  If this violates the content regulations of Verizon's forums, accept my apologies -- I have never been clear on the guidelines. 
    Dear Verizon Wireless,
    The primary purpose of writing is to notify you that I will be withholding 75% of my payment on the data plan for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7, in light of Verizon's degradation of service on this device.  Upon purchasing the device in June, I was told that it would be receiving the Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich" (ICS) system update.  By that point, ICS had been released from Google for nearly eight months.  In August, Verizon began updating its branded LTE tablets in earnest, but it was not until early October that the ICS update for the Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE was formally announced.  After a failed update push, Verizon has been silent on any plans for the past two months.  Its response to a discussion on this topic in the Verizon Online Community was to simply remove comments and shut down the discussion without answering any of the community questions.
    Most apps in the Android Market now require ICS or later.  The Google Nexus 7 tablet, a comparable tablet to the 7.7, is now shipping with Android 4.2, a full two major revisions past the version Verizon has yet to deploy to the Tab 7.7.  Additionally, I personally have experienced increasing instability with the tablet, with the network failing and requiring a manual restart multiple times a week.
    At whatever time Verizon successfully updates my device to ICS, I will happily return to paying my bill in full.  Additionally, I am more than willing to discuss this with a Verizon agent to come to a better resolution.  However, given Verizon's current response of ignoring the problem and providing no explanation, and continuing to offer a degraded service below that which was promised upon purchase, I must take this step in an attempt to protect my interests.
    Again, I would much prefer an amicable solution to this situation.  Please feel free to call me on my Verizon phone number to discuss this.

    In regards to this, I'm going to post excerpts of a post I placed in another thread with additional research about update timelines, Verizon's extremely loose interpretation of the word "soon", and the despicable service provided to owners of this tablet, as it relates to the specifics of this thread's topic. I am also including significant additional information relating my attempts to acquire additional information.
    I purchased the Galaxy 7.7 in April this year. Like most (if not all) others, I bought it with the promise of an update to ICS soon. At this time, eight months later, I, like the vast majority of owners, am still on 3.2 (Honeycomb). Honeycomb does not support many of the apps I use, and more developers drop support for it every day, as its device presence percentage drops close to that of Cupcake and Donut (Android 1.5 and 1.6) and has already sunk below Eclair (Android 2.1), according to (This is a direct link to Google's own site, where they publish such information; last sample conducted over 14 days ending Nov 1, 2012).
    ...My local Verizon corporate store is selling the tablet with ICS pre-loaded. This means the software not only exists, but has been successfully deployed to retail units.
    ...The original Droid only took four months to get the 2.1 update, and the 2.2 update followed five months later in August of 2009. Keep in mind, these updates were being developed between these pushes, with 2.2 only being announced by Google in May of '09. That is 3 months from announcement to deployment. ...
    Our Galaxy Tab 7.7's have now waited 13 months since the release of 4.0 by Google and still are not up to date. I'll permit Verizon the few months that they did not have the tablet, but this reduces the delay to "only" 9 months, two to three times longer than it took for other devices to be upgraded. Oh, and we're still waiting on the update. It might be suggested I'm being unfair at this point by comparing a dual-core highly advanced tablet with a much older, single-core phone that came out while Verizon had far fewer smartphones to maintain, so I'm also going to compare it to the Motorola XOOM, a contemporary device with similar hardware and software at release.
    The Motorola XOOM was released February of 2011 as an incomplete project, again with the word "Soon" attached to those missing features. It took 6 months (August) to receive the SD card update. Similar to the original Droid, though, the update was only made available from Google in June, meaning it only took two months for Verizon to deploy the upgrade once it was released by Google. The LTE upgrade came out just a month later in September, seven months after the launch of the tablet. This delay could, theoretically, be pinned on Motorola, but my suspicion is that it originates with Verizon. Android 4.0 took seven months from the date it was published by Google (November 2011) to be released to Verizon XOOM owners (June 2012).
    Galaxy Tab 7.7 early adopters have now waited an extraordinary nine months since their tablet was launched for their "Soon" to be fulfilled, and there's no end to the wait in sight as Verizon actively avoids communicating with their customers on the matter.
    Explanations can do quite a bit to quell customer anger, as can simply finishing the update and publishing it.  We've received neither, and the existence of the updated software on new units being sold adds rather grievous insult to dysfunctional software that has become an injury to those who rely on this equipment to function.  I feel this is paramount to telling us that we, as existing customers, simply do not matter.
    I have two further pieces of information to add that were not in my original post.  Today I contacted both Samsung and Verizon Wireless about this matter, directly.  The Samsung rep was, unfortunately, either incompetent or completely uninformed.  Nice, polite, but unable to provide any relevant information due to either Samsung's rules or training, or lack of personal knowledge.  The Verizon rep was far, far worse.  I'm a very polite person when speaking (I'm in sales, I have to be, even to people who are being rude), and I didn't even get a third of the way into describing the issue before I was being interrupted by this defensive, crass individual.  When I finally managed to get her to listen to my problem, her response after a minute of typing on her computer was that it was "currently available" and "[she] has no way to push it to my device" and "[I] have to wait for the network to push it".  I very calmly explained to her that the documentation she was looking at was from October (she acknowledged spotting this on the documentation once I pointed it out), that the update never came through and was pulled due to issues, and that I knew both methods of forcing the tablet to check for updates.  She then claimed that a coworker had handed her a Tab 7.7 running 3.2 and that it was the "current version" and that Verizon had never offered an upgrade to 4.0, in direct opposition to her earlier statements and my own eyes.  This...farce went on for nearly twenty minutes before I ended the call.
    It was the most insulting, rude customer service I have received in years.  I felt like I was being talked to like one would address an errant child, not a paying customer.  The last time I was treated this way by a cellular carrier, I left them, switching from Sprint to Verizon.  Unfortunately, I am stuck on Verizon at this point due to unlimited data and hotspot on my personal line, and extraordinarily heavy personal usage, but I have no such motivation to have a 3G/4G tablet through them.  I prefer it due to battery concerns, but an extended battery and larger phone are worth the cost of never having to deal with Verizon's spectacularly awful treatment of their tablet customers ever again.
    Even though they're keeping my account, it's shrinking by two tablet lines.

  • Droid RazrMaxx battery problems after ICS update

    I purchased a RazrMaxx in June and updated it to ICS on June 29. Since the ICS update the battery life on the phone went downhill. After a 100% charge and having the phone on standby for the last 14hrs 15min, I have only 30% battery life. I reset the phone twice to factory specs, it did not help. Screen brightness is set to about 30%,battery savings mode is on. Does anybody have any suggestions. Thanks

    Wipe Cache first, if that doesn't bring joy, FDR but do not let google restore apps/data - set them up manually(PITA, I know)
    For info on how to do either:

  • Problems with My Gallery since ICS update.

    Prior to the ICS update, My Gallery would display not only my pictures taken with the camera but also others on my SD card and in the internal phone storage picture folders.  Since ICS it only shows from the camera folder and even that seems often out of sync and slow to update.  Is this an issue or is it something I'm missing on the process?

    Yup it kind of comes with the Territory i had a Droid X and a HTC incredible and on my X i done 6 factory resets and on my Inc. i did about the Same and i got so good at it that when i Visited the Local store and somebody had an issue the Reps sent the Customer over to Me.. But i understand when a device isn't running as it should it gets very frustrating especially the money that is spent on it.. Just to pass on to Ya i use a App called System Panel App it's in the Play Store and is Free but the Paid Version is only 2.99 and it shows Quite a bit of what your device is Doing and the Temps it is Running i'v had the App on my Devices since Wildman pointed it out to me two years ago. And i check out what my phones are doing all the time with app. Give it Try..

  • After ICS update, WiFi widget causes phone reboot

    After installing the ICS update on my Xperia PRO USA unlocked model via PC Companion... when I turn off WiFi using the widget, it does so - it turns it off. When I use the widget again to turn WiFi back on, it causes my phone to reboot.
    I don't seem to have this problem if I turn WiFi on and off inside the WiFi settings area. But using the widget is now broken for me.
    Anyone else?
    When I use this, to turn WiFi back on, the phone reboots:
    When I use this, to turn WiFi back on, I have no problems:

    Have you tried repairing the phone software via PC Companion?
    If it doesn't help I suggest that you contact your local support team to get your phone examined at an repair center.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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