LR 4.2 - alternative 'zoom in' shortcut?

I'm experiencing an issue with the 'zoom in' shortcut in LR 4.2.
Officially the 'zoom in' shortcut is supposed to be "Crtl+=", but I can't type this directly, as the equal is on top of the zero on my (german) keyboard, i.e. in order to type an '=' I need to type 'Shift+0'.
But when I type 'Ctrl+Shift+0' nothing happens.
When I type 'Ctrl+0' the histogram collapses/expands (it toggles between the two).
I'm not sure whether on a US keyboard you can directly type the '=', but I have the feeling it's like that. So, is there an alternative to zoom in for foreign keyboards? (and: why is not the 'Ctrl+ +' being used as in the majority of other programs...?)

I have had the similar problem, though with a Norwegian keyboard. The = is on "Shift+0" on a Norwegian keyboard as well.
I fixed this by applying a new keyboard shortcut for the zoom-in action in a rather cumbersome fashion.
By default, there are alternative keyboard mappings available if you are using a language specific version of Lightroom, either in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portugese, Swedish, or Chinese, but no Norwegian.
If you're running with the German "language pack" the shortcuts for Zoom Out should be "Ctrl+#" in Develop Mode, and the default "Ctrl+=" in Library Mode.
This is all described in language resource files, one for each of the mentioned languages.
They are located under the language-specific directories (de, sp, fr, jp, and so on) in a Resources directory under the Lightroom program folder. In my case the Lightroom program folder is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2\, since I'm running version 4.2 on Windows.
Since there's no Norwegian translation resources available for Lightroom I prefer running with the English version. There is no specific English resource file or folder, since English is the default language of Lightroom.
But you can make one. So I did!
I first created a new directory called "en" in the folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2\Resources\, then I put a text file called TranslatedStrings.txt in that folder with the following contents:
Nothing more.
This overrides the keyboard shortcuts for Zoom In in Develop and Library Mode to "Ctrl+." and leaves all the other shortcuts as the default shortcuts in the program.
(It says Cmd since that's the name of the Ctrl key on Apple OSX, I guess). The "." key is right next to the "-" key on a Norwegian keyboard, and has not been used for any other shortcuts in the English language version of Lightroom as far as I know.
If you're using the English version of Lightroom you could do this to any other shortcut that you would like to change as well. Look at some of the other TranslatedStrings.txt files in the Resource folder of another language to learn the identity (e.g. $$$/AgDevelop/Menu/View/ZoomIn/Key=) of the shortcuts you'd like to change.
If you're running Lightroom in one of the other supported languages, just change the corresponding TranslatedStrings.txt file of that language. Make sure you create a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
When you install a new version of Lightroom you must remember to copy the file to the new installation, typically C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3\ for version 4.3 and so on.
Good luck! Hope it helps.

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    enggopah wrote:
    "Italian Pro" is the keyboard I use almost all the time
    Is Italian Pro
    a. the keyboard, or,
    b. the keyboard layout
    you use all the time?
    for some reason this zoom shortcut won't work.
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    Another user assured me that "cmd-+" is the shortcut also in that keyboard.
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    To enter the > or < symbol, it is necessary to use the shift key.
    See if Shift-Command-> and Shift-Command-< works for you.

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    Perhaps you should post in the software forum for your OS -- it really has nothing to do with your hardware.
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    Richard Segedi wrote:
    Another thing you can try, if you aren't already aware of it, is to put the mouse cursor in whatever you wish to magnify, then hold down the Control key and scroll the mouse ball upwards. Do the same but scroll it downwards to reduce the screen image to normal size. This works on everything on the screen. Takes a little getting used to but I find it quick and handy for a fast look at something too small to see otherwise.
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    You can't make a keyboard shortcut to run a specific application from OSX, although there are third party applications such as Quicksilver that can do things like that. You can use an AppleScript to activate an existing menu item, for example:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFDDFF;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
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    end tell</pre>
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    Hello again!
    I'm sorry you're still having the problem. If you have a look back at my previous suggestion, you'll see that I didn't say "do an archive and install"! That will only help if the OS is corrupt.
    I don't entirely understand the symptoms you're getting, but I do suspect a corrupt preference file (.plist) which is why I suggested zapping them both and nothing else. Archive and instal preserves .plist files, ensuring that if the problem is indeed related to them, it will not be cured.
    However, you've now eliminated the possibility that the OS is corrupt!
    So, could I suggest the following steps, since you now have a functioning user account?
    0) Check that the keys are indeed giving you the characters you expect (normally =, - and 8).
    1) Open the System Preferences—>Universal Access pane and check the keystrokes designated for Zoom.
    2) Try the keystroke specified for Zoom on/off (default is cmd-alt-8), and see if the On and Off radio buttons toggle as you do so.
    3) Go to the System Preferences—>Keyboard & Mouse pane and ensure that the checkboxes for "Turn zoom on or off", "Zoom out" and "Zoom in" are all ticked.
    4) Try a single keypress of cmd-alt-= and see if the screen zooms in by a step. If all you get is an alert sound, press cmd-alt-8 and try again.
    5) Try a keypress of cmd-alt-- (minus) and see if it zooms out again. If it doesn't, use the Zoom on/off keystroke to turn it off again.
    6) If the problem still persists, then either quit System Preferences and use Terminal, or do what I suggested in my previous post, but zap those two .plist files. You'll have to reset other values, but at least it should rescue your system.
    Keep us posted!
    iBook G4 12" 1.2 GHz, G4 Sawtooth 400 MHz, PowerBook G4 17" 1.67 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    You could use the Zoom feature in the "Seeing" pane of the "Universal Access" System Preferences. It shows the zoom keyboard shortcuts there, too.

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    I've had this problem for years now.
    Anyone else have this?
    Anyone fix this?
    Am I crazy?

    No problem, I just found the same issue again.
    I just found that there are TWO places to turn the spotlight keystroke off (and reset it). First in the keyboard pref I mentioned above and secondly at the bottom of the separate Spotlight Preference in System prefs. I turned it off in both places and now I don't have the problem anymore. I can still call spotlight by clicking the menubar, so no loss of functionality.
    Also, as an aside, I have always called the zoom function by pressing the 'Command' key first and then the spacebar. If you swap the order you press these two keys then Spotlight doesn't seem to be invoked. But this is a hassle to relearn after so many years. Just in case it helps,
    All the best,

  • Reverting to iPhoto '09?

    Anyone know the smoothest way to go back to '09?
    TimeMachine back-up?
    There are just too many bugs and too many missing features in '11.
    It really is next to useless.
    I hope these are short term problems & that Apple will bring it back to being a useful (and useable ap') if not '11 marks the death of a otherwise great ap' that had until now been evolving well.
    Seems they have concentrated too much on the 'cute' factor & forgotten that people do actually need iPhoto to do stuff.

    Sparkstack wrote:
    Please expand on what features you have noticed are missing, and what is dumbed down
    I would be the first to agree that there are dramatic improvements but they have come at too great a price.
    Full-screen is great & the new editing tools buttons are too but there are just way too many bugs and poor changes.
    Many of the changes are what I would describe as form over function - i.e. - look great but don't work as efficiently.
    *Missing -*
    *There is no longer a zoom slider when viewing an individual image.*
    When you combine this with the bug that stops the keyboard shortcut from zooming it means you have a serious ommission. In my case this inability to zoom renders iPhoto useless until fixed.
    *The right-click menu has had most of its useful options removed.*
    Those options are now up in the menu bar or are keyboard shortcuts, a step backwards from a productivity perspective.
    *Merge and split buttons are gone.*
    I don't think this needs any further explanation.
    *Dumbed down/dumb changes -*
    *No option to export images to anything other than Apples 'share' choices when in full-screen view.*
    This means you can't export to desktop or a thumb-drive or an external disc without backing out of fullscreen. That's just dumb when they are pushing the full-screen feature.
    From a productivity perspective this makes full-screen less useful which is a shame as the full-screen improvements are otherwise fantastic. It's an odd omission or oversight in my view.
    *Editing tools are now fixed in place, not floating.*
    When you have a lot of editing to do on a wider screen (27") it is difficult to make tiny incremental adjustments to a slider on the far right of the screen while you watch the changes in the centre of the screen.
    *Right-click menu* (see missing)
    *Keywords are now over in the far right panel.*
    Sorry, that is just seriously dumb.
    You need them under your images or at least there in a way that can be revealed. It means that to see a keyword you have to highlight/select the individual image and then look to the extreme right to find its keywords. No longer can you just look at an entire event and see all of the images to which you have applied keywords or the RAWs in with the JPEGs. You have to hunt them all out one-by-one.
    I know it looks nice and neat and cool to have them in that panel but again not very useful.
    *Bugs -*
    *Zoom keyboard shortcut not working.*
    I don't think this needs any further explanation.
    *View/compare more than one image at once not working* (so you can't open two or more images at a time to compare).
    This seems variable.
    For me it didn't work using the standard shortcut of holding command, selecting images & double-clicking to open (or any other way I tried).
    These two bugs alone make iPhoto useless for me until they are fixed.
    And a couple of minor things that really would have been nice to have seen;
    When you turn things 'off' they should be OFF.
    For example in full-screen Locations still shows as a panel when it's turned off. I would imagine that it is quite logical to think that if someone wants something off they don't want or need to see it.
    Faces - there really should be an option to switch Faces off.
    On our family machine we use it all the time & it is great.
    On my home-office machine I don't need or want it but when I load images it runs & runs & runs slowing the machine down doing something I don't want or need.
    Would it be so hard to have it as something you can turn off?
    These are my 'only' issues with '11.
    I didn't find any more as I have now gone back to '09.
    Two of these issues are 'mission critical' to me and rendered iPhoto '11 useless.
    Others decreased its usefulness and were steps backwards from a productivity perspective.
    Just my observations & opinions.
    Message was edited by: Adam Woodhams
    Message was edited by: Adam Woodhams
    Message was edited by: Adam Woodhams

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