LR 4.3 - Win32 API Error 2 on exporting JPG.

Since the upgrade to 4.3 I have persistant errors on exporting to .jpg.  Like many others, it appears confined to the Limit File Size option, however, while the error is reported, the jpg is created as per requirements.
I have reinstalled LR, and while this solved a different problem, it has had no effect on this.  From other reported questions, I assume its just a case of avoiding limit to file size settings? 
PS  I should add its running on Win 7 64 bit.
I have just tried exporting a cropped and manipulated image as 100% quality, unlimited file size and got the same error although the image was saved, allbeit as a 3.49MB file....
And the reinstall didn't solve the other problem, but thats amother question.

Your post processing action is blank.  Change it to Do Nothing.

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    Nevermind I fixed it. Thank you.

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    The message is Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkplace.shellExecute. However the export works. What is happening and how do I get rid of the error message?

    Near the bottom of the Export Daialog, in the "Post-Processing" section make sure that the "After Export" box is not empty (which is invalid and causes the export operation to trip up). Use the drop-down to select a valid choice such as "Do Nothing".

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    "An internal error has occured: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified") When calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute".
    The wonderfully unhelpful persons at the helpline said they could not help me but indicated If I reload the version 3.3 in a different location the problem would go away since some plug-in from v1.4 had infected the new install.
    I have no custom add-ins/plug-ins, everything is default.
    I followed these instructions, however still have the same error. I removed then re-installed 3.3 on another drive away from C:\Progfiles......
    Any suggestions?

    Sorry F. McLion, I could have provided the following additional information:
    v1.4 lightroom owned, operating without issue, installed in default location
    C:\... drive
    v3.3 trial downloaded, installed default location, export operating without
    v1.4 launched to compare, export working fine
    v3.3 launched, export results in error message; determined that export actually
    worked, just resulted in the error message
    un-installed v3.3 per phone support (manager)
    re-installed v3.3 on F:\ drive from copy downloaded on F:\... drive. No change.
    Odly after I removed then re-installed v3.3, the pictures I was working
    on appeared in the re-installed instance with the most current changes - I would
    suspect a clean un-install would have removed any semblence of work done prior
    to removing (at least pointers to modified files). Since not, this means the
    un-install did not truely un-install, it simply removed some files but also left
    some remnents.
    Microsoft XP Home edition V 2002 Service Pack 3
    Dell Dimension 8400 P4 3.00 Ghz 3.00GB ram
    Hope this helps.

  • Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from A

    I cannot export images after processing in Lightroom 5 (the newest version). See the message on top.

    if not setting Post-Processing option results in a cryptic error why doesn't Adobe do one of at least three things?
    1. Don't let user click Export on Export dialog if nothing's selected for Post-Processing.
    2. Default Post-Processing to Do Nothing
    3. Give the user a hint as to what the problem is when the error occurs instead of issuing cryptic error message.
    Allowing this error to persist for so long is ridiculous.

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    In the Post-Processing section of your Export dialog, the "After Export:" field is blank (which is invalid, and causes the error). Simply use the dropdown to select a valid option such as "Do Nothing" and the error will stop.

  • Win32 API error 2

    I am using the latest release of Lightroom. My workflow is a bit compicated but here goes. I am a real estate photographer. I shoot -1 0 +1 brackets in RAW. I blend the 3 raw files in Lightroom using LREnfuse. This blended file is sent to Bridge CC as a .tiff file. I openthis file in Camera RAW 8.1. Make whatever adjustments that need to made and then open in PS CC for final crop, sharpening etc. Just as the file is going to Bridge i get the following error message:
    I have been using this work flow, in these programs for a very long time. What is the problem here?

    @webweaver Quote " I don't know if there is a difference between the CC version of LR5 and the stand-alone version."
    Maybe this post on the Lightroom Journal website in May 2013 (from the Lightroom Team) should provide relative information.
    Lightroom and the Creative Cloud
    Posted on May 6, 2013 by Tom Hogarty | Comments (122)
    Adobe’s recent announcement around our Creative Cloud update has  generated quite a few questions around how it will impact Lightroom 5.   I’ve answered a few of the questions below and please feel free to ask  additional questions in the comments.
    Q. How much will Lightroom 5 cost?
    A. Lightroom 5 is available for an estimated $149 US.  Customers of  previous versions of Lightroom can upgrade to Lightroom 5 for an  estimated $79 US.
    Q. Will Lightroom 5 be included as part of Adobe Creative Cloud?
    A. Yes.  Lightroom 5 will be delivered to Creative Cloud members at no extra charge when it’s available.
    Q. Will I still be able to purchase Lightroom 5 outside of the Creative Cloud
    A. Yes. Lightroom 5 will continue to be available as a standalone  product, available for purchase as an Electronic Software Download(ESD)  or as a boxed product with a traditional perpetual license.
    Q. Will there be a different version of Lightroom called Lightroom CC?
    A. No.
    Q. Will there be features of Lightroom 5 that are exclusive to Creative Cloud members?
    A. No.
    Q. Will Lightroom become a subscription only offering after Lightroom 5?
    A. Future versions of Lightroom will be made available via traditional perpetual licenses indefinitely.
    Q. Is Lightroom included with a Photoshop CC single-app subscription?
    A. Lightroom is available as stand-alone purchase, and through the  full Creative Cloud package. Lightroom is not included with a Photoshop  CC single-app membership.
    Also have a look at this post in the official "Feature Request, Bug Report website." _members_and_no_mention_in_release_notes

  • Error message when exporting photos

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    The files are actually exported, however i keep getting this message.

    It's a known problem. The "After Export" entry in the Post-Processing section at the bottom of the Export dialog is blank, which causes the error message. Use the drop-down to select a valid option such as "Do Nothing" and the problem is resolved.

  • Error compling Solaris(TM) OE Implementation Win32 API

    I have downloaded above API from sun web site. I am not able to compile it. Do I have to use forte to complie it ? I am using gnu gcc /g++ 2.95.3 on sparc solaris 8.
    I am able to compile without any flags. Means no CFLAGS, no OPTIONS and no LIB64_FLAGS. with this flags it is giving me error for each .c file :
    gcc : language CC not recognised.
    gcc : xxxxx.c linker input file unused since linking is no done.
    And if I use 'release/' that is supplied with download and includes that into my program, it gives me error :
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:134 declaration does not declare anyhing
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:169 parse error before 'char'
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:240 declaration does not declare anyhing
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:241 declaration does not declare anyhing
    And wintypes.h :
    134: typedef unsigned long DWORD;
    135: typedef unsigned long long DWORD64;
    168: typedef unsigned int SID;
    169: typedef SID *PSID;
    239:typedef BOOL *LPBOOL;
    240: typedef CHAR TCHAR;
    240: typedef CHAR _TCHAR;
    And it is also giving me too many warnings for widec.h, wchar_iso.h and getwc.
    thaks in advanced.

    Yes, you need to use the Forte C/C++ compiler (Formerly known as Sun's Workshop compiler) to compile the library. The Solaris(TM) OE Implementation of Win32 API library has never been tested with gcc compiler.
    It is also mentioned in the README file under the root level folder for this library that this version of library has been compiled by the Sun WorkShop 5.0 98/12/15 C on SunOS Solaris 8. One should use the cc compiler "Sun WorkShop 5.0 98/12/15 C 5.0" or higher version to compile this library.

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    System is windows8, 64bit Lightroom 5.2 (newest version)

    At the bottom of the import dialog is a popup marked Post-processing.  It's probably currently empty.  Set it to Do Nothing and try the export again.

  • Win32 API to get cluster List from domain

    Hi ,
      we are using NetServerEnum API to retrive the list of cluster from domain. But it failed with error 2127 on windows 2008 server and the cluster /list command also failed with same error.
    But if we pass domain name to cluster .exe then it works.
    So is there any win32 API other than NetserverEnum which will give the list of clusters in a domain.

    can you also use powershell here?
    Get-Cluster -domain
    This will give you all failover cluster in the specified DNS domain.
    Hope that helps.
    Ramazan Can [MVP Cluster]

  • LabVIEW call Win32 API DLL function from third party

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to build a LabVIEW 2010 interface on 32-bit Window XP system to configurate and communicate to an Anglient laser head through its USB expansion box. I contacted the vendor and they shared a win32 API with some dll files. I started with a function called "A55292Find", but the CLF node always pop up error 1097.I checked the MSDN to get the corresponding LabVIEW data type for CLF.
    My question is: Do I need to initialize those arguments? (How can I know the values of them if initialization is needed?)
    Could anyone help me figure out what's the problem?
    Here is what I have from API documents about this function:
    The A55292Find function returns lists of handles and board types for all the 55292 USB
    Expansion Modules connected to the system.
    A55292RC __cdecl A55292Find(
    HANDLE hBoxes[], // List of handles for the boxes found. (as Unsigned 32-bit integer numeric)
    BOARDTYPE PortABrdType[], // List of board types for slot A boards (as Unsigned 16-bit integer numeric)
    BOARDTYPE PortBBrdType[], // List of board types for slot B boards (as Unsigned 16-bit integer numeric)
    WORD *spMaxBoxes); // dimension for all of the passed arrays. (as Unsigned 16-bit integer array data pointer)
    // (function return type as Unsigned 32-bit integer numeric)
    HBoxes[] Array that will receive the list of HANDLES for all the 55292 boxes connected.
    PortABrdType[] An array that will receive Slot ‘A’ board type information for each 55292 box.
    PortBBrdType[] An array that will receive Slot ‘B’ board type information for each 55292 box.
    spMxBoxes Passes the maximum number of values that can be held in hBoxes, PortABrdType, and PortBBoardType arrays to the A55292Find routine and returns the actual number of boxes found
    The return value will be one of the following A55292RC return codes:
    Value Meaning
    A55292_NO_ERROR No error
    A55292_TIMEOUT Timeout accessing a shared memory
    This routine must be called to obtain handles and board type information used in calling all the other routines. If there are significantly more array elements than boxes, the routine will take longer to complete.
    These are the definitions: 
    typedef DWORD A55292RC; enum{A55292_NO_ERROR, A55292_HANDLE_ERROR,...}
    typeder WORD BOARDTYPE; enum{A55292_PCAL_BOARD, A55292_NO_BOARD, ...}
    Thanks a lot,
    Go to Solution.
    call ‏10 KB

    nkang11 wrote:
    Hi Mr. Kalbermatter,
    As you told me, I should try to use the defined enumeration words as control and indicator.
    For the previous CLF node, it successfully returned the hardware configuration (I have only connected a board at slot A):
    But I really want to see a string return as "A55292_PCAL_BOARD" which is defined by "typedef WORD BOARDTYPE; enumeration {...}; Does that mean I need to change the data type or do something like "converter"? Or initialize the array first, then convert it to string type?
    Right now, I'm trying to open the laser card by using "A55292PcalOpen(HANDLE hDev, SLOTSELECT SlotSelector);" function which requires to use the enumeration constants from " typedef WORD SLOTSELECT; enum {A55292_PORT_A, A55292_PORT_B};" but I'm confused to shot an constant control to a new CLF node.
    Since almost all of the arguments in dll function are typedefined as WORD, short and struct et al, I hope you could give me some hints on it.
    Thank you very much sincerely!
    Depending on the actual C implementation you can simply create a LabVIEW enum with the according item names or use a ring control instead. Teh enum requires the numeric values of the items to be in consecutive order without any gaps in between. This is a given if the C definition never assigns a specific number to the item. If the C enum is not consecutive you need to go with a ring control instead.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Kill RT task frontpanel RED-X versus WIN32-API

    I have a LabVIEW task compiled to EXE which is downloaded to a remote processor; the front panel remains open locally.
    I want to kill that task and re-download it. This works the way I want if I use the local mouse to click the RED-X kill box on the upper right corner of the local front panel for the remote task... The panel disappears AND the remote task stops executing.
    The problem is that when I use the WIN32-API to try and kill the local front panel for the remote task I never get the remote task killed. Some  WIN32-API calls such as sending EndTask via USER32.DLL to the local panel's window ID cause the local panel to close but the remote task keeps running and is not aborted. Sending a WM_Close to the local panel's window ID involves the operator because it produces a LabVIEW dialog asking me whether I "want to close all RT tasks or not"
    What message do I send to the window, or what system call do I envoke to get the same result as that simple local mouse click on the RED-X kill box on the upper right corner of the local front panel for the remote task?
    Thanks, Jerry

    Normally a Real-Time task does not require a front panel so closing the Front Panel that you have opened remotely does not necessarily cause the VI to stop running, it merely disconnects the front panel connection to the VI.
    In order to achieve the same resul, you can use an Invoke Node to close another VI.
    To do this you will need to
    follow the steps outlined below.
    Open a blank VI and place an Open VI Reference on the block diagram.
    a control to the "VI Path" input of the Open VI Reference. On the front
    panel you will need to browse to the VI you want stopped.
    Wire an Invoke Node to the Open VI Reference and set the Invoke Node to "Abort VI."
    Wire a Close Reference to the Invoke Node.
    Wire a General Error Handler to the Close Reference.
    Open the VI that you want to stop. Make sure it is running and then run the vi you just created. This will stop the first VI.
    Hope this helps! 
    Ask NI (
    Search The KnowledgeBase
    NI Developer Zone
    Measure It. Fix It.
    NI Vision

  • Win32 API 1.1.1 compilation problems

    We don't (alas) use Sun's compilers here, so I've
    tried to compile the Win32 emulation library, version
    1.1.1, using gcc 3.3.2. It yields the warnings and
    outright errors listed below. I think it's a little
    appalling that Sun didn't at least try this
    themselves; it would give them some clues as to what
    kinds of problems their own compilers aren't catching,
    beyond the effect of getting them to notice and fix
    these particular problems.
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c Files.c -o release/Files.o
    Files.c: In function `GetFileAttributesEx':
    Files.c:745: warning: right shift count >= width of type
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c NamedPipe.c -o release/NamedPipe.o
    NamedPipe.c: In function `NamedPipeBroadcast':
    NamedPipe.c:185: warning: passing arg 3 of `pthread_create' from incompatible pointer type
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c ThreadFuncs.c -o release/ThreadFuncs.o
    ThreadFuncs.c: In function `GetCurrentThread':
    ThreadFuncs.c:134: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of `memset'
    ThreadFuncs.c:135: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of `memset'
    *** Error code 1 (ignored)
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c WSASockets.c -o release/WSASockets.o
    WSASockets.c: In function `WSASendTo':
    WSASockets.c:158: warning: passing arg 3 of `pthread_create' from incompatible pointer type
    WSASockets.c: In function `WSARecvFrom':
    WSASockets.c:216: warning: passing arg 3 of `pthread_create' from incompatible pointer type
    WSASockets.c: In function `WSAEventSelect':
    WSASockets.c:247: warning: passing arg 3 of `pthread_create' from incompatible pointer type
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c mutex.c -o release/mutex.o
    mutex.c: In function `CreateMutex':
    mutex.c:47: error: incompatible types in assignment
    *** Error code 1 (ignored)
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c time.c -o release/time.o
    time.c: In function `LocalFileTimeToFileTime':
    time.c:369: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c:375: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c:376: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c: In function `SetTimeZoneInformation':
    time.c:752: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    time.c:780: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    time.c: In function `UnixTimeToFileTime':
    time.c:993: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c: In function `FileTimeToUnixTime':
    time.c:1019: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c:1023: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c: In function `bValidateFileTimeRange':
    time.c:1051: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c:1054: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    time.c:1055: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c virtual.c -o release/virtual.o
    virtual.c: In function `VirtualFree':
    virtual.c:511: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    virtual.c: In function `VirtualAlloc':
    virtual.c:746: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    virtual.c:746: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    virtual.c: In function `VirtualProtect':
    virtual.c:873: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    virtual.c:873: warning: comparison between pointer and integer
    gcc -I../include -D__EXTENSIONS__ -c sysinfo.c -o release/sysinfo.o
    sysinfo.c:548:28: warning: unknown escape sequence '\-'

    The Solaris(TM) OE Implementation for Win32 API Version 1.0 has been compiled by the WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/12/15 C 5.0 at SUN.
    All the source files have ".c" extension which mean you can not use the "CC"/C++ compiler to compile it. You must use the C compiler "Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C 5.2" instead of C++ compiler "Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2" to compile this package.
    Hope this will help.

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