LR3 unsupported damaged files

Since I've switched to LR3 I've been having alot more files come up as unsupported or damaged.  I'm led to believe that its LR3 thats damaging the files. It happens with tiff, psd, cr2 files. Every file, I was at one point able to work with.  Needless to say I'm borderline furious as its been happening to files I've been working with recently and as the gods would have it its been the ones that people want to buy or publish.  I cant open the files in photoshop either after they've been damaged.  Does anyone now why this is happening, or what I can do to prevent it? I'm basically scared to use LR3 as I fear its going to damage another valuable image...

Hello there.
I'm wondering if you are still having issues using LR3 and the drobo and if you've been able to figure out anything else. I suspect my situation is similar to yours. I have my entire image catalogue in the drobo and very often I get images and sometimes entire folders that become inaccessible/corrupted.
I'm suspecting this has something to do with the fact that:
a) The drobo sometimes falls "asleep" and when you want to access a folder it may take a few moments to wake up and make that folder accessible.
b) LR3 keeps a "virtual" folder structure for your catalogue, so even if the drobo is "asleep" and there's no immediate access to certain folders and files, LR3 still sees them and acts as if they were available.
For instance, this morning I opened my lightroom catalogue and tried to move a folder to a new location. The drobo seemed to be lagging behind as it happens often, and when I dragged the folder to its new location it wasn't able to write it because drobo hadn't yet made it accessible. So LR errored out saying that it couldn't access the destination folder. Now this destination folder, which contained thousands of photos, is corrupted and inaccessible.
This has already happened several times, sometimes with individual images and sometimes with entire folders (as in this case). Sometimes a chkdsk /x will fix the problem, but many times it won't and I'll have to recover my images from a backup.
This is causing me a lot of grief as finding the problem, running chkdsk and recovering from backups all the time is a very time consuming process. So I wanted to check if you are still using the drobo and having issues or if you have given up on it as I'm now thiking of doing.

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    Cool; glad that helped. And note that installing QT7 isn't a downgrade; they can live side-by-side. It's possible that QT7 is already present on the system (not a Mac user, myself), so maybe it was just the upgrade to 5.5.2 that did it. Whatever it was, glad you're in business!
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    Any solution is a good solution, djeeper.
    MPEGs and video from hard disk cameras can be a bit iffy in programs like Premiere Elements. If it works, great! But sometimes they do work and sometimes they don't. (You can increase the odds they will work by downloading and installing the K-Lite Codec Pack -- but even that's no guaranteed solution.)
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    CS 6 suite
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    Glad that you found that.
    For Video, the PSD's need to be RGB, and not CMYK or Intexed Color. They need to be 8-bit. Paths can cause issues, though not always, and the same for Smart Objects (some work fine, and others muck things up???). Often, tiny pixel counts in a Layer (think something very small, like a logo, in a much larger Image), can cause issues.
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    Export As
    Save In: Desktop
    I Create an .aaf file name
    Export Setting: Link Audio and Video
    Options - Export As: AAF
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