LR5: yellow/sepia highlights

Been using Win 7, LR4, installed LR5. Pure white image highlights now display as yellow/sepia, with both color and B/W images. This happens in Library, Develop, Print, thumbnail strip. In Print module, images have the sepia highlights, but the background displays as pure white, as it should. In the Develop module, the Histogram shows 100% for R, G, B values when mousing over what should be pure white areas. The images are Process 2012; have tried setting to 2010 and 2003, but there was no change.
Using Epson 3880 printer, have Print Preview turned on. No color cast in Print Preview, and the prints show no color cast.
Same images opened in Photoshop display correctly, with no sepia cast. I suspect that my LR preview images are the villans, but don't know how to correct that.
What am I missing?

Call off the dogs -- my error. I had calibrated my monitor via the PREVIOUS disk drive that was in this computer, but not with the CURRENT drive. I let my Colormunki do its thing, and all is well now.

Similar Messages

  • Highlights appear clear only, unable to make them colored in Acrobat XI Pro

    When I try to use the highlight tool to highlight text in a pdf file the highlights appear clear only. The color is set to yellow in the properties and the opactiy setting is not the issue. Also when I highlight it creates a ballon icon which it has not previously. Any ideas?

    That has been driving me crazy too.   Just started failing within the last month.
    I blamed Acrobat Pro XI 11.0.10 update on Win 7
    An Acrobat user said it worked fine for them.
    11.0.9 works fine for me on Win 8
    Adobe Flash has been giving me absolute fits;  it will not update.
    I used Adobe uninstall utility to remove it completely so I could use full installer.
    That doesn't work either, so now I am "flashless" on Win7.
    It occurred to me that perhaps Adobe was using Flash to implement
    highlighting in Acrobat.   During my experimentation, I noticed if
    I highlighted text ( Yellow ), no highlight appeared ... but Acrobat
    said the document was modified when I tried to save.
    I R-clicked the highlight, chose "Properties" and changed the
    color from Yellow to anything else.
    It works ... treat Acrobat and Snow the same  ( avoid the yellow )
    and you'll be fine.
    How very very strange.

  • 'Highlight' Character Style -- Why Does the Font Change?

    I want to define a style that mimics a highlight marker.
    Choose some text, set the background/fill to yellow.
    Highlight filled words, then choose 'Define Style From Selection..."
    Then, in the More... selection I deselect every attribute of the character style except for the fill colour. So this should highlight text, but leave every other attribute of the text unchanged -- I think.
    But whenever I apply it, the font changes to something I don't recognise -- even though the font is not a part of the character style description.
    What am I doing wrong?

    You need to make sure the font is embedded in the PDF. This is optional in some sofware.
    If it is not embedded, your local font is used. No such local font exists on the iPad.

  • Custom Styles in TextEdit - Background Highlighting

    Hi, I defined a custom/'favorite' style for use in TextEdit which applies yellow background highlighting to selected text. (The style was added to the GlobalPreferences.plist file, as I'm on Snow Leopard). The issue is that when I highlight text and apply this style, it overrides any prior formatting like bold, italic, or underline, and reverts the selection to plain text when applying the background highlighting.
    I understand this is mechanically correct, because my user-defined Highlight style induces [plain text + yellow background color]. My question is this: is there any way to modify my defined style to preserve the original formatting of the text, adding only the background color without modifying the pre-existing text attributes? Basically I would like my bold, italic, underline, strikethroughs, font size, etc. to be preserved when applying a background color to selected text.
    For reference, I defined the style by electing to 'add to favorite styles' a selection from one of the similarly pre-formatted rich text files that's available, and did NOT include the font or the ruler as part of the style. I understand that I could create separate favorite styles for highlight+bold, highlight+italic, highlight+underline, highlight+strikethrough, highlight+[each font size], and all combinations thereof, but applying each different style to each subsection of text would be as cumbersome as reformatting each subsection as +bold, +italics, etc. after the highlight it applied and text style is reverted to default.
    I have extracted the NSFavoriteStyles section from the ~/Library/Preferences/GlobalPreferences.plist file and located the style I defined, it appears like this:
    Highlighter =     {
            NSBackgroundColor = <62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050615 16582476 65727369 6f6e5824 6f626a65 63747359 24617263 68697665 72542474 6f701200 0186a0a3 07080f55 246e756c 6cd3090a 0b0c0d0e 5624636c 6173735c 4e53436f 6c6f7253 70616365 554e5352 47428002 10014831 20312030 2e3200d2 10111213 5a24636c 6173736e 616d6558 24636c61 73736573 574e5343 6f6c6f72 a2121458 4e534f62 6a656374 5f100f4e 534b6579 65644172 63686976 6572d117 1854726f 6f748001 08111a23 2d32373b 41484f5c 6264666f 747f8890 939caeb1 b6000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 19000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 b8>;
    What would I need to add to this string to retain existing text formatting when applying the style? It should be possible, as applying the 'Underline' style does not override an existing 'Bold' style, for example, but I don't see any commands in those styles that supplement the information that appears in my defined 'Highlighter' style.
    I also understand this may be pre-Lion specific, as I've heard the TextEdit program is now sandboxed in such a way as to prevent the definition of new styles. I'll have to try on my Mountain Lion machine when I have a chance. I appreciate any help, thanks!

    It's been a while and I'm not sure you're still listenting to or interested in this.
    Anyway I finally had some time to play with and come up with an implementation via system services.
    There are three files to make the service, whose codes are listed below.
    • main.m (wrapper executable)
    • main.rb (service body)
    • make (bash script to make .service from source)
    # Recipe
    1) Create the three plain text files (in utf8) by copy-pasting codes listed below and place them loose in a new directory, e.g., ~/Desktop/work.
    2) Issue the following commands in Terminal, which yield a package named TextHighlightServices.service in ~/Desktop/work.
    * You need to have gcc installed, which comes with Xcode.
    cd ~/Desktop/work
    chmod ug+x make
    3) Move the TextHighlightServices.service to ~/Library/Serivecs
    4) Log out and log in to let the new service be recognised.
    (This may not be necessary for .service, but I'd play for safety. Also you may use the following command in Terminal instead of re-login, if necessary:
    # in 10.5
    # in 10.6
    /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs -flush
    5) Done.
    # Usage
    If everything goes well, you'll see two services named "Text Highlight - Add" and "Text Highlight - Remove" in Services menu in TextEdit when you select some text in rich text mode. (In 10.6, services only appear in its applicable context, while in 10.5, they may yet appear in non-applicable context and be grayed-out.)
    Invoke the serivces on selected rich text via menu or keyboard shortcuts and see if it works. Keyboard shortcuts are currently defined as Command-9 for highlight and Command-0 for unhighlight.
    You may change the menu item names, keyboard shortcuts and highlight colour by changing the values in the #properties section at the beginning of make file. (Or you may directly edit Info.plist file in the package. But 'make' is instant and it'll be faster to re-make the package than to edit it manually)
    # Notes
    • Highlight and unhighlight are implemented as two services and you cannot assign one keyboard shortcut, e.g., Command-Y to both to toggle highlight state. (One 'toggle highlight service' is possible but you need to re-write the code as such)
    • Keyboard shortcut is case-sensitive. E.g., J means Command-Shift-j.
    • If keyboard shortcut is ignored, it is most likely that the key is already used for something else.
    • This service is written to terminate itself if idle for ca. 20 seconds. It will be re-launched on demand. To keep the service running is not a problem, usually, but I noticed this rubycocoa code constantly uses ca 1.1% CPU and decided not to let it waste energy. If you rewrite the code in Objective-C proper, it would be 0.0% CPU usage in idle.
    • Tested with 10.5.8 and 10.6.5.
    # Files
    // file
    //     main.m
    // function
    //     wrapper executable to run Contents/Resources/main.rb
    // compile
    //     gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o PROGNAME main.m
    #import <RubyCocoa/RBRuntime.h>
    int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
        return RBApplicationMain("main.rb", argc, argv);
    # file
    #     main.rb
    # function
    #     to provide text highlight services
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    class Services < NSObject
        attr_reader :last_invoked
        def init()
            @last_invoked =
        # utility method
        def highlight_pboard_colour(option, pboard, colr)
            # int option : 0 = remove bg colour, 1 = add bg colour
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSColor colr : background colour for highlight
            raise ArgumentError, "invalid option: #{option}" unless [0,1].include? option
            @last_invoked =
            # read rtf data from clipboard
            rtf = pboard.dataForType('public.rtf')
            # make mutable attributed string from rtf data
            docattr =
            mas = NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.objc_send(
                :initWithRTF, rtf,
                :documentAttributes, docattr)
            rase ArgumentError, "zero-length rtf is given" if mas.length == 0
            # add or remove background colour attribute
            r = NSMakeRange(0, mas.length)
            if option == 1
                    :addAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                    :value, colr,
                    :range, r)
            elsif option == 0
                    :removeAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                    :range, r)
            # make rtf data from mutable attributed string
            rtf = mas.objc_send(
                :RTFFromRange, r,
                :documentAttributes, docattr)
            # write rtf data to the clipboard
                :declareTypes, ['public.rtf'],
                :owner, nil)
                :setData, rtf,
                :forType, 'public.rtf')
        # service method 1 : highlight rtf
        def highlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
            # NSString **error
            # set background colour from given user data
            r, g, b, a = udata.to_s.split(/\s+/).map {|x| x.to_f}
            colr = NSColor.objc_send(
                :colorWithCalibratedRed, r,
                :green, g,
                :blue, b,
                :alpha, a)
            # add background colour to rtf
            self.highlight_pboard_colour(1, pboard, colr)
        # register ruby method as objc method
        objc_method(:highlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
        # service method 2 : un-highlight rtf
        def unhighlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
            # NSString **error
            self.highlight_pboard_colour(0, pboard, nil)
        # register ruby method as objc method
        objc_method(:unhighlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
    class AppDelegate < NSObject
        def init()
            @services = Services.alloc.init
            @timer = NSTimer.objc_send(
                :timerWithTimeInterval, 5.0,  # periodic check interval [sec]
                :target, self,
                :selector, :idle,
                :userInfo, nil,
                :repeats, true)
            @TTL = 20.0  # time to live in idle [sec]
        def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notif)
                :addTimer, @timer,
                :forMode, NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
        def applicationShouldTerminate(sender)
        def idle(timer)
            if @services.last_invoked.timeIntervalSinceNow < -@TTL
    def main
        app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
        delegate = AppDelegate.alloc.init
    if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME    # = if this file is the primary ruby program currently executed
    # file
    #    make
    # function
    #    to make PROGNAME.service package from main.m and main.rb
    export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
    # properties
    HIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Add"
    UNHIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Remove"
    HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR="1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0" # R B G A in [0.0, 1.0]
    # make package directories
    rm -rf "${PROGNAME}".service
    mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/{MacOS,Resources}
    # make PkgInfo
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}.service/Contents/PkgInfo"
    # make Info.plist
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Info.plist
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    # make version.plist
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/version.plist
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    # make ServicesMenu.strings
    mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ServicesMenu.strings
    /* Services menu item to highlight or unhighlight the selected text */
    # copy *.rb in Contents/Resoures
    ditto *.rb "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/
    # compile wrapper executable
    gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o "${EXECPATH}" main.m
    It is fun to play with rubycocoa.
    And glad if this helps.
    Good luck,
    cf. s.pdf
    Message was edited by: Hiroto ( fixed 'make' to './make' in Recipe 2, sorry)

  • How to highlight one word?

    Is it possible to highlight one word with iWeb?
    So far I am able to only highlight a whole paragraph.

    I tried this and it appears to work. In iWeb open and the page you want to add the highlight go to the bottom of the page and choose shapes. The rectangle will work. This will show up in the middle of your page. Drag it down and reshape it over the word you want to highlight. Click on the inspector icon on the bottom right of the page and highlight the shapes icon. Click on the color fill and choose bright yellow (or what ever you like). The word you want to highlight will be "hidden" behind the yellow rectangle. Choose the opacity function in the same window as the color fill and move it to check if the rectangle is where you want it placed. With the yellow rectangle highlighted go up to the menu bar on the top of your screen and choose arrange- move to back. Bingo. Sounds hard but its not. Just verbose to describe.
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Can you prevent a Highlight from growing?

    I want the highlight to remain a fixed size but it will still grow when you add a character after the highlight.
    a) click the "Show Highlights" button to see the current highlights
    b) position the caret after the "8" and enter a character
    c) click the "Show Highlights" button again and the last position value will have changed.
    Is there a way to prevent this?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class HighlightQuestion extends JFrame
         private JTextComponent component;
         private Highlighter highlighter;
         private Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter;
         public HighlightQuestion()
              component = new JTextField(20);
              getContentPane().add(component, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              JButton show = new JButton("Show Highlights");
              show.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        Highlighter.Highlight[] highlights = component.getHighlighter().getHighlights();
                        for (int i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++)
                             Highlighter.Highlight h = highlights;
                             System.out.println("\t" + h.getStartOffset() + " : " + h.getEndOffset());
              getContentPane().add(show, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              highlighter = component.getHighlighter();
              painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter( Color.YELLOW );
                   highlighter.addHighlight(2, 4, painter);
                   highlighter.addHighlight(7, 9, painter);
              catch(BadLocationException ble)
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              JFrame frame = new HighlightQuestion();
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );

    I found a solution, but I am not sure if it is the best...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.CaretListener;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class HighlightQuestion extends JFrame
        private JTextComponent component;
        private Highlighter highlighter;
        private Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter;
        public HighlightQuestion()
            component = new JTextField(20);       
            component.addCaretListener(new CaretListener()
                public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
            getContentPane().add(component, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            JButton show = new JButton("Show Highlights");
            show.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    Highlighter.Highlight[] highlights = component.getHighlighter().getHighlights();
                    for (int i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++)
                        Highlighter.Highlight h = highlights;
    System.out.println("\t" + h.getStartOffset() + " : " + h.getEndOffset());
    getContentPane().add(show, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void removeHighlights(JTextComponent textComp)
    Highlighter hilite = textComp.getHighlighter();
    Highlighter.Highlight[] hilites = hilite.getHighlights();
    for (int i=0; i<hilites.length; i++)
    public void setHighLights()
    highlighter = component.getHighlighter();
    painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(Color.YELLOW);
    highlighter.addHighlight(2, 4, painter);
    highlighter.addHighlight(7, 9, painter);
    catch (BadLocationException ble)
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
    JFrame frame = new HighlightQuestion();

  • ALV - How to hide yellow color in first cell

    Hello ALV experts!
    I am using 7 ALV layouts in one screen with one main screen and 6 small layouts with nine cells each. My objective is to enter data data in main ALV which updates the cells in the remaining ALV layouts.
    In all the six ALV alyouts, I am getting the first cell with yellow color (highlighted) which makes screen look awkward. Do you have any idea how to hide that color. ALso I would apprecaite if any of you know how to make the column fixed (when you pull the vertcal line between columns, it should not move).
    I am using OOPS ALV grid control.

    TO fix a column, in the filedcatalogfor the particular column which u want to fix give as
    fcat-fieldname  = 'MATNR'.
    fcat-<b>FIX_COLUMN = 'X'.</b>
    Hope this helps.

  • Is there anyway to change/add more highlighter colors in Preview? I need more colors aside from those already provided in the app.

    I'm a law student and I use the preview app extensively for reading cases. I need more highlighter colors aside from those already provided and it seems that there's no possible way of adding/changing the colors.

    Unlike Preview, the Adobe Reader application allows you to change PDF highlight (comment) text colors via a standard Apple color chooser. Click Tools on the Reader Toolbar, and then Comment. The second button in the Comment Annotation section is highlight text, and defaults to canary yellow.
    Highlight the document text, and then two-finger tap/control-right-click that highlighted text. On the contextual menu, you will see Properties…. The properties panel has a color well set to yellow. Click this color well, and a standard Apple color chooser will appear that allows you more creative control over your highlight color. When you click a color in the color chooser, it is not automatically updated in the color well, which remains dark grey. When you quit the color chooser, the selected color is updated in this color well and in your document. The next text that you select to highlight will receive a default yellow highlight.

  • How Can I Highlight Each Instance of a Word?

    Does anyone know how to highlight (in yellow) each instance of a particular word that occurs in a PDF document? It's very easy in MS Word but I was told (another Forum) that I would need a Java script to do this in Acrobat.
    If that is so, can anyone share the script with me as I do not know Java?
    Thanks very much!

    This code works in Acrobat 8.x and takes a bit of configuring the client in 9.0.
    //Begin Code
    /* A search dialogue that highlights the words you designate in the dialog box. */
    app.addMenuItem({ cName: "Find Highlighter", cParent: "Tools", nPos: 0, cExec: "highlighterFind()"});
    function highlighterFind()
    var wordFind = app.response({
    cQuestion:"Enter the word you wish to search for",
    cTitle:"Quick Search"
    if(wordFind != null)
    search.query(wordFind, "ActiveDoc")
    var ckWord, numWords;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.numPages; i++ )
    numWords = this.getPageNumWords(i);
    for (var j = 0; j < numWords; j++)
    ckWord = ckWord = this.getPageNthWord(i,j);
    if (ckWord == wordFind) {
    /* then highlight it */
    page: i,
    strokeColor: color.yellow,
    type: "Highlight",
    quads: this.getPageNthWordQuads(i, j),
    author: "Acrobat JavaScript Highlighter",
    contents: wordFind.toString()
    app.alert ("Acrobat is done highlighting the current document",3)
    //End Code

  • What is the best way to kill/stop a data load?

    What is the best way to kill/stop a data load?
    I have a data load from my QA R/3 system that is extracting 115.000.000+ records. The problem is that the selection in the function module used in the data source does not work, and the problem was not detected because of the nature of the data on the development system.
    I could kill processes owned by my background user (on both R/3 and BW) but I risk killing other loads, and sometimes the job seems to restart if I just try to kill processes. If I remove transactional RFCs in SM58 the load does not terminate; I only skip one or more datapackages. I have also tried to change the QM-status in the monitor to red, but that does not stop the load either...
    So isn't there a nice fool-proof way of stopping a dataload?
    Best regards,
    Christian Frier

    There r 2 ways to kill the job.
    One is using transation RSMO locate the job and display the status tab double click on the yellow light that is shown on the line total, a pop will come 'set overall status ' is displayed select the desired status that is red and save it. Then return to the monitor page and select the header tab double ckick on the data target right click and then goto 'manage',there should be request sitting there probably with yellow lights , highlight the line with the faulty request click the delete button then click refresh button.
    Second is goto SM37 and click on the active selection and enter the jobname and then click excute the particulr job should appear highlight the jobname then click on the stop iconthat appears on the taskbar( 3 rd from left)
    hope it is clear.

  • How to set a hover for Accordion content?

    I'm trying to figure out how to make a vertical side navigation using the accordion feature.
    I've got it all working for what I want to do except for a hover on content.
    I have it set for hover on the labels so it shows the blue bar and yellow text on hover or open like I want.
    What I'd like now is to have a background on each content line when I hover on it (and when selected it stays the background shown on hover).
    I've got a background image for the yellow gradient highlight shown below, but can't figure out how to set the Content for hover like I did the Top Level Tab.
    I'm attaching a couple of files for demonstration in case the above is not clear.

    Use the css :hover..

  • How to stop a triggered process chain

    Does anyone know how to stop a process chain? It was accidentally triggered twice and we need to stop it. Thanks.

    There r 2 ways to kill the job.
    One is using transation RSMO locate the job and display the status tab double click on the yellow light that is shown on the line total, a pop will come 'set overall status ' is displayed select the desired status that is red and save it. Then return to the monitor page and select the header tab double ckick on the data target right click and then goto 'manage',there should be request sitting there probably with yellow lights , highlight the line with the faulty request click the  delete button then click refresh button.
    Second is goto SM37 and click on the active selection and enter the jobname and then click excute the particulr job should appear highlight the jobname then click on the stop iconthat appears on the taskbar( 3 rd from left)
    hope it is clear.

  • Is it possible to change the tab index color?

    I was wondering if it was possible to change the highlight
    color of tabbed elements, specifically buttons? When tabbed to,
    buttons have a yellow rectangle highlight by default. Is it
    possible to change this color and if so how?
    Take care,

    Geoff - Changing the color in Full Screen with Menus has no effect. The dark gray is still there after a close CS4 and open.
    Thanks for the alternative approach. The Faststone screengrab process is quicker. It's just a nuisance you can't change the color or thickness of the grabbing lines.
    Rob - which background? When I right click on the CS4 background - the working area with nothing in it - I get no context menu. I get nothing in fact.
    I am surprised that the Prefernces/Interface changes don't work but they don't seem to.
    I have done abou 160 screen grabs and probably have another 3-400 to do.

  • Changing color of lines that identify selected objects

    Some of my artboards use the color yellow to highlight selected objects. Can I change that?

    that would be your layer color. in the layers panel double click on the layer to get the options window and change the color there.

  • Conditional Build Tags automatically appearing

    I'm running RH on Win 7, 64 bit machine.
    I have this procedure in the WYSIWYG editor, and I want to mark the yellow icon (highlighted in yellow below) with the Online conditional build tag (green hash highlight):
    So, I select that CBT, and so far everything looks fine in the WYSIWYG editor.
    However, if I go to the HTML editor to check the HTML and then go back to the WYGIWYG editor, it's screwed up and looks like this:
    Notice that the conditional online text is automatically covering steps 4 and 5 in the procedure. I thought this bug was supposedly exterminated in build 9.0.1, but seems to be happening... for me anyway. Any solutions to this? I've tried numerous ways of applying the CBT to that icon and it still ends up spanning the following two paragaphs.

    Anjaneai Srivastava wrote:
    I assume that you do not make any changes to any content or tag when you go to HTML view, Right?
    Correct. I just switched from one view and then back. But even when I made changes in the HTML editor, it came back in WYSIWYG. The HTML for the entire topic is quite long, but here's the bit in question, at least after the workaround:
    <li class="p-BodyText"><p class="BodyText">Access the <b>Auto Feature</b>
    dialog box (<b>Insert | Feature | Auto<span style="font-weight: normal;">)</span></b>
    <script language="VBScript" style="x-condition: Online;" type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    On Error Resume Next
    MenuStr = MapCtrl.GetHelpMap(26007) ' ID_INSERT_AUTO_CIRCLE
    //]]></script><?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?><a
    href="javascript://" onclick="MyRoadMap(MenuStr, 'no', event.screenX, event.screenY)"><?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?><img
    src="../images/i_chiclet.gif" alt="Display Menu Roadmap" title="Display Menu Roadmap"
    width="14" height="14" border="0" /><?rh-cbt_end ?></a><?rh-cbt_end ?><?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?>
    <?rh-cbt_end ?>for either circle or cylinder auto features.</p></li>
    <li class="p-BodyText"><p class="BodyText">With the dialog box open,
    click the mouse, and drag a box around those feature types for which
    you want to create auto features. Release the mouse button. PC-DMIS
    will display the <span class="hcp4">CAD Select</span> dialog box,
    showing the number of objects selected.</p></li>
    <li class="p-BodyText"><p class="BodyText">Click <span class="hcp4">Create</span>.
    Based on the objects selected PC-DMIS will generate multiple auto
    features of the selected type.</p></li>
    <?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?><p class="BodyText"><a class="dropspot"
    id="a21"><?rh-cbt_start condition="Online" ?><img
    src="../i_blue.jpg" alt="See a brief demo on box selecting and creating multiple auto features"
    title="See a brief demo on box selecting and creating multiple auto features"
    style="border: none;" width="30" height="30" border="0" /><?rh-cbt_end ?></a><script
    type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">//<![CDATA[
    Anjaneai Srivastava wrote:
    Is this behaviour replicable one other topics of your project?
    I certainly hope not. It's a very large project (2700+ topics) so finding the issue again while likely is going to be a bit of a pain. However, I will be testing it soon. If I find anything, I'll let you know.
    Anjaneai Srivastava wrote:
    One important question, is this the same project generated by decompiling the CHM file ?
    No. This is my original English project and was converted from RH 7.

Maybe you are looking for

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