Lumia 800 Update - German T-Mobile Product Custome...

Hopefully T-Mobile Germany will approve the new Update soon! 

We've been waiting for that quite some time now. All other German operators seem to have already approved it.

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  • Lumia 800 to windows 8 mobile??

    Am I able to upgrade the software on my Lumia 800 to windows 8 mobile??
    Go to Solution.

    What exactly do you want?
    At first sight it looks like you're telling people to download Windows 8. Microsoft might not be too happy about that.
    If you're asking where *you* can download it then that's a different matter, although it's irrelevant to these forums.
    Maybe you want to know where to download Windows *PHONE* 8?
    Short answer: you can't.
    Longer answer: your phone either comes with it or not. The latest Lumia phones already have it so there's nothing to do. Older Lumia phones such as the 800 or the 900 originally shipped with Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango", which was later updated to Windows Phone 7.8. These phones will *NOT* be updated to Windows Phone 8.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

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    I think you need to go post this latest issue over on the Microsoft Windows Phone Answers forum.  There are Microsoft moderators over there that could possibly provide better information than you'll get here.
    Microsoft MVP Windows Phone

  • To clarify: does the Lumia 800 update fix the batt...

    Hi all
    First time poster. I've been reading these boards for a week now trying to figure out, from the various posts and their many sub-pages, whether this update is
    a) available (UK)
    b) effective
    My wife and I both like the Lumia 800 but are put off by the very concerning battery and sound issues. We are happy to get one provided we can be sure the recent fix is precisely that. We were looking at O2; has anyone on O2 got the update yet, and what are your findings?
    Thanks in advance for any help 
    p.s. another option is to wait for the 900, but from what I've read the UK release date is simply stated as Q2. Is that the latest? 

    Well I'm on Vodafone UK; 12070 update appears to have significantly improved mattersfor me.. These days I ignore the 'estimated time remaining' figure, as it seems to be based on tour usage in an unspecified previous period so now merely provides mild interest. However the 'remaining battery life' definitely reduces noticeably more slowly.
    Usage-wise, I use functions as I need them.. I don't need 24/7 web connection so turn Cellular or Wifi on as and when. While I'll turn Cellular off asap, I'll often leave Wifi on if I'm not leaving the zone. The phone is almost always turned on; I've never yet used flight mode. Listen to music in the car, but often hook up to a charger while doing this, as I would with any mobile.
    I might charge every day, sometimes every couple of days.Depends how much I've been doing.
    To put it in context, my netbook (Wifi always on) battery lasts 45 MINUTES  if I'm lucky!
    I like it, anyway.. 12070 has definitely enhanced my experience :-)
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  • Unlocked lumia 800 +update

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    Go to Solution.

    No problem, we try to fill in the gap left by Nokia. Don't worry about being an "advisor", THIS should explain what it actually means

  • No Lumia 800 update, but support site says it shou...

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    Firmware version: 1600.2483.8107.11501
    (Windows phone connector reports 07.10.08107.3)
    On the update availability page it says that the latest update IS available, but both my phone and Windows Phone Connector tell me that they can't find any update.
    The phone is unlocked, and I'm using a rather obscure carrier called springmobil.
    How can I get that update?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Chipz,
    Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.
    Please use the search function on the forum before asking a question to prevent the same question being asked (and answered) many times over. See the forum guidelines if you have questions on posting.
    You can find the answer to your question in these posts:
    Hope this helps,
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Issues on the Lumia 800 with "WIFI" and "Mobile ne...

    I keep my Lumia 800 on 2G/E at all times usually to conserve battery life, and because i'm at work with a wifi connection all day..occasionally when i go out i like to turn on the 3G and use the map functions etc.
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    So, to solve this problem i have to turn the phone off...but then it takes maybe 10 mins or so till i can turn it back on, it will not turn on straight away!! I have to either wait ten mins or keep pressing the power button and holding it down untilt he phone eventually vibrates to tell me its turning on..whats going on??
    If anyone can shed some light on this matter i'd be very grateful!

    This is still happening, can anyone shed some light on this?

  • When lumia 800 update available for india?

    when lumia 800 1600.2483.8106.11500 update available for indian users?

    Nokia plan to make this update available everywhere over the next two weeks. No one can say exactly when you will have it.
    If in two weeks from now you still don't have it please contact Nokia care or a Nokia care centre in your country.

  • Your Battery Life after Lumia 800 Update

    I recently updated my Lumia 800 to firmware (1600.24838106.11500) and my battery life is much much better. However, I am still not seeing an expected fixed full charge of ~ 1502mAh, which it had before the update. Nokia says it may be an issue with the phone but before I send it back could any else confirm that post update they can get a max capacity charge reading in the 1500mAh's? Could there still be a little more battery charge a firmware update could tap into for all of us or is my battery weakened by pre-update battery management? My battery at the moment polls:
    1) Battery Saver Life remaining around 1day 9hours.
    2) Battery Status Full Charge Capacity varies between ~1350 & 1420 mAh.
    3) Charging using approved Nokia Lumia 800 chargers.
    3) Three charging cycles completed.
    Cheers for the help.

    After the update and a hard reset;
    The max battery ranges between 1322 and 1478
    For the 1st few days I was getting about 26hrs out of it so quite a leap from 6-9hrs but this morning the phone was dead after 16hrs - with most of that time just on standby.
    Plugged in the charger and there's a battery charging image but after 15 mins I still can't turn the phone on to make a call (with charger in).
    During this time my Blackberry 8520 was charged up on Saturday and the battery power shows 3 bars left out of 5.
    The Lumia looks really nice but I think it's covering up internal outdated junk and the only thing that's keeping it selling is smoke and mirrors marketing.
    335 hrs standby time  -  nearly 2 weeks!!! 
    55 hrs of music playback - over 2 days!!!! 
    It's like they plucked the numbers out of the sky... "this will sell it"!
    My phone is now coming up to 2 months old and all this "there's a patch to fix it" has proved nonsense. Sure they've increased it a little but I'm sure I could have got more life out of it by setting the brightness to low myself.

  • Lumia 800: update w 7.5 to 7.10 makes email unable...

    Hi, I updated my Lumia 800 from Windows 7.5 to Windows 7.10.8862.144
    I did this some 3 weeks ago april 12. Since then I cannot read my mail accounts, no synchr. (mail accounts are diplayed in grey in the settings)
    Also the icons do not indicate when I received a text message or missed call.
    Connected to zune today and checked for updates again. no results in solving the problem.
    Zune states the phone is up to date and software 7.10 (8862) is installed.
    The lumia states software Phone 7.8. This is confusing. I was expecting 7.10.
    Mem free is > 10GB.
    Please help to solve this.

    OK, that was easy to solve. It turns out that you have to turn your phone off and on after the software update.
    Now both problems are solved. ........I never turn my phone off..

  • Lumia 800 update and soln.

    can i update my lumia 800 to wp8 when avalebale,
    will wp8 alow bluetooth file transfer, and why wp restricted the golden feature.
    Will nokia lauch the app. For its lumia family for to break the wp restrictions.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi writemujtaba,
    Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums.
    The current series of Lumia devices will not be able to update to Windows phone 8 but development for the current series of Lumia devices will continue for the foreseeable future including an up coming Windows 7.8 update.
    For more information please refer to the following link:​-the-windows-phone-8-unveiling/
    Currently no information is at hand on what the Bluetooth capabilities and protocols Windows phone 8 will support.
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • Lumia 800 update freezes

    Got a message that there was a new update availablle for my Lumia 800. Now its been checking disk space for about 3 hrs...!? Can I safely cancel/abort and retry? Please advise

    I would carry on using you phone and try another time.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • European nokea lumia 800 update

    I purchased a Nokia Lumia 800 from Europe and am wondering when the update will be available for this phone.

    Hi infochick,
    Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum!
    We don't have information available on when an update will become available as this depends on many factors such as your operator as well as for example your specific region. We constantly bring out updates however and as soon as one become available for your particular device it will show up on your phone's screen and in Zune.
    Hope this clears things up.
    If my post has helped you in any way, please accept it as a solution or click on the white star, so that other users will be able to benefit from it too.

  • Lumia 800 update

    i have jsut updated to version 1600.2487.8107.12070 in sydney australia on OPTUS network, thinking the battery improvemants will be awesome.  but:  major problem.  when i call someone on the phone, i cannot hear the other person even though they can hear me.
    it ahs rendered my VERY FAVOURITE phone completely useless.
    please, need urgen help.

    you might find an answer to do with your lumia here /t5/Nokia-with-Windows-Phone/bd-p/Nokia_with_Windows_Phone its a special dealing with just windows based nokias.

  • UK (Orange) Lumia 800 update? Do I have the latest...

    1600.2487.8107.12070 is my firmware. Do I have the latest? The phone isn't prodding me for any update. Soccer and basketball events in the UK and Europe. / Freelance website design service
    Go to Solution.

    Hi davindersangha,
    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Nokia forum.
    The last software version is 1750.0805.8773.12220. You can check the availability with this link.  If the update is available in your area, I will advise you to contact your operator (Orange).
    Let us know how you get on and feel free to post any other questions you may have.
    If this post has helped you to solve this issue, please press the "accept as solution" icon. Kudos would always be appreciated.

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