Mac App Store Cache

I was receiving a error in the app store which stated that I was not logged in with the Apple ID although I already was after searching the forums one suggestion was to delete the app store's cache folder located in  ˜/Library/Caches/ If I delete this folder after placing it in the trash, will the folder be rebuilt when I launch the app store next time? Is it safe?
Thanks for your time...

Carolyn Samit wrote:
The file will be re generated the next time you open the App Store.
If you continue to have problems accessing the app store, the v10.6.7 combo update includes fixes that may help.
Mac OS X v10.6.7 Update Combo
Restart your Mac after the update is installed.
So the app store cache folder will be regenerated when I lauch it the next time right?

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    Clear the downloaded cache them try again?
    but where is the cache?
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    Hi bennlloyd1
    Actually I've tried delete all the content in ~/Library/Caches/ before you told me.
    but it's not solve my problem the Skitch progress still at 80%. and could not be downloaded again or be  canceled.
    I googled for another hour... the solution is to use the activity monitor to monitor the app store's procress. download a new app to see files opend by the app store. Finially I found the location of the real caches!!!
    for me it's
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    aayushp wrote:
    I've been having the same issue. It was all fine until yesterday when I was searching for updates.
    Since when have you been seeing this error message?
    Last time I checked for an update was about 2 weeks ago and there were no errors reported. However, today I wanted to update iTunes to version 10.7 and decided to use the standalone installer rather than the SU version. Still, I decided to run the MAS Software Update function in order to ensure that my computer had all its software up-to-date and then I get this message. I don't think that me installing iTunes is to blame. Probably, it could be an internet connection problem on Apple's end I am still submitting a bug report to Apple.
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    Hi TomCorbishley
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, you want to want to get a refund for a purchase. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you isolate or resolve the issue.
    Report an problem with an item you bought from the iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a great day,

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    The first thing you should do after acquiring a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. How you do that depends on the model. Look it up on this page to see what version was originally installed.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard installation disc, which you can get from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller — not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. I suggest you install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the gray installation discs that came with it. If you don't have the discs, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To boot from an optical disc, insert it, then reboot and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, it should boot into Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    Once booted from the disc or in Internet Recovery, launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive — not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive, which is what you should do.
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    If the previous owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Apple customer service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.

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    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico my first language is Spanish. I do not speak English, however I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
    What needed to be done the day that you set up the new Mac was go into the Mac App Store (MAS), sign into your iTunes/MAS Apple ID, go to the Purchases pane and Accept the iLife apps that would have been there in a special section. That would have sent you Mac's unique identifier code to Apple's servers and verified that this Mac was eligible for the bundled iLife suite and then registered these apps into your MAS account.
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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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    The problem I had was tI could't get to my email on my Ipad it kept asking for the password no matter how many times I changed the password , what did help me was to clear the internet Cache and Cookies , that worked
    try that
                                    The WoodWorker

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    Might be the cache...
    Go to ~/Library/Caches/
    Move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    ~ (Tilde) character represents your Home folder
    Restart your Mac. See if that helped.

  • How can I reset the Mac App Store?

    For some time now, I did not get any update in Mac App Store meaning that there was nothing when klicking on "Updates". Yesterday, I finally looked under "Purchases" (or how is it calles in the English version?) and saw that there were a couple of updates. So, I updated all of them. When returning to the purchases, they were still marked as Applications to update. After repairing the rights in Disk Utility, I got a new update this morning using the "Update" Button again. But all other programs do still have the update button as described even as they are updated already. The version of those I checked was the new one.
    What I did already:
    - I deleted 2 Apps in finder and installed them again - afterwards, again the Update-Button
    - I deleted cache and resetted everything in iTunes
    - I activated the debug menu and deleted the cache and resetted
    - I deleted files in ~/Library as described in
    It seems as if the MAS saves somewhere again which programs are installed in what versions. Probably it couldn't modify that file and is still showing the wrong details. Where can I reset that file? It's just not good if you don't know which App is updated and which one isn't.

    Sorry, that's not it:
    If you have updates available there will be a red badge where you see Updates in the menu top of the App Store window.
    That's what I did not have for a few weeks. That was the start...
    I finally looked under "Purchases" (or how is it calles in the English version?) and saw that there were a couple of updates
    Updates are not available from the Purchases tab.
    Maybe I did not call that correctly, but updates are shown in Parchases tab as well:
    Usually, the "Aktualisieren" Button is shown only, if there is an Update in Update tab as well. But that's exactly the thing that does not fit any more for a couple of Apps.
    Just dragging the apps to the Trash does not delete all the associated files.
    Download and install this free utility to uninstall apps > Download AppCleaner for Mac - Uninstall your apps easily.
    I know that and I have AppCleander installed. But that's not the point since I do want to have a correct view inside the App Store. Instead of the red circles, there should the the word "installed".
    Now when you re download an app, the latest version will be installed.
    Disk Utilty / Permissions has nothing to do with your updates from the App Store.
    Correct for the Application itself but all the data used by the App Store needs to be saved somewhere - that's what I'm talking about.
    I hope I could make this a bit clearer now!
    Thanks for your quick answer!

  • Updates don't appear in mac app store

    Hi, I have a problem with the mac app store. I enter to it and in updates it says that I haven't updates. But I have a lot of apps to update... I had this problem time before but with the terminal and some codes I could repair. But now I can't find this method. I have a MacBook Air (13 inc, mid 2013) with Yosemite 10.10.1
    I have tried this method but don't work:
    Logout, close app store, open app store and loggin with my account.
    - Go to the Spotlight system preferences.
             - Go to the Privacy tab.
             - Add your boot drive ("Macintosh HD") to the privacy list and close the preferences.
             - Open the preferences again and remove your hard drive from the list.
             - Reboot the system.
         3. Try resetting the Mac App Store.
         - Enable the debug menu and restart the Mac App Store: defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true
       - Choose the Reset Application option and restart the Mac App Store.
         4. Purge the Caches:
         rm -r ~/Library/Caches/
         rm -r ~/Library/Caches/
         rm ~/Library/Preferences/
         rm ~/Library/Preferences/
         rm ~/Library/Cookies/
         5. Changing my region to USA and reset.
    So I need a solution...

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Please take this step regardless of the results of Step 1.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of Steps 1 and 2.

  • Every time I try to log in to the Mac App Store, I get red words saying "An unknown error has occurred" How do I fix this?

    Every time I try to log in to the Mac App Store, I get red words saying "An unknown error has occurred" How do I fix this?

    Try deleting the cache associated wi the App Store.
    Quit the App Store if it's open.
    Now open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/
    Click Go then move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    Try the App Store.

  • Every time i try to sign in to the mac app store i get the message 'an unknown error has occurred"

    I can sign into the iTunes store but not into the Mac App Store. I don't have this problem on my other Mac running the same Mac OS X 10.6.8.

    Try deleting the cache associated wi the App Store.
    Quit the App Store if it's open.
    Now open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/
    Click Go then move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    Try the App Store.

  • Mac app store, FaceTime , messages not opening

    Hi - i'm running osx 10.9.4, 2.93 ghz, intel core  i7
    i can not open mac app store, FaceTime, messages, maps, contacts  -
    i recently ran cleanmymac and cleared a bunch of cache, could this have affected?
    how do i fix?

      May be that " CleanMyMac" cleaned too much.
      Remove it and try again.
    Remove CleanMyMac
    Turn off proxies, if selected.
         System Preference > Network > Advanced  > Proxies Tab
         Under "Select Protocol", uncheck any box if selected.
         Click "OK" then  "Apply"

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