Mac App Store. Purchasing too easy

Mac App Store purchasing should be like in iOS app store. You should push twice on the button when you want to buy. That eliminates accidental buying. Too me it happened today. Cat got my attention and i accidentiali moved my fingers on touchpad and voilaa, i owned Keynote that i never wanted and i'm 15 EUR poorer now. Is there any way i can cancel the order? I did cancel downloading, so i never got the software itself.

I got a fast and positive reply from Support. See below:
Welcome to Apple iTunes Store Customer Support! My name is XXXX and I am glad to assist you.
I understand you purchase of "PCalc" was unintentional. I certainly relate to your eagerness to have the issue resolved and I will do my best to resolve this concern for you.
Christoffer, I have refunded the charge of your unintentional purchase. In three to five business days, a credit of $XXXX should be posted to the credit card that appears on the receipt for that purchase.
Please note that this is a one-time exception, as the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions state that all sales are final.
The iTunes Store provides a warning message that asks if you are sure that you want to buy an item. This warning can be turned off. If you would like to make sure that this warning is on, you can reset the warnings in the iTunes Store by following the instructions in this article:
Resetting iTunes Store warnings
You are a valued member of the Apple family. Your experience with the Apple iTunes Store is of utmost importance to us.
Have great days!

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    Good morning Dahveed,
    I confirm, the Mac App Store-apple ID and iOS account-apple ID are the same, now both in Spain. As the Mac App Store apps seem to be on Apple's servers, it should be possible to install them again even if I bought them in a different store (in NL). Maybe in the future with iCloud functionality ? It would be especially important if I would buy a new Mac. But then a copy of the app from my present Mac to the new Mac could do the job I guess.
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    Hi TomCorbishley
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, you want to want to get a refund for a purchase. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you isolate or resolve the issue.
    Report an problem with an item you bought from the iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
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    De nada amigo.
    Thank You for extending the courtesy of awarding points to comments that are helpful or provide answers in the Apple Support Communities, as this is not mandatory, but it is much appreciated!

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    Here's the fix:
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    Downloaded the latest version of iTunes and everything freed up. Downloading now.
    Hey Dah-veed, can I have some of your points !

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