Mac Book Pro taking longer to deliver?

My iPad took less than 2 days to deliver. Why does the MacBook Pro take longer?m    

No one here can answer your question.  The delivery time is, however, a function of many things:
Order processing time
Place of manufacturer
Shipping time
...and so on.

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    Welcome .  Also, you aren't using iOS 5 on a mac.  iOS is for iDevices (iPod, iPad).  You are using a version of OS X.  To find out what version you are running, click >about this mac and it will list 10.x.x.  You don't need to reply with what version your have, this is just for your own information.

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    This helped to speed up my copy of pages.
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    I had an issue where I had to wipe my mac as well. What you have to do to format the hard drive and reinstall is this:
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    Some folks can't leave well enough alone, and insist on downloading all sorts of additional "stuff" that ends up making their Mac unstable.
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    From the menu bar, select
               ▹ About This Mac
    Below the "OS X" legend in the window that opens, the OS version appears. Click the version line twice to display the serial number. If the number is missing or invalid according to this web form, take the machine to an Apple Store or other authorized service center to have the problem corrected.

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    <Edited By Host>

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    it basically says you have to erase your iphone to sync to a new itunes!
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    Hey there MelAllen,
    It sounds like you need help troubleshooting the built in camera on some of the computers there. I want to recommend the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article named:
    How to Troubleshoot iSight
    Built-in iSight cameras
    These steps are for iSight cameras that are built into a computer, such as the iMac G5 (iSight) or later, the MacBook, or MacBook Pro.
    See if the issue is application-specific.
    Try another application (iSight works with applications like iChat, PhotoBooth, and iMovie HD 6) to see if the iSight camera exhibits the same behavior in all applications. If it only happens in one application, try reinstalling that application.
    See if the issue is user-specific.
    Test your iSight camera in another user account. If the issue only occurs in one user, the issue would be isolated to user settings.
    Find out if the computer recognizes the iSight
    Check System Profiler (in the Utilities folder, inside the Applications folder). Under the USB header, check to see if the iSight camera is detected.
    Reset SMC or PMU
    Reset your computer's SMC or PMU, and then check System Profiler again. (SMC reset instructions for iMac G5 (iSight), Intel-based iMacs; PMU reset instructions for MacBook and MacBook Pro.)
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    BHI00 wrote:
    Thanks -  I would rather not upgrade to snow leopard.  Is there a way to revert from IOS 7.0?
    What year, screen size, CPU speed and amount of RAM installed?
    Why not upgrade to Snow Leopard, if you can?
    NO. There is no way to downgrade your iPhone OS back to iOS6. Apple makes downgrades of their mobile OS not possible.
    If you can, the only thing you can do is upgrade your Mac's OS X operating system.

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    The 2009's didn't support sound on HDMI. That came in 2010. Are you sure it ever worked?

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