[Mac/CC 2014] modal dialogs can't be displayed

Hi everybody,
I have ported a plugin from CS6 to CC2014, which works fine for almost everything, except one. Modal dialogs seems not to work anymore. For example, this code:
CAlert::InformationAlert(PMString("Hey, display me!"));
makes InDesign freezing. More precisely, InDesign displays a while rectangle, which seems to be the modal dialog. But there is nothing more, juste this white rectangle. I can move it, but can't interact with it. As it is a modal dialog, the application refuses all further interaction, and I can't close that modal.
I have noticed this behavior was the same with, for example, a Yes/No modal dialog. I suppose this happens on every modal dialog types.
Is there anything that can cause a modal dialog not to be able to display correctly?
Some pieces of informations on versions :
OS : Mac OS 10.9.4
InDesign :
Thanks to anybody providing any piece of advice.

Must have opened my eyes after waking up...
I think I guessed what happens. This modal dialog is called from a model plugin, which works in CS6. I guess Adobe has removed support on anything that is UI-related in model plugin. But instead of generating an error, it makes some mess. I'll try to move the piece of code surrounding the modal dialog call to my UI plugin and see what happens.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
                   import com.adobe.csxs.types.CSXSWindowType;
                   import mx.core.Window;
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                        var w:Window = new TestDialog();
                        if (w) {
                             w.type = CSXSWindowType.MODAL_DIALOG;
                             w.resizable = false;
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    <mx:Window xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
                   private function myCloseWindow():void{
         <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" id="TestPanel" backgroundColor="#D2D2D2">
              <mx:VBox verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" height="100%" width="100%">
                   <mx:HBox height ="90%" width="100%">
                        <mx:Text width="100%" height="100%" text="Some Text"/>
                   <mx:HBox  height = "10%" horizontalAlign="center">
                        <mx:Button id="CloseButton" label="Close" click="myCloseWindow()" />
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    I've tested this one and it works.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <csxs:CSXSWindowedApplication xmlns:csxs="com.adobe.csxs.core.*"
                   import com.adobe.csxs.types.CSXSWindowType;
                   import mx.core.Window;
                   import ModalDialog;
                   public function showModal():void
                        var window:Window = new ModalDialog;
                        window.type = CSXSWindowType.MODAL_DIALOG;
                        window.resizable = false;
              <mx:Button label="Display Modal Dialog" click="showModal()"/>          
    The following is the ModalDialog.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         title="Modal Dialog"
                   private function onCreationComplete():void
                        //Center the window on the screen
                        var screenBounds:Rectangle = Screen.mainScreen.bounds;
                        nativeWindow.x = (screenBounds.width - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                        nativeWindow.y = (screenBounds.height - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
         <mx:VBox verticalAlign="middle" textAlign="center" horizontalAlign="center">
              <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
                   <mx:Label text = "This is an example of a modal dialog box."/>
              <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
                   <mx:Button label = "Close" click="close()"/>

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    sADMItem->SetBooleanValue(sADMDialog->GetItem(dialog, kStoreTextItem) , checkBoxValue);
    /// gettting value
    ADMBoolean bShouldStoreText = sADMItem->GetBooleanValue(sADMDialog->GetItem(thisDialog, kStoreTextItem));
    /// bShouldStoreText always returns 128
    Grant Hickey

    Why is it so hard to specify ADM item in MAC resource file?
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        {04, 14, 18, 14}, // top, left, bottom, right
        ItemID, // ProcID
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    Please help!!!!!!

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    Your System Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access preference will need to be set to "all controls", but it also depends on where the particular button is located in the dialog.  The tab key will highlight the buttons from left to right, shift-tab will highlight the buttons from right to left, and the spacebar will "press" the currently highlighted button.  In addition, the escape key will choose the Cancel button (if there is one), and the return key will choose the default button (if a default has been set the button itself will be lit).

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import javax.help.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
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         public void init()
         // get root frame of applet
    Component component = this;
    while (component.getParent() != null)
    component = component.getParent();
    Frame appletFrame = (Frame) component;
    // create a modal dialog with the root frame as the parent
    JDialog firstModalDialog = new JDialog(appletFrame);
         firstModalDialog.setSize(200, 200);
         // create another modal dialog with the first dialog as the parent
         final JDialog secondModalDialog = new JDialog(firstModalDialog);
         secondModalDialog.setSize(100, 100);
         // add a listener to pop up the second modal dialog when we try to close the first
    new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    // make sure not to close the first dialog if the user clicks the X
         // show the first dialog

    Good call dchsw, I tried 1.4.1_01 jre and it worked. If you run it with 1.3.0_01 jre you will see my problem. The problem for us is, we are stuck with 1.3.0_01 for our next release at least, due to Sun's decision to change event handling for java 1.4 jre and not make it backward compatible. I might have to hack my way around this one. Any other suggestions?

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        Now, I am developing an automation plugin, and want to create a modal dialog, which I still can interact with document when the dialog is show.
        I find photoshop has some modal dialog have this function, such as the dialog of Customize Proof Condition and the dialog of Color Settings. Are these dialogs not modal dialog?

    The whole point of a modal dialog is that you cannot interact with other things while it is active.
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  • You too can display non-modal dialog boxes: LrDialogs.presentFloatingDialog

    Undocumented function: LrDialogs.presentFloatingDialog
    ref: http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/sdk_lrdialogs_presentfloatingdialog_ and_showstringsdialog_undocumented
    This works for displaying non-modal dialog box:
    LrFunctionContext.postAsyncTaskWithContext( "test", function( context )
        local LrPhotoPictureView = import 'LrPhotoPictureView'
        local photo = catalog:getTargetPhoto()
        local pictureView = LrPhotoPictureView.makePhotoPictureView{
              width = 400, height = 400, photo = photo,
        local result = LrDialogs.presentFloatingDialog {
            title = "Thumbnail test",
            background_color = LrColor ("white"), -- required for (uncolored) static_text display, else inside of box is black and so can't see black text.
            contents = vf:column {
                vf:static_text {
                    title = photo:getFormattedMetadata ("fileName"),
                --vf:edit_field { - no sirve, presumably keystrokes are not trapped by box.
                --    bind_to_object = prefs,
                --    value = app:getGlobalPrefBinding( 'tempForTest' ),
                vf:push_button {
                    title = "Click me",
                    action = function( button )
                        app:show{ info="Pushed" } -- glorified call to LrDialogs.presentModalDialog - works.
        -- LrDialogs( app:getGlobalPref( 'tempForTest' ), result ) -- no sirve.
    end )

    jarnoh wrote:
    there is no way to activate previously opened dialog?
    I assume that to be the case, and so it takes a moment to come up if there is much contents.
    jarnoh wrote:
    Doesn't seem to be really useful
    For me, it would be very useful, if it was reliable, but so far, not so good.
    UPDATE: Bug I thought was in non-modal dialog is also in modal dialog (scrolled_view must not be followed by another components in tabbed container - see comments in code below):
    LrFunctionContext.postAsyncTaskWithContext( "tt", function( context )
        local props = LrBinding.makePropertyTable( context )
        props.tv = 0
        local vi = {
            vf:tab_view {
                vf:tab_view_item {
                    identifier = "t1",
                    title = "T1",
                    vf:static_text {
                        title = "temp1"
                vf:tab_view_item {
                    identifier = "t2",
                    title = "T2",
                    vf:scrolled_view {
                        vf:slider {
                            bind_to_object = props,
                            value = LrView.bind( 'tv' ),        
                    -- with this here, Lr crashes after adjusting slider and then switching tabs - comment it out, and all is well:
                    --vf:static_text {
                    --    title = "this cant be here",
        LrDialogs.presentModalDialog {
            title = "test",
            contents = vf:view( vi )
    end )
    Message was edited by: Rob Cole

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    I just found this which looks like it does what I would like. I'll happily pay the $25 if there isn't a free solution and it does what I want.

  • Can't access Modal dialog box via Powershell script

    I have a powershell script to login to an IE website and everything works fine excepting when I call a modal dialog box.  I've attached the line where the modula dialog is invoked.  When it gets to this part the script hangs and I'm unable
    to get past this.  I've googled a few articles where it suggests I should run an a scheduled task to scrape for the modal dialog box but I've tried it without much luck.  If you can please give me some pointers on resolving this issue. 
    $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("button") | ? { $_.innerText -eq 'UNLOCK User' } | Select-Object -first 1 | % { $_.Click() }

    I have a powershell script to login to an IE website and everything works fine excepting when I call a modal dialog box.  I've attached the line where the modula dialog is invoked.  When it gets to this part the script hangs and I'm unable
    to get past this.  I've googled a few articles where it suggests I should run an a scheduled task to scrape for the modal dialog box but I've tried it without much luck.  If you can please give me some pointers on resolving this issue. 
    $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("button") | ? { $_.innerText -eq 'UNLOCK User' } | Select-Object -first 1 | % { $_.Click() }

  • Is there a fix for modal dialogs opening behind palettes -cs6 -osx 10.6.8

    Is there a fix for modal dialogs open behind palettes in
    Photoshop cs6 13.0 (createive cloud update) + OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard on MacBook Pro? 
    ( I am using 2 monitors where the second monitor is set to be the menu display.  cs4 does not exhibit this bug. )
    Toggling the Application Frame off improves the hiding 'feature' but this does not include the desired continuous floating in front of palettes in all circumstances.
    An example is Blending Options, then chose Stroke, then chose the Color Picker.  After clicking OK, the Blending Options dialog now sits behind the palettes.  One trick is to click on another app, then back to cs6 to force a window redraw.
    It sure would help me if this could be solved.  I am preparing educational videos and this display bug makes things very troublesome.
    Thanks for any help.  If I find a solution, I will post to this thread so everyone can benefit.

    The setting for the graphics check box Does Not make a difference.  If I have a new document window open, then add a layer, then open the blending options > drop shadow > edit the color > the chooser dialog opens, and immediately both dialog windows drop behind the palettes AND any document windows.
    The same behavior for the Preferences dialog > guides > color.
    The quick workaround is to click another app, then back to CS6.  A real pain, of course.
    It is only a factor when opening a second (child) dialog box.
    Other CS6 apps do work correctly (eg. FW AE)
    I have yet to get a handle on this.  Mac OSX 10.6.8    CS6 13.0  x64
    Thanks for your replies, and the long reply time for me was a vaction away from the office.

  • Mac Pro 2014 USB Keyboard not working for log-in.

    I have a Mac Pro 2014 with two thunderbolt displays and an apple USB keyboard.  Whenever I boot up the computer the keyboard doesn't seem to work at first.  Often I get hung up on the log-in screen pushing keys to no effect until the bluetooth keyboard dialog comes up.  Then after that sits fruitlessly looking for a non-existent keyboard for about 30sec the USB keyboard will start to work.  In total I'd say this delays logging in by about a minute.  During this whole time the USB mouse and Wacom tablet work.  After logging in everything works fine.
    Also this might be related, if the computer goes to sleep it can take several attempts to wake it up before I'll get a login screen.

    Mine was also fresh out of the box. My reseller in Iceland could verify this and this was the solution. I first thought it was the Icelandic keyboard. Reported it as bug.

  • Modal dialog question

    I'm working with files that have their assets managed via a DAM that wants the user to log in whenever a file is opened. This log-in window doesn't respect the "script preferences/never interact" direction and pops up with every new file opened in a batch process, requiring the user to dismiss each one so it can go on process each file.
    I can see how to check by script whether there's a modal dialog active by checking the modal state, but if that's showing as "true" is there a way via script to target the dialog and dismiss it?
    Failing this, I'll have to enforce that users either log into this system or disable the plug-ins, but I was hoping to get something that would require no action on their part other than running the script.
    InDesign CS5.5, Mac OX 10.6.8, working on an AppleScript, but I'd also be happy to hear any JavaScript ideas!

    Hey, Trevor, thanks for the ideas. I'm not quite "there" yet, but I think I'm a little closer. The following works, to a point:
    tell application "System Events"
              tell process "InDesign"
         tell window "User Authentication"
            click button 1  
            -- click button "Cancel"
            -- tell button 1 to perform action "AXPress"
         end tell
              end tell
    end tell
    Any of those button statements does visibly click that button -- that is, I can see the "Cancel" button flash blue for a moment. But that's all it does. It doesn't actually cancel the dialog.
    Since this was for a rush, one-off job, I went with the workaround of telling the user they had to log into the management system so the login screen would stop popping up. It's not elegant, but it gets the job done.
    Thanks much for the assistance, I appreciate it.

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