Mac clicking location error

The buttons dont work for the music players on mac, they say their linked and I've checked them in w3 validator and in dreamweaver and nothing seems to be wrong however, on safari they won't work. The same thing is happening with the "About" button on the homepage as well as the "Videos" even though they are correctly linked. Aswell as even though I have autoplay="false" half of them still start automatically.
Home page:
Music page:

First off, very bad practice to just slice all content - including text and making it a website. This was probably the trend a decade ago. You're not only loading your site heavily with filesize - images consume a lot higher than text, but you're also sacrificing search engine crawlers right away. Full image sliced websites are something all search engines hate from the bottom of their hearts and they'll just skip your site.
This should teach you how to do proper slices & CSS your website from a PSD design - l/
If you still decide to stick with your existing full-image slice website, you've used a lot of Absolute Positioned DIVs (APDivs) which is redundant. Positioning of elements on your website will get messed up if even one of the divs conflict with another by a pixel or so.
You can make plain divs and style them with CSS to achieve positioning, etc...
You are not using a standalone player on your website - you're just loading up the wav file directly - which, again is bad practice. Use a player - something like JWPlayer to make a playlist of what you want to play. You can also integrate single-track players with JWPlayer. Link here:
Autoplay function for default embeds of MP3s and WAVs are overruled by browser preferences and wont always work.

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    Make sure your Mac's software is up to date.
    Open system Preferences > Software Update > Check Now.
    Restart your Mac after all updates are installed.
    Then try iTunes.
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    Hi Folks,
    Moving the iTunes app as suggested above did not solve the problem for me.  However, a post in another discussion suggested:
    first deleting the file from the applications folder
    then downloading & reinstalling a fresh copy of iTunes from:
    I tried this suggestion and found that deleting the app & reinstalling a fesh copy did solve the problem on both of my affected systems. (I backed up my iTunes library beforehand to be safe,  but my iTunes library was unaffected by the reinstall.)
    Hope this works for you.  Good luck!

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    Cheers!!! Thanks a million! Any help is welcome!!!!

    Make sure you have cookies enabled and clear your browser's cache before you try downloading.  If it continues to present that error try using a different browser.
    As far as getting to a chat link goes, it can be hit or miss...  Start Here  If after selecting relevant responses you are unable to find a solution, choose "Still need help? Contact us." and the chat contact option.

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    Hi luelalamirew,
    Welcome to the Community!
    A12E5 is a download error. Please follow the mentioned steps:
    Navigate to Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE and rename to OOBE.old .
    Navigate to Applications/Utilities and trash Application Manager and Creative Cloud desktop folder.
    Download and install CC desktop again. If still the issue persists then restart Mac in safe boot and try installing again: l .

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    Uninstall Creative Suite 4 and point products (Mac OS X)
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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