Mac Pro (10.9.2) Flash CS6 .getUTCFullYear returns 014, truncates the 2. any fix?

I am trying to fix a date code issue. I am using Flash Pro CS6 on a Mac Pro (new round version) running 10.9.2. Page works OK until I save it - converting to later version of Flash - then the  4-digit year code mydate.getUTCFullYear(); returns only 3 digits, 014. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Plenty of space in the dynamic text field.

I found the Embed (in the object's Properties pane) command and set the value as "Numerals" shortly after my post. That worked. Thank you for the confirmation. I am a novice in day 2 of trying to learn Flash, did not find a reference to embedding the text in any of the on-line forums.

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    So maybe it's a problem with the printer's IP?
    Yes. As far as your network is concerned, the printer is just not there.
    You will not be able to progress until you assign it an IP address accessible to your LAN. Apparently it needs to be 192.168.1.x (a 1 in the place that is now a 5), where x = a large enough number that is not likely for router to assign to other equipment.
    Your challenge is to assign the printer that IP address. Let's use the address
    HP's support pages for that printer and its Jetdirect card say, rather unhelpfully:
    Using the front panel of printer
    The IP address may also be changed using the front panel of the HP Jetdirect device. This method of front panel configuration varies greatly depending on the model of HP printer that is being used (consult the User's Guide for the front panel instructions for a particular printer). Click here to go to the HP Web site. Use the Search and search for Front Control Panel TCP/IP Configuration .
    I did that and it didn't really get me anywhere, since there seem to be few if any references to the non- "MP" or "V" etc. variants of the original LaserJet 4. So, try to find a setting in the printer's front panel that bears any resemblance to "network settings" or "IP address".
    If you are able to navigate its front panel to a place where you can enter the IP address be sure to press GO or ENTER or ONLINE or whatever you think might make the setting "stick" after you enter those digits. Print the same test page you did before, and ensure its IP address has really been changed. Then, then try the ping command again, with its new IP address:
    If you are unable to determine a way to use the printer's front panel to change its IP address, you should be able to use Terminal to set it. This will get a bit cumbersome so use it only if you are unable to change the printer's IP address some other way:
    Terminal is a program in your Mac's Utilities folder.
    Locate Terminal and open it. At the command prompt, type the following exactly as written (copy and paste the following to avoid errors):
    sudo arp -s 00:60:b0:91:21:e7
    ... and press Return. You will get a warning of impending disaster should you make a mistake, and requesting your Mac's Administrator password to proceed. Type your password (which will not appear as you type it) and press Return. Unless something went wrong the command prompt should immediately reappear as if nothing happened.
    Next try the ping command again:
    You should receive ping responses from the printer as in my earlier example.
    If you do, then congratulations because you have made it all the way to Step 1
    You still have to add the printer in System Preferences > Print & Fax, using this new IP address, and make sure the Gutenprint driver works.
    Edit: The reason your printer works with your old G5 running Tiger is that it is using AppleTalk for communication. AppleTalk doesn't exist in Snow Leopard. This is the reason you must use IP for communication on your Mac Pro. Your old G5 should continue to work with the printer as it always has.
    another Edit: HP's support page alleges that the Terminal command arp above will only work with JetDirect firmware versions x.08.03 and later only. Yours appears to be A.05.05, so the front panel option may be all there is. If that does not work I have one more idea but it's an even bigger pain.

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    When you have the beachball activity, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    If there is no response to keyboard or powerbutton presses; hold power button until it shuts off. Unplug and wait 5 minutes and then plug back in and try to start again.
    Post back with results.

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    A TV set is not a Monitor.
    A TV set is intended for displaying moving pictures, and not stable, static pictures, with bright, saturated colors in adjacent areas on the screen without "bleeding", fine lines one pixel wide without vibration, or smooth-edged diagonals in fine text edges.
    The 55" width is beyond your ability to see the screen edges when sitting close. If you sit appropriately far away, the text will be too small to read.
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    Re: bootup symbol

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    Thank You. David Moore
    <Email Edited by Host>

    If you don't have original install disks for your Mac, you can order replacements disks directly from Apple at a nominal cost. The original install DVDs are required to reset the password.
    If you have no data on your drive that you want to keep, you can boot up from the OSX Snow Leopard disk and install OSX SL.
    Insert the Snow Leopard DVD and hold the C key during startup. The Mac should boot from the CD/DVD drive into the installer.
    Follow the prompts, erase the disk and install OSX Snow Leopard.

  • HT4628 My ipad and iphone connect and recognize wifi signal, but my mac pro running 10.6.8 does not  recognize or list the wiifi signal as option, any ideas?

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    Thanks for any help!

    Try the basics first:
       Change your router channel number.  Most times this works & is all you have to do.
    Disconnect & reconnect your modem.  unplug it for about 10 seconds.  Plug it back in.  Do the same for Apple’s routers.  Wait for everything to reboot.
    System Preferences>Network
    Click the Assist Me button.
    In the next window that pops up, click the Diagnostic button & do the necessary.
    Research Knowledge Base for network problems that pertain to the OS that is currently installed on your computer.   See these basic networking KB Articles: AirPort troubleshooting guide Using network locations in Mac OS X
    Manually provided DNS server addresses are higher priority than DHCP's Solutions for connecting to the Internet, setting up a small network, and troubleshooting
    What to do when you can't connect to the Internet
    Also, run the Airport Utility app which is located inside the Utilities folder.
    If using a  Linksys router, contact LinkSys Customer Support and/or post in their forums.
    If using Apple's Airport, please re-post over in one of the AirPort Forums.

  • I am running a MAC PRO 10.6.8 and it has firefox and it shows no updatres available? My MAC Book PRo has updated to 6.0.2. can I manually update my MAC PRO to 6.0.2 or is there a reason the MAC PRO should NOT use 6.0.2?

    see question above

    I am in my late 60's so I can't imagine all the changes and questions to what to do but... new Macs do not boot from an OS the pre-dates it.
    The Mac Pro is 7.5 yrs old , I have the August 2006 1,1 right here right now.
    Sounds like we have the same system - Mac Pro 1,1 2.66 dual/dual-core (total of 4-cores) DDR2 FB-DIMMs et c.
    These cannot run Mountain Lion 10.8.x
    The PowerMac G5 came out in Sept/Oct 2003 and shipping with10.3.0/
    I would do a clean install. Than install all apps from scratch.
    Upgrade CS5 first ahead of time if you want Migration or Setup Assistant.
    Clone your system:
    How to Clone a Volume
    Using Cloning as a Backup Strategy 
    See also Erasing a Drive, How and Why to Partition a Drive, RAID.
    Using Cloning as a Backup Strategy
    Sorry you felt the need to start a new thread.
    No need to single out and title a thread with anyone's name.

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